Fins And Tentacles

By Moonaline

2.9K 66 1

Captured at a young age, Crusher and Pickle are forced to stay in the surface until help arrived to take them... More

Return Of The Circus
To Save A Friend
A New Enemy Or Ally?
Chaos And Mayhem
The Kingdom Of Mermaidia
To Defeat A Demon Dragon
Saving Crusher

Freed And Caught

214 6 0
By Moonaline

The circus was a big hit. No one else seemed to have picked up the animal abuse as the show ended. Pickle and the Blaze Family were the only ones that stayed behind.

"Okay, we need to show the animals we mean no harm," Blaze said. "Nice, slow and quiet."

"Let's start with Whaley!" Sparkle dashed to the tank. "Hi, Whaley!"

The blue whale jumped and swam back, startled.

"It's okay, big fella," AJ said. "We're here to take you back to the ocean."

The whale let out a sad whimper, along with some noises that the family couldn't understand. Pickle, however, managed to understand and smiled, moving towards the tank.

"Hey, it's alright, big fella. We'll get you back to your Mommy,"

"His… Mommy?" Blaze looked surprised.

"He's a baby Sapphire Whale, a magical blue whale that's really rare," Pickle explained. "They're known for good dancing and their happy smiles,"

"Magical? What makes him magical?" Sparkle looked just as confused. "And how did you understand him?"

"Oh!" Pickle suddenly stuttered. "Uh... I learned a lot of aquatic animal knowledge from Grandpa, and I learned to speak sea creature from what I learned."

"Okay…" Blaze gave a slow nod. "But how is he magical?"

"Watch this," Pickle grabbed a ladder and climbed up to the top of the tank. "Whaley, why don't you show my friends what you can do?"

Whaley beamed and went up. He gathered some water and let out a beam of blue light from the hole on his head.

"Whoa..." the family's eyes widened in amazement.

"That's... amazing!" AJ gasped.

"I know, right?" Pickle grinned before giggling when the whale nuzzled him.

"Pickle, are all these animals magic?" Blaze questioned.

"Yep!" Pickle nodded. "Every single one!"

"We have to get them back home. Pickle, maybe your magic wand can help transport them." AJ suggested.

"Good idea!"

Pickle took out his wand and waved it at all the tanks. The tanks rose up in the air before the group discreetly led them out of the tent. Thankfully, the circus was right beside the dock, giving them an advantage to help the animals out of the tank as soon as they got to the water.

"There you go! You're free!" Blaze smiled.

They all looked so relieved as they splashed around happily. The whale was the most relieved as he wagged his tail and splashed the group with some water.

"You're welcome, Whaley!" AJ giggled. "Will you be able to find your way home okay?"

"I'm sure he will," Pickle leaned down on the water, winking at the whale. "Right, Whaley?"

Whaley nodded and waved them goodbye with his flipper before swimming off. The family waved him off as well.

"Come on, guys, let's go home." Blaze told them.


The group jumped and turned to the end of the dock to see the ringmaster growling as he and his henchmen went forward.

"We were setting the animals free from YOUR abuse, you meany!" Sparkle spat, sticking her tounge out.

"YOU... HOW DARE YOU?!?" the ringmaster snarled. "It took me YEARS to find those animals!! Right after the first batch escaped, THESE WERE THE HARDEST TO CAPTURE!!"

"They belong in their home, not under your power!" Blaze exclaimed.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!" the ringmaster glared. "GET THEM!"

"Guys, get out of here!" Pickle told them. "I'll hold them off!"

Blaze and his family backed up and gasped as the henchmen surrounded the green truck. Pickle glared at them with a growl.

"Don't you DARE try anything!"

"Oh really?" the ringmaster scoffed. "And what would YOU do about it, little truck?"

"I wouldn't underestimate me, if I were you," Pickle smirked, eyes flashing gold.

The henchmen jumped to attack, piling over him and pinning him down. Blaze gasped.


The henchmen smirked but just as they were about to pull him up. Something green and gold glowed from underneath them. They yelped as they were thrown away, and they all had their eyes widened when they saw that in Pickle's place, was a being with aquamarine skin, sea weed green hair and dark green tentacles squirming around.

"Pickle? Is that you?" AJ asked, wide eyed.

"One and only," Pickle waved at them with a tentacle.

"How...? Wha...?" Sparkle's jaw dropped.

"I'll explain later! You guys get out of here and keep Crusher safe!"

"YOU!!" the ringmaster growled. "YOU are that sea witch that escaped me years ago!!"

"That's right, and I'm making sure you never hurt any other sea creature again!"

"We'll see about that..." the ringmaster took out a whip.

"Guys, GO NOW!!" Pickle picked up the Blaze Family and threw them off to safety.

As he did, one henchman took out a taser and attacked. He managed to reach Pickle, who yelped and fell as the taser hit him.


Pickle hissed and landed on the ground, dazed. The ringmaster towered over him with the whip and a smirk.

"Now, you'll taste revenge..."

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