Married To My Gigglemug

By chandusweety4

522K 28.9K 3.3K

DAKSH ELLI SHRAMA: An arrogant, sly & cunning handsome prodigy who is famous for his coldness for his entire... More

Author Note


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By chandusweety4

Hasna pov:

"What!! speech nd we " we both shouted loudly while looking at each other in horror.

Ayyo kaduvale..why are you making me fall in these type of tough situations.

I don't even know how to give a welcome speech...sure, I may be a topper of school & college but I'm never good at public speaking. I'm an anti social girl who hates attention.

"Smiley, what will we do now" nina asked me nervously like I have a box of solutions with me readily.

"I don't know" I said pinching my lips anxiously.

Sir: Are you both planning to stand there or are you both going to follow me.

We both looked at sir with our innocent faces but who he is a the king of cruel Raksash.

We both followed that cruel Raksash @ our sir by cursing & scolding him till we reached that mechanical  department where we have to give that damn speech.

As soon as we reached there, we both are welcomed by the unknown faces. One boy was already giving the welcome speech making both of us let out a breath.

Luckily we both are safe. There is no need to give that damn speech anymore as it is already taken care by someone.

Sir: Don't think that you both got saved.

We both looked at each other. An unknown fear crept in me thinking what that Raksash sir was planning against us.

"sir what do you mean by that" nina asked him in tension.

Sir: That means, Hasna has to give the welcome speech of a guest in few minutes nd you have to stay with the guests till they left.

We both gaped at each other worriedly. I was feeling all jittery. Why did always nina wil get lucky nd I'm an unlucky fool.

Why did I even showed that scene  to Nina?

Guess what...I have curse myself for my bad luck😥

"Sir can you please tell me who is the guest" I asked him uptightly.

Sir: you will know it once you go the dias nd Don't worry, they will give you a small paper just read it there.

I nodded my head..soon they called my name..

I timidly walked to the dias feeling hella agatited. They handed me the paper..

Hasna just read whatever written in there in that damn paper nd go back..

No need to be feel edgey...come on you can do it..


Good Morning everybody! It is both an honour & pleasure to welcome everyone to the grand seminar about xyz which is being hosted by the mechanical department. I'm hear to share a few words of our guest who is a famous young enterprenure before welcoming him on to the stage..

"When life knocks you down..roll over nd look at the stars..That's the sprit of an entereprenure."

That's how Mr. Daksh Elli Sharma stays hungry for innovation & postivisim in business.


Is he my handsome wolfy is a business man.


How can he be a business man. I mean if he is a business magnet then definetly i would know about it right.

I mean I could have certainly hear some rumours about him all over the campus right nd added to that if he is a business man then he would be busy by 24/7 instead ragging us.

So noway he is the great business man. I chuckled at the thought.

Him being a business man..😂

May be the name is coincidence..I shrugged those thoughts nd continued...

At the age of 15 he started his own IT industries with out any support from his family spreading his wings all over the world with his friends. He was running like a cheetha in the business world dedicating his day & nights to his work making it more successfull along with his friends who supported him in thick & throne.

Wow.. he is really great...he is same like Elli...

After speaking about him a little more..I welcomed him on the stage..

I'm taking this opportunity to specially welcome the the founder of Info tech Software industries nd his friends who was also a part of the industries.

I slowly raised my head to see that great person who is smilar to my idol Elli...

I got appalled when I saw who he is...all my thoughts got backfired...

There he is....walking like an treacherous wolf along with his batch looking damn hot in that black blazer wearing a smirk on his lips while looking at me.

H-he i-is t-that famous business magnet!!!

Ayyo kaduvale...How the hell i didn't know about it!!

I frozed in my place while staring at him..

Ayyo kaduvale...I never thought that today you would give me the biggest shock of my life.

He is really a business man.....god, hasna what will you do now. I was numb. I couldn't move an inch..

But how the hell I didn't know about it..


I came out of my trance by hearing my name and gulped hard while averting my gaze from him.


I quickly turned around and saw our lecturer gesturing me to come down.

I gathered all my senses which i lost just now due to the shock what my great wolfy gave me nd walked down from the dias. He was too walking towards me nd I was looking at him hoping he would give a recognizing smile to me but in return i got nothing.

He was back to his cold face. He walked past to me with out a glance at me like he didn't know me...

Hehe....I laughed mockingly at myself..

Who am I to him to spare a glance at me?

I was disappointed nd sad. I stepped down the dias nd walked to sir.

"Sir, shall I leave" I asked him hoping he would send me back so that I can escape from here.

Sir nodded his head. I quickly without waiting a second walked out of the hall without turning back.

I never thought that I was crushing on a famous business man. I don't think an ugly girl like me had a right to crush on him. I think I don't deserve to be even think about him.

With those thoughts revolving in my brain while tears flowing from my eyes I went back to my room.

I don't know for what reason i was crying.

It's better I should forgot about all these things nd focus on my career.

All these crush, love are all not my cup of tea. They are not for me. Actually, they didn't born for me...



I wiped my tears, stepped in to the washroom nd washed my face. I glanced at the mirror...

I forcibly stretched my lips making sure I was giving a smile which is  a fake one obviously nd opened the door.

Urivi & deepa came in. I walked back to my bed..

"smiley...let's have our lunch." urvi chirpped in.

"No urvi I didn't feel like eating. you both go & have it" i said trying to smile.

"Why ?" deepa frowned.

"Nothing.." i shrugged my shoulders.

"Ok" they said nd left. I laid on my bed...

What am I doing?

I questioned myself...just because of a guy I was skipping my lunch. This is not me..

I shouldn't be like this. I won't let that wolfy affect me in any way.

With that I got up from bed and locked the door nd quickly ran to my friends who were walking..

"Urvi!! Deepa!!"

I screamed at my top of lungs. They both turned around nd shook their heads smiling at me. I ran to them..

"So some one changed their mind" urvi said playfully.

"Yepp.." i said stressing the p more.

They both laughed at me. We had our lunch nd walked back to our college.

While we three are sauntering to our class. I saw him & his batch talking to the higher officials. Before his eyes caught mine I shifted my eyes from him to else where.

"Waoh my chirag is looking so cute" urvi gushed.

She said making me look again in his direction but this time cabir anna was looking at me nd gave a sweet smile. I to return back a small one nd quickly averted my gaze.

"Guys you both go on...I will go to my chirag" urvi said cheerfully.

We both nodded our heads but for some reason deepa looking so tensed.

"Deepa" I called her. She looked at me..

"Why are you looking anxious?" I asked her..

"I'm not" she straightly denied.

"It's clearly visible on your face..If you feel like sharing then you can share it with me" I said assuring that i'm there for her.

Before she could answer me..I heard an angry voice of nina...


I looked in that direction. Nina was stroming towards us with a scowl on her face.

Phew....look's like I'm dead now.😩

" Why didn't you said anything before you are leaving nd left me alone there all by myself" she yelled not caring that we are on the middle of the small road which gained the passers attention.

"what took you so long to come back" she shouted again not giving me a chance to explain.

"Leave it..come we have to go to lab" she said holding me hand nd dragged me while deepa to followed us.

All the while I was feeling someone eyes on me. But I didn't care to look back at them as I'm not in a mood to know who the person is nd left from there.
What ever it may I couldn't stop thinking about my wolfy. At night, I decided to searched about him in google. And guess what there is his full information in wikipedia along with his height, color bla bla. I was stupified. Not only me but nina too.

Guess what I did next...I opened my instagram account and searched his name.

His account pop out on my screen only to get astounded by the number of followers he has. He literally has millions of followers but he he had follwed very little amount of people.

very little means very very very little..

He only followed 90 members out of million people..

So, I decided to follow him. I clicked on the follow button.

Hehe..I grinned...i mean my account name is not my original name. I  named it as something different & unique so he don't know that i followed him. I smiled thinking I was secretly started stalking my crush in instagram.

And, About nina, she started cursing cabir anna for not telling to her about he is business man.


Days passed, we never saw them again. In the mean while we all got busy in our assignments & completing records as exams are nearing.

I busied myself in studying for exams but I never forgot him. After completion of exams we left home.

I felt better after going home. After enjoying 10 days with my family. I again came back to hostel.

1st year 2nd semester started..

It's been one month after 2nd semester started.  May be I enjoyed being with my friends but a part of me missed him.


Hearing his name, my heart started beating rapidly..

It's been four months since I last saw him. He kinda stucked in my mind. He never left my mind even though I study, eat, sleep what ever I do his image always flash in front of my eyelashes. I tried to shrug his thoughts but no they never left my mind.

Slowly my crush turned into a deep more. That's when I realised it's not a mere crush nd not more than a crush but it turned into a beautiful love. I realised I fell in love with him.

My fear of falling inlove with him came true.

But why?

Why it is him?

Why it has to be him?

Why my heart only beats for him?

Why my heart wants him?

Why my mind always wander around him like a sun revolves around the earth.


Why kaduvale(god)?

Why must be him?

Why the person I love the most should be him?

Why can't he be another person ?

Because you can't get him hasna. It's a mere fact. He is far away from your league?You won't even worth for him.

What ever it might be I have to hide my feelings deep inside my heart. I would never let anyone to know about my feelings for him. My unrequited feelings for him will always be locked by me in my heart...

For the first time in my life i hate myslef.

I loath my body which covered with stretchmarks.

How I was wishing to be a fair & slim girl.

I had tried so many skin whitening & brigtening products but nothing worked on me. All those are fake products which done nothing good on me but had got pimples on my clear skin. My mom & periamma scolded me for using those products nd even warned me to not to use them anymore.

Due to my Anni's home made remedy  I got rid of it luckily.

Whenever I stand beside Nina I was feeling so insecure due to my color  as she is so fair.

A continous fear was crepting in me from a long ago that what if someone might comment at me as the same way some people did in my childhood whenever I was with my sister..

If that happen's now...i will die at that moment. But that doesn't mean i'm envy of her.

No..never..I can never be jealous of her because it has nothing to be with her.

It's my insecurites...nina will be always my best friend nd will be. There will be nothing change in it but if only she wants to break our bond then only our friendship will not be longer.

I know what you all thinking that everyone says that I'm beautiful then why I'm saying that I'm ugly.

I too don't know about the reason why they say like that but I know one thing that I'm an ugly pig if not then why would those people from my childhood says that I'm ugly & a bad omen to family.

I will just hide my feelings for him in my heart just like my insecurities nd will lock so that no one knows about it.

That doesn't mean I will stop loving him. Infact I can't stop myself from loving him because we don't know when we fall in love nd when we will fall out of love.

For me there is no chance of falling out of love for him because my heart craves for him, my eyes searches for him, my lips dance in happiness when I just got a glimpse of him...nd my soul it longs for him.


I came out of my trance and glanced at nina who was busy in looking at the basket ball ground which is filled with numerous students who are cheering for him.

"come we will find a place for our selves there"

I just smiled and walked further along with her.

We find ourselves a place near a tree. Leaning to the tree, I saw my wolfy looking so clam.

I may be not let anyone know about my feelings but I will enjoy the feelings being  in unrequited love. That's the reason why I'm here.

Yesterday I heard that they came back to college to play the basket ball  tourment. As soon as I heard eyes danced in joy that atleast they could get a glimpse of him after a longtime. That's the reason why we are here.

Everyone in the crowd were screaming his name but he was as calm as a sea. His eyes wandered for someone in the crowd..may be she was here...his sweetheart...yes, he was searching for his sweetheart.

As I was busy in staring at him...his eyes stopped at mine making my heart thumping more loudly. But thankfully he shifted his eyes soon nd focused on his game.


The roaring didn't even stopped for once to let me take a breath..

"Wow...daksh sir is an awesome player darling" nina chirpped in.

"hmm" I nodded trying to give a small smile but inside my heart was hammering like a drum making my body erupt in goosebumps.

My handsome wolfy was making me going through all these things which i never felt before.

He was trying to prevent the opponent to shoot the ball through the hoop where as our opponent was trying to shoot but soon my wolfy snatched the ball from the opponent nd we got a goal.

I was so enchanted by him...the way he was playing the game...he looks damn hot while playing may be that's the reason why he has so many girls following...soon we got more goals than the opponent.

We won..he made our computer science department won.

A smile played on my lips looking at his face. While all were enjoying the victory where as he placed his right hand on his chest by facing his face upwards to the sky by showing his whole heart raced when i saw his toothy smile making my lips dance into a huge grin in his happiness.

Soon, his friends lifted him in air by throwing him and catching him while a huge roar came from the crowd.

"He is really talented & a great player na" nina said.

"Not only he but also his teammates too" I said pointing towards cabir anna, Rishi sir, mohit sir & chirag sir.

"Hmm..yeah but daksh sir is so good.." nina said rolling her eyes.

"Hmm he is."I said looking else where.

"Why are you avioding eye contact with me when ever we are speaking about daksh sir" nina quired me cocking an eyebrow at me playfully.

"M-me..."I stammered while pointing my forefinger at myself not knowing what to answer.

"Yes, you miss hasna...Have you had a crush on daksh sir" Nina asked me naughtily.

"" I stuttered

"Oh really!!" she exclaimed.

"Hmm" I frantically nodded my head at her.

"But I doubt that" she gave a knowing look.

"Go to hell " I fake yelled at her to escape from her further introgation session nd walked a head.She too followed me..

"Darling..why did your cabir anna stopped messaging me & not even replied to messags & calls..nd here he was playing the basket" nina asked me the most repeated question.

Almost everyday she eats my brain about cabir anna..

Here goes again..

"Nina may be cabir anna is busy..." i said hoping she would stop talking about him as i'm in no mood to listen to her blabbering.

"you don't understand my pain.."

Her words hit my heart. If only she knows what i'm going through..

"I miss him so much but he doesn't even care infact I think his love for me has died"She said as a matter of fact.

I glared at her..

"Nina...may be he is quite busy" I said.

" busy" she said rolling her eyes..

I shook my head knowing about her. Once she starts talking about cabir ann then there will be no end to it.

"I think we should go to food court nd have a delicious paneer pizza.what's say?" I asked her to put an end to her talks while cocking my eyebrows at her playfully to which she ginned back at me nd said..

"I'm in"

We both laughed nd walked back to food court..

As we both were busy in devouring our pizza that we didn't noticed someone came nd sat beside me..

I peered at my side only to see cabir Anna looking at nina adoringly who was busy in completing her last slice of pizza indecently.

I quickly kicked her leg under the table..

"what the hell hasna" she yelled  raising her head from her plate nd stopped in the middle gaping at him..

She was looking at him with shock written on her face while Anna has a smirk on his face which I frequently saw on my wolfy's face.

But my wolfy look more handsome with his evil smirk..


To break the awkward moment...I decided to greet Anna..


I said they broke eye contact nd Anna smiled at me..

"How are you close up" He said caressing my hair.

"I'm fine anna..what about you" I asked him.

"I'm not fine without my baby" He said looking at nina who was turned into scarlet.

I felt like I'm the third person in between them.

So I tried to escape from it but soon another voice popped out beside me..

I looked at that side and saw Rishi sir..

"So close up, just we are not there for four month's in the college nd you forget us.." Rishi sir said accusing me smilingly.

Like I did a big mistake..I internally rolled my eyes at him.

"More over where is your obedient do you think after fresher party you are free." mohit sir said plopped on the other chair.

Where did he came from?

I gulped, soon the whole batch arrived at our table settling themselves freely while ordering something.

All the students who were there in the food court are looking at me weirdly, some were funing at me nd some girls are glaring at me.

But what's my mistake in this. I mean I willingly didn't went to them, they themselves came to me.

Phew...guess what..I forgot to give reply to them..

"No..sir I mean good evening sir. "I greeted everyone nd in return they all laughed at me.

Huu...did I played any joke here..

"Seriously we are just kidding close up. You don't need to call us as sir from now on . "Rishi sir said in return I nodded my head smiling.

"And where is your other friend" Rishi sir asked me.

"Pari is absent sir. She is not feeling well" I said.

Rishi sir nodded his head. All came to the table except him. Ye, he was busy in speaking outside with Aashi. My heart pained at the glimpse of them.

My poor heart..😩

"So close up how are you all, all this while nd nina I heard that you tried to bribe the lab external" mohit sir said.

(A/n: A lecturer who come's from another college to other college to conduct a lab exam are known as a lab external....

I tried to put to it correct words as i don't know how to explain it. I hope you people got it)

As soon as I heard it I burst out into a fits of laughter remembering the memory..

I suppressed my laugh when I realised I became a center of attraction as all eyes are on me. I felt embarrassed while my face turned red.

Me nd my big laughter..

"So what made you laugh" Rishi sir quired me raising his perfectly shaped eyebrow.

I slightly peered at nina who was gesturing  me by shooking her head as negatively indicating don't blurted out anything.

"Tell us close up we too will laugh along with you if you tell us" cabir anna chipped in.

I gave an apologetic look to Nina as there is no chance to escape from them..

Flash back

It's c language parctical exam tomorrow as well as urvi birthday too. So pari, deep & I are studying in the morning so that we could celebrate  urvi birthday by enjoying the night while nina said that she will study at night.

I urged her to study but no use. So i left her like that.At night after having dinner..

"Nina...atleast now open your book and study"I told her.

"No i don't have interest to study now. so I will study in morning.." she replied.


"Leave her, tomorrow she will realize" pari said taunting her.

I didn't said anything. After urvi slept we all decorated the room with balloons without making any sounds nd went to warden room to bring the cake from fridge which we kept it in warden room after receiving the delivery from food court.

After arranging everything we woke up urvi at 12Am nd she was surprised to see the arrangements & became so happy. After celebrating her birthday we all slept.

The next morning when I wake up I saw everyone were studying except nina.

"Nina..wake up...atleast study now there is still two more hours left"I urged her.

"No...I don't feel like studying I heard that we can bribe our lab external. So i will bribe him" she said causally like a matter of fact.

(A/n: bribing an lab external is wrong. I just used it for fun don't take to heart nd don't say that i am spreading illegal activity or something like that)

I gaped at her in shock but later tried to put some sense into her thick brain but no use. So I left her to do what ever she wants.

We reached the lab nd settled in our alloted places...

Pari & I glanced at nina who was daringly walking to the lab external sir...

I wish he don't suspend her from attending the exam..

Nina: sir..

Sir: yes..

As soon as the lab external spoke a few amount of salive spilled out of his mouth as soon as he opened making few of drops fell on her face.

Nina was disgusted by him but she kept her still calm nd directly offered him money to which he questioned her for what..

" Don't act sir I know you know it why i was giving it." Nina said boldly

After realising for what purpose she was offering..sir smiled at her...

Sir: why not we will go out and talk about this matter..

We thought he agreed to it but the next second he started yelling at her that he is a genuine lecturer nd bla her all the while his salive was sprinkling on all over her face like a water droplets..nevertheless he allowed her for exam.

After that she quickly went to washroom nd washed her face with face wash for almost I think more than 10 times.
                 Flashback ends

"Then how did you wrote your exam. I mean you didn't learn anything" Mohit sir questioned her.

"My darling helped me" nina replied smiling widely at him.

They all looked at her baffled..

"Darling?" they three questioned her in union.

Hufff...stupid nina way to embarrass me. She could has said my name..but no..

"She my giggling baby.. My best friend hasna" nina pointed at me making me more red.

They all chuckled at both of us but didn't said anything.

But all the while someone was burning holes in my body. I slowly glanced in that directiom only to see my wolfy staring at me with his intense eyes which were pulling me into him like a spell.

"I think we should leave" I heard nina voice.

I nodded my head nd bid bye to them nd walked back to hostel..



Hope you guys loved the update..

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Stay tuned till the next update.


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