From Our Oblivion

By LittleFishy333

231 10 18

We died. Now we dwell in neither heaven nor hell. Caught is our own limbos, looking for answers. A way out... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
It's Home in the End
Chapter 3
Turning Away

The End of the Enderman's Walk

45 2 1
By LittleFishy333


Triggers: death, burns, talk of blood

**Ranboo's POV**

I stare off into the endless void and listen to the loud screeching of enderman in the distance. This is all I've been listening to for years. I lost track of the days.

I miss them...

My child, Michael. I miss him the most. He didn't deserve his fate. I can only hope that his eternity is not like mine.

It's interesting being here. I know this is 'The End', my home, I never thought I'd actually end up here. DreamXD was pretty adamant in making sure no one came here. Now I am forced to spend the rest of my days here, as a dead man. As a murderer.

I have a very small area, seemingly floating in the air, far away from an island or anything for that matter. I am alone and I have nothing but the distant sound of screams. I feel my home just outside my reach, where I came from, it's so close yet so far. I have been here for 6 years. This must be what Wilbur meant when he explained what death was like, an endless and eternal suffering, forever stuck with your thoughts.

I thought death would make me feel better about what I had done to them. I felt that I deserved to be punished. Is this my punishment? To forever be reminded of his dead body in my arms?

"Michael I'm sorry!!! You didn't deserve it!!! I would have traded my life to get you back!" I yell loudly. The tears are flowing now and burning my skin. I don't care. I deserve it.

The only good thing about my exile is that I have a book to write in. When the book fills up I have to jump into the void. And when I wake up again, the book is empty and I get to continue writing. I've only jumped into the void 4 times. The first time was an escape attempt. I thought I'd wake up somewhere else, but instead my mind flooded with terrible memories of my son's murder as I re-experienced my death.

The 2nd time was an accident. The 3rd and 4th were to get a new book. Every time I jump, the pain of my death is amplified. The memories and the pain can never leave my mind. I still have the scars.

*6 years ago*

"Michael, breakfast!" Michael came running down the stairs of the mansion with his stuffed animal and I couldn't help but smile. "Wow you were really hungry hey?" I heard Tubbo say as he helped Michael onto his high chair.

Michael gave a quick oink and said, "you said dad was making pancakes and dad makes the best pancakes." I smile as I give him a chicken shaped pancake, "and don't you ever forget it!" I give him a quick kiss on the head as he starts eating.

Tubbo comes in the kitchen and helps me clean up before we start eating. "Will you be working with Jack again today?" I ask him.

"Yeah, sorry boo, we are so close to finding this thing I know it!"

"I know bee, Snowchester comes first. You have to find that nuke and make sure no one gets hurt."

"Eh it's not like anyone could activate it, they'll never find my activation key, not even Jack knows about the secret vault." He says nonchalantly.

"I know, but it's still dangerous. It's okay though I know you'll find it."

"Thanks boo." He smiles. "Okay I have to head out. Be good for dad okay Michael?"

"Okay daddy!!" Tubbo gives him a quick kiss, "I love you kid." He grabs a pancake and yells a quick "I love you" before heading out the door.

**(Platonic love don't be weird)**

I finish cleaning up the dishes and Michael goes upstairs to play.

I feel super sick so I decide to go lay down. "Hey Michael, dad is going to take a quick nap okay? I'm not feeling well. Come get me if you need me." He oinks in response and I go to lay down.

**Third person POV**

Michael hears shuffling from downstairs so he goes to check. There's nothing there so he goes back to his room to play, as soon as he's back, he hears shuffling once again. He decides it's best to go get his dad.

He gets to his parents room and jumps on the bed expecting his dad to be there. "Dad? Where are you?" He yells. The shuffling sound seems to be getting closer. "D-dad?"

Michael peeks around the door and sighs in relief when he sees the familiar tail of his father. "Phew! Dad it's just you, I thought-" Ranboo faces Michael, but what Michael sees is not his father, it's something much more sinister.

"Dad? Is that you?" Michael approaches cautiously. He looks up at his father. "A-are you okay, Dad?"

Michael sees that there's something behind his back. His eyes glow bright purple before he takes an axe out and swings it at Michael and just barely hits his side. Ranboo lets out a loud screech.

Michael is losing blood quickly, "I'm sorry I made you angry... I love you dad." He falls unconscious due to blood loss. Ranboo lets out another loud screech before running quickly towards the nuclear activation site.

**Ranboo's POV**

I wake up on a cold, stone platform. "What the hell am I doing here?" I look out to the ocean and in the distance, I see the prison. I rub my head slightly and turn around so that I can head back home.

The mansion is engulfed in flames, all of the houses are destroyed, the place looks like a warzone and Michael was home.....

I run as quickly as I can to the mansion, I hear the jingle of something in my pocket, it's a keychain? No it's not any keychain... It's the activation key. No...NO, I didn't do this. I need to find my family, I continue running and praying that my boy is still alive. "Michael!!!! MICHAEL WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!"

I see the glare of something shiny in the distance. I run towards it, hoping that it's Michael's sword.

I pick up the piece of gold... It's... It's Tubbo's ring. But where is Tubbo?? "Tubbo! Bee! Please! If you can hear me!"

I hear labored breathing, it sounds like someone's trying to catch their breath but can't. "Michael!" I run to the very burnt and bloody body.

"No no no no no... Michael can you hear me? Michael... Come on, you're okay." I pick him up gently and hold him. He's barely breathing.

"Michael I'm so sorry.... I d-didn't want t-this." I feel the tears pouring as I rub his head gently.

"I k-know..." Michael struggles to respond, he's breathing heavy. "I l-love you da-" he stares off into the distance. He's no longer breathing!

"Michael no no no... Come on... I love you too... Come on! WAKE UP DAMNIT!!" I cry into him. His body is completely limp. I check his pulse, nothing. I know he's gone. Forever.

"I'm sorry .... I'm so sorry.." I slowly close his eyes and lay him down peacefully. I grip onto Tubbo's wedding ring and head back to the stone platform that I was at before. I look out into the ocean.

"I love you Tubbo. I grip onto the ring tightly as I jump off into the water.

*Present day*

I continue writing in the book;

...He deserved better. Michael, you were the best son a man could ever ask for. You're always in my heart. Happy Birthday. Love dad.

I closed the book and kissed it before throwing it into the void. It was full. Looks like I'll have to jump in again.

I look into the dark endless void and take a deep breath before jumping.

I see myself holding Michael's body, I feel the ring in the palm of my hand. I feel the intense burning of water on my skin as I let out a scream in agony.

I wake up and rub my head slightly. I open my eyes, expecting to be back on my platform. "Where the hell am I?"

I look around and I see a beautiful garden. "You're in limbo." A voice responds.

I turn around quickly and I am face to face with Dream. "W-what's happening?" I back up slightly.

"Oh Ranboo, it's not that easy to escape your problems. Take a look for yourself."

I look in to the pool of water he's gesturing to, a picture is forming. I see... Me... Scratching Michael and I have bright purple eyes. I see myself grabbing the nuke from a secret underground base. I see myself grabbing the activation key. This is how it happened. This is how I killed him. The tears start to burn my skin.

"W-why are you showing me this..."

"To prove to you what you really are. A monster." Dream smirks.

"That's not what I am. I was a good father. My family loved me!" I yelled at him.

"Do you really think that's true? How about you ask them yourself."

I was engulfed in white light and felt myself being pulled through a portal of some sort before I pass out. When I woke up again I was on the same stone platform. I looked out to see Snowchester still destroyed, but in the middle of the wreckage I saw someone I never thought I'd see again.


Words- 1634

That's it for this chapter everyone! Hope you enjoyed, as a reminder my name is @Rosescape and I have a few dream smp books, if you like my writing, go check them out. Thanks!!

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