He's Like a Drug

By rainchellread

6.7K 333 22

Ever been in a relationship with someone that despite how good it feels for them to be yours, you knew that p... More

Birthday Dinner
Morning After
Living It Up
Mackin and Relaxing
It's a Family Affair
Character reveals
Boo Fest
Back to Reality
Photo Shoot
Reroute to Nana's House
You Took Life From Me
Officially Out of Your Life
Played Right Into His Hands
Boo trials and tribulations
sweet freedom
You'll never have her like I got her
Steak and Potatoes
Fuck this...I'm out
Kandace Woes
The Art of Betrayal
You Got This
Women's Care
Outside Drama
You Done Lost Your MF Mind
Straight Like That
Make Yourself at Home
Wishy Washy
Tell Me to Stop
Out of Pocket
Daytime Drinking
The Crew Back in Effect
Overrated Privacy
Bum Plans
Strange couples
Suspicious Behavior
Just Another Day
Kum ba yah
Team Rain
Sleepless Nights
Uncomfortable Company
Family Bonding
Fowl Play
Remorse (part 2)
Adonis still relevant
Testing The Waters
Life Goes On
New Bonds
The Bullshit is never ending
Baby Drama
2024 Watty awards
Uncomfortable Conversations
I Can Play Too
I Can Play Too (II)
Reevaluating (II)
Reality Check

The Steins

72 4 0
By rainchellread

"I now pronounce you man and wife, You may kiss your bride" Chad showcased his bright white teeth with a huge smile. He reached foward and cuffed Khali face pulling her towards him. As they kissed passionately tears of joy streamed down her cheeks. She was so happy to be starting her life with a man that treated her like a queen. Chad had tried to pursued her to plan a big wedding, but she insisted that the ceremony was only the two of them. Besides she wanted to save money to buy a house and her family could celebrate at the reception she planned.

Khali had told the family she wanted to have get together at her place and she had some news to share with them so they should all be there. Her and Chad had spent the previous evening setting up the house and they highered a caterer, DJ, and even a bartender to work the open bar. She knew they would all assume she was going to tell then she was pregnant, but her and Chad decided to wait atleast 3 years before having children so they could enjoy each other before jumping in the role of parenting.

Taking her hand, Chad led her to the front and a small gasp left her lips as she saw the horse and carriage. Taking a deep breath she held onto the bars and allowed Chad to help her up into the seat. "OMGosh..I can't believe you did this" She sat back admiring how beautiful the white horse looked. "You deserve the word Li, and I would feel like less of a man if I didn't do everything in power to show you that at every waking hour. Your truly my soul mate."Oh baby, I love you so much, I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life." She gushed as she allowed him to pull her into his chest where she rest and enjoy the view and wind in her hair.

When the carriage slowed in front of their house Khali grabbed her bouquet of flowers off the seat next to her and patiently waited for Chad to get down to help her. She had chose to wear a simple pale pink ruched tube dress (picture above) with diamond accessories and clear heels. She hesitated a bit trying to get her footing together because definitely didn't wanna buss her ass in her wedding dress. Chad noticed and reached up pulling her into his arms so she wouldn't have to worry about stepping down. Smiling and she slid from his grasp she looked up and kissed him. "Thanks love." He said his hand around her small waist and rested it on the top of her ass as he leaned down to kiss her as his response. "Come on..I wanna get you inside." Chad said pulling back from her and grasping her hand again to walk her towards the house. When they reached the doorway he bent down and picked her up bridal style carrying her over the threshold. Her giggles were cut short when the lights came on and she heard a crowd yell "Congratulations!!". Khali was stuck, she blinked a few times before she was able to respond. "What..I.." She was speechless. Looking around she saw her friends from and family, even some from Florida. "I wanted to surprise you. I know you said you didn't wanna make a big deal, but sweetheart the fact that you agreed to spend the rest of your life with me is huge. I been planning this part the while time because I wanted you to feel special." Taking a deep breath she put her hand over her heart and smiled. "Wow! I don't even have words to express how I feel." Bryson made his way through the crowd "Oh laws, you done figured out how to do something I been trying to her whole life. Get her to shut up." Everyone broke out in laughter and he pulled her into big hug. "I love you little sis. I'm happy for you." With tears streaming from her eyes she rested her head on her brother shoulder and silently cried. It meant so much to her that he was there to support her. "Ok, ok..stop hogging the bride now. My turn." Rain spoke up as she struggled to get off the couch and wobbled her way to Kahli. "What are you doing here?" She asked her looking concerned. "I cleared it with doctors, they said a few hours was fine as long as I promised not to exert myself and you know your brother been watching me like hawk." She giggled embracing her as well. "Thank you for coming babygirl." Everyone took their turns greeting the bride and groom and congratulating them. The music was playing different love songs, food was being enjoyed, people were enjoying themselves and sharing stories of the newly weds. Khali collected a few decorative paper plates and took them into the kitchen dropping them in the garbage. She ran some dish water and started putting the few things out of place in order and wiped down the counters. "Hey you...what's wrong? Why you in here by yourself?" Jean asked pulling a champagne bottle out of the cooler filled with ice. Jean opened the bottle and grabbed two wine glasses filling them up. She sipped out of one and reached out to hand the other one to Khali. She accepted the glass and downed half of it quickly. "Wo! Is there something you need to get off your shoulders?" Jean put her glass down and grabbed the champagne bottle again to refill Khalis cup. "I mean I know we don't always see eye to eye or get along, but it would've been nice if Kandace would have atleast shown her face. She's so freaking self centered. She's probably somewhere with Malik or Johanna. It's typical that non of them bothered to come." Jean pulled out a chair sitting down and watch Khali try to find things to clean to ease her nerves. "I got that you wanted them here to celebrate you, but you can't be in here moping around for three people when there's a house full of people with the intent of celebrating you." Leaning against the counter, Khali closed her eyes put her head back and took a deep breath. "I know, your right." She finished off the contents of her glass and filled it again. "Let's get back in there before Chad noticed I'm MIA" she motioned with her hand for Jean to follow her.
"There you are, I wanted to come congratulate again, before I went back to the hospital." Rai waddled up to her opening her arms for a embrace. Khali leaned in and squeezed her. "Thank you so much for coming, it means so much to me." Stepping back a bit Rai grabbed Khali hands "Girl please..we family now, I'm gone always be there for you. I'm so happy for you and Chad." Khali rubbed Rai's huge belly. "Alright miss go ahead and let my nefew rest, y'all got a long hard journey ahead." Rains eyes got big and she shook her head taking in the words Khali just spoke to her. She would be someone's mom soon. A strong gentle hand ran across her back and she leaned into it knowing the feel. "Alright Babygirl, I'm proud of you. Congratulations!" He leaned over and hugged Khali as he let her out of his embrace Chad came up beside Khali and placed his arm around the small of her back just as Bryson had done with Rain. "Y'all look happy. Take care of my Babygirl man." They started towards the front door saying good bye to a few people on the way out.

Before Bryson started up the car he dialed Kandace number. He hadn't missed the way Khali kept searching the crowd, checking her phone and watching the door like a hawk. He knew she was feeling bad about her big sister missing her moment. No matter what differences they had in the past, they were family and always cane through for each other. He wasn't happy at all with the way Kandace had been acting since she got here. "Wazzup  Bryson?" Kandace answered sounding irritated. "Ey, you ain't get the memo about the get together for Khali?" He asked putting on his turn signal getting ready to enter the expressway. "I ain't feeling to hot right now, plus I wasn't in the mood to be around all those fake ass, judgmental ass people." She answer with a huff rolling her eyes as if he could see her. Taking a deep breath he attempted to remain calm. Rain had already fell asleep and he didn't wanna disturb her. "Listen, it's time to put all that petty shit aside man. We were celebrating a moment she will never be able to relive and you will never be able to make that shit up yo. Stop being so damn selfish and difficult, it's like since we got here you don't care about nobody but yo damn self and I'm getting sick of it. On some real shit, she always been in your corner right or wrong so it's time you stop acting childish and show her some support." Kandace smacked her teeth and screwed her face up. ""You swear you somebody daddy for real! Yo I got more important things to worry about right now then Khali spoiled ass and you trying to be daddy peacemaker." She put her hand over her heart "Aww I been making y'all feel some type of way?" She asked dramatically "Well too damn bad. As far as I'm concerned this few moments we spent on the phone talking about this bullshit  is a waste of my time." She huffed and hung up. Bryson blew out a breath and hit the steering wheel. "This little muthafucka gonna make me hurt her ass." Rai opened her eyes and rubbed them trying to figure out where they were. "What's wrong baby? Why you upset?" She asked reaching over to grab one of his hands that were clutching the steering wheel. "Don't worry about it love, let's you in here so you can go back to sleep." She stared at him for moment, then she chewed her bottom lip and nodded her head. Rai unhooked her seatbelt and waited for Bryson to come around and help her out of the car. She was happy she was able to celebrate with Kahli and had a good time out with her friends without all the unnecessary drama. For now sleep was calling her name bad and she definitely wasn't trying to fight it.


So....was it obvious that this was the secret Chad and Khali were keeping? Or did you expect something else?

You think Kandace is being petty, or you think she right in feeling like it's OK to shit on her family cause they act weird towards her.

Rain and Bryson seem content as usual, even though they been through it. You think they got what it takes to make it work?

The only way to find out is to keep reading. Thanks for supporting me and always don't forget to like, comment and share.

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