Grande Amour

By AhnRieJin

487K 24.1K 7.8K

๑Reconsidering๑ Wei Ying roamed the streets of Yiling. Desperately calling for his mother and father as the b... More

Chapitre Un: Toucher chaleureux
Chapitre Deux : Être une seule famille
Chapitre trois : Te connaissant
Chapitre quatre : Soie cramoisie et fleurs
Chapitre cinq : Les cieux accueillants
Chapitre Six : Soie blanche et doré noyaux
Chapter Seven : Faites-moi confiance
Chapitre Huit : Lotus Piere, celui aux neuf pétales
Chapitre dix : Mon garçon spécial
Chapitre Onze : Papillons D'or
Chapitre douze : Ceux en blanc avec Des nuages ​​bleus
Chapitre treize : Foi entrelacées
Chapitre quatorze : Cordialement moi
Chapitre quinze : Le mal du pays
Chapitre seize : L'eau profonde
Annonce (2)
Chapitre dix-sept : Eaux noires
Chapitre dix-huit : Mots ivres
Chapitre dix-neuf : Je ne suis pas ma mère
Chapitre vingt : Le prince des trois royaumes
Annonce (3)
Chapitre vingt et un : Eau froide
Chapitre vingt-deux : La réparation
Chapitre vingt-trois : Aller et retour
Chapitre vingt-quatre : Dédicace
Annonce (4)
Annonce importante (。•́︿•̀。)
Chapitre vingt-cinq : À celui aux yeux d'or
Chapitre vingt-six : Un autre aux teintes noisette
Chapitre vingt-sept : Juste un lien que nous avons formé
Chapitre vingt-huit : Quelqu'un à aimer, c'est ce que je veux
Annonce (5)
Joyeux anniversaire, Guérison (Special)
Chapitre vingt-neuf : Ils disent que je suis le fils de la fleur sanglante
Chapitre trente : Je suis à la maison mais j'ai trouvé de chaleur dansun autre
Chapitre trente et un : Écouter la suite de la coulée
Chapitre trente-deux : J'entends des voix tout le temps, mais ce n'est pas la mi
Annonce (6)
Chapitre trente-trois : Arc et flèches pour tirer
Chapitre trente-quatre : Tout jusqu'ici et ce que j'ai fait
Chapitre trente-cinq : Les souhaits que je souhaite se réaliser
Anonce (7)
Je Suis Revenu
Chapitre trente-six : Damnés avec ces règles
Chapitre trente-sept.5 : Eau dure

Chapitre neuf : Aimer ton sourire

12.4K 651 222
By AhnRieJin

After the tour around Lotus Pier, Wei Ying was now outside the door of Jiang Chengs' room. Jiang Fengmian told Wei Ying that they could share the room, but now he's locked out. Jiang Cheng has been moody ever since the tour.

"A-cheng, Shushu said that we should share the room..."

"Go Away! If you stay there I will send my dogs to bite you!"

Wei Ying flinched as he started to panic.

"Okay! I'll go! Just don't send the dogs! I'll go!"

Wei Ying ran to which ever direction that was. He ran and ran until he found a tree to hide in. When he climbed, he nearly fell and hurt his ankle, with a wince he continued to climb higher until he reached a branch thick enough to support him. Sniffling as he tried to stop the tears, now suffering in the cold air. Wei Ying stayed there as he looked down on the water that was below him.

"Hahh... I remember it was like this before..."

Before Xie Lian and Hua Cheng found Wei Ying, he always ran into dogs. Teaching him how to run fast and how to climb to a high place with limited things to hold on to. As Wei Ying sighed, he pulled his knees closer to his face. He took his fan Zhūhóng Hua and turned it into a parasol. Covering his self as light rain started to pour.

"So you're Wei Ying?"

Wei Ying flicked his head up and saw a man standing on the very end of the branch he was sitting in. He held a fan in his hand with an emotionless smile.

"Xiangsheng! You're going to fall there!"

"I won't, I'm skilled at this."

"Are you sure...?"

"Of course. So am I right? Are you Wei Ying?"

Wei Ying nodded his head and gave his best smile.

"Well my dìdì wasn't lying, you really are a pretty fellow."

"May I ask your name, xiangsheng?"

"I'm Shi Wudu, Lord Water Master Wudu."

"Are you Shi Qingxuan Xiangsheng's older brother...?"

"Yes that is me."

Shi Wudu closed his fan and made his way to Wei Ying.

"What are you doing here out in the rain?"

"Mmm... A-Cheng didn't want me in his room. He said he will call the dogs if I won't go away..."

"Oh poor boy. Does your ankle hurt? It looks swollen."

"Only a bit..."


Shi Wudu took Wei Yings' ankle and placed his hand on it.

"You don't have to do that Xiangsheng! I'm okay! A-Ying is fine!"

"It's not everyday you get me to do this. Now sit tight and just allow me to do this."

Wei Ying did as he was told. Cold water was now poured on his ankle that caused the swelling to stop and it also removed the immense pain.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"I'm feeling better now, thank you so much Xiangsheng!"

"Let me give company to you here for a little while.

Shi Wudu took Wei Ying in his arms and Zhūhóng Hua into his hand. Making Wei Ying sit on his lap and him covering them both with the parasol.

"What brings you here to Yunmeng, Xiangsheng?"

"I didn't have the time to see you in person back in the martial hall. Though I also have business with some water spirit here in the wide waters of Yunmeng too."

"I heard from Shi Qingxuan Xiangsheng that you were really strict and scary. But you look really nice!"

"I don't look nice at all. And I'm here for business, not for you."

"But still, you're really nice xiangsheng!"

Shi Wudu cleared his throat.

"The words are true. Stories about you are spreading around the heavens."


"Who else would be that child called Wei Ying?"

"Hehe, sorry!"

"What are you apologizing for?"

"A-Ying is really stubborn and not really good at learning at all."

"Says who?"

Wei Ying just looked at the illuminated moonlight glaze on the lakes' water.

"I don't know..."

Shi Wudu sighed as he as well looked at the water.

"You are not what you speak of about your self. You have a great talent and like water you are complex and you range quite widely. You are gifted and you are quite special."

"People always say I'm special, but A-Ying is just A-Ying."

"Then let A-Ying accept the words we say. Accept the good and neglect the bad."

"I don't really know."

A-Ying scoffed as he leaned closer for warmth.

"It's my time to go."

Shi Wudu stood up as the rain stopped pouring. Placing Wei Ying down as he gave the parasol back. He saw the way Wei Ying shivered, letting out a breath. He took his outer robe out and wrapped it around Wei Ying.

"So you won't get cold. Keep that with you from now on."

"Won't you get cold, xiangsheng?"

"Not at all. I'll see you when I do so."

Shi Wudu walked back to the tip of the branch, giving out a smile before he disappeared leaving a trace of water trickling down. Not long after Wei Ying changed Zhūhóng Hua back into a fan. A ladies voice calling out his name.

"A-Ying! A-Ying are you there?"

Jiang Yanli looked at the fallen shoe that was on the ground.

"Are the shoes big? Do you need a new pair?"


Wei Ying covered his mouth as he stayed hidden.

"I know you're there A-Ying, you can come down now."

"B-but the dogs...!"

"A-Cheng didn't mean to scare you. He said he was sorry."

"He is...?"

"A-Cheng really likes you, you know. He really wanted to play with you earlier."

Wei Ying looked down and started making his way to Jiang Yanli.

"Are you cold A-Ying? Are you hurt?"

Wei Ying shook his head.

"Let's go back then."

Jiang Yanli offered her hand which Wei Ying took gladly. As they walked back they heard crying from a small pit. Shining the light of the lantern, they saw Jiang Cheng who was crying inside.

"A-Cheng, didn't you go looking with the nice Gege's that were looking for A-Ying too? Are you hurt?"


He flicked his head and saw Wei Ying who was wearing an oversized robe. He then stood up and wiped his face, making his way up to him. As he reached the top, he engulfed Wei Ying in a hug.

"I'm sorry A-Ying! I didn't mean it!"

Wei Ying let out a breath then a warm smile. He hugged Jiang Cheng back.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too because I made Shushu send your dogs away."

Jiang Cheng pulled away and held Wei Yings' shoulders.

"From now on! When a dog is near you, I will always protect you!"

Jiang Yanli smiles as she pulled them in a hug.

"It's good you both made up. Let's go back now, they must be worried."

The three of them walked hand in hand as they made their way back to the main house. Yin Yu, Nan Feng and Fu Yao clearly worried. When they saw Wei Ying they immediately rushed towards him, Yin Yu giving him the tightest hug.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt A-Ying? Where did you go? How come you never told me? You worried us to death!"

Wei Ying felt bad as he hugged Yin Yu back.

"I'm okay Yu-ge, it's my fault. I'm sorry."

"No it's mine."


"I scared him away and I've been bad to him... I'm sorry."

Yin Yu knelt in front of Wei Ying.

"Did you forgive him?"

"Mhm! Dear Fùqin said that I should never hold a grudge!"

Wei Ying held Jiang Chengs' hand.

"And A-Cheng is now my friend!"

Nan Feng and Fu Yao were silent. Not until Fu Yao's shaky voice spoke.

"Wheres you get that robe... A-Ying...?"

"Shi Wudu Xiangsheng came to keep me company earlier! He's really nice!"

Nan Feng clenched his saber in hand.

{But he's dead...}

"You all should rest up now."

"A-Ying! Let's go to my room, I'll even let you sleep in my bed!"

"Mn! Let's sleep together!"

Yin Yu ruffles Wei Yings' hair.

"You have a nice sleep then, A-Ying."

"I will! See you tomorrow! Yu-ge, Nan Feng-shīxiōng and Fu Yao-shīxiōng."

"Yes see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight A-Ying"

"Sleep well A-Ying."

Jiang Cheng pulled Wei Ying who happily followed behind. Jiang Yanli bowing respectfully before leaving the other three.

"Oi, isn't Shi Wudu dead...?"

"How did A-Ying meet him...?"

In the remaining days of the week, Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli spent all day everyday together. Playing around, eating and cooking food. Swimming in the lake and eating lotus seeds. They went around town and looked for things to buy and got to know each other well enough. Eating the food being sold. They even practiced enhancing their spiritual energy more with Wei Ying training his resentful energy in secret. Wei Ying even learned how to wield a sword properly and learning the Jiang sword techniques. Nan Feng, Fu Yao and Yin Yu supervised him everytime and everywhere he went. But ever since that day Wei Ying met Shi Wudu, he never took the over sized robe off of him. After taking a bath and changing clothes, he'd place that robe on himself. The question still remained on the back of Fu Yao's and Nan Feng's minds.

This was the last day that Wei Ying would be staying here in Lotus Pier.

"Do you really have to go...?"

"I don't wanna leave too but I miss my A-diē and Fùqin."

"You'll come back, right?"

"Of course I will! I will always miss you and Shiejie!"

Jiang Cheng pulled Wei Ying into a hug.

"I'll miss you."

"Me too."

Jiang Cheng pulled away as Jiang Fengmian kneeled in front of the young master.

"Take this A-Ying, it's our gift for you."

Jiang Fengmian handed him a bell attached to a purple string. It was beautiful, Wei Ying gladly took it in his hands.

"Whenever you don't feel at peace, just look at that and you'll feel clarified."

"Thank you Shushu!"

He held the bell close to his heart.

"A-Ying, it's time to go back now."


Wei Ying bowed and smiled at them warmly.

"I'll see you again soon, Shushu, Shiejie, A-Cheng. Bye bye!"

Wei Ying ran to the other three whilst waving his hand at the Jiang Family with them doing the same. Yin Yu smiled at Wei Ying.

"Did you have fun, A-Ying?"

"Mhm! So much!"

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