The Mimic | JJK x Black Reade...

By lawiji

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This fanfic is highly inspired by the roblox game "The mimic," but there's a twist, it's a JJK x reader fanfi... More

The Beginning
inpatience is needed
why is it happening again?


160 7 1
By lawiji

The noise of tiny pieces of wood scattering could still be heard. Itadori was even surprised by how he did this, he didn't even know he put that much strength into it.

Nobara's mouth watering as wide open, "ITADORI HOW STRONG DID YOU GET?"

"I DONT KNOW? I'm just as surprised. I didn't even know I put that much force into the hit," Itadori looked at his fist that was still balled up, "it's almost as if it wasn't my own power."

Megumi had his arms crossed like he was impressed by Itafori's doing, "damn you sure are strong now." Megumi grabbed a flashlight from his back pockets. The school still had running lights around the area, but the shed was pitch black.

"Why didn't we bring our phones again?" Nobara asked.

"We couldn't. There's phone towers around here, they would have tracked us."

"Yeah but.. it's not that big of a deal? Coming into an abandoned area, right?"

"Yes. Yes it is. We could go to JAIL," Megumi began stepping inside the shed, walking past the broken wood pieces on the floor.

Nobara sighed, "I could've taken a video of Itadori smashing that door. If he failed though, that would've been funny."

Y/N covered their mouth, so no one could tell they were laughing, "Nobara... stop." They snickered.

Nobara started snickering too, "What..? It would've made a funny video." Itadori ignored them and walked in with Megumi.

Megumi was in the middle of the shed looking down at lit candles that were in a circle, "Megumi wh-" Itadori spotted the lit candles too, he walked up next to Megumi, "did you do this?"

"No," Megumi answered. In the middle of the circled candles, there was a star, "someone was definitely here before us."

"What are y'all doing in here? Being g-" Nobara and Y/N spotted the candles on the floor as they walked in, "what's that?"

"Candles lit up, with a star in the middle of it," Megumi squatted down, "I... I think it's a star made of blood. Definitely smells like it."

"Woah," Y/N said, "maybe we should.. go now. It got really weird here."

"WAIT! Let's not go yet, it's obviously someone trying to prank us? There's no weirdos around here, this is obviously a joke," Nobara walked up to Itadori and Megumi, "this is scary though." From the corner of her eye she saw something shining next to the candle, "hey... is that a key?"

"Wait maybe w-"Before Megumi could finish Nobara already picked up the key, she rushed out of the shed with itadori.

"Megumi come on, we're just looking at our old classrooms and making memories here, even if something bad DOES happen I got my super strength, no?" Itadori smiled at Megumi before leaving the shed.

Megumi didn't know what to do, the smile was.. cute to him, but he didn't want to follow through. Something in his body told him to do it anyways though, so he followed his gut feeling, "Praying that nothing goes wrong," Megumi started to jog to catch up, but before he left the shed he looked back at Y/N who was staring down at the star with chandler.

"Y/N you good? We're going to the school, they got the key now,"Y/N still stared down at the candles, "Y/N..?"

"Oh, yeah? Sorry.. I just thought this was weird. Almost as if i've seen this somewhere else."

"Ohh, well we're going now. Are you going to come? Or..."

"Yeah I'm coming, sorry I just zoned out for a second."

"Okay." Y/N and Megumi ran up to Itadori and Nobara shortly after. All four of them stood in front of the door, ready to see and get the nostalgic feeling of their old school.


"Who is that?" A raspy voice said, "wait.. where am I... I was just.."

"You're inside your head. I teleported you here, it's pretty dark here as well," Sukuna said, sitting down in a chair with his legs crossed and his arm resting on the arm rest.

The person looked back at him," who are you? What.. I can't just go to school." They were trembling with fear, they could sense the power of Sukuna... the strong powerful spirit of him.

"I'm ryomen Sukuna.. I know everything about you just by sending your presence."

"Y-You know me?"

"Yes. You were created by.. her.. to assist me. You are helping me get out of here, and I will." Sukuna got your from his chair and slowly began to walk over to the Grey haired person who he brought into his own mind, "Now, it's either you help me or die."

"Y.. YES! I will help you.. Just, may I ask why you are here if all places?"

"This is where it all happened, where I was first cremated over 200 Years ago. The Yuji Family will tremble, this will be the last of them.. I've been trapped inside of their bodies for 2 centuries. Doing nothing but seeing their horrible lives live on. This is the year I get out."

"What may I do for you? Master?" The grey hired man asked.

"You mahito... You must get that boy itadori yuji and his little friend group to a certain area. I need them there so I can take over his body completely. I'm in Itadori Yuji's body... I will take over his body. He's the best vessel for me thus far. He's perfect." At this point Sukuna was Standing over Magito, towering over him like a demon.

the only thing visible to Mahito was Sukuna's dark red eyes, "Y-Yes master Sukuna."

"Very well... It'll begin shortly, they are now at the entrance of the gym. As soon as they come in I'll have an appearance.".

"Yes, I'll escort them as soon as they get closer to me."

"I'll do my best to lead them towards you," Sukuna began to walk away from Mahito and back to his human-bone made chair. As soon as he sit down he crossed his legs and flared at Mahito.


"Nobara, open the door! You have the key!?" Itadori yelled at Nobara, motioning his hands at the door.

"I'M TRYING! MY HANDS ARE WOBBLY," Nobara's hands wobbled as she tried to insert the key into the lock.

Y/N stepped up next to Nobara, "give it to me," they took the keys from her hand and easily opened the door. Everyone walked into the building besides Itadori, he was standing outside the door fiddling his hands, "Itadori are you coming...Or? You were the most prepared for this," Y/N look back at Itadori as the others walked in further.

"Oh, yeah! I just.. got a little scared," Itadori looked away as if he was lying, but something in him arises when the door opened. Something deep down in him, it's like he wanted to go, but couldn't.

"You? Scared?" Y/N began to laugh, "stop playing, come in." They gestured Itadori to come in, Itadori followed right behind as they caught up with Megumi and Nobara.

The school wasn't anything like they remembered! It's only been a couple years and everything has changed. Most of it has to do with it being an old building and moss, grass, plants growing in it. The vibe felt different to the group, as if it was a curse.. or worse.

"Does this place gives anybody else the creeps?" Y/N asked, worried about Megumi the most because he was looking in all directions at all times.

"Yes," Megumi quickly answered.

"No, I don't sense anything wrong," Itadori answered. The total opposite of what he said earlier of how he was scared.

"Weren't you just scared earlier though? It's giving liar." Y/N looked Itadori directly into his eyes and all they could see was someone holding back a smile.

"WHAT? BUT I WAS!" Itadori yelled, distant animals that lived in the dead school scattered at Itadori's voice.

"Oh nah, there's rodents?" Nobara backed up and held onto Megumi who was behind her at first, "Megumi you can get them right?"

Her pleading eyes scared Megumi, he was annoyed, "Uh.. No.." Megumi slightly shook Nobara off of his arm.

"WH- God, it's always the gay people," That was hypocritical coming from Nobara, even though she liked only girls.

"But y- Nevermind," Megumi cut himself off before things escalated,

"But what? Go on.. say it."

"Nothing, nevermind."

"Mhm," Nobara turned around, "Gay ass..."

Megumi sighed, "whatever."

There was a continuous walk down the long school hallway, again another big change. The group didn't remember such a big hallway here, it felt like it continued forever.

"Do you even think they still have our lockers?" Megumi asked, trying to find a way to get out quicker.

"Yes, they have to! We have to hope at least.." Itadori looked around the hall with his flashlight to see if any more signs of lockers were visible, "Even if they don't have our lockers we can still go to our classrooms, right?"

"GUYS! COME HERE! LOOK!" Y/N yelled, the group that was way behind them looking the opposite direction turned around.

"What?" Itadori and Nobara said in unison, after they said that they looked at each other and began laughing.

Y/N gestured for them to come, "Come look!"

Itadori, Megumi, and Nobara quickly ran to Y/N and squatted down next to them, "WHAT IS THAT?" Itadori yelled.

"I..." Y/N brought their head a little closer to it, it was a red footprint on the floor.. a skinny one at that., "I think it's a bloody footprint."

Megumi's eyes widened, "Really?" He got to where Y/N was and looked at it closer too, "No way.. it is." Itadori bright his head up and looked forward, in front of them there's a door where the bloody footprints seemed to be heading.

He opened the door and to his surprise there were more bloody footprints, "Guys, there more." Itadori pointed to the trail of footprints that were leading into the room.

"We should leave," Megumi said, scared for his life. He's never been in such a drastic situation before, he needed to leave, he wanted to leave as soon as he could.

"We should see where these lead too?"

"NO WE NEED TO L-" Megumi was cut off by a sudden noise in the background.

A creature of some sort, they were grey and had scars all over them, no one knew who they were or what it was. It didn't look human nor an animal they could recognize.

Not even seconds later the group was hit by a sudden force of nothing that knocked them all back, nothing was heard. They couldn't hear anything at all, but a woman crying in the distance. Megumi looked over to Itadori, then to Y/N, nothing was heard at all. He couldn't hear anything, Itadori's mouth was moving but he couldn't hear anything.

Megumi looked to the creature infront of him and his eyes widened, the room was going black at where it was, Megumi got up to run away, Itadori followed him.

But it was too late

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