Toshiro Hitsugaya: A new Hori...

By UchihaSwordman_16

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Hey there everyone and tell me, have you ever wonder what would happen if Toshiro was adopted by someone in t... More

Chapter 1: Child of Winter
Chapter 2: Babysitting is Hard
Chapter 3: Meeting the Beifongs
Chapter 4: The Academy
Chapter 5: Against the Eagle!
Chapter 6: Attack of the crazy Uncle
Chapter 7: Duel between Friends
Chapter 8: Bending the Earth
Chapter 9: Revenge is best served cold
Chapter 10: Beware the Parasite
Chapter 11: The Pendulum Begins To Swing
Chapter 12: As The Years Go By (Part 1)
Chapter 13: As The Years Go By(Part 2)
Chapter 15: Your Move
Chapter 16: The Witch Princess

Chapter 14: As The Years Go By(Part 3)

133 3 1
By UchihaSwordman_16

And here it is the final part until the Soul Society Arc which means a reunion between two certain characters.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story line. I honestly wished I own Bleach just so I could make Toshiro Yoruichi's son official.

20 years after the last chapter

"Congratulations on passing the Academy and I hope you all become great Shinigami!" The headmaster spoke loudly at the line of newly dubbed Shinigami and among them was a brown hair teen with her hair in two buns and a bright smile on her face.

'Finally I'm officially a shinigami.' Tenten thought as she walked out of the changing room, getting the feel of her new uniform and her new division in her hands, the Tenth.

Tenten was the newest prodigy for the Academy, and while not breaking any records for graduating the fastest, she did break the previous record of being the fastest female to graduated in only two years and defeating every student in the Academy in Zanjutsu, earning her title "Weapon Mistress."

However it wasn't easy for her to choose a division since she barely decided on one at the very end when the letters to the divisions were due.

Flashback One Night Ago

"Oh which division?" Tenten said to herself as she sat on her bed with information on all the divisions laid out before her. "The 1st requires a good sense of justice and a calm mind and offers a party every month but it sounds kinda of dull whenever I read more into it. The Second Division... No way I'm not into the whole stabbing people in the back and win at any cost kind of thing. Why would I want to be a ninja anyways?"

In an completely different universe, a pink wearing, brown hair and eyes, and love for anything sharp girl sneezed.

"The Third Division Captain sounds really creepy and from what I heard, the Lieutenant is emo. Huh probably just rumors but I still don't want to join that one. The Fourth won't fit me for obvious reasons but the Fifth sounds nice from what Momo-nee san describe in her letters."

She thought about this for a minute before shaking her head. "Nope it'll be a little weird to be in the same Division as her and the Sixth requires a noble air and I stink at that." She crumbled the said divisions and threw them into the trash bin near her bed. "The Seventh Division Captain gives me the creeps and that lieutenant was weird looking." The two had visited the Academy during an inspection and she couldn't help but be slightly scared of the tall masked captain and his weird lieutenant.

"The Eighth Division captain is a pervert from what I heard so I'll be avoiding that one and the Ninth works the magazine and I barely read that. But the Tenth Division..."

She gave this one more thought as she heard many things about the Division. She heard the division had two lieutenants and, not only a child prodigy, but the Clan Head of the Shihoin Clan as the Captain. However she also heard the the captain was also a spoiled brat who looks down at everyone but that was from the meaner students so she was sure that wasn't true... well mostly sure. Other than that she heard that it was a great starting point for new recruits, second only to the Thirteen.

And she sure as hell wasn't going into the Twelfth or Eleventh for obvious reasons. The Twelfth rumors was that by the end of the year, you were most likely tested in several tests with or without your knowledge and the Eleventh was a battle crazy division which didn't seemed to fit her. The Thirteen was a calm and peaceful division so that would be a good choice as well.

"Man why does it have to be so hard to choose one and why did I have to wait until the last minute?" She held her head until she finally made up her mind. "Alright let just pick the Tenth since the teachers says that its a great starting point for new recruits."

Flashback end

Tenten, along with the other recruits that picked the Tenth, stood in a line on one of the training grounds but what confused them was the fact that several members were sitting at the sidelines. Some were eating and some were betting on something about them but before she could give it a little more thought, the Captain and his two lieutenants appeared in front of them.

The captain was well... small, just a couple inches shorter than her and more importantly, a kidHe had snow white hair that ignored gravity and teal eyes that seemed to bore into her soul as he kept his gaze on her and wearing a captain's cloak. On his back was his Zanpakuto which was longer than him and each of his lieutenants stood on one side of them.

One was another kid but a girl with black hair in a ponytail, her Zanpakuto on her side, and just staring at the ground. The other was an adult with blond hair and a large chest that made Tenten feel slightly jealous at how big they were but she crushed that thought. She was a Shinigami now and appearances wasn't everything.

... She did make mental note on to ask her what she ate or drank to get her chest that big.

"Attention everyone. As of right now, you are all members of the Tenth Division until you decided to transfer to another division, retire, or die." The smaller Lieutenant bluntly said still not making eye contact with anything but the ground and made some of the recruits nervous. "I'm Lieutenant Beifong and mountain peaks over there is Lieutenant Matsumoto. Between us is Captain Shihoin Toshiro of the Tenth. Now we'll decided which seat you'll start out with a little spar and you get to chose between the three of us standing here. The longer you last, the higher your starting seat."

Some of the recruits started to eagerly whisper to each other at the chance of starting out with a high seat. "So whose first?"

One of the recruits stepped out of the line and Tenten recognized him as one of the more rowdy students back at the Academy.

"I'll go and I chose the woman with the nice jugs there." Everyone then cleared the field except for the two and one of the division members shouted.

"Begin!" The man ran forward but the Lieutenant simply disappeared and reappear right in front of him and deliver a painful strike to his stomach that sent him flying into the wall behind him. "Next." She said with a smile and the next person walked up to the area but asked to fight the smaller lieutenant instead...

Said person was sent flying a second into the match by a flying fist of rock.

It went on like this for the next couple minutes with people stepping up to fight or being picked at random to fight only to get beaten in a second and soon it was Tenten's turn. However she surprised everyone by saying.

"I wish to fight the captain." The two lieutenants looked at the boy between them who walked up to the area and Tenten got into a stance.

'Okay just stay calm. Your just facing a captain who could probably beat my ass from here to the World of the Living as easily as breathing.' She thought and moved after the member said begin.

She covered the field in no time flat and slashed at the captain but it faded, revealing him to be an afterimage making her eyes go wide. Tenten then quickly jumped to the side to avoid a strike to her back from the captain who reappeared behind her. She barely brought up her Zanpakuto in time to block his sheathed sword and was slowly being overwhelm by his strength despite him only using one hand and her using two.

'Damn it! Are all captains this strong!?' Tenten thought as she slowly was forced to the ground then she decided to at least surprise him. Letting one hand go off the sword, she reached into her robes and pulled out a hidden dagger and Tenten could swear that she saw his eyes widen by a fraction when she did. However, before she could do anything else, he broke the lock by swinging his sword to the right, making her own go as well and fly out of her hand. She still had her dagger in her hands though and quickly slashed, aiming at his chest.

But he managed to grab her wrist and gripped hard enough to make her let go and then delivered a swift punch to her stomach, making the breath in her leave her body and she fell to the ground, holding her stomach.

After a few minutes, she heard him say in a cold emotionless voice. "You lasted ten seconds longer than anyone else." She looked up at him to see a hand to pull her up. "And that hidden dagger is a nice trick but I suggest using it only when your in a deadlock with someone else so they won't be able to react fast enough." Tenten smiled, accepted the hand, and watched him go back to his lieutenants, talking to them in low voices.

The smaller one then yelled. "Alright! Your seats will be listed in the main room tomorrow so get some rest because," She grinned and Tenten had a eerie feeling that she was grinning at her, despite still looking at the ground. "tomorrow the real fun starts."

The Next Day

"Ah man!"

"This isn't fair!"

"I know I lasted long enough to a higher seat than that!"

Tenten pushed her way to the board to see her seat and her eyes scanned it until she finally found it and stared at it with her jaw hanging.

Tenten: 6th seat

And above that was just two other seats before the Lieutenants and Captain and she couldn't help but grin...

Ten Minutes Later

"Come on! Put your back into it!" Her grin was gone the moment she heard Lieutenant Beifong, or Toph as she liked to be called, call her up for physical training or as she called it torture.

Currently she was on her back holding up two small slabs of stone and, just to add some salt to the wound, Toph was on top jumping up and down on them.

"This *grunt* is *slabs get lower* IMPOSSIBLE!" She pushed it into the air long enough for her to roll out of the way as it came back down and when they did, Toph had a frown on her face. "If it was impossible, then how did you just throw me and those two slabs into the air long enough to roll out of the way?"

"That's not the point! I doubt that anyone can do this!" She yelled at her, starting to regret her decision on joining the Tenth. Toph frowned and then dove both hands into the ground in front of her. Then in a shockingly display of strength, she threw Tenten and the ground she was on several dozen feet in the air and they came crashing down.

Tenten, who was somehow still standing, had a look of utter disbelief and shock as her jaw hanged open which Toph closed before pulling the taller girl's ear down to yell. "NOW GIVE ME TWENTY REPS NOW!"

Five Hours Later

"I can't feel my arms..." Tenten moaned in pain as Toph dusted herself off. The two had done insane strength training and while Tenten struggle through it all, Toph barely broke a sweat. "They'll be feeling sore as hell later on so don't worry about that." She then pulled Tenten to her feet, ignoring her protests and her saying, "Just leave me on the ground, it never felt so comfortable". "Besides that isn't even the real training, that was just a little preview of whats to come."

Tenten stared at her before laughing nervously. "Hahaha, nice joke Toph... That was a joke right?" Toph only grinned as Tenten began to sweat nervously. "Please tell me that was a joke, please just say that was a joke!"

The lieutenant's grin only widen as she walked off, leaving the newest Sixth Seat near tears. A division member walked behind her and patted her on the back.

"Welcome to the Tenth and look on the bright side, you didn't get on her bad side." Tenten's head whipped around to the member at speeds that seemed impossible. "That wasn't even her bad side?!"

Twenty Years Later

Its been ten years since Tenten joined the Tenth and she was glad for her decision. While it was rough at first, she made fast friends with the two lieutenants and Captain Shihoin was a good captain at most times, you just got to be careful about what you say near him.

She shivered, remembering the first time she made the mistake of calling him Shiro-chan.


Two Years After Tenten Joins The Tenth

"Here's your paperwork Captain Shihoin." Tenten said as she placed more paperwork on Toshiro's desk, making him sigh. "You know Captain, you should take a break."

He took one from the top of the pile and began writing on it. "I'll take a break once I'm done which would be much faster if one of those two helped me." Toshiro glared at his two lazy Lieutenants, Matsumoto laying on the couch and Toph on the floor near her. "I'm blind Toshiro and I don't know whats mountain peaks excuse."

"One, Captain Kaname is able to complete his division's paperwork on time and two, Matsumoto is too lazy or too drunk to help."

"Well that is why he's a captain and I'm not and if Matsumoto is so lazy, why'd you recommended her for the Lieutenant Exam then?"

Tenten almost laughed at the expression on Toshiro's face that was one of irritation and defeat before he went back to his paperwork, muttering. "You may leave now Tenten-san."

When she passed by Toph on the ground, however, she grabbed her by the ankle. "Oh come on Toshiro, you can be a grumpy pants all you want but at least let Tenten relax a little." Before anyone could object, she pulled the girl to sit on the ground with her.

"And don't call Toshiro 'Captain'. Its much better if you refer to him as Toshiro since I consider you my friend." Toph slapped a hand on Tenten's back, almost bowling her over and she gave a small laugh. "Well its great that you refer as a friend but I think I'll keep calling Toshiro Captain."

"Then make a nickname for him, any name. I call him Icepop and Matsumoto over here calls him an adorable little kitten whenever he's not around."

Matsumoto laughed nervously as Toshiro leveled a glare at her and she grabbed Toph by the neck of her robes. "I thought that you promise you wouldn't say that when he's around."

"I didn't promise how long, you really gotta make your deals more clear Mountain Peaks." As Matsumoto attempted to strangle Toph, Tenten decided to at least try to make up a nickname for Toshiro and came up with one.

"Okay how about," She smiled as the two looked at her. "Shiro-chan!"

Several things happen at once.

The temperature in the room dropped at an alarming rate until Tenten could see her breathe in clouds, the brush in Toshiro's hands broke in half, and Tenten found herself frozen as Toshiro's eyes met hers, fill cold fury.

A second later, he was right in front of her and he growled out in a low deep voice. "DON'T call me that. NEVER call me that." He then stomped out of the room, slamming the door hard enough to make cracks appear in the walls. No one in the room spoke for a full minute until Tenten broke it, fear in her voice.

"I-i'm sorry. I-i-i didn't think that he would react like that." Matsumoto only sighed and patted the girl on the shoulder to comfort her. "Don't worry I made the same mistake when during my first couple years in the Tenth. Just give him some space and he'll calm down."

Tenten was silent until she gathered enough courage to ask another question. "But why doesn't he like that name?"

"Because," Toph said getting her attention. "his Kaa-chan used to call him that all the time before she left him behind."

Flashback End

It took awhile but Toshiro eventually forgave her and the two had become good friends. He even helped her when she finally achieved her Shikai a year ago and been helping her since.

"Third Seat Tenten." She was snapped out of her thoughts as she looked a familiar pink hair girl in front of her. "Oh hello Lieutenant Lightning. Is there something you need?"

"Do you know where Captain Shihoin is?" Lightning asked in a calm emotionless voice. Lightning was well known in the Shinigami ranks as the Second Division Lieutenant and many refer to her as the Pinku no furasshu (Pink Flash) due to her speed, while nowhere near Byakuya, Soifon or Toshiro's own, is consider the 4th fastest person in the Seireitei. Toshiro holding the honor of first place.

"Yes he's in his office doing paperwork." Lightning thanked her and went to his office thinking about how long its been since Toshiro saved her and Serah.

Thanks to him, she was strong enough to protect herself and her sister from any threat and, short of saving his life, she could probably never repay her for his kindness for training her and taking the two of them in his home.

Opening the office, she saw Toshiro speaking to her Captain, Soifon. "I'm sorry for interrupting Captain Shihoin but I wish if we could spar later. I have a new move I wish to test out." Toshiro nodded his head and said. "I'll meet you in the usual training field in a couple minutes."

Lightning then left them and he turned his attention back to Soifon. "I already told you, Captain Soifon, that I'm okay not using my vacation time. I much rather work than slack off and besides if I left the division, there is a good chance that it'll either be burn to the ground or bankrupt in a day."

Soifon sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Fine then Captain Shihoin but can you at least leave my lieutenant in less bruises than you normally do? We have a squad training trip planned later and I'll need her as a sparring partner as well." She and Lightning got along rather well and often sparred with each other with her winning all the time despite Lightning getting closer to beating her.

"Fine." He got up but before he left, Toshiro noticed the frown on Soifon's face and knew a way to cheer her up. "Bye Soifon-neechan." Soifon's head snapped to look at Toshiro but she only caught a playful grin on his face before he disappeared in a Shunpo. Then a smile found its way onto her face as she thought.

'He's finally starting to heal from his wounds.'

Later After Lightning's Spar

"Damn it." Lightning growled out as she barely kept herself from collapsing and across from her was Toshiro who had some cuts on his uniform but other than that, he was fine.

"That was impressive trick Lightning-san but it'll be harder to dodge if you catch your opponent offguard." He helped the pink hair girl to her feet and looked her in the eyes. "Without a doubt, your getting better but you need to learn to time your attacks so you can execute them at the right moment."

Lightning bowed to him. "Hai I understand Captain Shihoin and thank you." Toshiro nodded and disappeared in a Shunpo to head over to an old friend's home.

Kuchiki Grounds

"She looks so much like Hisana." Toshiro commented as he and Byakuya watched Hisana's sister, Rukia, train with her Zanpakuto. She was the splitting image of Hisana but they could sense that she was much stronger than her sister.

"Yes she does." Byakuya responded to his childhood friend and decided to ask a more personal question. "Captain Shihoin I was wondering if you are feeling well."

Toshiro sighed and turned to meet his eyes. "Yes Byakuya I am alright and I'm well aware of today's date." He looked at the clear skies and the clouds that moved at a lazy pace. "Listen I know your all worried about me, Unohana, Matsumoto, Toph, Soifon and you but I am alright. I'm still not over her leaving but I am moving on from the past. Now please lets just enjoy the silence."

Byakuya respected his friend request and the duo enjoyed watching Rukia train, unknowingly making said Shinigami more nervous. 'Why are they watching me? Am I doing something wrong? Is it my strikes? My stance?' In an attempt to correct herself in mid strike, Rukia tripped on a overgrown root, fell to the ground as her blade was thrown into the air when she did, and nearly impaled her when it came back down, the blade an inch away from her nose.

The two sweatdropped at the display of clumsiness as Rukia cried a little inside for making an idiot of herself in front of a captain and her brother.

19 years later

"You know this is really nice." Yukari said as she and her friends sat on the roof of the Shihoin Manor underneath the night sky. The stars were bright, the moon was full, and the air was cold not that Toshiro minded it. "The cool night sky, the bright shining stars, the full moon..."

"The fact that you won't shut up." Toph said with a smirk laying on her back as Yukari gained an angry tick. "At least I could see all those beautiful things unlike you."

"Blind or not, I can still kick your butt." Yukari stood up and moved to grab the hilt of her blade but Lightning's harsh voice spoke. "No fighting on Shihoin Grounds unless on the Training Fields." Lightning and Tenten was sitting on Toshiro's left while Yukari and Toph were on his right.

The five, despite the usual arguments and fights, were good friends with each other and respected one another abilities and skills. They fought well with each other and watched each other backs. Although they often fought among each other but that was mostly Yukari and Toph while Tenten and Lightning would stop them. One with peaceful ways and the other with violence ways.

Tenten sweatdropped as Yukari still glared at Toph who was ignoring her completely. "Come on you two Toshiro invited us here to relax, not to fight with each other."

"It would be better if Toph wasn't here."

"Na I'm the exciting one of the group, your the dull boring one that tries to get her uselessly point across." Yukari finally snapped. "That's it! Your dead!" She attempted to dive at Toph but the blind girl easily held her back with one arm while Lightning and Tenten sighed and looked at Toshiro.

He had a slight smile on her face as he heard two of his friends fight right beside him. Recently he had become less cold and smiled more than before which showed that he was moving on. While'll he won't completely heal from the wounds that his Kaa-chan left, he was finally starting to leave his past behind him and enjoyed what he had now.

The four was happy for him since he brought them into his life, they done things that they would have never gotten the chance to normally do. He helped them one way or another and the least he deserved was happiness.

In the World of the Living

"Kisuke are you sure you should ask Yoruichi for help?" Tessai asked as the blond man looked around for said person in an alley that was within a long abandon town. "If I recall, you two haven't been on the best of terms since we left the Seireitei."

The man simply waved his fan at him. "Don't worry Tessai, I doubt she'll give up a chance to see Toshiro again. Even if they're on opposite sides, now I think I found her."

The two watched a black cat walk down the alley they were in until it stopped a couple feet from them. When the cat spoke, it had a deep male voice. "Kisuke I thought I told you that I didn't want to see you again."

"Hai I know Yoruichi but I need a favor." The cat hissed at him and a cloud of white smoke later, Yoruichi stood right in front of him, a furious expression on her face that would scare even the most terrifying of hollows.

"A favor!? Thanks to your stupid Hōgyoku's plans that Aizen stole to build his own, I had to leave Toshiro behind, in tears and no doubt hating me! And you have the nerve to ask me for a favor!?"

Despite having a naked anger woman with a body that could match a goddess' own, Kisuke still looked her in the eyes. "Yes because I think Aizen will making his move soon and Toshiro could be in danger of being his next little experiment."

Yoruichi's eyes soften and she stepped back a couple of paces, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine then. What is favor you need help with?"

"Well..." Kisuke snapped open his fan to hide his grin. "You know how well thought that Isshin was dead? Turns out he isn't and he had some kids and I think his son will be the key to everything."

And that is all for now! I hope you enjoyed every second of it. Please leave a comment and get ready for the start of the Invasion Arc next chapter.

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