Resisting The Guy I Love

By kawthar109

5.5K 130 77

Sarah is a 17 year old girl that lives with a rich woman 'Mary' and is her maid. Sarah's never met Mary's son... More

Beautiful Reflection
Well Hello Handsome ;)
Meeting Mr.Handsome
Embarrassed :/
Giving up my happiness for him
Tiffany, Do You Ever Change?
Being Jealous Is Annoying!
Planning Time :)

The Date

267 15 20
By kawthar109

I sighed and looked at my mirror nervously seeing how I looked.

I had my red hair down and I was wearing a simple white summer dress with black flats.

I wasn't wearing much makeup just some mascara that made my eyes look bigger and some lipgloss.

"Oh my god! You look beautiful. Ill be surprised if he even managed to keep his hands off you" Carly squealed.

"I don't look that good" I said rolling my eyes and pulling a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Yes you do. Now shut up and stop playing with your hair or else you'll ruin it and ill have to do it all over again" Carly said pulling my hair back down in front of my ear.

"Thank you so much Carly I don't think I could've done this with out you" I said whilst hugging her.

Carly'd been at my house for over an hour now picking an outfit, doing my hair and makeup. I really couldn't live without this girl


I looked towards the window and smiled knowing it was Daniel throwing rocks on my window.

"Well I guess it's time" I said taking a deep breath

"Yes, now hurry up you wouldn't want to be late for your first date will you"? Carly said and waggled her eye brows.

I laughed and walked up to the window and opened it looking down to see Daniel standing near a bush smiling up at me making me smile back.

"Hey" he said

"Hi, just give me a minute to come down" I said and closed the window not waiting for his answer.

"I gotta go now. I love you so much and again thanks so much for helping me" I said hugging her again.

"Anytime beautiful, now hurry up!"

I headed down the stairs and saw Mary sitting on the couch watching tv.

I headed up to her and stood near her and said

"I'm going out for the night".

"Yeah, ok" she replied in a bored tone still staring at the tv.

I looked down at the ground showing respect and said

"Goodbye" and turned around heading for the kitchen.

I went to the back of the kitchen where the door that leads to the garden is and went outside.

I looked around left and right and a frown formed on my face when I couldn't see Daniel.

"Daniel?" I said and turned around to look the other way.

I opened my mouth to say Daniel again when I heard voices coming from my right.

I turned right and started heading towards the voices.

I saw two boys standing there.

One was Daniel and the other was......


"And just because you said so I'm going to listen to you?" Daniel said to Mathew.

My eyes brows scrunched up in confusion but I still walked closer to the two of them.

"This is the last time I'm telling you. Stay. Away. From. Her" Mathew said slowly but in an angry way.

"Stay away from who?" I said and stood in between Daniel and Mathew allowing me to look at the two of them.

No answer.

"I don't know about you two but I'm sure I asked a question" I said starting to get mad that they're not telling me anything.

"Nothing. Lets just go, come on we're gonna be late " Daniel said offering me his hand.

I sighed angrily but chose to not push it anymore and took Daniels hand.

We walked together holding hands to the front gate and got out from there. We walked a few more steps and stopped in front of a blue ford.

Daniel stepped forward and opened the passenger door for me like a gentleman

"Thank you sir" I said in a posh accent going inside and siting.

"Your welcome ma'am" he replied in the same tone making us both laugh.

He sat in the drivers side and turned the car on getting out of the parking spot.

"So where're we going?" I asked

"Surprise" he replies



"Come on stop being so childish and just say it"


I sighed and turned facing the front waiting till we arrive.

"The carnival?!" I said excitedly about to jump up and down on my seat.


"Oh my god I've always wished to go to one" I said opening my seat belt and getting out of the car

"Hurry up!"

Daniel just laughed and got out of the car offering me his hand.

I took it too excited to even blush about us holding hands.

The night was spent with ride after ride after ride until we were both hungry so we went to a kiosk at the carnival and got burgers with fries and drinks.

"This is actually really good" Daniel said after taking a bite out of his burger.

"I know right, most people normally say that they'd rather go Maccas instead of eating here"

Daniel laughed and nodded his head in agreement and took another bite of his burger.

After we both finished eating we just walked around the carnival holding hands and just making small talk.

I actually learned quite a lot of stuff about him. I know now that he lives with his older brother and mum. The reason he started working as a gardener at Mary's house in the first place was because his brother also works there and got him a job to work there.

Suddenly Daniel stopped walking and I looked at him questioningly. He was smiling and looking ahead of him at something. I looked and saw a fairy floss machine

"What?" I asked looking back at him and the fairy floss machine

"You want some fairy floss, you know cause the guy normally buys the girl fairy floss at a carnival"

I laughed in understanding and nodded while he went and bought us one big stick.

We continued walking and eating and again making small talk. This time it was about me and how I met Mary and how I arrived at her house.

Talking about that stuff isn't something i really like and i didnt want to say anything but i re-thought about it and thought 'why cant i trust Daniel? he's shown no sign of why i couldn't do that' so I just decided to tell him.

He was frowning at first and stayed frowning till the part i said how long i've lived here. Which is nearly eight years.

"And then you met the amazing Daniel!" Daniel said

I laughed again and this time noticed just how much I laugh when I'm around him.

He stopped walking again and was grinning at probably the only thing we haven't yet been on.

The Ferris wheel

"Come on, this is like the main ride at a carnival!" Daniel said excitedly walking me towards it.

"I don't know, maybe we shouldn't go on it"

"Why you scared?"

"No" I said too quickly

Daniel just laughed and said "Don't worry, if you fall which I totally doubt, ill hold you"

I laughed and just agreed on going on. I may be scared of heights but I guess I should take the risk. Life's about taking risks right?

Me and Daniel got seated on a car in one of the Ferris wheels.

By the time we were at the top I was too distracted laughing at the annoyed and disgusted faces Daniel was making about how he hated the fact that his brother Jake is a total man whore and just uses girls for his own pleasure.

"No seriously I don't think I've ever seen the same girl with him ever again! Well unless she's chasing after him and is begging him to be with her.

"Yes" I said thinking about that night were I caught Mathew and Tiffany.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Daniel asked me all of a sudden.

I think my face was resembling a tomato and was probably as hot as lava from how hard I was blushing.

Ok I was being overdramatic but hey don't I have a right to from what he asked?

"No" I finally managed to whisper

"So does that mean you've never been kissed?"

"No" I whispered so silently I thought that Daniel hadn't heard it

"Would you mind if you had your first kiss right now?"

I looked at him and sure enough he wasn't joking. He was looking at me so intently that I was about to look away when I noticed he's face coming closer.

And that's when I started to hyperventilate. What if he kisses me but I don't know what to do? Hell I don't even know how to kiss cause I haven't been kissed but it's easy right? It always seems really easy when they kiss on tv. Come on its just a kiss, gosh I was making a big deal over nothing.

He put his head to the side and brushed his lips over mine gently, so gently that I barely even felt it. He pulled back a little and looked into my eyes as if asking if it was alright and I just stared back as if trying to say that I was agreeing, with my eyes.

He seemed to have got the message as he brought his lips back down on mine.

I kissed him back this time and silently thanked all those movies I watched with kissing scenes because if it wasn't for them, I would've just been standing there like a lunatic.

He picked my arms up that were just lying there limply by my hips and wrapped it around his neck just under his hair.

His tongue caressed my lips asking for entrance and I gave in too far in to stop. He kissed me passionately like he was trying to put all his feelings in on this one kiss. I kissed him back with the same passion and started rubbing my fingers through his soft hair.

By the time we actually pulled away from each other we were both panting trying to catch our breaths again.

Daniel kept staring at my eyes and to my surprise I was actually looking at his eyes too and not looking away seeing as how intense his stare was.

He leaned forward and pecked my lips, then pecked them again and and again until I couldn't handle it anymore so I just pushed him closer by the back of his neck and kissed him. I felt him smirking against my lips

That jerk!

I jumped away when someone cleared their throat and turned around to see that the guy that gets the ride running was standing in front of our car waiting for us to get off. We've been kissing for so long that the Ferris wheel has spun around a few times and has finished yet we were still kissing! Who knew kissing someone could be that addictive? It must be Daniels lips.

I blushed madly and moved away from Daniel putting my head down and walking out of the car trying not to smile. As soon as we were away from the ride me and Daniel just stood there laughing our asses off from embarrassment.

"hey what's the time?" I asked Daniel breathlessly when we calmed down. He got his phone out and his eyes widened

"It's 11:48"

I felt my eyes widen. Have we been out for that long? God it's nearly midnight!

"I'm surprised the carnival's still open"

"Actually every other ride are turned off and our turn on the Ferris wheel was the last turn before it shut down. See"

I looked back to the Ferris wheel and sure enough the guy who runs the ride was turning it off and starting to lock it up

"Well, we should probably go"

"Yes come on" Daniel said and offered me his hand which I gladly took.

By the time we arrived at my house it was 12:18AM. I've never been out this late and I'm quiet glad that Daniels here with me to protect me, I thought.

We stopped in front of the kitchen door and turned looking at each other. He had such beautiful green eyes that I could stare at them all day and never get bored.

Daniel kissed me one last time passionately before hugging me and saying bye. I opened up the kitchen door and went inside trying to be quite so no one could hear me. I bet Mary wouldn't be glad seeing me come at home past midnight. Not that I really had a curfew but I was still expected to not stay up late.

After I got in my room I took off my clothes and changed into my pajamas. Whilst I was brushing my teeth I remembered the way Daniel had looked before leaving. It looked like he was going to say something but stopped himself.


As soon as I lay down in bed thoughts of 'the kiss' came back. My first kiss. I can't believe it took me nearly 18 years for me to finally have one. Wow. Now that I think about it I think that I was crazy to not have wanted to be kissed by a guy. I sighed for probably the millionth time today and touched my lips. With a smile on my face I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I know I know I know. I can't write a kissing scene but hey at least I tried :)




Thanks <3

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