the destined mate|sope ✔️

By cutemuffins0

21.5K 1.4K 170

[completed✔️] hoseok, an innocent man living a most decent life in their small village. vowed to his own hom... More

|#1: Sunny Day|
|#2:pretty Flower|
|#3:daily reminder's|
|#4:outside At Last!|
|#5:precious eyes|
|#7:painful Truth|
|#8:other Ways|
|#10:first Hang Out|
|#11:nearly Exchange|
|#12:telling mr. Park|
|#13:birthday plan's|
|#14:truth Untold|
|#15:short Explanation|
|#16:happy Birthday!|
|#17:birthday Celebration|
|#19:meeting Each Other|
|#20:rules And Regulations|
|#21:getting Ready|
|#22:before the Ceremony|
|#23:the Awaited Event|
|#24:the Awaited Event pt. 2¡|
|#25:own Problem|[m]
|#26:did We Fuck?|
|#28:flutters and butterflies|
|#29:late Confession|
|#30:fucking You In Your Heat|[m]
|#31:happiness is a Dream|
|#32:taking jung Hoseok|
|#33:saving his little omega|
|#34:sacrifice is a fact.|
|#35:reasons why you're Changed|
|#36:new beginning|[m]
|#37:morning routine|
|#38:giftedness talent|
|#39:concure you're angers|
|#40:lesson learned|[m]
|#42:telling him|
|#43:making it up for the omega|
|#44:first month of stress|
|#45:short time of having fun|[m]
|#46:Christmas eve with cookies|
|#47:new year has began!|
|#48:valentines so clever|
|#49:love war with the crazy woman|
|#50:gender reveal party!|
|#51:designing the Babies room|
|#52:time flew So fast|
|#53:getting in touch With you|[m]
|#54:finally mate's|[m]
|#55:normal weaknesses|
| the Finale |

|#27:files And Documents|

314 29 8
By cutemuffins0

hoseok was munching on seokjin's cook, it was delicious and yummy for hoseok so he decided too have a second round.

"woah hold up" seokjin said, hoseok who was confused.

"what?", hoseok asked.

"i smell something fishy", he said walking towards hoseok and stopped when he was right in front of the boy.

"huh?", hoseok didn't know what his hyung was talking about.

"did you guys talk?" seokjin asked, while cutting the carrots looking like a professional chef.

"well yea" hoseok said, eating his food that is disturbed by the question.

"i knew it, what did he say?"


"did he said that you guys fu-", seokjin didn't finished his sentence because hoseok covered his mouth with his own hands.

"shh, they might here you" he was pointing at the maids, but they dont have any excuses to tell the queen if they really fuck.

"they're out of that, tell me what did he said?" seokjin asked didn't noticed yoongi's appearance on the table.

"i said nothing, jin" yoongi came in to the topic, startling hoseok and the older.

"o-ohh ah Haha, hey hoseok i need to cook now ill am-..bye", then he left like his cook was burning and hoseok giggled to it.

"eat" yoongi said, giving hoseok the food.

"a-am okay" hoseok said, didn't looked because he was afraid.

"btw, mom said you need to know the documents or files in what order you need to know as a queen.", he said eating just a apple, because he was already full when he saw his queen.


"dont worry, I'll be with you"

"oka-wait what?"

"I'll come too"


"because i wanted too, im your king its my obligation to be there for you"

"oh, well thanks?", yoongi didn't answer but just munch on his apple.

yoongi was still thinking of who it was earlier but he didn't thought of it now because he saw his queen.

"hey ah, yoongi" hoseok called, the elder looking at the small boy. "yea?" he answered raising a one eyebrow.

"can i ask?" hoseok said, yoongi gestured for him to go on.

"are you and your dad okay?", hoseok continues, yoongi looking at hin not wanting to answer it. "am i going to repeat my-" "why do you wanna know about it?" yoongi said, holding hoseok's wrist. That's why he was cut off.


"why do you care if were not okay? Huh?"

"y-yoongi it h-hurts..", then yoongi realized what he just did and let go off the boy.

He didn't know what was going on with him, but when hoseok just brought his dad in the topic it just anger him.

"i-im sorry", yoongi said looking down, not wanting to met eye's with the boy because he will look like a criminal.

"......." hoseok was just staring at yoongi, he didn't know what to say or what to do with it.

"i should g-get going now" hoseok announced standing up, yoongi looked up and stood up too. "I'll come, remember?" yoongi said and walked out first.

with that hoseok walked too, looking at seokjin who is busy preparing the foods. Maybe some new royal visitors.

they walked off, distance to each other.

hoseok was following the boy, because he is not so sure where to find the retired queen so he just follows.

"sorry about earlier" yoongi apologies for the second time to the boy who is facing his back.

Hoseok still didn't answered, he wanted to be silent. honestly not comfortable on the boy.

"here" yoongi stated, stopped right in front of the door who hoseok didn't recognized.

"I'll just wait here" he said leaning on the wall and letting the younger to come in.

hoseok got inside the room, looking around and touching the things around him.

"goodmorning queen", yoongi's mom greeted startling hoseok. "goodmorning mom" hoseok greeted back, and bowed but mrs. eya stopped him from doing so.

"dont darling, your now our queen so no need", she stated hoseok who nodded but didn't agree at all.

"why did you call me, mom?" hoseok asked, sitting beside yoongi's mom. "because you need to know some things." she said taking something our from the desk.

"here", she stated, giving hoseok something that he didn't know.

"what is this mom?" hoseok said, looking at the white envelope. "it's an envelope, for the villagers name and life." she said hoseok who was thinking of what it was.

"if your thinking of what is it, its their life. address, names, age, family and etc."

"why do you need all of this?"

"because if their day comes you will help the left out family to engage a proper beginning to sanitize there life, therefore you are the one who leads their entire name", she said, explaining it gradually so the boy can get it.

"its so many, what about the other documents there?" hoseok said looking at the other desks that is full of papers and envelopes.

"this room is for you now, the maids will clean up and organize everything", she stated standing up and went to the papers.


"yes darling, but please do take care of yourself and this field of papers."

"will do mom"

"thank you, we are going to announce that me and my husband will go for a business trip"

"oh really? Well have fun there and take care"

"will do darling", they giggled and hoseok went up to her and hugged her tight. "thank you for everything mom" he said, her gently caressing and rubbing hoseok's hair.

"it's nothing darling, i really liked you for my son", she said loud and clear, yoongi was listening through the door and smiled.

Hoseok just went silent.

"you can go now, the maids will come here and clean this up", she said and hoseok nod smiling.

"yoongi" she called, hoseok already forgot that he was there, "yes?" he answered opening the door.

"here's your queen, you can go wherever you want darling" she said and patted hoseok's shoulders, sign for him to leave.

"okay mom", yoongi said and looked at hoseok then walked out. hoseok who followed, but was met by her eyes then left.

"so how was it?", yoongi asked, stretching his limds and arms. "good" hoseok replied shortly and it didn't satisfy the alpha.

"you wanna go ride?", yoongi spoke, hoseok looking at him, confused.

"ride what?"

"my di-i mean horse"


"shall we?", yoongi didn't wait for hoseok to answer, yoongi pulled him for a run and runned together to their destination.
"okay were here, lets go-"

"you just pulled me all the way here and let me ride a horse, fucking tired" he cut off the elder, who was laughing but the younger just glared at him.

"its not my fault you run so slow." he said crossing he's arms. "dick head" hoseok cursed under his breath, not knowing that yoongi heard it.

"what did you just?-"

"oh hello seokiee!" seokjin greeted, opening the door. yoongi just sighed, atleast he didn't cursed.

"hii jinniee hyung!", hoseok said, yoongi cringing at the nicknames. he just rolled his goddamn eyes.

"so what ya doing here?" hoseok asked,  "i was cleaning the other horses" he replied taking hoseok as an answer.

"did you clean amira?", yoongi asked, seokjin who nod and let the other sigh.

"seok here will ride her, so if we'll you excuse us-"

"hey hyung can you come??"

"what?" yoongi asked, not liking if the older will come because he wanted to be with his hoseok only.

"oh its okay, you guys can get some alone time", he suggested but hoseok pouted, he dont want to be alone with yoongi because he's still not comfortable.

'yes!' yoongi thought, just smiling.

"its an order hyung", hoseok said, standing up properly and Seokjin was shock. yoongi was too same as seokjin.

"okay your highness, I'll come", seokjin said and bowed, hoseok was simply loving it.

Yoongi was just watching in this scene, he was shock that hoseok know that. or how his mood changed so fast.

He was really meant to be a queen.

"but-", yoongi stopped hinself, dont want this to end up to be a fight with him and his mate.

"lets go?", seokjin said and hoseok nodded, then waved at yoongi. Yoongi who was jealous.

"yah! I'll go too!", then he run after the two who was laughing.

"here's Amira", seokjin said pointing at the lovely horse. "can i touch her?" hoseok asked jin who nodded.

yoongi was busy taking out his own horse, not minding the both of them.

"hello amira", he said, voice too soft it made the horse look down at him. "can i touch you?" he added, the horse swang his tail and make a sound.

hoseok took it as a sign where she allowed him, so momentarily he touched the horse too fast making it wiggle its head and go crazy.

Hoseok who was shocked and nervous, he guess that did something wrong. it doubled the craziness of the horse because it sensed the emotions coming from the boy.

hoseok just frozed there, it was his first time so he didn't know how to handle it. Seokjin left to take his own horse so needed some help.

the horse didn't stopped, it was making sounds loud sounds it creep hoseok out because he dont want that, he was going to faint.

"hey hey, amira", yoongi came and looked at the horse. he held the horse and make it calm.

"sh it okay, calm down", he said touching and caressing its forehead and brought it to his so the horse can sense his emotions.

the horse calmed down, licking yoongi's face.

Hoseok was about to fall down so he let himself fell, yoongi was alarmed so he went up to the boy holding him.

"seok seok, can you hear me?", yoongi was calling him, he was catching his breath.

"what happened?", seokjin came, yoongi tell him the whole thing and Seokjin did what needed to do.

Seokjin told yoongi to put him to a near bench, and Seokjin massaged hoseok's forehead gently so the boy can feel its soft hands.

yoongi was panicking, he was shaking he didn't expected this to happen, neither do seokjin.

yoongi was looking at the weak boy, fighting its best to stay awake. he couldn't mere to look at the boy.

the boy was out of breath, he was shaking too maybe so shocked.

"yoongi call the doctor", seokjin said but yoongi realized that his phone was in his room. "m-my phone is in my r-room.." yoongi said seokjin looked at him.

"put him on his room, and rub it like this when his on his bed" he said yoongi nod, didn't hesitate too cary the boy and run.

he wasn't running or walking, speed walk i say and arrived at the boy's room. he kicked on it and it burst opened.

he put the boy to his bed and did what seokjin asked him to do.

"y-yoongi..",hoseok was calling him, the boy was shaking hoseok who tried to hold yoongi's hands.

"sh, its okay"yoongi said, he was feeling the boy's emotions. he was really scared and shocked.

"i-im sorry.."

"sh, it's not your fault"

"it is"

"it's not"

"i-it-",hoseok didn't finished his sentence because he was hugged by the older. he didn't want to push him away so he let it be.

"d-dont say that", yoongi said, literally shaking too. "sorry" hoseok whispered.

Hoseok wanted too sleep, so he fell asleep on yoongi's arms, yoongi wanting the younger to rest so he sang a lullaby, even if his voice was so ugly.

hoseok fell asleep, loving the olders warmth.

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