Why Me? (Undertale x Reader (...

By Xd_lol1234

2.1K 33 15

I don't own Undertale, or the cover pic, I only own the plot When you, Y/N, had to move to a new place and me... More

The day your life was ruined forever (part 1)
I love Mcdonald's...
Your new job

The day your life was ruined forever (part 2)

352 6 3
By Xd_lol1234

(Your POV)

By the time school is over you're gasping for breath from staying away from Chara. Where the hell did she get those knives?? I wonder to myself as I turn to walk home.

I'd better get out of here before Chara- And as if on cue. I run into Chara again.

"Oh... hey Y/N," She says. I look around for Frisk. She's nowhere to be seen. Chara gives me the creepiest smile I've ever seen and takes out a knife. I turn to run but she grabs me and pulls me back. "Wait!" I yell, "I take it back, I take it back!! You're a beautiful, beautiful girl!" I beg. Chara doesn't care.

I lived a good life... I think as Chara holds the knife to my throat. Actually no. I lived a shit life but it's gonna be over soon anyway. I close my eyes. Suddenly I feel Chara's grip fade. Oh... I must be dead... strange... There was no pain... I stay still for a while. Then I feel someone poke me.

"Hey kid," someone said

"Don't you know how to greet a new pal?" I suddenly realize something. Wait, I'm not dead? Damnit...

"Turn around and shake my hand,"  I do as the person says. Only to learn that it's not a person, but a skeleton in a blue hoodie. I'm about to shake his hand when I see a whoopee cushion in his hand.

"Look, I know I'm dumb, but I'm not that dumb!" I point to the cushion,  kinda offended that the skeleton thought I would fall for that trick.

"Welp," He shrugs, "Anyway, I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton," He said.

I look around, "Where did Chara go?" I ask,

"Oh yeah," Sans smirked, "Frisk called me and said Chara was on a rampage, so I teleported her back," He explained.

I sighed in relief. "Thank you... I'm forever in your debt!" I give Sans a short bow.

"No problem, but hey... She really had a huge bone to pick with you, what did you do?" he asked

"I thought she was a boy," I admitted, ignoring Sans's pun. Sans lets out a little laugh.

"Sounds like you had a rough day, but don't worry, it's gonna tibia ok!" He jokes.

Bruh... really? I don't reply.

"What's wrong? Don't find my jokes... humerus?" He laughs

"I'm losing brain cells..." I whisper. "I'll get going..." I sigh. Suddenly my stomach grumbles furiously. Oh right... I didn't have lunch... come to think of it... I didn't have breakfast either... I realized.

"Hehe, Don't worry kid, I got you." Sans punts his hand on my shoulder. I hear a ticking sound and suddenly, I'm at that famous monster restaurant... Grillbyz. 

"What the fuc-"

"Hey, Grillby! Can we get two orders?" Sans asks. Grillby raises an eyebrow at Sans, 

"And this time you'll pay your tab right?" The fiery man asks.

"Don't worry! the tab will be paid!" The skeleton smiles. Although I don't appreciate getting teleported here without warning, nor do I appreciate the constant puns Sans continues to tell. But I'll admit, the food is good.

Before I realize it, I'm done. I smile, satisfied. "Alright, I'm done, thanks for the meal Sa-" I look over and realize Sans isn't there. Did he... teleport away... I gulp as I feel Grillby's gaze.

"Look, i-it isn't even my tab!" I try to reason.

"Someone has to pay, Sans never said he was going to," He says. 

(After you pay the tab...)

Tiny tears slither out of my eyes as I walk out of the restaurant. My money... my wallet... I want to cry so bad.

"Heya kid!" I whip around to find the skeleton himself. "How was the food?"


"Woah kiddo, you need to calm down..." Sans smirks. Another tick sound and suddenly, I'm back in my house. I stumble and fall onto the couch.

"How did you know where my house was?" I asked, bewildered.

"I felt it in my bones!" Sans winked before telporting away. 

Is this what Chara feels like? I wonder feeling hate and rage towards Sans coursing through my body. I get off the couch. Mom and Dad don't come home till midnight so I go to my room because homework exists.

Suddenly, my phone rang, It's mom... I realized.

Mom: Y/N sweetie? Could you buy some groceries?

Y/N: I don't really want to-

Mom: Go buy them.

Y/N: ok fiiiine


Ok, I think I have everything... I think as I walk out of the store. 

"Ma'am! are you sure you want to buy ALL those chocolate bars?" the store staff says from behind me. I turn around to see what's going on. Oh shit. It's Chara... Again...

(Chara POV)

"Ma'am! are you sure you want to buy ALL those chocolate bars?"

"Yeah, give me all the chocolate you have!" I order.

After safely securing all the chocolate, I made my way out. Alright, now then time to call Sans to teleport me out of here... I sigh taking out my phone.

"Hey kid!" He says, "I'll be by the red truck ok?"

"Got it, thanks," I say. Red truck... I looks around, Hmm... Ah, there it is, oh and Y/N's there too- Wait what! I realize. Y/N and I lock eyes for a second. Forget it... I scoff quietly and walk past him. Suddenly, my phone started ringing again

"Sorry kid, something popped up, could you walk home?" Sans asked, he end called before I could reply. Ugh...

I proceeded to make my way home. To my surprise, Y/N was walking next to me.

"Stop following me," I growled, which made him flinch.

"I'm trying to go home..." He whispered. 

"Yeah me too dumbass," I glared at him.

"Are you sure abo-"

I suddenly stop him by putting my arm in front of him. "Wait," I said. I feel a chill crawling on my back and a presence eyeing us. I know this feeling. "We're being followed!"

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about?" He asks following my gaze. Suddenly, a few people come out of the shadows. 4 of them... I can take them. I concluded, pulling out my knife.

"Wait," Y/N stops me, "If you do that, we'll get arrested, think of Frisk! She'll be affected too!" Y/N reasons.

"Do you have a better idea?" I ask, he smiles.

"I'm so glad you asked!"


"Just follow my lead!" I tell Chara. 

"Fine, but I don't like the idea of following you." She scoffs. 

At least she'll go through with it, good enough. I conclude as I walk up to the robbers.

"Hi!" I greet them, 

"Sup kid," The leader greets back, "How 'bout you give us your money, it's not like you could do anything to avoid us anyway!" He laughs,

"Yeah... no, I don't wanna give you money," I reply. The robbers face turns serious.

"I wasn't asking little shit," He takes out a knife. Oh shit, he's armed.

I clear my throat to calm myself down. Here goes nothing! Suddenly, I point behind them. 

"LOOK IT'S THE FAMOUS POLICE OFFICER UNDYNE!!" I yell, somehow, it works and they all turn around. I grab Chara's hand "RUUUUUUUN!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Huh? Hey there getting away!!" The robber yelled as he and his gang chased us.

Ok, I think we'll be able to make it to a public space where there are a lot of people and- I turned around to see the robbers gaining on us. Never mind... were screwed... 

It wasn't long until they caught up with us and cornered us.

"H-hey fella's... let's talk about this..." I stuttered as they started closing in. "Hey wait! Guys look, it's Undyne!" I yelled, pointing behind them again.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, stand still and let us kick your ass," The robber said, his gang growled in agreement.

"No I mean seriously, Undyne'll kill all of you if don't turn around and run now!" I warned. The robbers laughed.

Suddenly, Chara stepped up. "Y/N's right... She's right behind you," Chara agreed,

"Awww, the little girlie's joining in..." They mocked.

"HEY!!" Someone from behind the robbers yelled. the robbers turned around.

"OH SHIT, IT'S ACTUALLY UNDYNE RUN!" The leader yelled as the fish lady started taking down the robbers.

I don't know why, but I couldn't help but laugh at their suffering. Chara joined in giving her own maniacal laughter. Undyne came over to us after she had taken out the robbers and stuffed them in a police car.

"I heard you call out my name, so I came to see what's going on," She explained with a proud smile on her face "I'm glad you did!" She then looked past me. "Chara? You're here too? even though you say you hate all humans other than Frisk..." She smirked.

"I could've taken them on y'know" Chara claimed.

"Yeah you definitely could've, but you would've killed them!" I protest.

"Anyone wanna tell me why Chara the psychopath is hanging out with Mr. Average Joe here?" Undyne asks.

"This road leads to both of our homes," I explained, "And I know her and Frisk from school,"

"Really? But Chara doesn't remember anyone if they're not important to her..." Undyne raises an eyebrow.

"Oh I think I'm pretty important alright..." I mutter to Undyne, "She's been trying to kill me..." I say half-hoping that Undyne will take Chara away from attempted murder.

"Tell me more," Undyne requests

I start to explain the nightmarish relationship between me and Chara.

"Ah I see..." Undyne nodded, "I thought you were her boyfriend for a second," She chuckles

"What? Seriously?" We both start laughing. Chara? Dating? Just the thought of it makes me laugh.

"Hey! I'm still her y'know!" Chara pouts. Suddenly Undyne pulls me aside.

"Look, I like you little guy, but you gotta stand up for yourself instead of running away all the time, here's a good time to practice, fight back against Chara!" Undyne orders.

"Ok!" I nod.


I clear my throat, put my hands in my pockets, and put on a stern face "FUCK OFF SASSY CHILD!" I order her.

"YEAH! THAT'S THE SPIRIT!" Undyne cheers me on. I turn to give her a thumbs up and she does the same. Her face then turns to urgency. "Look out behind you!" She warns. I turn around to see a deadly Chara. Her eyes have turned into black eyes with blood-red pupils and her evil smile is one that I know will give me nightmares for months to come

Oh, shi-

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