Gay best friends

By AxelTempQuit

198 0 1

This is just two bestfriends and one likes the other while the other, is oblivious. Enjoy! More

New enemys
A christmas disaster.
The second fight.

The second fight.

19 0 0
By AxelTempQuit

March 30th, the cafe.

Ray POV-

I smiled putting on my sweatshirt and leaving home. I walked to the cafe and got a seat. I listened to music until squeals erupted. I looked up and there was Jason. A crowd of girls were surrounding him. I laughed and he finally made it over to the table.

Ray-" hello mr. guitarist."

I laughed more as he gasped for air.

Jason-" god they were crazy!"

He smiled as I finally finished laughing.

Ray-" so, you wanna talk over drinks?"

Jason-" duh thats why we're here. Idiot."

I laughed and he chuckled.

I ordered a rainbow latte while he got iced coffee. We talked about what happened over the months and drank our drinks.

Jason-" a rainbow latte? You gay?"

Ray-" duhh! You got some iced coffee what about you?"

Jason-" pansexual duhhhh"

We laughed and eventually hung out till sunset. We walked around a nearby park and were resting on a bench. We were telling jokes and soon my phone buzzed. It was carla calling me. I answered.

Ray-" yeah carla?"

Carla-" Ray, where are you?"

Ray-" I'm hanging with Jason at the park, why?"

Carla-" can we meet up with you guys, like a double date?"

I flushed up and looked over to Jason.

Ray-" can Carla and lania meet us somewhere and we can all hang out?"

Jason-" sure, it would be awesome to see the lovebirds."

Carla-" HEY!"

we laughed and hung up. We walked to the entrance and soon the two drove up.

Carla-" sup losersss! Cmon we have an area in mind!"

We laughed and got in. They drove us over to a beach.

Carla-" we rented a beach house for the night, cmon!"

We followed her and changed. I was first in and i gladly swam around. Carla and lania dove in after me. Jason stood watching us play like idiots. Soon carla put lania on her shoulders.

Carla-" chicken fight!!!"

Ray-" hey no fair! I dont have a partne-"

Suddenly i was lifted up and the two girls laughed. I smiled and jason set me on his shoulders. Soon we fought.


-3 hours of playing later-

I laughed drying off myself as the others played. I yawned and layed in the sand. Soon the laughter go louder. Then whispers were heard. Suddenly i was lifted up. I shot up to be met with Jason's face right next to me. He smiled and set me on his shoulders. He carried me to the cabin while the other two walked next to us. As we entered, we realized how small it was.

Carla-" there are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a couple bathrooms. So me and lania will share a bed and you two can share the other."

We went to our name and i changed while Jason took a shower. I ate a snack while turning on my phone. I smiled turning on 'mr. loverman' and laying down. I smiled feeling him get into bed. I stared off but before i could fall asleep, Jason sat up.

Jason-" hey, you wanna go take a walk along the beach?"

Ray-" what about the others?"

Jason-" this can just be a you and me thing?"

I smiled and nodded. I grabbed a bag and we began walking. We made it a hour until we heard yelling and cries.

Ray-" what the.. DUDE CMON!"

We ran towards the sound and saw a kid crying while two guys approached him. I reached into my pocket and grabbed a knife i grabbed. The men began hitting the kid and i noticed Jason grab a gun. He shot the tree next to him.


I smiled and ran out next to him. The two men smiled and turned their attention to us.

Jason-" get the kid, and cover him. I 'll deal with these two then."

I nodded as he began distracting them. I ran through the shadows and picked up the kid. I calmed him down and covered his eyes and ears.


He then shot them both. Their body's dropped and i carried the kid to Jason. We took him out of the forest onto the beach.

Ray-" where's your parents?"

??-" th-they gave me to those weird guys.."

Jason-" whats your name?"

Lilac-" I'm lilac... my name is lilac.."

I smiled and held him.

Ray-" how would you like if i took you to my home..?"

Lilac-" like your my daddy and your my papa?"

I blushed and expected Jason to deny.

Jason-" yes I'm your papa. Cmon lets take him back to the beach house."

I nodded and we all walked to the house. As we entered, we saw the two girls being interested.

Carla-" soooooo?"

Jason-" nothing happened."

Lilac-" are they my Aunty's?.."

They gasped at the small child. I explained everything and they nodded.

Lania-" yes, im Aunty."

Carla-" im second aunty!"

Lilac laughed and hugged them. I smiled carrying him to bed. I put him in clean clothes and bandaged him. I tucked him into bed and got up, expecting to sleep on the couch.

Lilac-" daddy? Can you and papa sleep with me..?"

Ray-" ill ask, ok?"

He smiled and i walked to Jason, who was talking with the girls.

Ray-" Jason, lilac wants us to sleep with him."

Jason-" ok ill be inside in a sec!"

I nodded and went back to lilac.

Ray-" papa will be here in a second ok?"

Lilac smiled and patted the spot next to him. I layed down with him and he snuggled into my chest. I smiled and the door opened. Jason crawled into bed and cuddled up to us.

Lilac-" night daddy! Night papa!"

Jason-" night kiddo."

Ray-" goodnight!"

I smiled hearing soft snores. I felt jason scoot closer and wrap his arm and leg around me. I smiled drifting off to sleep.

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