Master of the Storm

By OpticalDelusions1

365 29 6

In a few short months, everything changed as Damira discovered things about herself and her past she never wo... More

Chapter One: Message
Chapter Two: Fireworks
Chapter Three: As Cold as Ice
Chapter Four: They Took Her
Chapter Five: Reunion
Chapter Six: Back in Contact
Chapter Seven: Paper People
Chapter Nine: No Dying Allowed
Chapter Ten: Make it Rain
Chapter Eleven: Do You Hear Them Too?
Chapter Twelve: No One Means Well
Chapter Thirteen: Trust
Chapter Fourteen: Going In
Chapter Fifteen: The Lab
Chapter Sixteen: Traitor
Chapter Seventeen: Advantage
Chapter Eighteen: Caught Up in the Details
Chapter Nineteen: Together Again
Chapter Twenty: Real Life
Chapter Twenty One: Swallow Me
Chapter Twenty Two: Ex-Lovers
Chapter Twenty Three: Weapon
Chapter Twenty Four: Death Date
Chapter Twenty Five: Doomed
Chapter Twenty Six: Tunnel
Chapter Twenty Seven: Kill Them All
Chapter Twenty Eight: Lightning
Chapter Twenty Nine: Pyrotechnics
Chapter Thirty: Corpses
Chapter Thirty One: The Four Left Standing
Chapter Thirty Two: Back From the Dead

Chapter Eight: Dead to Me

11 2 2
By OpticalDelusions1

A/N: well that was quite a plot twist 😳 I'm curious, do you guys like or dislike Beatrix? I personally can't decide, I think she's too complex of a character to put into a simple category of like or dislike. She is very cool though.
Also, do you guys think she's a hero, a villain, an anti hero? I'd like your opinions.
Also this chapter is from Damira's POV, back in present time

Beatrix stirred a silver spoon through her coffee. It clinked gently against the side of the cup. It was mesmerizing, watching her stir. Everything she did was mesmerizing.

I hated her.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Valerie asked, breaking the silence.

Beatrix shrugged. "I have a few ideas. Most of them require the participation of the other people on the list."

"So, what, we're gonna build like, an army of teenagers with powers and use it to take down a corrupt government? That's pretty cool," Pluto said.

"We can worry about the whole "taking down the government" thing later, right now our main focus is Olivia," Valerie said quietly, and I stared into the cup of coffee I had ordered.

I couldn't stand coffee unless it was iced and had a diabetes inducing amount of sugar mixed into it , something Beatrix had always teased me for, but I needed caffeine for the long night ahead. I took a sip, pushing the hot liquid around my mouth. It was bitter against my tongue.

"Didn't you say that Thomas guy's whole plan was to build an army of powered teens to save the world or something?" Valerie asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah. Right idea, wrong execution."

"It would be pretty empowering to make our own army and use to to take down him instead," Beatrix said with a grin.

"So, who have you gotten in touch with from the list?" Evianna asked.

"The only person who didn't hang up on me was this guy, Marcus Coleman. Says he needs to figure it out by himself before he contacts me again."

"Okay that's like, one person," Pluto said. "It's a start I guess."

"Well, technically it's half a person, since it was only partly successful," Beatrix reminded them.

She picked up her bag from the ground and set it on her lap. She opened it, and pulled out a piece of paper and pen. "Alright, let's write down the powers we know we have," she said, nodding towards me and Valerie.

"I don't really know," Valerie admitted. "I've turned water into ice before. And I've made ice just kinda appear from my hands. And sometimes I accidentally make the temperature around me really cold. But it doesn't give me pneumonia or anything."

"The cold never bothered me anyway," Pluto whispered. Valerie groaned.

"Alright, so ice powers, and temperature changing?" Beatrix asked. Valerie nodded.

Beatrix wrote that down, and turned to me.

"Uhh, telekinesis, some kind of energy manipulation, occasional weather stuff, but that just kind of happens. But I can't control any of it."

I technically could control the telekinesis, at least better than I was letting on. But I didn't want to say that, because it would make it seem like I could have stopped what had happened earlier, during the car chase.

But I couldn't have. I didn't know why I had lost control, and it scared me.

Beatrix wrote it down unfazed, but the rest of them stared at me. Pluto nodded, impressed.

We turned back to Beatrix. "Your turn," I told her.

She looked at me cooly, before looking down at her paper. I wondered if she would take my bait. "I'm not that powerful," she admitted.

Was she addicted to lying? It seemed to be all she ever did.

"I can feel people's emotions, and occasionally their desires. I can also sense their presence, like I can tell if someone's near me, and who they are if I know them."

"You'll probably be able to use that," Valerie assured her. "I mean, you never know how helpful it would be. If you could sense someone's emotions or desires you could sense when someone's lying. And if you can sense someone's presence you would know if someone's sneaking up on you, and who it is."

"You're actually pretty powerful now that I think about it," Evianna agreed.

Beatrix just shrugged. "I suppose. What were the powers they gave Cashlin again?" she asked me.

"Some kind of weird telekinetic metal manipulation."

She wrote that down as well. "I've been on the lookout for other kinds of powers. "Apparently someone is pyrokinetic and they really like using that."

"Wait, didn't we hear about some arson in our area on the radio a few days ago?" I asked.

Evianna nodded. "Yeah, we did. You don't think that was...." She trailed off.

Valerie shivered slightly. "Kinda scary to think some crazy person is running around, using their powers for purposeful destruction."

"Well you can just freeze the fire," Pluto said with a shrug.

Beatrix continued to write things down as we discussed where we thought they were keeping Olivia.

"It has to be the underground place right? I mean they kept you and Beatrix there, it seems to be the ideal place for prisoners," Evianna said.

"They know we know about that place though. So they could have taken her somewhere else. They probably have more then one base," I insisted.

"What if they took her to the orphanage? Thomas spends a lot of his time there. He has this weird office at the very top of the building, he could easily be keeping her there," Beatrix suggested.

We debated about it for a while, until it was one in the morning. Some of the others were clearly getting tired, but I was still fully awake. Maybe it was the caffeine coursing through my veins, or maybe it was just my anger at the blonde devil sitting across from me.

"Okay, so we can agree she's either at the underground place, or the orphanage," Beatrix said. We all nodded.

"We should probably call it a night," Valerie finally said. "It's getting pretty late."

"Where should we go? The car?" I asked.

"There isn't really room for more then three people to sleep, and we can't exactly pitch the tent in the middle of the street," Evianna said.

"We're way too far from my place. I guess we just keep driving. Go to the less crowded areas of the city and try and find a place to sleep," Pluto said.

Everyone seemed to think this was a good idea, and we started packing up. Before I could register it, Pluto and Valerie had stepped outside, and Evianna was carrying our cups over to the counter. Suddenly, I was alone with Beatrix.

She did not avoid my gaze, picking up her papers from the table and putting them in her bag, her eyes never leaving mine as she did, her head tilting slightly in curiosity as she saw my expression.

"What's wrong, love?" she asked, tone mocking enough to irritate me, but not enough to call her out for it. She was good at finding that balance.

"Can you influence people's thoughts?" I asked her, tired of beating around the bush.

She shook her head. "No, and I'm not a mind reader either. I can only feel and influence other's emotions."

I took a deep breath as I prepared myself for my next question. "Did you do that to me?"

She looked up at me. Her eyes were blank, emotionless. "I know it was wrong of me. But I would have done anything to get what Thomas promised me."

I felt tears build in my eyes at her words, as I realized what they meant. I had never trusted her, or fallen in love with her on my own. She had made that happen, just so she could manipulate me.

"You can't use Thomas as an excuse anymore," I said, my voice tight. "You stopped reporting back to him after I told you about Alyssa. Your actions are your own."

She pulled her bag over her shoulder. "I know. Was there anything else?"

"Yeah. I'll work together with you for this, not because I want to, but because it's for the greater good. But after this whole, mission, is over, I never wanna see you again. You're dead to me."

She picked up her cup, which was still at our table, and lifted it, gesturing towards me. "Here's to death, then."

Beatrix walked past me, and I watched her open the door and leave. And all I could think about, was that about a week ago, she had watched me do the same.

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