Exchanging Scars

By merrystory_

1.7M 42.1K 42.2K

Used to be 'never underestimate the broken' Isabella is a independent, intelligent, food loving fifteen year... More

// characters
2// pleasure to meet you...
4// Insult them, I dare you
5// perfect
6// Oh you did not
7// black
8// the medical
9// progress
10// on our way
11// home sweet home
12// Miss Castillo
13// oh boy
14// you've got to be kidding me
15// what in the disney
16// ice ice baby
17// bloody hell
18// the whole package
19// more than you think
20//under my skin
21//deathly combination
22// the night changed
23//four steps
24//step one: seclusion
25// step one: seclusion part II
26//step one: seclusion part III
27//step one: seclusion part IV
28//step one: seclusion part V
29// new family member
30// the date
31// the date part 2
32//one of the two
34//Angelana banana
35// cherry on top
36// I hate you
37// walk with Apollo
38// the big battle
39// Italy
40// Isabella Empire
41// bonus chapter

33//me first, not you

23.9K 706 789
By merrystory_

Third person

All the Castillo's gasped and looked shocked at the doctor.

Never in their lives did they even think about one of their youngest dying.

And now, Santiago was claimed by death himself and no one was prepared.

Grandpa's thought immediately went to all the little memories with his grandson that used to make him smile.

Now it only makes him want to turn back the clock and hug him a little harder than he did.

Grandma couldn't accept the fact that she'll néever hear her little boy whine that he's hungry for her cookies and for her cookies only.

Sergio felt dizzy thinking about his little brother not sitting next to him at the diner table anymore and stealing his food.

Vito felt like he failed as the oldest brother as he listens to the cries of his cousins and the cries inside his mind.

It hit Angelina hard in the face, she lost her son. The person she gave life to left it sooner than her. It was suppose to be the other way around, she thought.

Romolo couldn't think. He knew, once he let his mind go, he would break and his family needed him now. Until they know for sure Isabella is going to make it, he has to be strong and not think about his dead son.

Deep down, a part of him died the second he heard his son was dead. Romolo may be a cold, successful bastard to the outside world but his family knew better.

Especially his son and his wife. Family was everything. All he could think about at this moment is his other sons. He knew how it felt to lose a brother and he's going to do everything in his power to help them.

Emilio felt like he was about to fall apart. His irritating little cousin was gone, forever and he knew there was a big chance Isabella was not going to make it.

He found himself thinking he was selfish, he thought about the fact that he didn't took the biggest blow and still died. How the hell is Isabella going to survive that?

"You said Isabella took the biggest blow, why isn't Santiago still alive then?" Luigi asked. The question they all started thinking. It didn't add up.

"We saw he had an internal bleeding to late, once we were operating him it was already too late but we still tried hut failed. He died in surgery." The doctor's eyes softened.

"Here's a card of victim support, the number is free to call and it has helped a lot of people, don't hesitate to contact them with whatever." He smiled with a pity look.

All the Castillo's hated pity, usually they would glare or threaten them but they all felt numb, drained and utterly broken.

Before the doctor could turn around and leave, Angelina yelled out to him.

"Wait! I want to see his body." She said emotionless. She wouldn't believe her son was dead until she saw his body. How traumatic and hard it would be, she will not leave until she sees it with her own eyes.

"We all will." Romolo said as he side hugged his wife, showing his support.

"I don't think that's a good-" The doctor tried to say but grandma cut him off.

"Listen here and listen good, mother fucker. My son just lost his son, this whole family will suffer for the rest of their lives of his loss. Now if you don't let us see him I'm going to rip your legs so far apart it will create a second ass hole." Grandma said as she pointed her gun from her waistband at the doctor who was now scared for his life.

He quickly nods and lead the whole family to the room where Santiago was suppose to rest from his surgery he never survived.

The doctor slowly opens the door and everyone walked in, keeping in their breaths, hoping and praying they were played and Santiago's alive and well.

But life's a bitch.

Multiple gasps were heard all around the room as everyone stared at their once young and joyful Castillo.

His eyes were closed and his body was as white as a ghost. He looked like he got a few birthdays in those past hours as he looked way much older.

It is true, death makes you look older.

Angelina couldn't hold back the tears as she stares at her son's lifeless body.

No mother should ever have to see this, she thoughts and she cried even harder as her husband pulled her into his arms.

Even Romolo was struggling to keep his cool as he couldn't move his eyes from his son.

Grandpa looked up at him as he saw a single tear run down to his cheek.

Even though he hasn't seen his son cry since his triplet's death, he knew he was about to cry when he saw his dead son. He knew the place of a father looking at your dead child and having to keep everything in and be there for your family.

You owe it to them.

Because they both lived with the idea it was their fault they couldn't protect their children.

 Slowly, everyone stepped out of the room to get some air and break down. Not a single cheek stayed dry expect those from two of the oldest brothers, Julio and Lorenzo.

They hugged everyone, telling them it would be okay and better in time. They even had to calm down the other older brother- Vito who has just lost his younger brother.

To be fair, the Castillo's were a mess so bless the gods they had security everywhere because none of them noticed an older man, a young, fierce female and four older boys walking through the doors.

Those persons are also know as Nikos, Calix, Noah , Levi, Hunter and the one and only Katie Levine.

"Where is she?" Calix asked worried.

"She better not be in a lot of pain." Levi snarled.

"Any news?" Hunter asked, a tone of concern in his voice.

"Do I need to summon some devils to get her out of hell and back to earth?" Noah asked.

No one laughed and he thought by himself 'my humor isn't appreciated. I'm a fucking comedian'

It's funny how close Isabella got with the boys on such a short time.

"How bad is it?" Nikos asked. He felt they didn't get any good news and feared the worst.

Isabella even grew on the trainer, he got used to her hanging out with his son, taking care of his wound, having a normal conversation with him and laughing about his silly jokes. Simple she was the daughter he never had and he cherished her.

"Gramps?" Katie asked, Apollo was sitting anxious in her arms. Like he felt something was going on with his owner. And boy was he right.

"Driver's alive." He nodded softly.

"Good, I can add another useless dick to my collection." She said darkly and the five boys she came in with gulped, scared of Isabella's best friend.

Suddenly a lot of nurses and doctors ran to Isabella's room and panic raised from a hundred to millions.

"Is that-" Katie asked scared.

"Yes." Matteo said with big glossy eyes.

"Fuck." They all said.

Lorenzo stopped a small male nurse also running in the direction of his sister's room.

"If you want to stay alive, you better tell me what the hell is going on." Lorenzo said.

The man started shivering and doubting whether he would tell the information to the scary tall guy in front of him.

Lorenzo glared hard at the little man and he looked like he pissed his pants.

"Her heart stopped beating." He said with scared big eyes and shivering knees.

The fact that the small male was literally pissing his pants didn't matter to anyone. 

'Her heart stopped beating'

The brothers were about to lose their little sister.

The cousins were about to lose their little sister also.

Grandpa and grandma were about to lose their second grandchild, the only granddaughter.

Luigi, Romolo, Angelina and Sofia were about to lose their niece.

Noah, Levi and Hunter were about to lose one of the closest people they know for such a short of time.

Nikos was about to lose the closest thing he had to a daughter.

Calix was about to lose someone he cared much about, yet didn't know how much he actually cared for her.

Katie was about to lose her best friend, her only friend.

Sensing what was happening, Apollo started whining and no one said a thing.

They all were frozen to the ground.

'Her heart stopped beating'

It kept playing on in their hands on repeat without stopping.

Emilio took a few steps back, not ready to accept the fact that he lost his little sister. His world. He kept shaking his head and whispering a small no to himself.

"She- she can't- no." He whispered and kept taking steps back until his back collided with the wall. He slid down the wall as tears spilled out of his eyes. The realization was clear on his face, she gave up.

She gave up on him, she didn't fight, she had enough.

He knew at one point she couldn't take it anymore, he knew she was close by her limit, her breaking point. He knew there were already small little cracks inside her heart that should have never been there in the first place.

But he never thought she would-

He never thought-

He never thought she would die.

If he had just ran a little faster, screamed a little louder. Just a little bit, would it been helpful?

He couldn't breath, he couldn't think about a life with his little Loca.

He knew that his life ends when her life does. There was simply no source of happiness in his life anymore.

He felt alone.

He felt empty.

Doctors and nurses walked back out of the room of Isabella with a content look. A friend of the nurse who got threatened by Lorenzo walked up to him. He whispered something into the small male nurse and his shoulders visually relaxed.

"She's breathing again." He said.

And with that sentence, everyone started also breathing again as Emilio whipped his tears away with a small spark of faith.

Faith for his little sister


As the doctor leads the whole family to see Santiago's body, Katie, Nikos, Calix, Noah, Levi and Hunter walk into Isabella's room.

When Katie opens the door slowly, scared of what she will see, she slowly makes her way over to Isabella.

A small gasp was heard as she took in her best friend. It was like she was staring at a dead body. Isabella was pale and no piece of her skin wasn't touched or scarred. Three small tears escaped out of Katie's eyes as she grabs Isabella's hands.

"We were suppose to reach the stars together, bells." She cried out. 

"And if you even care more about these penises I will steal a damn mother fucking rocket ship, fly to the stars, hit you and travel back home." She threatened with teary eyes.

The boys in the room let out a sad laugh, already liking the spitfire of a best friend.

Calix walked to Isabella but before he could reach her, the door went open as her whole family stepped in.

"And?" Katie asked, hope in her eyes.

"He's really gone." Romolo mutters. Every hope of this all being a sick joke vanished when he looked right to the lifeless body of his son. An imagine that will be forever in his mind.

Romolo felt the ground falling beneath him when everything clicked together.

He lost his little warrior, his little boy.

And he can't be found again.

He took a deep breath while closing his eyes. He sucked up all the pain and the sadness and put it somewhere far away. He had to be there for his wife, for his sons, for everyone. Most importantly, he had to be there for Isabella.

He knew this family would never be the same. He also knew that there was only one person who could keep them together so they could all heal together as a family. But he also knew, that if that person didn't survive this, neither will the whole family.

"My little koala." Matteo whispered. "God, please don't leave us yet." He pleaded as tear escaped his eyes at a fast pace.

"She looks in so much pain." Luca said as he took in the sight of his sister being bruised all over her body.

"Those don't look recent." Hunter said as he narrowed his eyes. He started asking questions why she had so many big scars over her body.

Then it all made sense.

Sofia and Angelina looked at each other as tears started to form in their eyes.

Everyone of the family knew now.

Now they understood why Isabella has to go to a trail of her mother and stepfather. They knew why she hated her mother so much. They knew why she acted strange to specific things. It all add up now.

She was abused.

She was abused by her own mother and they questioned her and forced her to do a DNA-test.

It all made sense now.

"No..." Carlos gasped out.

Carlos, the only Castillo who got bullied.

He knew what it was like to get beaten at a young age, but he couldn't even start to imagine what it would like if your own family-

No. He couldn't imagine what it was like. 

They were all feeling the same, sadness, disappointed in themselves, anger but mostly respect.

Respect for Isabella, lots of it.

The first step to real forgiveness.

Grandpa walked to Isabella and that got everyone's attention.

Everyone stayed quiet, still progressing the information about Isabella and her last family situation.

"Hello there princess." He whispered. Grandma walked up to her husband and placed her hand on his shoulder as they both stared at their granddaughter with tears rolling over their cheeks.

"Do your old man one favor. Walk up to death, punch him in the ass, turn around and come back to us." He chuckled slowly.

"You need to come back princess, I can't survive another dead of my grandchildren." For a moment, it was hard stopping the tears from falling, but Grandpa stayed strong.

"This family is falling apart and I can't do anything about it." He whispered before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

Grandma took Isabella's hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"It was suppose to be me first princess, not you." He smiled sadly before he took a step back.

Then it was Emilio's turn.

He slowly made his way over to his sister, mentally preparing himself.

(Hello sweet little sister.)

"Bonjour chère petite soeur." He said with a thick accent. "I remember you telling us you spoke fluently french. You couldn't stop begging me to let me teach a few words. I never want to do it because I knew you would laugh at my accent." He breathed out.

He closed his eyes as a few tears escaped his eyes. After a while he opened his eyes again, this time more red than they already were.

"But I also couldn't forget that you used to sneak to my room, hide in my closet and listen how I was practicing the words you taught me after dinner." He smiled with tears rolling over his cheek.

"You always thought I never knew you were there but I knew it from the beginning. Maybe because you can see through my closet from the outside." He chuckled the last part. "I always saw how you tried to keep your laughter in, and how big your smile was when I said it correctly. So I learned as much as I could every night just to see that smile on your face again." He smiled sadly.

"It's the same smile you do when we're watching Marvel. You love those movies and I was suppose to watch Spider-man Far From Home with you tonight." He said as he softly rubbed her palm.

"I want to see that smile again, Bella. Please, don't give up, don't leave me."

(I love you three thousand.)

"Tu vas me manquer trois mille." He whispered as he placed a small little kiss on her nose.

She used to do this little wrinkle move with her nose when he used to do that... Emilio thought.

Now she doesn't move at all and it breaks his heart.

The family looked at Emilio with teary eyes, they knew how close the two were. And besides the fact that they wanted their relationship, their hearts broke seeing Emilio utterly and completely lost

"Excuse me, we have to do some tests." A nurse said and everyone walked back outside. Emilio locked gazes as and nodded to each other. Without saying a word they knew what they were going to do.

They walked out of the room and Katie closed the door as she left as the last person.

"Emilio, wait." Katie stopped Emilio. Emilio turned around and looked confused at the fifteen years old.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a sad and exhausted expression. A small frown made its way to his forehead.

"The thing you're about to do right now? I'm in." She said confident. Emilio didn't believe she knew what they were about to do.

"It's boring business Katie, why would you want to help? You should stay here." He said.

"Please, we all know that you're the Castillos, mafia family of America and Italy. Isabella just doesn't know and she's not- here at this moment." She said coldly. "I know you're business partners with Calix and Nikos. I know these little friends of Calix work for you." She shrugged like it was a normal fact. "I also know that it's not a normal accident and I know the person behind this is alive so I'm in if you want it or not." She said with a tone of dominance.

Emilio looked shocked at what just came out of her mouth but slowly looked at grandpa who had a small smile on his face.

"Crystal?" Grandpa asked.

"Katie knows self defense, she'll be fine. If she doesn't do it, I will." Crystal said bitterly, just like the others, Isabella had grown on Crystal.

With that being said the best fighters of the family, Romolo, Grandpa, Emilio, Lorenzo, Carlos and Katie left doing something they were looking forward to.

Paying that driver a little visit.


Unknown pov

I heard the door slowly open as I tried to open my eyes. My memories slowly come back to me. Torture, interrogation, torture and blacking out.

How long have I been here already?

Probably way too long.

"I need to say, you're smart." Her voice said as her heels clicked on the dirty wet ground.

"How did you get here?" I asked. I knew it was her. I recognize that voice everywhere. I could picture her annoyed look on her face. it was really hard to see something here. She took a few steps forward so she stood with her face in the only light there was. What the fuck?

Why does she have-

"Unlike you, I do have people looking and helping for me." She laughed. Bitch.

I know they're not looking for me and that's my fault. I accepted my death long ago, but if I can prevent any more death, I will do whatever it takes.

"I need to say, that letter was a smart move. We saw Isabella reading a letter coming from you. I gave him the command to take a look at it. Apparently, from my insider I heard there's a secret message in it. About me." She said with a hard glare.

The insider. She somehow managed to black mail him into working for her. I know he's innocent, he has no one and when he tried to tell someone, that person almost died. He's still got the whole world to discover and I'm so afraid Lorenzo will kill him for his betrayal.

"But no worries, I'll let Isabella figure the letter out and walk right into my trap. You can pray to whatever god you believe in that she comes alone. Every single person with her will be locked here to watch the death of the famous Isabella Castillo." She laughed evilly.

"What damn letter?" I asked confused.

"Enough with your stupid games, it's time for my game." She said with a evil expression as she took her whip and knife. I don't care about the torture. All I could think of how I would warn them. Get out of here or even better, kill them.

What damn letter is she constantly talking about?

Would it- no it can't be...

Would she-

No that's impossible.

It's impossible.

Would he noticed something was off?

Would Gabriel noticed that my twin sister kidnapped me and took Isabella?

Hi darling :)

I'm writing this at school now as we speak, look at me being a baddie hihi.

So I dropped one of the bombs hehe.

Any thoughts?

Katie is not answering my calls and I'm bored, any ideas?

btw, has anyone told you that you have a pretty smile? If not...... they're dump and blind and you have a pretty smile :)

you're my biatch, love you <333

Thanks you so much for 250K this is insane and it's all thanks to you guys. So there's a double update <3

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