Hye-jae: Book 4

By Penshim

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The love story of Lee Seon-jae and Oh Hye-won of the top Korean drama series 'Secret Love Affair' continues... More

New Lives Part 1
New Lives Part 2
New Lives Part 3
Painful Pleasures Part 4
Painful Pleasures Part 5
Painful Pleasures Part 6
Painful Pleasures Part 7
Painful Pleasures Part 8
Bay Days Part 9
Bay Days Part 10
Bay Days Part 11
Bay Days Part 12
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 13
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 14
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 15
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 16
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 17
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 18
Manhattan Memories Part 19
Manhattan Memories Part 20
Glen of the Faeries Part 21
New Orleans Adventures Part 22
New Orleans Adventures Part 23
New Orleans Adventures Part 24
New Orleans Adventures Part 25
New Orleans Adventures Part 26
New Orleans Adventures Part 27
Seoul Vibe Part 28
Seoul Vibe Part 29
Seoul Vibe Part 30
Seoul Vibe Part 31
Seoul Vibe Part 32
Seoul Vibe Part 33
Seoul Vibe Part 34
Seoul Vibe Part 35
Hannam-dong House Part 36
Hannam-dong House Part 37
Seoul Vibe Part 38
Waking Love Part 39
Waking Love Part 40
Delicious Kiss Part 41
Cuties with Cuties Part 42
Musical Moments Part 43
Musical Moments Part 44
West Coast Wonders Part 45
West Coast Wonders Part 47
West Coast Wonders Part 48
West Coast Wonders Part 49
West Coast Wonders Part 50
West Coast Wonders Part 51
West Coast Wonders Part 52
West Coast Wonders Part 53
Bittersweet Memory Part 54
Bittersweet Memory Part 55
Bittersweet Memory Part 56
East Coast Joy Part 57
East Coast Joy Part 58
East Coast Joy Part 59
Double Date Part 60
Sweet Reunion Part 61
Sweet Reunion Part 62
City of Love and Light Part 63
City of Love and Light Part 64
City of Love and Light Part 65
Birthday Bliss Part 66
Birthday Beauty Part 67
Birthday Beauty Part 68
Birthday Beauty Part 69
Birthday Bliss Part 70
City of Love and Light Part 71
City of Love and Light Part 72
City of Love and Light Part 73
City of Love and Light Part 74
City of Love and Light Part 75
City of Love and Light Part 76
Dream Date Part 77
Bad Boy Part 78
Special Day Part 79
Special Day Part 80
Special Night Part 81
Special Night Part 82
Healing Joy Part 83

West Coast Wonders Part 46

172 6 0
By Penshim

A stroll later confirmed both San Francisco's status as the hilliest city in the states but also one of the most diverse.  High-rise buildings littered down-town but were interspersed with quirky, even quaint oddities, such as the nineteenth century, seven-storey, copper-faced building called Columbus Tower which stood incongruously in the shade of modern sky-scrapers.  Or the incredibly cute Painted Ladies - 7 Victorian houses, much photographed and greatly revered - relics of a long-gone era.  When they had walked until their legs were sore, it was fun to queue with the other tourists and take a ride on the tram through Chinatown towards Fisherman's Wharf and hop off to stroll the piers.  Clam chowder and an Anchor Steam beer - native to the city - revived them and they enjoyed another stroll along the pier to take in the most extraordinary sight of hundreds of sea lions piled along the wharf to enjoy the sunshine and feature in the holiday photos of a multi-cultural throng of tourists.

They revelled in the sunshine and sea-air, as they viewed the enormous, de-commissioned military ships docked along the wharves but more than anything, they just enjoyed being together, holding hands, chatting, laughing.  Seon-jae, in particular, seemed irrepressible, his happiness to be reunited with his soul-mate clearly obvious in his every word, smile and gesture.  At any time, he was a heady mix of sex appeal and cuteness but bubbly like this, Hye-won felt that he was possibly as beautiful as she had ever seen him and she felt her spirits soar to match his and her smiles and chuckles were as freely bestowed my bubbly man her lips twitching at her own thoughts.

At the far end of the pier, Seon-jae - guessing that his love's early morning start was catching up with her - pulled Hye-won towards a convenient bench and with strong arms, brought her to sit across his knees, a twinkle in his eyes to feel her beloved curves press into him.  The fun of the day, the sense of joy to be reunited, the happiness emanating from Seon-jae to have her with him  - all seemed to rise a wildness in Hye-won and seeming without conscious thought, she put her hands to the back of his head and drew his lips to join hers.  The electric effect on both was immediate, as the rest of the world was instantly muted and all that existed was this hot, wet sensation that sent shivers through both of them, tingles of desire that had them both breathing hard and aching for each other instantly.  When they finally drew back, they slowly became aware again of the sounds and sights around them - another couple laughing as they passed hand-in-hand, an old lady pushing a small dog in a child's buggy, small kids with their parents - it all seemed so ordinary but now tinged with the sparkle of this intense moment of attraction that they had shared.

His voice was a guttural groan: 'my God, Hye-wona, you kill me...you just...kill me.'

She grinned gleefully, with not a trace of remorse: 'sweet babyboy, I'm sorry but you did pull me onto your knee and you have been smiling so much at me and you know that sort of...kills me too.'

He chuckled but the deep-felt groan was still in there: 'my gorgeous lady - how can I not smile when you are here with me?  Think of how much I've missed you...no, worse than that...ached for you.'

He took her lips again, a shorter kiss this time but no less potent and their pants of excitement were hard to control, as they hugged each other tightly.


A large group caught their attention as they strolled back along the pier.  On an electric piano, a female performer with bouffant hair and sequinned jacket, every digit be-ringed - closer to 70 than 50 - was smashing out an amazingly speedy version of the classic rag-time tune Maple Leaf Rag.  As the performer made the most of every syncopated pop and flourish, Hye-won saw that not a single person listening was standing still - feet were tapping, shoulders were rolling, there was even a mom dancing with her little toddler son.  Seon-won would just love this - Hye-jae too.  She noticed her own body was swaying to the rhythms, as was Seon-jae's, his grins showing his enjoyment.  He feels rhythm right through him too.  It was exuberant and fun and cost no more than a contribution to the lady's tin-box, made as they walked away, drawing a wink of thanks without missing a beat.

The sun was beginning to get closer to the horizon and the extreme heat of the day was losing ground to a stiff breeze off the bay that had Hye-won shiveringly laughing to Seon-jae, as he cozied his arms around her shoulders: 'wasn't it Mark Twain who said that the coldest winter he ever spent was a summer in San Francisco?' making Seon-jae splutter, as they walked briskly to take a tram.  By the time they hopped off, the streets that had been bathed in hot sunshine were now opaque with dense fog and the damp droplets made the air more frigid.  They had hardly gone 10 steps when atmospheric lighting and syncopated jazz sounds a world away from rag-time seemed to call to them and they ducked into the elegant bar with as much relish as Seon-won skipping into an ice-cream shop.


A sense of cool elegance pervaded, with a long, wood-panelled bar along 1 wall drawing early evening customers to drink from variously-hued drinks in long-stemmed glasses.  Hye-won was about to suggest they perch at the bar when Seon-jae spied a cosy, candle-lit section with low couches towards the back and leaned to whisper in Hye-won's ear: 'that couch has our name all over it,' and she tittered as she moved towards it.

Once there, Seon-jae lost no time getting up close and personal again, just as he had for coffee that morning but now, in the dim lighting and easy harmonies of the mellow jazz that had drawn them indoors in the first place, he was even more hands-on, inter-lacing Hye-won's fingers through his.  

'My love, we have trekked all day, yet you still look perfectly fresh - and very inviting.'

His eyes were dancing imps of excitement, as he took his time to gaze from the tip of her glossy hair - loose upon her shoulders - down along the checked shirt and slim-fit jeans.  His eyes were rising pings of excitement in her but the arrival of the flamboyant waiter to take their order forced them to break their gaze while they sought a recommendation.  

'Well, it depends on your tastes - let's see - do you like coffee?'

They both nodded vigorously and he seemed to take it as a sign that they were good people.

'Of course you do, everyone in The City loves coffee.  So then you just have to taste an Espresso Martini - it's smooth and strong, just how I like my boyfriends.'

They both chuckled at this well-worn joke and agreed to try his recommendation.  As he turned on his heel and sashayed away dramatically to place the order, Hye-won whispered to Seon-jae: 'he reminds me of Ciara's friend, Jonas - remember, the night of your end of year concert that first year I came to Freiburg?'

His eyes gleamed at the stirring memory: 'I certainly remember the night - I was so emotional after the concert,' a hot look passed between them that made it clear that it was his public declaration -  before his friends, his class-mates, his teachers and the whole audience that his encore was for his one true love, Oh Hye-won - that had made the night so special for the couple, 'and then you entered the bar looking like you had stepped out of the pages of a glossy magazine and my whole body just zinged.'

She smiled naughtily and leaned closer to tease him with a seductive whisper: 'and tell me, what does a zinging body feel like?' and he leaned towards her and dropped his voice to a breathy murmur: 'give me 1 minute in private and I promise you'll feel it too, my sexy temptress.'

She had no doubt that he would be as good as his word but the reappearance of their chatty waiter saved her that particular delight just then.


First deep sips of the viscous velvetiness proved the waiter's recommendation - it really was all any coffee lover could hope for.  A moment of shared appreciation followed the initial hit of ice-cold strength pierced by fiery, hot smoothness: 'wa - wow - that's...amazing.'

Hye-won nodded but she didn't lose the chance to tease: 'maybe, this is what a zinging body feels like,' and his smirking grins and gleaming eyes showed his appreciation of her clever taunts.   He licked his lower lip and anyone watching might have thought that he was merely licking away the after-taste of the cocktail but between the couple, he might as well have screamed - this is nothing compared to how your body will zing for me later - and the atmosphere of hot need from their earlier kiss rose between them again and it had nothing whatever to do with their drinks.


Emerging from the bar, they were amazed that the weather had again changed drastically - the fog having evaporated taking the dampness with it - so they could stroll comfortably to their hotel.  As they walked through the lobby, Hye-won giggled and took Seon-jae's hand in hers: 'you know, it's all very well having strong, smooth cocktails in the early evening but that seems to have gone straight to my head.'

Seon-jae grinned as he took in the flushed cheeks and cozied an arm around his giggling girl: 'you know what, much as I'd love to explore that feeling further, I think we should maybe steady you with some food first.  When I was checking in earlier, I asked the receptionist to recommend somewhere close that would be suitable to bring my beautiful lady to eat and she actually told me that the rooftop bar here has an excellent reputation.  She also said that it is where all the hip and trendy people go, so my beautiful lady would fit right in.  What do you think, food first, hmm?'

She nodded good-humouredly and he steered her to the lift.  Though you'll always be the knock-out in any group, my tipsy cutie.


Seated on cosy couches under curtained canopies, the couple relished the salt-scented breezes, stunning views across the bay and a dusk sky turning a gorgeous shade of ultramarine.  Local, langoustine prawns were too tempting to resist and their sweet, juicy goodness tasted even better with a tart Californian Riesling.  When both were thoroughly satisfied and their plates cleared, Seon-jae lifted his love's glass and offered it to her and cleared his throat: 'my love, I'd like to toast...you, my beautiful babygirl, whose giggles make me weak, whose words make me weep and whose love is my reason for living...,' he clinked his glass to hers, 'to you, my precious sweetheart, my one, Oh Hye-wona.'

Hye-won hadn't expected such a moment and for a second, she remembered his declaration in the taxi in Ghent - Hye-wona, my darling woman, you are my one, always and forever and I know in my soul that I'm your one too...so the question, Oh Hye-won, is, will you marry me?  The memory seemed to strike her in her deepest self, as it brought a rush of feelings - the surprise of the moment, the wonder, the worry that it might be the wrong choice and the decision to abandon those worries and accept this magical man as her true soul-mate always and forever.  The strength of the feelings that had run through her then took her over and in seconds, her eyes were pooling with tears.  Seon-jae saw the tears and reached to stroke away the one that rippled along her cheek: 'honey, what's wrong?  Have I upset you?'

She didn't have the voice to reassure him, though her quivering smile helped to allay some of his fears and instead, she cradled her cheek into his palm and rested her eyes briefly.  This moment, this moment right here.  I feel it just as I did in Ghent.  No, even more now, with all the wonderful times that we have spent together.  When she flickered open her eyes, she saw that her tears had brought his and then she also reached and cradled his cheek and the tender moment needed no words.

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