The light at the end of the t...

By ur4liferrrrr

2.6K 70 32

"I don't want a smile if it ain't from you" The sweet innocent girl, can she handle this emotional roller coa... More

The cast
Chapter 1 - the next chapter
Chapter 2 | social anxity
Chapter 3 - her
Chapter 4 - Mysterious boy
Chapter 5 - books
Chapter 6- knowing her
Chapter 7 - chill day
Chapter 8 - the Clair to my lune
Chapter 9 - late night convos
Chapter 10 - endless conversations
Chapter 11 - Home
Chapter 12 - sleep
Chapter 13 - Rain
Chapter 15 - traning
Chapter 16 - its ok
Chapter 17 - girls night out
Not an update
im back?

Chaptet 14 - sick

71 2 0
By ur4liferrrrr


I went to the kitchen I actually don't know how to make soup, I went on my phone and I searched it, I got the stuff and started cooking.

I knew how to cook since I was 14 so I knew what I was doing I just never cooked soup before, I always found it disgusting but I had to make it for her.

I went to check on her she was sleeping, I grabbed my cig packet and went in the patio, I lit it up and took a deep breath, I always hated reality that's why I always run from it with weed and alcohol.

After I was done I went back to the kitchen, the soup was ready at least that was what google told me.

"Hey wake up soup ready" she shrugged and went back to sleep. I grabbed her and sat her down "oh hell naw I made soup for you and gotta eat it". She laughed and sat I sat next to her and gave her the tray. She moved away from me and I raised a eyebrow, " I don't want you to get sick". I sat next to her "oh shut up and eat" a smirk came on her face "nope don't even think about saying that" and she laughed at it. I grabbed the spoon in the bowl and got some in it lifting it up to her mouth, she didn't open it, "oh come on don't be so hard" she looked me in the eye  and then to the spoon and opened her mouth I put the spoon in her mouth.

I fed it to her like a 2 year old and now we were done, I suggested to watch her fav series vampire diaries in my room so if she falls asleep the can sleep there.

She stood up wrapping the blanket around her and it was so cute I grabbed my phone and took a pic of her "hey no pictures the queen isn't ready for any" I looked at her "just go to bed" she laughed and went to my room.

I clean up the kitchen and washed the dishes, I put our dirty clothes in the washer I went to check up on her she was watching it just like I expected to, "popcorn?" She nodded not even looking at me "popcorn" I went back to the kitchen getting some corn and putting it in a pan with salt and oil letting it pop after what felt like a hour they were finally done I put them in a bowl and went back to my room, I sat down next to her handing her the bowl and she gladly took it.

We watched  4 episodes and half way through the last one she fell asleep I turned of the light I put the bowl on my desk.

I fixed her position and pulled to covers over her. I went out grabbing my car keys and going out to clear my head out I locked the door so no one could go in and I left her keys inside if she needs it even tho I am sure she will be asleep.

I drove down the busy street until I got to this road me and someone always raced. No one was ever there and that road led to no where it was safe not exactly cus we didn't know what could ever be out there.

I got there kinda late cus the boys were already there and waiting for me, I pulled up in front of Aron he came across and sat in the passengers seat. He would always sit there no matter how much I would say it was dangerous if I ever got into a crash but he would always say "we where born together so we die together" I don't even know what that even supposed to mean but if he doesn't care I probably should either.

Ellie went in the middle of the two roads the one I was on and the one Jacob was one. I was distracted everything on my mind was Luna I couldn't take her off  my mind

Thank god we didn't place a bet tonight cus I fucked up so bad I didn't even go half the speed I would usually go, my head was everywhere expected here.


This was today's chapter sorry for not updating a lot but I don't think people even read these but I will try my best to update more often.

Btw today is my birthday Ahhhhhhh .

Don't forget to vote and I love y'all


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