Perpetual Infatuation

By xoxomarbil

234K 16.8K 1.7K

A Clumsy girl, crushing over a guy since 4 years yet never talked to him. Now, when finally she has his atten... More

Character Sketch
1: Embarassment
2: Nan-dii-Niiii
3: Stare
4: Chocolate
6: 41 Minutes 33 seconds
Character Info.
7: Mother of Dragon
8: Talks
9: Not so Fav
10: Bus
11: Best or Worst?
12: Butterflies Died
13: Texts
14: No One Important
15: Meeting Again
16: Tag Along
17: Train
18- Loser?
19: Engaged
20: Fever
21: Go Home
22: Dinner
23- Mehendi
24: Blank
25- First Night or First Kick?
26- Manik's pov
27- Biryani
28: Club
29: Paparazzi
30: Back to square one?
31- Regret
32: Love, Like or Leave?
33- Back to Palace
34- A new to way to apologise
35- Emotions
36- Embarassment
37- If and what
38- Punishment??
39- Study
40- Moonlight
41- His Monkey
42- Result
43: Perpetual Infatuation

5: Giving a Try

4.2K 350 25
By xoxomarbil

Sorry for the mistakes

Nandini's pov

Finally, my so called friends came back after having their fun night. I also had a fun night just minus the part where Manik patted my head

" So much about not ditching? " I complaint to them as soon as they came, they all gave me their sorry look which I ignored

" Don't talk to me " I yelled going towards the exit door when I saw something, more like someone which stopped my feet

There was my crush, heavily making out with I don't know whom, inbetween the exit door and the staircase

His head was below the girl's collar bone while his hands were roaming all over her. The girl was all over him, pulling him more into her.

The girl has everything which would attract any guy. She was tall, slim, hot and classy.

Shaking my head a little, I looked down to see myself and saw my jeans, chocolate stained top, a messy bun and very short height which is nowhere comparable to her.

No matter how much I will try, I would never be that girl.

What I felt at that moment was something, I can't explain even If I want to. It wasn't like I have never seen him with any other girl, its just that today It hurts more than before.

I don't know why

Seeing me stopped, my friends came beside me to ask what happen, but stop when they saw where I was looking

I didn't know what their reaction was, as I was busy with my own silly, stupid, idiot, foolish heart

" Nandini " Zara whispered making me avert my gaze from him

I felt Divya wrapping her hands around my shoulder, they all were looking at me with a concerned face

I am strong enough to handle this.

" What? Its ok, I'm totally fine " I said chuckling a little

They didn't said anything only gave me a hug, which made me realise that I'm anything but okay.

We started walking to the door which was unfortunately just beside him. Suddenly he turned back breathing heavily and his eyes met with mine

I didn't know what to say or do, but he plainly ignored me like I never existed, or we didn't talked sometimes back.

He was staring or more like glaring at me like I'm some stranger, the girl beside him was pulling his head again and again towards her, Not wanting to make the situation anymore awkward, I smiled a little and left


The next day after the club night was Sunday, so all I did was sleep, eat and binge watch " The Expanse".

I love sci-fi series!

My friends tried to tell me that its okay and they are here for me, but I didn't wanted to talk.

I mean there is nothing to talk about!
Its not like we are in a relationship of any kind. He can do anything, and I am no one to stop him because its his life.

Yep, it did hurt but as they say you can't control everything so, its okay.

I guess

" Guys, big deal. Jovi, you have crush on every other person on this planet, so, it doesn't mean that they can't do anything, right? " I said to my friends once again trying to tell them that its fine

" That is the thing. I crush on so many people, but you only like this one guy and that too from past 4 years. God, Nandini! you didn't found any other guy? " Jovi said and whined at the last which made me chuckle

" I always try to do something different, you know right? " I told her smiling

" You peeps shut up with your so called boring crush talks. I have got something here " Divya said smirking

" What? " Zara asked

" Taa-daaa " She said showing the 4 cigarettes in her hand

And I jumped from the bed to hug her, well I wanted to try cigarettes since forever, now its going to get true

I was busy jumping when Zara had to open her big mouth saying " we can't do this here. Its not allowed in hostel "

" Shut up, Zara. I'm in for the adventure " I said loudly

We all grinned, while she sulk sitting on the bed

" Zara, come on. No one would know and I have got very strong perfume for that " Jovi said

" Also, don't you want me to be happy after encountering last night? " I gave my puppy sad smile

" Fine, Bitch " she muttered

Here, I come cigarettes!

So, it was decided that after 11 in night, we will start the smoking session in Divya and Jovi's room which is just infront of us, as by then the warden usually goes to sleep.

God, I'm excited!

Waiting for 11 pm seems like eternity, so I thought to check my phone as I received a notification of being added in some group on whatsapp where almost 250 people were added.

One of the professor sent a text there saying " This is the official curriculum Group of 3rd year and 4th year students. Any queries, first hand information regarding your curriculum would be resolved by the respective Faculty and Student Member "

God!! 3rd year means Manik

I started getting nervous again, damn Nandini, control your freaking hormones!

There is this thing about liking someone which I have realised recently, that you can't control or stop yourself from stalking them, no matter how hard you try

Keeping my self respect aside, I started from the very first contact, Some of them had profile picture and some didn't. I was busy in searching when one picture came into my view.

The guy was shirtless, facing the beach with his hands up, his face wasn't visible, but damn his shoulders, biceps and back was so muscular, I stalked him enough to know he is Manik.

I gulped, gulped hard seeing him shirtless facing the beach

Someone help me!

Just by seeing him shirtless, I started sweating profusely. With a shivering hands, I saved his number as " Don't Fall for Him"

Its been an hour already, and I was still gazing at his profile picture.

" Nandini, are you alright? " Zara said coming on my bed to check

I was inside the blanket staring at him, hearing her voice I sat straight and said " y-yeah, I'm good. Lets go "

" What's with the face? What are you hiding? " She asked furrowing her eyebrows

I decided that I won't tell my friends about this Phone number thing, because after yesterday they will want me to stop stalking him

" Stop being detective, lets go break some rules " I said ignoring her questions and pulling her with me

We went inside Divya and Jovi's room, like we own it and plopped on the bed

" Where is the stuff? " I asked lazily laying on the bed

" Here " Divya winked showing me matchstick and cigarettes

"I still think its not a good idea " Zara again said

" Shut up " We all yelled

Divya, being the most knowledgeable in this department lit our cigarettes and started telling how to inhale and then, exhale but I cut her off

" I know " I said proudly taking a puff but ended up coughing bad, real bad

" I know " they all laughed and mimicked me

" Why I'm coughing? " I asked ignoring their laugh

" Because you're not doing it properly" Jovi said explaining the whole procedure but the stupid me, still coughed every freaking time.

Time to time, we were spraying the perfume all over the room

" What the hell? Its nothing like having peace " I whisper yelled

" And who told you that it will give you peace? " Zara asked raising her eyebrows

" My friends, movies, and series" I said stating the obvious

" Your friends knows how to do it properly and they must have been addicted with this, Also, movies and series are not real " Divya explained to which I shrugged

The stubborn me didn't stop until and unless it was finished. Zara said that I wasted the whole cigarette but I could care less because its fun to puff and then pretend like its cure of everything when in real, its nothing just a smoke.

After our little adventure session, we thought to watch some horror movie  " Friend Request" this time

As I have already seen the movie before, I wasn't getting interest so, I opened my phone.

Forgetting where I am, I again opened his Number and stared at his photo, and in just a few minutes, Jovi started shouting.

I was like what happened, when my phone was snatched away from me and the lights were switched on. All of them were glaring at me

" What? " I asked innocently but they decided to ignore me and look at his picture. I face palmed myself because of my idiocy.

" So, anything to say? " Jovi asked raising her brows

" No, now give me my phone " I tried to take my phone back but couldn't.

" Fine, I saved his number, so what? I was added in a group and he was also there so -" I muttered

" Nandini, you will only hurt yourself more in this process " Zara said

" I know " I muttered looking away

" Please give me my phone " I again tried to take but its 3 to 1, plus I'm the shortest in this group

And in all this pulling and pushing, I heard a sound, a small sound that the text has been sent.

" Shit, no" I shouted finally having my phone only to see that the deed is already done

Some random letters have been delivered in his chat, without thinking much I deleted the text for everyone

I glared at my friend with so much anger that I would have kill them right there and then, if I wouldn't have received a new text

Closing my eyes and slowly peeking in the phone, I saw its his text.

I can't do this

" No, I can't " I said giving my phone to my so called friends

" He is asking who is this? " Jovi read the text loudly

" God, help me" I murmured hiding my face in the pillow

" N-No one, say no one " I said

" What about your profile pic? If you say no one, then won't he see that? " Divya asked

" No, he won't be able to know because Nandini Madam here had a momos and Pizza in her profile pic " Jovi said giving me an unbelievable look

" So what? I love Pizza and Momos." I defended

" But that doesn't mean you will put your Profile Pic as that " Divya agrued

Before we could have some more argument, the most mature person in our group spoke

" ok guys stop. Nandini, if you really wants to take a chance then, this is yours. Before proceeding, I want you to know that the results might not be positive and you would end up hurting real bad. So, think for sometime and then say. According to that we are gonna text" Zaara said seriously

What she said made sense! I wanted to give it a try actually. Knowing 99.9% chances are that I'll be hurt far far more than yesterday, but I want to try.

" I think, I would take this chance "I said seriously

" Sure? " Jovi asked, I nodded

" Alright then, so here starts Mission Nandini and Manik " Divya said almost yelling

And just in a second, the teasing started

" Wait wait, he again texted " Divya said stopping everyone

The text said

Nandini Murthy, will you say anything? I know you are still in in a shock but its real. You're Lucky that your crush is texting you back

Self Obsessed!

" So Nandini Murthy? " My friends teased and I hide my face

" Reply with a sass" Divya winked

" Just first tell him that it was a mistake" I said still hiding my face

After a few sec or maybe a minute Jovi said " Sent "

" What did you wrote? " I asked

" Sorry, the text went by mistake "

We sat there for a few seconds, when again my phone buzzed

" Yeah, I encountered these kind of mistakes a LOT!!!"

Jovi read loudly

" What the hell? He thinks that I knowingly sent him and now pretending that it was a mistake, Zara do something " I said embarassed and offended by his text

" Nandu, its your call and You're going to take it maturely. So, talk to him like you. Just be yourself and reply those text with your twisted sense of humor" Zara said seriously

Well, Zara is the only one mature in our group. So, one way or another we kind of listen to her

Kind of!

" But what if I would mess it up " I said taking my phone

" then, we are here for you with another pack of cigarettes, okay? " Divya laughed, hugging me and I felt happy that these 3 witches are my friends

Even though we are from 4 different streams but, these are the ones on whom I can count on.

I'm doing Aerospace Engineering, Divya is pursuing Electrical Engineering, Jovi, Computer Science and Zara is Graduating in Commerce.

We all are from different streams, different states, and different religions but still we are together like no one in this hostel

We were still hugging each other, when my phone buzzed again and I blushed in the deepest shade of red because of my friends eyes

" I'll fill you with the details tomorrow" I said laughing

With this I went to my room followed by Zara


Laying on my bed and keeping the blanket till my head, I unlock my phone again to reply his last texts

Thinking for like 2 minutes, I didn't got any savage reply so all I texted was

" Oh please, You wish "

He texted:
" Well, if we're counting my wishes then you should know its no where near innocent "

God! What is this guy? Always in the mood!

I didn't replied anything to his text, so after few minutes he again texted me

" Anyways, so how come you got my number? "

" The group in which we all are added " I replied

" Group?? Which group?"

" The whatsapp group for curriculum queries" I texted

" Oh, I didn't saw "

What is this guy?
I check all my texts and group chats

No one texts you Nandini, my subconscious mocked me

" Ohk, so what's up? "

I said in a hope to talk to him more,

" Nothing much, gaming and stuffs"

" Oh ok "

he saw my text, but didn't reply.

I felt like he didn't wanted to talk, well reality check Nandini!

I was busy with my thoughts, when my phone buzzed again and I looked to see his text

My breath got hitched seeing his text, I started sweating profusely and the nervousness reached to the level infinity.

His text said:

" Would you mind, if we talk on call? This texting is so time taking "

Shit! What am I suppose to say?

Zara is still awake and if by any chance I would talk infront of her, she would kill me with her eyes, I don't want my friends to know this, not atleast now

Taking a deep sigh, I think of an excuse, telling Zara that I'm going for a walk, I left

She didn't got to know, because I love walking and Its not new for me to walk at this hour, which by the way is 1:30 am.

And I have class at 9!

Going outside, I texted him back saying "ok"

Within a few seconds he called me and with a shivering hands, I picked up the call, the first word I heard him say was " By mistake, huh?"


Its not good, I know but please tolerate my shitty writing, this Chapter really gave me a headache as I didn't wanted to stretch the chapter but after a lot of cuts, its still 2700 words and I didn't proof read or anything. so yeah, it is what it is!

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