My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AU

By BriannaLynnC98

245K 10.8K 6.5K

Niall Horan isn't like other boys his age. Some people say he's just immature, but they only say that because... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 21

8K 349 186
By BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

"Zyan..." I heard a whisper break through my world of sleep. I didn't want to wake up yet because it felt like only a few minutes that I had been asleep, but when I heard a whimper come from the person that just spoke, I woke right up.

Niall was sitting up beside me with some tears rolling down his face. It was still dark in the room, so I was sure he just had a nightmare or something like that. I sat up slowly and tried pulling him closer to me so I could cuddle him to make the tears stop, but he pulled away and cried even harder.

"Niall, what's wrong?" I asked him with my voice thick with sleep. He looked at me, then looked down at the blankets he had all bunched up over his lap. More tears fell on to the blankets as he continued to look down.

"Niall, talked to me. What's wrong baby?" I asked him, feeling scared that he wasn't answering me. He shook his head and bunched the blankets up over his lap some more.

"It's doing it again!" He cried, then looked up at me with a pure look of pain in his eyes. I honestly had no idea what he was talking about. I could only run through all the things that could mean with he innocent boy. I placed my hand on his leg, but he moved it away from my touch and started crying harder.

"Go away, Zayn!" He yelled at me, then bunched the blankets up over his lap so much that I didn't understand why he was doing that. My heart hurt that he was yelling at me to go away, but I climbed out if his bed anyway. He's still his own person and needs his own space, even if I was really getting worried about him.

"Do you really want me to leave?" I asked him as I stood right beside him after getting  out of his bed. He shook his head and sobbed even harder.

"It hurts and it's scary! I don't like it when it happens!" He cried and made his hands start grabbing for me. I started thinking of what could be wrong, then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I slowly reached foward and moved the blankets off his lap, making his squeak in protest. Once it was off his lap, I saw the problem he was having. I actually had to take a minute to remind myself he is still a teenager, no matter how young his mind is. I looked up at his face and saw more tears slipping from his eyes as well as a bright red blush on his cheeks. I gave him a reassuring smile and sat on the small space of bed there was right beside him.

"Niall, this is normal. You're okay. Um, what do you do when it happened before?" I asked him, hoping he wouldn't tell me he wanks off or does other things that I don't think his innocent mind would think of. Niall looked at me, and shook his head.

"It goes away after a long time. What is it?" He asked me while moving around on the bed and folding his legs up to his chest. I took a deep breath and leaned in to kiss his lips. It must be hard to just wait for this to go away, not to mention painful, but I felt weirdly relieved that he was still so innocent. I didn't want to take that from him at all, but part of me wanted to have that something special with him. I wanted to be first to do anything with him.

"It's an erection... It can go away better if you do stuff to it, like touch it. Uh, I can show you or just leave while you do it." I told him with a bright red blush and some sort of a heat running through my stomach. I wanted to do this with him more than anything, but I want Niall to understand what we do before we do it.

"Zayn will help me. Zayn makes eveything better." Niall whispered through some of the small whimpers that came through his sweet lips. I leaned in and kissed him sweetly, then pulled back to see if he was sure. I took the pads of my thumbs and wiped his tears, and gave him a small smile.

"Just before we start, I'm going to be touching you in different places okay? Only boyfriend's can do that. It will feel good, I promise. Can you lay back on the pillows for me, love?" I asked him and made sure he knew this was something special that we were going to do. I felt guilty that I was doing something sexual with him when he didn't even know what an erection was, but I didn't like seeing him so desperate and in pain. I just hope this is the right thing to do. I don't want to ruin anything for us.

Niall listened to me and scoot back to the pillows where he took a few deep breaths, then looked at me for help. I looked over his pajama clad body and felt dirty for doing this. He's wearing Superman pajamas and I'm about to show him just the beginning of the world of sex. I looked Niall in the eyes and he gave me a sweet, trusting smile making me know I needed to finish what I started.

I moved over to the top of the bed so I could lay right next to him and started to kiss him slowly and sweetly. Niall, on the other hand, was rushing the kiss and sloppily making it into something more. I loved how he didn't understand how desperate he was right now, but I could feel every ounce of it.

One of my hands slowly moved to the hem of his shirt and I started moving it up his thin torso without stopping the kiss. Once the shirt was bunched up under his arms, I broke the kiss to pull it completely off. Niall's blue eyes were trusting me as he followed whatever I did. I ran my hand over his chest and stomach, seeing how thin he was as well as admiring his creamy skin in the slight light we were given off from the moonlight coming through the window.

"Is Zayn going to help now?" Niall asked me, sounding inpatient with the way I was taking things. I nodded and started pulling down his pajama bottoms as well as his boxers. He squeaked and pushed my hands away just as I was able to see the small patch of hair peaking out of his boxers.

"Don't do that. Mrs.Haley says not to let anyone touch me there." Niall told me sounding very worried, but I saw how hard he was and it was making it difficult for him to tell me to stop. I leaned in and kissed his lips, then sat back.

"Remember how I said boyfriend's can touch you? That's what I'm going to do. I have to touch it to make it better. Can I do that?" I asked him as my hands moved to grip his hips lightly. He looked at me like he was trying to fully understand what this was going to be and what he was going to be agreeing to. I gave him a soft smile and took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves as he slowly nodded and grabbed my wrists. I looked at his small hands wrapped around my writs and watched as he slowly slid them down to the band of his pajamas.

This was actually making me nervous, which was really weird because I have given hand jobs to a few people before. I think what made this so nerve racking to me was I was doing this with Niall. He means so much to me, I just want to make sure he's alright and he's happy. I'm scared that this won't do either for him, even though I knew it would.

I hooked my fingers into to band of his remaining clothes and pulled them down slowly, his surprisingly large member springing free. I didn't think he would be so big, but then again he is still a normal teenager; not a young boy that I always think he is.

I looked up at Niall and saw he was blushing like a mad man. He looked at me for assurance, which I gave to him by kissing him and wrapping my hand around his hot member. He gasped and I felt some precum leak out. I used that as some type of lube, then started moving my hand slowly while I continued to snog him as well.

I swallowed some of his moans and the squeaks he would make as I increased my speed with my hand and made the kiss very filthy. Niall's hands were clawing at my clothed back as I held the side of his face with my free hand. Even doing this, I still felt how sweet this boy was and how gentle he deserved to be treated. With every single movement of my hand and kiss from my lips I tried to show him how much he ment to me. He's the world to me, I hope he knows this and that it will take allot for me to ever leave him. My heart is stuck on him. It's official, I'm falling hard and fast.

"Zayn! W-what... Niall needs to- I don't like it!" Niall cried into my mouth as he stopped the kiss. I pulled back, but continued to move my hand. I knew he was close to the edge, but he didn't know that he was supposed to enjoy this.

"I've got you. Just relax and don't fight it, do you trust me?" I asked him. His answer to me was his eyes getting scrunched shut, a gasp leaving his mouth, his body trembling and white ribbons being spurt out all over my hand. I worked him through it, then stopped when his body stopped shaking and I felt him shudder to a stop.

Niall's blue eyes opened for a few seconds to look at me, then they shut. I got a tissue from his bedside to clean off my hand and Niall a bit, then I started to make sure he was alright.

"Niall? You with me?" I asked him, knowing how good it feels the first time. Niall's eyes opened again and he nodded, then they shut. I slid up his boxers and moved his limp body under the covers so I could cuddle him back to reality. I ignored my own needs and just worked on getting Niall back to me from his own world.

It worked faster than I expected because the next thing I knew he rolled so he was laying directly on top of me and letting out little breaths making me know he just feel asleep. My heart clenched in a new found feeling for him. I didn't want to take his innocence, I didn't want to move things faster but one thing I wanted was to know if he was feeling the same way I'm feeling for him. I wanted to know if he was falling for me like I wanted as for him.

Niall's POV

Zyan woke me up so I could get in the shower and get ready for school. I was still really tired from whatever that weird thing Zayn did to me last night was, but it was worth it because it made me stop hurting. When that happened a few times before I would just lay on my tummy and wait for it to go away. Now I know Zayn can make it go away. He's good at everything and it made me feel really good, just like his kisses.

I got out of the shower and put on the underwear Zayn set out for me, then started putting on my school uniform. I needed to do that on my own so Zyan could go shower and get ready too. I didn't want him to leave, but I knew he would be back because he promised me.

After I got dressed and put my shoes on, I went out into the hallway so I could go to get Zayn or see if he was done yet. But as I was walking to his room, one of the boys from the football team stopped me by standing in front of me. He had brown hair and really pretty blue eyes. I knew this boy because he's always laughing at me because he's happy. I gave him a smile and stood there to see if he would move so I could go to Zayn. He didn't smile back at me and he also didn't move.

"Look, retard, Zayn doesn't like you so leave him alone. He's not your boyfriend, he's not happy around you so just leave and don't talk to him ever again. Got it?" He asked me in a low voice like he was trying to tell me a secret. I thought about his words and shook my head because Zyan is my boyfriend. We've even done things only boyfriend's do. Zyan told me those would be our little secrets, so I didn't tell this boy that. I'm sure if he knew me and Zayn do boyfriend things, then he would know that we are both happy.

"Zyan is nice." I told him hoping that he would understand that Zayn likes me because he's not mean. The boy pushed me a little and grabbed my shirt.

"Zayn isn't nice. He doesn't like you, leave him alone. That would make him happy." He told me, then walked away. My heart felt really sad. It was really happy because last night Zayn did nice things to help me, but I guess my mummy is right that I'm so stupid for anyone to like me. I want to make Zayn happy, so I think I'll listen to that boy. Plus, he's on the football team, he's always going to know what's best to do. Just like Zyan does.

I walked down the hall back the my room to get my backpack, feeling confused of why my chest was hurting so bad and why I was crying. This is to make Zyan happy, so I should be happy to. He's the best, even if he doesn't like me anymore. My stomach stated hurting with a funny feeling that I could only think was me being sad, but I've never been this sad. Only when my mummy and daddy left me here, but I got better after a while. Maybe that's all I need. I need to listen to that boy and stay away from Zayn to make him happy, and I'll feel happy too.

A/N: I'd like to give a special thank you to DebbyC for commenting on the last chapter and giving me an idea for the beginning! The story is now going to start spiraling out of control so just stick with me. Love you guys for reading this! Comment / Vote!
                                  - Bri;)

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