Baby [H.S]

By harryslittlesavage

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She was gorgeous green eyes and curly locks just like her father. Her name... Darcy May Joy. More

Baby ~Harry Styles~
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By harryslittlesavage

"Are you serious!" I could hear Harry voice shout from the other room, his voice cracking slightly. I sat by the counter with Darcy in my lap, playing with her tiny fingers.

"You have big hands mommy" She giggled while observing my hand. I mocked offense while raising my eyebrow. I pursed my lips while looking into her jade green eyes. "Oh i have big hands, you know what my big hands can do" I pulled my face close to hers. She began to smile as I smirked.

"They can tickle you to death" I shouted just as my hands ran up and down her sides sending her into a fit of giggles as I tickled her non stop.

Her laugh was so angelic. Somehow I find myself thinking this all the time. I always ponder how lucky i am. My heart breaks that my mother is gone and cant enjoy all these little moments.

The 6 anniversary of her death is coming up soon. It is just like she passed away a month ago. Me being 8 months pregnant bearing the loss of my mother.

When I look at Darcy I see a piece of her. I see her loving smile. I would do anything to make Darcy smile just so I can see my mother.

Darcy stopped laughing once my fingers stopped moving. She sat i between my legs as I played with her hair.

I hear nearby footsteps on the hardwood floor. Harry sat against the door frame while leaning one arm against it. He looked down at me with a bright smile while transferring his gaze to Darcy.

"I have great news" His voice filled with excitement. You could tell he was eager to tell me the news by the way he looked. His eyes were a lighter shade of green and his dimples clearly noticeable.

"I got a call from this management. They are willing to sign us. They also said they could have us on tour in the next month."

Him leaving the was all that I could process. So much hurt. So much heartbreak. My heart was shattered into a million pieces but he was happy. I tried to put out my best smile. For him.

"Harry that's great" my tone slightly smaller than before.

"Daddy whats tour" Darcy asked as i hugged her closer. This is going to be hard on her.

"Its when daddy gets to travel around the world and sing" He grabbed her hands and swung then around. Darcy's faced dropped as she stood up.

"Daddy your leaving again" Her eyes dropped tears noticeable. My heart began to break even more as the tears escaped her eyes.

Harry's eyes frantically rose is surprise and he rushed down to her side. "No no baby that not how it is. There's good news" He looked at me with sad eyes as he wiped away her tears.

"They said you and mommy could come with us"

That was the moment when all traces of my broken heart found their way back together again. A spark of hope flickered through me as a smile grew on my face.

Me and Harry and Darcy traveling the world together. It is all surreal. But what about Darcy. Could she handle the frequent traveling. But could she also survive without a dad for a year..

I was mentally fighting the thought in my head. I wanted this more than ever

"Tiff this is the part where you should say something" Harry's concerned voice pulled my out of my train of thought.

He placed a gentle hand on my thigh knowing that it comforts me.

"Harry I don't know what to say" My voice wavering as Darcy kept changing her glance from me to Harry.

"You should say yes".

"Yes" I spoke as Harry immediately shot up. He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. I began to shout as my feet left the ground. We were both to happy to care.

"Its going to be us traveling the world" He shouted as he continued to spin me around. "Its going to be us" I repeated not only for us but for him.

"Us" He whispered as he connected our lips. I heard Darcy squeal as she ran out of the room. I smile into the kiss as I savored the sweet feeling.

We pulled away and rested our foreheads together just enjoying the moment.

"When will we leave, whats the first stop" I asked the questions that were on the top of my head.

"3 weeks. The first stop is France and Italy" His eyes never leaving mine.

"I've always wanted to go to France" My eyes brightening at the thought of me and Harry in the city of love. Walking the streets embracing our relationship.

"And you will get to go with me that is" He spoke wrapping his arm around my waist. All the feeling of sadness and hurt washed away and was replaced with happiness. Me and Harry, with Darcy by our side traveling the world. Taking pictures being a family. It all just sounds so good.

"But there is one thing I need to do before we go" Harry broke my minute of joy. His voice stern as he looked in my eyes. His arm slowly extended and gently was placed on my cheek. The pad of his thumb caressed my jaw line as a smile set in.

"I want to make you my girlfriend that is" He spoke, each word paused for more effect. My breath was caught in my throat. I haven't been labeled Harry Styles girlfriend since I was 16.

You see the word girlfriend is overplayed. It has lost its meaning really. People date and call each other Girlfriend and Boyfriend. It all seems cliche don't you think. I want a love that is different than any mediocre relationship. I want a relationship that people wish for.

"I won't be your girlfriend" I spoke bluntly as his face dropped. His hands fall to his sides as he jammed them into his pocket. Her clears his throat while biting his lip. "What do you mean" His voice cracking towards the end.

A smile fills my features. I can't help it, the way he seems so sad. He is the father of my child why would i turn him down. "Erg I am kind of confused on why your smiling right now" He cocked his head to the side and ran his hands through his curls I so very love.

"Girlfriend and Boyfriend, its so cliche, high school. I want to be your only for forever. Not your girlfriend."

He looked surprised almost at my response. His eyebrows raised and his hands clasped together. He placed his hand to his heart as he let out a deep breath.

"You know at first I thought you were rejecting me" His deep chuckle filled the heated atmosphere.

"But now you being my Only for forever, sounds pretty damn good. But on one condition. I will be your Only for Forever s'well" He spoke with his heavy British accent that I always admire. Honestly the way it sounded from his lips sounded so alluring. Better than I imagined.

"Only for forever" I whispered as my lips ghosted over his. He quickly wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me into him. Me hitting his chest with a small thud. My arms extended to wrap around his neck as he dipped down.

He placed a small let lingering kiss on my neck before looking back into my eyes. That connection being felt right now. Whenever our eyes connect, its indescribable. Its love I guess you can say.

'Only for forever" He whispered right back. Our lips yet again connected lovingly. And in that moment we stayed together, enjoying this extraordinary connection we have. Savoring this relationship that we have. Just me and him , and our forever.

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