Persephone Villania and the A...

By SGBlack07

228 6 34

"Write a 500-word thesis on why Marids are blue," He read out from his friend's notes that were laid out on t... More

f o r e w o r d
Sorta-Kinda Prologue
饾悅饾悺饾悮饾惄饾惌饾悶饾惈 饾悡饾悺饾惈饾悶饾悶: Off To The Skies You Go

饾悅饾悺饾悮饾惄饾惌饾悶饾惈 饾惃饾惂饾悶: The Screaming Crow

53 3 15
By SGBlack07

ㅤThe sun glared down at Persephone Emmity. She glared back.

ㅤExasperated, she covered her pale face with both of her hands and buried it into the pillow, knowing well that sleep would soon slip out of her grasp and that her clock was seconds from screaming at her hoarse. However, she still hoped with each bone in her body that it wouldn't happen. 

ㅤEvery morning — like clockwork — the wooden man-shaped clock strutted out of its tiny house and woke her up without failure. I mean, who wouldn't wake up when someone's shouting useless facts about themselves near their earshot? It's been like that for a few years now. 

ㅤ"Rise and shine Persephone, time to wake up to my handsome face. Come on, you slacker, I know you love seeing my gorgeous, picture-perfect, fatally symmetrical face. I have so much I want to tell you about *my* day!" The clock beamed, "I think my teeth are perfect—it looks so white you can compare it to snow," a groovy voice resounded uncomfortably close beside Persephone's ear. "You should start working on your sleep schedule if you want to look as fabulous as me one day. I know, I know, you won't ever be this gorgeous—but you can try! I would love to see you fail — I mean try. (Don't tell your mum or father I said that.) According to my *'vast'* knowledge on body stuff, good sleep can make your thinking thingy work better."

ㅤPersephone scoffed. She did not seem to be more enthusiastic than she was moments ago.

ㅤ"WAKE UP!" He pulled on her fingers and bit her ear. "Arr nuud," he pulled harder "rou to way up!"

ㅤ"Shut up. I'm awake, John," she mumbled through her hands. Persephone grabbed the tiny man by the torso and flung him down the floor. Her hands flew back to her face immediately to protect it from the way-too-bright sunlight.

ㅤJohn put a hand to his chest and gasped dramatically, "There is no need for such brutal actions this early in the morning. A handsome, young, genius, and talented alarm clock like me does not deserve such insensitive, brutality!"

ㅤ"Of course, there's a need for brutal actions this early when you still haven't gathered enough tolerance for wooden midgets," she muttered sulkily, loud enough for John to hear.

ㅤ"Alright then," he said starting to make that bitter face. "Make sure you wake her up, they said, don't worry, she's a nice kid, he said," John blew a wet raspberry. The doll-like alarm clock then proceeded to stomp away and shut itself in a cupboard, muttering as he did so. Bits of what the doll was saying in the cupboard can be heard along with an "I don't have enough tolerance" which was said in a disturbingly dumb voice.

ㅤRolling her eyes, she thought 'every single day, he gets more and more self-absorbed and I can't believe it. This must be some sort of world record he's doing. I wonder what's the title... Hmm, World's Stupidest Man? No, no, he's not a man... Maybe World's Most Selfish Woodwork? Yeah, that's right, it suits him perfectly'

ㅤ"I can hear you," Persephone said, bored with the doll's antics.

ㅤ"I can hear you," the doll mocked loudly inside the cupboard using increasingly stupid voices.

ㅤPersephone pursed her lips and stared, thoroughly unimpressed at the cupboard that hid the little pest. She was supposed to be annoyed (and she was) but she couldn't help but feel second-hand embarrassment coursing through her body because of John's childish behaviour.

ㅤShe sat up and adjusted herself so her head rested against the headboard. She felt every ounce of sleepiness immediately leave her as she did so.

ㅤBy then, her eyes have adjusted already. The fragile hints of sunlight that seeped through the curtains delicately warmed her usually cold skin. Even though it was a very little amount of sunshine, a small chip of the burning ball up the sky, it dug deep into her bones and caressed it. It was a pleasant feeling to have.


ㅤBeyond the elegant curtains, was a busy street full of endowed and unendowed people. The endowed were divided into two sides long ago, the Heroes and the Villains but it has been long forgotten. At least, until the war of 2007. The year-long civil war between the citizens of the British Magickal Government was brutal, and if it weren't for the laws and spells guarding magickal and non-magickal properties, everything flammable and breakable in the country would have gone to rags.  

ㅤThe adults fought fiercely over who was the rightful leader to be chosen. Should it be Egor Jones, a man accused of sinister crimes, and a man born into a family of cruel intellect? Or should it be Damon Thompson, a seemingly airheaded but law-abiding man who was blessed with looks that could kill, a descendant of the great Marcus Thompson? Other candidates were held irrelevant to the citizens, now calling each other names, and reinforcing old prejudices that never really died.

ㅤAlas, it came to an end when President Damon won the position. The language that came with the old rivalry had been forced to be bit back when it comes to daily use. It still pops up, now and then, even some schools who valued unity had ironically started sorting children based on their family's old beliefs. 

ㅤAs Persephone started her morning rituals, the street continued to roar with traffic as usual. Not much different to before the civil war, except for a few snide remarks and stares exchanged between the endowed. Anyway, I keep getting sidetracked by this civil war shenanigans, back to the scenery.

ㅤThere were grand houses on either side of the street with trees in between each. On the trees were a few common starling birds. Some birds were soaring in the sky but out of all of them, there was one that stood out. It was because, for one, it seemed to have a sense of purpose, two, it certainly looked sophisticated, and three, it had a solitary gold feather.

ㅤIt flew in an impressively straight line towards a certain window that belonged to a certain villain who owned a certain moody alarm clock and is now covering her ears to block out its insufferable yammering.

ㅤThe Starlings that flew past looked at the serious bird and cocked their head. Once it got close enough to Persephone's window ledge, it landed with a soft thud and straightened its feathers, seeming to be imitating a man about to knock on a woman's door. It let the black envelope in its mouth fall and let its foot gently rest on it.

ㅤThe crow's polished beak hit the glass firmly twice. John was still complaining loudly, making the knock inaudible.

ㅤIt knocked once again but there was no response.

ㅤThe bird had an unimpressed look on its face as it inhaled deeply in disappointment. Wait no, it was preparing to scream. And so it did. The scream sounded like Dobby stubbing his toe on the door so bad that it broke through. Yes, that bad.

ㅤJohn, who was busy moping about Persephone's poor treatment, was moaning so stubbornly, that the bird went unheard.

ㅤThe crow screamed for a long time without pausing to breathe, until Persephone heard her when John took another dramatic gasp. She aggressively pulled the curtains aside with a baffled expression. She squinted at the little bird.

ㅤ"What is that?" John, who climbed up to Persephone's shoulder with much trouble asked breathlessly.

ㅤPersephone hummed mysteriously and observed the bird. With a straight face, she said, "It's the queen of England! *Gasp* It's a bird. Can't you see?"

ㅤJohn's eyes grew bright and then flustered, "Oh, yes I already knew that of course! I specialise in these kinds of things. If I remember correctly, it's a... seagull!"

ㅤ"It's a crow."

ㅤ"Oh, yes, my tongue just slipped. It's a crow!"

ㅤThe crow stared at them sternly.

ㅤ"Should we let it in?" Persephone asked as she opened the window ironically.

ㅤThe bird glided around the room steadily and then swooped down the old, oak desk near the door. It gently placed the black envelope down and then stared at Persephone with a cocked head.

ㅤ"Oh, it's a letter." She said in realization. She approached the desk where the letter and the crow were, carrying John on her shoulder. He was clinging onto her soft waves as carefully as he could.

ㅤ"Hello," she gently patted the bird who didn't respond nor protest. "What do you have there? Is it for me?"

ㅤThe bird nodded once and pushed the letter closer to her.

ㅤ"Hmmm. Alright then, thank you for delivering it, you can go now." She told the bird formally.

ㅤThe crow bowed and flew outside without delay.

ㅤ"I like that bird, very businesslike, and well cared for," Persephone said.

ㅤShe turned back to the envelope while John watched intently.

ㅤThe envelope was crisp. It had a blood-red seal decorated with a sun, with a lion inside it and a fiery crescent with a fox weaved into it. She flipped the envelope to see something written in white ink.

ㅤShe gasped.

ㅤ"Mother! It's here!" She bellowed, nearly tripping on her foot with excitement "Mother, I got the letter!"

ㅤShe jumped down the stairs and reached the landing at the drop of a hat. She looked through various rooms but it was in the kitchen where she finally found her mother 'speaking' with Andromeda, their house-fairy. She ran towards Estella and she shoved the mysterious, black envelope in her mother's pale hands while positively beaming.

ㅤEstella seemed taken aback. "Persephone Villania Emmity! What stupidness is this? You pathetic fool! I am ashamed of you! Running around the house like a madwoman! I expected better from you! Children these days-" her eyes met the white-inked writing at the back and jaw hung down.

ㅤ"I-is this for you?" Estella asked despite the name written clearly due to disbelief.

ㅤPersephone smiled, satisfied by her mother's reaction. "Yes, it was just now, mother."

ㅤ"Oh, my devil." She said, pleasantly shocked. "My darling, you wonderful child! I am so proud of you! Come, Persephone darling, have breakfast and I shall send your father a letter. Andromeda! Breakfast for my child, now!" she screamed cruelly at the house-fairy who was stuffing herself in a corner, looking like she wished she could vanish from plain sight while Estella ushered her child to sit on one of the ornated chairs tucked in their impressive dining table.

ㅤ"Thank you, mother," She said politely.

ㅤ"Oh darling, I'm so proud of you," she cupped her daughter's face firmly as if she wasn't used to doing it. "Oh, and I almost forgot, change into something more sensible than those pyjamas. I'll have your father home before lunch so we can celebrate."

ㅤShe nodded once, "Yes, mother."

ㅤEstella strode out of the kitchen. She seemed more pleased than Persephone, a rare sight indeed.

ㅤ"Congratulations, Persephone! I know you'll do great there," the shy fairy said.

ㅤThe fairy fluttered out of the room as well, presumably about to start cooking. Persephone left as well to change but jogged back when she remembered to take the envelope with her, but was disappointed to not find it there; her mother must have taken it.

ㅤShe sauntered up to her room, turned the ornate doorknob, and flopped down on the bed. She sighed dreamily and felt her head become lighter.

ㅤShe smiled at the ceiling, "It came true. I can't bloody believe it. Maybe it wasn't lying after all."

ㅤJohn appeared, "What came true? Who wasn't lying?"

ㅤ"If I tell you, I'll have to kill you," Persephone said playfully. Nothing can ruin her good aura for the day.

ㅤThe clock rolled its eyes. "Fine then. I'll go to my room," he said before turning his heel and strutting back to his tiny apartment perched on four wooden beams in the opposite corner of the desk.

ㅤAfter she changed into something else like her mother had commanded her, she slumped down the couch and took a book. She read:

'Get in, Goon, whilst you're safe,' said the inspector, opening the door of the car. 'Ah, here is Mrs Moon. The other side, please, Mrs Moon. Good-bye, children - and thanks for your help once more. I must say I'm pleased with the Five Find-Outers and Dog!'

'Oh well - I suppose we ought to thank Mr Goon for all those clues!" said Fatty. He winked at the others, and they all opened their mouths together at once and chanted:


And what did Mr Goon reply? Exactly what you would expect.


ㅤShe threw the book down her bed, "Boring. Another goody saves the day. Woohoo."

ㅤJust then, a polite voice spoke up from the other side of her door, "Madam, I have come with your breakfast."

ㅤHer head snapped in the door's direction. "Come in, Andy," she replied.

ㅤThe fairy slowly opened the door carrying a pale-blue, porcelain platter of food covered with a clear dome. A dish of baked eggs and other mouthwatering meals were scattered inside the dome. As much as Estella hated to admit it, the fairy was very good at everything-especially cooking.

ㅤThe fairy placed the platter of food down the bed.

ㅤ"Thank you," Persephone told the fairy as she held her hand as a gesture of thankfulness.

ㅤ"You're welcome, Persephone," and then Andromeda left with a soft click.

ㅤPersephone enjoyed the rest of the morning, reading, and playing the guitar. The food was delicious as expected. And as lunch drew nearer, a poof downstairs was heard.


ㅤThere was a satisfying soft poof when Vladimir Emmity teleported to the Emmity Manor's front doorstep. He had a leather briefcase with him filled with paraphernalia about vampires and blood anatomy. He hated letting go of his things no matter how useless they were. So, naturally, he has a lot of clutter at home and at work and was sorta-kinda despised because of it.

ㅤVladimir straightened up and cleared his throat, much like the golden feathered crow. His long ringed fingers reached for the bell and rang it. Soon enough, Estella Emmity appeared, with a rare smile on her face as she held the door open for her husband.

ㅤ"You're finally here! I was waiting forever! Where have you been?" Estella greeted her husband.

ㅤ"Sorry, you know how our crow is. He only got me the letter a few moments ago. I had to attend an important meeting with the committee in London as well, I'm sorry, dear," he paused and gave Estella a one-armed hug. "So, tell me, is it true that little Effie got invited? I had to reread the whole letter before I grasped what it meant! I can't believe it, I was totally bad at school and you've managed to make an enemy there too so I wasn't expecting this, but it did happen!" he said as his onyx eyes automatically swooped over to her wife's joyous blue ones. With the simple gesture, silent words were exchanged between the couple and both of them had widening smiles on their faces; they enveloped each other in a very brief, bone-crushing hug.

ㅤFailing to hold back a squeal of glee, Estella enthusiastically handed over the black envelope.

ㅤ"I can't believe it," Vladimir said in disbelief. "It's been so long since I saw one of these. Gosh, all the memories are coming back to me," Vladimir gingerly held the black letter in his hands as if it was about to break. His eyes were sparkling with curiosity as he scanned Persephone's letter.

ㅤThe words written in white ink on the back of the envelope read:

ㅤPersephone Villania Emmity,

ㅤㅤHouse Number 201,

ㅤㅤㅤCrimson Rose Avenue,



ㅤFlipping the letter to reveal the opened seal, Vladimir took out the parchment from inside.

ㅤ"Still as magnificent as I remember," he muttered, flipping the envelope over and over again.

ㅤEstella clung to his arm as he glanced at the letter in his other hand. Her deep red button-up jacket and Vladimir's green dress shirt contrasted each other the same way their eyes did.

ㅤOn top of the letter, there was a blue sun with a lion that perfectly fitted a fiery red crescent with a fox weaved into it on the top of the letter. The letter started speaking after a few moments. It recited the following in the disembodied voice of a woman.

"Oxymoron Academy: School for the Well Known Heroic and Villainous"

'Que sera sera'

Ms Emmity,

I believe you already know why this letter was sent to you.

Enclosed, is a list of required books and equipment, a school map, and a list of all subjects you must take for your first year.

Send your reply by the tenth of September — or else.


Angelica Poppins

School Administrator

ㅤThe letter floated out of his hand and folded itself before returning neatly inside the envelope.

ㅤThere was another piece of parchment in the letter. It was as intricate and magnificent as the first one however, this letter wasn't talking.

Requirements, Subjects, and Subject Instructors

History, Professor Eden Harrison

The Up to Date and Heavy Book of History by: Quill Hamish (for all years)

Potions, Professor Colton Capa

Potions for Idiots by: Belladonna Ackerford

Grooming, Mademoiselle Kendra Snow

From Beast to Feast: How to Improve your Appearance Without Magic by: Lennon Brindley

Inherited Magic Management (I.M.M.), Professor Alice Gertrude Héloïse

Magic From Our Ancestors by: Shirley Mimi

Mythical Creatures, Professor Oliver Wyatt

A Different Kind of Book About Mythical and Magical Animals by: Wren Shelbee

Math, Pascal Renaud

Enhanced Mathematics I by: Julia Santiago

Philosophy, Monique Newton

What is Life? by: Phaedra Lucio

ㅤThere were also lists of school equipment required and a very big map of the school. 

ㅤIn the lower right corner of the map it says:

ㅤ"When a classroom is coloured blue, it means that you are to go there for your class. If it glows lavender, it means the class is cancelled."

ㅤVladimir made the parchment replace itself inside the envelope by itself while floating mid-air with a flick of a hand. The blood-red seal resealed itself again as if it was never opened before.

ㅤ"This is fantastic," he said. He hugged Estella once more and pecked her on the lips.

ㅤEstella giggled.

ㅤ"Where's Persephone? I want to congratulate her! I know it would have been natural for our family to get the letter but still, an invitation without even needing to take the entrance exam! Merlin! Andromeda! Can you please call Effie?" Vladimir continued, putting a hand on his forehead in disbelief.

ㅤ"Andromeda! Come here you filthy-"

ㅤ"What did we say about talking to the fairy, Estella, my love?" Vladimir asked disapprovingly.

ㅤJust then, the house-fairy fluttered into the room sheepishly before Estella was even able to think of a witty retort "What did you call me for mister and mistress?"

ㅤ"Ah yes, can you please call Effie for me, Andy?" Vladimir kindly asked the magnificent fairy whose head was hung low.

ㅤ"Yes mister — certainly," and with that, the fairy fluttered out of the room in a snap.

ㅤSoon after, Persephone was walking down the stairs. Her hand was clasped loosely over the front of the dress.

ㅤ"Dad! You're finally here," she said as she reached the bottom.

ㅤ"Yes, congratulations on getting into Oxymoron! We're so proud of you! You better get packing because school starts soon! I'll take care of sending the response letter to the school," Vladimir said with bright eyes as he admired how far her daughter had come.

ㅤShe realised her mother was staring at her and her enthusiasm dissolved. She looked down uncomfortably and replied, with a slightly dry voice "I think I'll get Andromeda's help with packing."

ㅤ"Great, now that's settled, let's eat! I'm starving," Vladimir said, raising his hand cheerfully as he draped his other arm around Estella whose face had now settled back into its unfriendly resting form.

ㅤTheir dining room looked like most of the other parts of the mansion; decorated with oak floors and ceilings but with a rather large dining table at the room's centre. There were four corner tables (also made of oak, of course) holding up ornamental flower pots as well as two majestic beaded chandeliers on opposite sides of the room and one humongous empire chandelier at the centre. It gave the room an undeniable regal feel.

ㅤThey sat at their respective places and waited for the rest of their servants to bring in the first course.

ㅤEstella's head was held high and her poise was sharp as glass, Vladimir had a humble posture on the other hand, while Persephone was in between the two. Even though a handful of heroes will give a glance at them and call them 'Retards, they're all the same.' they are all quite different from each other to the point I can tell you who is speaking with just one descriptive word.

ㅤFor example, spoke jovially, rudely, and exasperatedly. Vladimir, Estella, and Persephone. Did I get that right? I probably didn't but never mind that. On with the narrative.

ㅤThey all sat in silence. Persephone played with her hands, her hair falling on her face as she did so. Vladimir and Estella talked away about their jobs. Vladimir inserted a joke here and there making Estella smile half-heartedly.

ㅤIt would have stayed that way and Persephone would be beyond okay with it but, Vladimir soon noticed and decided to and include her in the conversation.

ㅤHis eyes gazed softly upon her daughter, "so Persephone, how's your day?"

ㅤ"Uhhhhh well it was okay, quite boring," She said awkwardly.

ㅤPersephone's eyes widened. 'Oh no,' she thought. She loved her father but she found it terribly awkward when he tries to include her parents' conversation. Before she can find a socially acceptable answer to her father, their group of servants came in, saving Persephone. 

ㅤ"Here you go, masters," one of their servants said as they placed a platter full of inviting, warm food in front of them.

ㅤ"Thank you," Vladimir smiled politely before turning to Persephone again. "What do you think your talents will be, Effie?"

ㅤ"Dad, don't call me that," Persephone replied, exasperated. "And I don't know yet, honestly."

ㅤ"The day I had my trial I remember the crazy ticker telling me to jump off the castle, outrageous isn't it? They almost didn't make me do it but turns out that my talent is self-resurrection! I was as surprised just as the open-mouthed audiences were. Just follow what it says and you'll find your talent, trust me." Vladimir said as he held a plate of food to Estella

ㅤ"Yes dad, I know," Persephone said as she ate.

ㅤShe felt awkward talking to her dad casually while her mom sat at the same table as her. Her insides fidgetted annoyingly.

ㅤThe conversation continued (mostly one-sided because Persephone and Estella weren't too keen on being open in front of one another) and the day slowly whittled away in a blur of Vladimir's piano music and snarky remarks from Persephone and Estella as they sat together in the living room—under Vladimir's orders of course.

ㅤThere were only two weeks until September eleven. And few boring books after, there was one week left. Then, one week melted into half. Day after day was abruptly burned to ashes until it was suddenly the day for Persephone to leave their manor to pursue her academics in the renowned Oxymoron Academy.

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