Diary of Rainbow

By Safiah256

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A story of a young woman who navigates life More

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By Safiah256

I took a shower, wore my black dress. White sneakers and biker jacket. I did my hair in bun. I strapped my gun in my inner thigh and left my room.
Sanele: going somewhere?
Me: yes
Sanele: need a driver?
Me: no

I watched her kiss kairo and leave. I called Tsepho.
Me: follow my wife please
Tshepo: okay. I went back to the drawing we was doing with kairo.

I drove to the hotel and i was early so i sat at a table giving me the view.I sat there and watched the view while I had a glass of wine.
Theo: Bow. I got up with a smile and gave him a hug and he smiled back. He really was a handsome guy.
Me: You look good
Theo: thank you. Thanks for accepting my invite.
Me: i needed to get some fresh air. I shifted moving my gun from the strap on and placed it on my thigh than took the napkin cloth and placed it over it. I smiled back at him making sure he doesn't notice my movements.

She really looked amazing with her dazzling smile and her open aura of kindness. We placed our order over light conversation and she was giving me all her attention and this gave me hope that just maybe there is room for us afterall. Just maybe she isn't as in love as she was before. Maybe this is my chance for a new beginning.
Me: This was lovely
Rainbow: yes it was. I needed it more than i thought. Thank you.
Me: its a pleasure
Rainbow: i must say i never thought this will go as smoothly as this.
Me: why? I asked confused as she shifted nervously and i looked at her as she smiled and i calmed down.
Rainbow: because iv been hearing rumours and i wanted to address the issue at hand with you but its not an easy topic.
Me: never believe all that you hear.

After Tshepo called me telling me where rain is I quickly drove there and sat at the far end watching the two bonding over lunch. It tore my heart watching my wife entertaining another man until she crossed her legs and i swear i saw a gun on her lap. What was she up to? I looked at Theo bodyguards and they were zoned out not noticing her changing her gun hand to hand pointing it at Theo while she was smiling and dinning him. I watched in surprise as her whole exterior was calm. I was amazed at how cool she handled herself under the circumstance she has put her self in. I texted Thabo to come here just incase ill need back up.

She looked at me for awhile and shifted again.
Rainbow: i agreed to this lunch because i wanted to talk to you.
Me: about? Maybe this is it. This is the moment she tells me she loves me.
Rainbow: about my husband! She said that blankly looking at me.

I watched as Theo body went rigid and my wife face going on serious mode. Iv never seen her exterior this hard and yet calm. I moved closer so i can hear and will be able to react if things go wrong. I did my best not being seen

That wasn't expected i felt the pack of my neck pick up.
Me: am sorry about your loss.She laughed lightly sending chills to my spine.
Rainbow: That the thing he is alive. I did my best to fake my surprise and that made her laugh again.
Theo: how? When? She raised her left hand up telling me to keep quiet.
Rainbow: in the 5 years he was gone I questioned myself a lot and asked myself over and over again where i went wrong? Was i a good wife to him? How am going to live without him and surprisingly after all the grieving, self doubt and the crying. I healed. I healed from all the pain and confusion and anger. Than one day I walked in on my sister in law working and I saw your picture on the big screen in my basement. I saw all the plans and check points of everything she has done and wishes to accomplish and my heart froze in the same place until i told myself let me go. Let me go from all this madness....
Me:Rain... i tried to speak but she signalled for me to keep quiet, i did with fear in my heart.
Rainbow: so i packed all my life, left the home that had so many memories and came here to cape town. My aim was looking for the man responsible of pulling the trigger to the man that i loved with all my heart but than i prayed. I prayed so hard till i found peace. And just than you walked into my life. I became attracted. Sexually attracted to the same man that killed my husband. I loved the way you spoke to me, how you treated me and how you never rushed me on things and i liked you so much that i started thinking that maybe. Just maybe i created the whole my sister in law manipulating you to kill her brother. But than you left your phone unlocked one day and i got a chance to go through it to see that it is possible. It is possible that you and my sister in law planned all this so you can have his life. Can have the job that was part of him that i hated. The job that showed me that there is a thin line between being a good person and being completely evil. The job that takes away little by little from your soul and lastly the job that takes away a life. I knew right there that what i saw that day was as it was. You coming at me. Giving me space. Always being available was part of a bigger plan. You didnt only want his job. You wanted his life. And your next move was having his wife.... she looked at me and i looked at her. She had tears in her eyes. I saw the pain but also something dangerous.
Theo: I can explain.
Rainbow: there is nothing to explain. I liked you. You are a good person because here i am unharmed after you have had so many opportunities to be cruel to me or to do your worse. But the game plan ain't finished. Am still with Sanele the man you claimed to have killed. Am still giving him a chance after he has vanished for years and came back with so much baggage. I still see good in him after he has done so much bad in his life. Am still choosing him after you have done so much to be where you are right now. My question is what now? What now since you know i know. Since you know there never going to be an us. Since you know that whatever you have planned or going to plan will fail. I want you to think carefully how you answer Theodore or these words my be your last words... just than i heard the bullet in the chambers being adjusted and she leaned forward and I felt the gun touch my knee than she moved back. I slowly moved looked under the table and saw the gun pointed at me in an upward unusually angle. I must have looked confused.
Rainbow: 45 degree angle to make sure i get a head shot from your under chin resulting in instant death. She explained and i looked at her with new found respect. In all the years iv been in this messy world not once have i seen such a calm woman who was at a verge of committing murder yet was collected.

My insides were shaking. I did see Sanele behind the plant. I know that back from anywhere. I saw Tshepo via the restaurant glass and I knew Thabo was somewhere. Theo guards were looking at me weird and I smiled at one of them and he relaxed zoning out again from us.
Theo: you truly are a gangster wife
Me: no am a woman tying lose ends so she can never have to look over her shoulders for the rest if her life. Just than a tall woman walked to us looking slim and with boobs to die for and I knew who she was before she even spoke.
Me: Gabriela. She took out a gun an pointed it at my ribs
Gabriela: I wouldn't say it nice to meet you
Sanele: i think you pointing that at the wrong person. I looked up to see that the restaurant was now looking like a scene from a movie with guns pointed everywhere and people looking at each other with calculated eyes and normal people scrambling for safety.I looked at Sanele and he looked at me, he was looking dangerous with each moment.
Theo: Am sorry Bow
Me: Its okay, i forgave you long time ago but i just needed closure hence today events, didn't know it was going to be such a big thing though.
Gabriela: Did your husband tell you about us. I moved my eyes to her and really looked at her. And it dawned to me that i was angry about the situation but what was the point? It happened and i cant change it but i can change how i react to it.
Me: you know what i call people like you in my world? Everyone looked at me " i call them lessons. You are the bitter part of my lesson that i had to go through in order to learn things about myself and to learn something new about my husband, so to answer your question yes he told me about you and yes am still going to be with him now the question is where does this leave you?" She looked at me with so much irritation and i gave her one of my best smiles
Sanele: i think it safe to say we can all lower our guns and come to an agreement? He looked at everyone.
Theo: its my understanding that you never go anywhere without Thabo yet i dont see him? Theo looked around a bit. Sanele smiled and looked at him right in his eyes. The room was tense with everyone looking at each other waiting for someone to drop they guns....

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