M.U High [Book 1]

By MissKjj07

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What if you're not someone who you think you are? What if there's something more about that unexplainable chi... More

Forty-Five [The Ultimate Battle] (Part 1)
Forty-Six [The Ultimate Battle] (Part 2)
Author's note


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By MissKjj07


I walked towards her "What are you doing here? Am I in danger?!" My eyes widened. That couldn't be! I only caught a Corban, is that mean I'm in danger?

I took Buniella in my arms and just like that I felt the same intense magic inside my body. I couldn't feel any of my body.

"Set the creature free and read what's written in the trees."

I struggled to get control my body but... I'm back. I'm back and I felt my body weakened that forced me in my knees. At first I wasn't sure who it is. Hearing her voice for the third time made me confirm it.

I slowly caught my breath and slowly stood up holding to a tree for support.


Who are you?!

I went back in my tent with Buniella. Buniella struggles to get off my arms, I looked at her.

"Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, I'll set it free." I stated. Whole night I searched about this Corban and I probably slept at about 2 AM or 3.

I woke up at 7 AM that's something. I arranged my things and I even found a spring waterfall where I could have a quick bath, my gosh I wont survive a day without a bath! The waters are so clear and just like the shimmering river but I'm way far from that direction.

I took my bow in my back, I took a knife out my bag. Am I really going to release it?

I looked at Buniella, eye to eye. I sighed, It's now or never.

I swing my knife to the string connecting the net. I'm cautiously waiting that maybe it'll attack me or something. Just a few moments it run somewhere and to my surprise Buniella ran after it. And more surprising is that—I ran as well! What to do?! Ughh! I just followed them. It didn't took long when we arrived.

I'm still in the middle of the woods!

I looked at around me. Mmm, this part of the woods seems odd. I can sense a lot of magic in here, I never felt it before at any place I've been. Wait!

Where's the Corban?! I looked around looking where could it probably go. I frowned, sh*t I lost it!

My eyes lit when I saw Buniella.

"Where is it?" I asked at her, Buniella hopped for I don't know where but I followed. She stopped, I was about to go through when—-

"The H*ll!" I cussed, ouch! That hurts! I slowly stood up cause I got pushed back! It's like a forcefield. Mmm.

I slowly walked back.

"Set the creature free and read what's written in the trees."

I recalled what Astra said. Read what's written in the trees. I looked at the sides where the forcefield is, there all trees!

I kept walking backwards, and slowly... something showed.

There's some words formed the leaves! Wow! I took some paper and pen in my bag. It's not quite understandable but I tried to figure it out.
My head turned right or left just to figure it out.

𐒈𐒢𐒐𐒢λᎿ𐒅 ᎿⳒ𐒢 Ꮣ𐒢λᏉ𐒢

Huh? What's this?! I took my tablet and scanned it. It only took for about 15 minutes.

Beneath the leave

I blinked a couple of times.

"Beneath the leave?" I said and I didn't know what to do when that forcefield just slowly opened up. I wanted to panic or ran away but there's no use for that. I might find the answer here, for my unanswered questions.

I took my flashlight as I went inside. Buniella is with me here too, the aura here seems somewhat weird. I slowly lit up those torches in here, it's a cave. I looked around as my eyebrow raised.

"What's this?" There's something written in the walls of the cave. It's everywhere and the writing is same as the one that decipher. I almost jumped! There's a Corban in here! I became cautious, What's all this? It's the same Corban that I caught.

"What's the meaning of all this?" I asked, holding my knife with me. I thought it's going to attack me but it pointed at something. I looked at it.

This is where everything started.

Oh! It's written in english! I run my fingers to it, where everything started. Started with what?

I almost lost my balance when that Corban ran off again in a very swift move! What is that creature trying to tell me?!

I looked at the wall, it'll took a lot of time to decipher all this. I took my tablet and started deciphering the first group of words.

It starts with friendship, romance and love.

I closed my eyes after I read it. Of course! Friendship! Friends! I need to find Melissa and the others fast! I took my phone and hoping to have some reception here, I went outside.

Sh*t no reception! What to do?! I facepalm, Oh! Quintin! The bracelet he gave me! But... it's noon! He said it'll only glow at night!

Think Chelsea! Think!

"Quintin!" I shouted, L.Q High don't have Blaze so I'm guessing that—-

"Quintin!" I shouted again. Maybe Quintin is just somewhere in these trees. I shouted 4-6 times, my throat is parched!

"Why are you yelling? Aren't you here for Blaze?!" Finally! He teleported in front of me.

"Took you long enough!" I exclaimed. "Come with me!" I said and pulled him inside the cave.

"We need to decipher it and I need everyone's help." I seriously said looking at Quintin's eyes.

"I'm on it." He seriously said and nodded after. "Before that, here." My eyebrow creased, he gave me water. And before I know it he's gone.

As fast as Quintin left by sunset everyone's here including Shaun and Caleb. The more we are the faster we could finish this.

"Woah! The Untold Story!" Melissa exclaimed as she went inside.

"Who's story is it?!" Reyver asked.

"It's Kai, Naihla and Astra's." I looked at Melissa who answered.

"How do you know it's theirs?!" I questioned. I was deciphering for how many hours but I didn't read anything like that!

"It's written here." She said and ran her fingers at it.

Ꮏ𐒅𐒢 ᏥλᎥ 𐒐λᎥ𐒅Ꮣλ λᎴᎿⲄλ

"The Kai Naihla Astra," She read.

"You know how to read it?" Quintin asked.

"Yeah. I was tired deciphering everything before so I learned it instead." I smiled.

Looks like it wont take long for us to know everything.

sept. 30

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