Hye-jae: Book 4

By Penshim

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The love story of Lee Seon-jae and Oh Hye-won of the top Korean drama series 'Secret Love Affair' continues... More

New Lives Part 1
New Lives Part 2
New Lives Part 3
Painful Pleasures Part 4
Painful Pleasures Part 5
Painful Pleasures Part 6
Painful Pleasures Part 7
Painful Pleasures Part 8
Bay Days Part 9
Bay Days Part 10
Bay Days Part 11
Bay Days Part 12
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 13
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 14
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 15
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 16
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 17
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 18
Manhattan Memories Part 19
Manhattan Memories Part 20
Glen of the Faeries Part 21
New Orleans Adventures Part 22
New Orleans Adventures Part 23
New Orleans Adventures Part 24
New Orleans Adventures Part 25
New Orleans Adventures Part 26
New Orleans Adventures Part 27
Seoul Vibe Part 28
Seoul Vibe Part 29
Seoul Vibe Part 30
Seoul Vibe Part 31
Seoul Vibe Part 32
Seoul Vibe Part 33
Seoul Vibe Part 34
Seoul Vibe Part 35
Hannam-dong House Part 36
Hannam-dong House Part 37
Seoul Vibe Part 38
Waking Love Part 39
Waking Love Part 40
Delicious Kiss Part 41
Cuties with Cuties Part 42
Musical Moments Part 43
Musical Moments Part 44
West Coast Wonders Part 45
West Coast Wonders Part 46
West Coast Wonders Part 47
West Coast Wonders Part 48
West Coast Wonders Part 50
West Coast Wonders Part 51
West Coast Wonders Part 52
West Coast Wonders Part 53
Bittersweet Memory Part 54
Bittersweet Memory Part 55
Bittersweet Memory Part 56
East Coast Joy Part 57
East Coast Joy Part 58
East Coast Joy Part 59
Double Date Part 60
Sweet Reunion Part 61
Sweet Reunion Part 62
City of Love and Light Part 63
City of Love and Light Part 64
City of Love and Light Part 65
Birthday Bliss Part 66
Birthday Beauty Part 67
Birthday Beauty Part 68
Birthday Beauty Part 69
Birthday Bliss Part 70
City of Love and Light Part 71
City of Love and Light Part 72
City of Love and Light Part 73
City of Love and Light Part 74
City of Love and Light Part 75
City of Love and Light Part 76
Dream Date Part 77
Bad Boy Part 78
Special Day Part 79
Special Day Part 80
Special Night Part 81
Special Night Part 82
Healing Joy Part 83

West Coast Wonders Part 49

189 7 0
By Penshim

Standing at the top of the Hamon Tower in the de Young Museum, the couple took time to enjoy the 360 degree views over the Golden Gate Park and across the bay, finding it hard to believe that they were still in the heart of the city.  They had loved the exhibitions of American art, including textiles from across the Americas through the ages.  They had spent time in the Osher Sculpture Garden - smaller in scale than New Orleans and more quirky than the one recently installed by Hye-won in Sagamore Hill - but no less interesting for that - and they had both loved the giant, red, ceramic apples set in the grass, which Hye-won giggled made her feel like Alice in Wonderland.  When their legs wouldn't carry them any more, they had a long, relaxed lunch sitting outdoors and then a stroll through the park, enjoying the breeze and the open space.  

It was mid-afternoon by the time they were back in the hotel and soon Seon-jae was leaving for his sound-check, but not before he brought his love into his arms and rested his head against hers, in a long embrace where both closed their eyes to feel the pulse and breath of the other.  When he spoke, his voice was a murmur by her ear: 'sweetheart, it's been just 24 hours since we have been reunited and I hate to leave you, even though it's just for a few hours.'

She rubbed his back, as she inhaled that musky scent she loved so much: 'sweetheart, I know, I feel very reluctant to let you go too.'  

She pulled back her head, as a memory flashed into her mind: 'love, I'm just remembering the first day very early in Freiburg when I was going off alone to explore the town while you were in class.'

He smiled: 'and I hugged you just like now, not wanting you to go then either.'

They both gave a little laugh: 'and it all worked out that day, didn't it?'

'Hmm, I suppose it did.  But really, are you sure you will be ok?'

She was about to reassure him casually but a closer look told her this was about more than leaving their hotel room for a few hours.  His face showed anxiety, tension, nerves.  She took his hand and brought him to sit on the bed and turned to face him: 'sweetheart, do you feel very nervous about tonight?'

He also was about to reassure her but he knew that honesty had always been what worked best for them and he smiled ruefully: 'yes, I suppose I am.'

'More than on other nights?'

He thought about that: 'well, before a concert, I am always...thoughtful might be the best word but tonight...,' he paused and she waited, her eyes on his: 'tonight means so much to me.'

'Why, love?  I mean I can guess why but maybe if you speak about it, it might make it easier to understand.' And control.

He smiled and lifted her hand, placing it between both of his: 'my sweet Hye-wona, you have such a kind nature.  You always know just what to say to make me feel better.'

She smiled and waited.

'Well, I'll be honest, part of my nerves is the new piece - it's so incredible...truly a revelation...I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of it.  Every time I play it, I hear something different in it.  But because I feel so much for it, I really want to...do it justice, I suppose.'

She nodded, understanding completely.

'But it's more than that.  I've imagined this night for so long...the end of the tour, you here with me, this new piece - and now that it's finally arrived...,'

He paused and this time, Hye-won prompted him gently: 'you are afraid that it will all go wrong.'

He smiled gratefully: 'yes, exactly...I'm worried that I will be the reason that the whole perfect night is a disaster.'

She looked at his anxious eyes and saw again the young man who couldn't negotiate the intricacies and politics of the cut-throat world that she had once navigated easily.  Her voice was calm and low: 'darling, I know that it is hard to believe but just take heart from all the audiences all summer who have responded so positively to what you do.  Think about it - they went along to hear this unknown performer for the first time and they just...well, they loved you - your talent, your sensitivity, your sex appeal.'

He eyed her, non-commitally.

'And remember all the times when you were conducting the student orchestra in Freiburg, when you told me before concerts that you were nervous about disappointing others if things didn't go to plan but they always did, didn't they?  Successes every time.'

His expression showed her that he was still not quite convinced and she thought for a moment, then smiled in triumph: 'I know...you should listen to a review that I read online of the concert you gave in Washington D.C. a few weeks ago.'

She stood and went to get her phone, searched and found the link, then returned to Seon-jae's side.

'Ok,' she pointed her finger and gave him an mock-imperious stare, 'now listen...really listen, ok?'

He gave a little laugh.  You are so cute when you are bossy, Seonsaengnim - Teacher but fine, I'll behave.

'Ok, I'll skip the part where they speak of the venue being renovated and cut straight to the good stuff - I had heard some good reports of this young performer from the east who has been playing a storm this summer but everything I heard was wrong.'   

She lifted her head and gave a high, eye-brow flick of surprise.  Super cute.  

She read on: ' - from the first note of the Chopin Polonaise to the last dying embers of Mendelssohn's Rondo Capriccioso, this was something special.  What a performer!  This young man has it all, with a stage presence second to none, which ensures that the audience are already relaxing before he plays a note.'  

She looked towards him: 'and that's not something that every performer has, you know.'  

She began to read again - ' - every touch belies a real artistry, strength where it is needed, lightness where that is appropriate and everything you could ever want in between.   The Capriccioso, in particular, was judged just right - the perfect blend of lyricism with passion - and just the right amount of capriciousness to seal the deal.'

'Capriciousness is just a fancy word for sex appeal, you know,' and he smirked at his clever woman.

She finished reading the review: ' - the house went crazy in their appreciation of this splendid performance and I was surprised when he stood to take his bows and I was reminded of his youth - seasoned performers would love to have a smidgen of his composure, his style, his interpretation and yes, I'll say it, his genius - ageless as that quality is.'

She rose her head and he saw the glint of tears in her eyes and knew that she was so proud and it made him realise that - as always - she was totally right.  He smiled: 'you are right, of course, you are always right it will be fine but thank you, my darling, I think I just needed to hear it from you.'

'You didn't hear it from me, you heard it from this very eminent critic.  But what you will hear from me is this...,' she placed the phone on the bed and took both of his hands in her and just as she had all those years ago, before his end-of-year concert in Freiburg, she carefully and lovingly placed a kiss on each of his 10 fingers and thumbs, then lifted her head and spoke with purpose: 'you are the most wonderful pianist I have ever heard play - and I've heard many, as you know - and there isn't a work written that you can't deliver with aplomb.  And audiences love you - you know they do - and this audience tonight will love you too.'  

She leaned close and placed a gentle kiss on his lips: 'and I love you to my very soul, Seon-jaea, and I will be right there with you, loving everything you do and I'll be going crazy with the rest of the house when you are taking your multiple encores, as we eat out of your hands - these gorgeous, gifted hands of yours, Lee Seon-jae - my sexy sindong - genius.'


Time alone to prepare herself for the Gala Night was such a luxury to Hye-won - these days, she often got herself ready to go to work while also brushing Hye-jae's hair or keeping an eye on Seon-won's teeth-washing antics - so she took full advantage of this unusual luxury.  A long, lavender-scented bath in the enormous hotel tub both massaged her muscles after all the walking of the last 2 days and gave her the chance to close her eyes and snooze for 20 minutes - something that always revived her.  I have always loved cat-naps but I love them even more now.  She grinned a little to herself as she recalled her love waking her early that morning with a playful nip to the ear.  He has a very feline nature too.  Smoothing, coconut-scented body lotion applied, hair brushed to a burnished sheen and gathered in a bun, a careful application of liquid liner above the lid and a matte rose dabbed on lips left her ready to dress.  

She took a moment to luxuriate in the smooth feel and delicate cut of the pale-grey, satin and lace pants and gave a little smile as she pulled them on, remembering Ciara convincing her that for this particular dress, a bra would be a travesty.  Always the dramatic touch, Ciara.  She sat and slipped her feet - toes now looking very fetching in silver paint - into high, strappy, silver sandals.  She moved her foot left and right to admire the red heel - a quirky touch that had been the feature that had made her buy them, pricey though she felt them to be.  Seon-jae will be thrilled - and that's worth any price.  

As she viewed the dress - laid on the bed - she heard again Hye-jae's little treble voice, rising to excited heights, as the children got a preview of Mommy's special dress for Daddy's special night- it's so pretty, Mommy, like a dress that the Queen of the Faeries would wear.  Hye-won knew that this came from the story that the children loved her to tell them at bed-time - after their story-book tale was finished - of how she and their Daddy had tied the knot in Ireland in the Glen of the Faeries.

'My favourite part is the morning after the wedding - when you and Daddy walked on the beach - and you felt that the Queen of the Faeries was watching over you and giving a blessing to me in your tummy.'

Hearing Hye-jae's cute comment, Hye-won had felt such love for her that she had bent to enfold her in her arms from behind and had popped a kiss on her cheek, whispering: 'thank you, precious, do you think Daddy will like it too?' to which Hye-jae had nodded vigorously, totally convinced that no-one could not like such a fantastical concoction.  Seon-won had looked sad that his big sister had been at this magical occasion without him but he had cheered up when Hye-won had moved the conversation along to talk about how well they were both doing in their preparations for their Daddy's welcome home concert.  

Secretly though, Hye-won had some misgivings about wearing the dress that she and Ciara had picked out and bought online, neither having time to get to the stores at such short notice to find what Ciara declared needed to be a showstopper.  Ciara was clicking through dress after dress - neither of them seeing anything remotely interesting - when an image of a silver-grey, beaded dress with sheer panels across the shoulders, full, tulle skirts and slim, cinching, silver belt had caused them both to say stop at the same time, which made them both burst out laughing at their like-mindedness and persuaded Hye-won to purchase it.  When it arrived the next day and she tried it on, Ciara had oohed and aahed enough for 10 friends: 'it's perfect...such a pretty colour...and with your hair up... maybe in a bun like the other day - you looked so cute - this dress is going to knock Lover Boy on his back...,' then adding with a saucy giggle: 'though that's just where you want him, of course.'  Yes, it's a pretty colour but is it appropriate for a Gala Night?

Ciara's wayward imagination aside, Hye-won had loved the look and feel of the dress and that had decided her to wear it.  And if I like it, Seon-jae will love it - he has always been like that.  That thought alone was enough to give her courage and she took a deep breath and stepped into the dress, zipped it up, slipped on the belt and turned to the full-length mirror.  She took a careful look, twisting left and right to get the full effect and she had to admit - with the hair, make-up and shoes - it really did look pretty.  And that will be enough for Seon-jae - and he is the only one who will be looking at me.  She picked up the silver wrap that would keep out the bay breezes, took a deep breath, and stepped from her hotel room.

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