Black Prince and White Prince...

By my_magical_thoughts

68.1K 3.5K 1.3K

He owns the darkness and she is the only light in his darkness. He tried to keep away himself from her but he... More

Chapter 1: - Helped the Stranger
Chapter 2. - Wondering About My Helper. ( part 1)
Chapter 2: - Wondering about my helper (part 2)
Chapter 3. Lucky day
Chapter 4. Nice to meet you again.
Chapter 6. Announcement.
Chapter 7. Is it fate? (part 1)
Chapter 7. Is it fate? (part 2)
Chapter 8. I kept her words.
Chapter 9. I love her.
Chapter 10. My Painful Past.
Chapter 11. My Perfect Family? (part 1)
Chapter 11. My Perfect Family? (part 2)
Chapter 12. Worried.
Chapter 13. Helper or Abductor?
Chapter 15. A Nightmare.
Chapter 16. Do You Remember Your Promise?
Chapter 17. INVITATION.
Chapter 18. Her Happiness
Chapter 19. Adoring Him.
Chapter 20. Couples?
Chapter 21. Wedding
Chapter 22. Scared.
Chapter 23. Her Unforgettable Past.
Chapter 24. My Babygirl. (Part 1)
Chapter 24. My Babygirl. (Part 2)
Chapter 25. Interrogation.
Chapter 26. Setting a Trap
Chapter 27. Right Time.
Chapter 28. All Clear.
Chapter 29. Love?
Chapter 30. Plan B.
Chapter 31. A Happy Ending?
Book 2

Chapter 14. My Chocolate Fairy.

1.2K 88 136
By my_magical_thoughts

Author's pov.

There is a beautiful house in woods, which is away from hustle bustle of city. The purpose of building this house in woods was the owner wants to send sometime with his love away from everyone. He builds this house keeping everything in his mind about his love. A pond, a beautiful wood and stone work. And now his son 'Kim Taehyung' is enjoying this precious space with his love.

"You know what princess when that day you came infront of my car and asked for help and by seeing you, I was sure that you are my chocolate fairy, my Y/n but when you said that old lady is your grandmother, because I know that my Y/n don't have any grand parents. And I thought you just look like my Y/n."

"I was so happy when you introduce yourself as Min Y/n. I was right you are my Y/n, my chocolate fairy, my love. And guess what even God also want us to be together that's why we meet before my plan. Only because of you I invest your love bird's restaurant, so that I can come close to you. You don't know how I have lived all these years, but why did you lie to me? You lie to me two time. and I wants to punish for that but whenever I see your innocent face, I don't feel to punish you. But next time don't lie to me ok. Or else I will get angry. Which is not good for you hmmm. So never ever lie to me hmmm"

Taehyung is laying beside an unconscious Y/n and talking to her. The room was dark there is only one source of light that is moon. The movement he brought Y/n to his room, he has been admiring her beautiful face and shower kiss all over her face time to time. He is very happy, after years he is spending sometime with his love alone. All this year he was missing her so badly that he wishes to leave everything and stay with her, but he was weak that time to listen his inner voice. He worked very hard to became this powerful, he gets anything he desire to and now he wants his Chocolate Fairy.

"I hope you remember how was our first meet?" Taehyung asked to unconscious Y/n. he chuckle when he didn't get any reply and shook his head for his stupidity. "That was best day of my life and my best birthday" he said while hugging her. "Thank you for coming in my life" he said and close his eyes to feel the warmness of his love which he misses all this year.


At park

In this park where everyone was roaming around, playing with their friends and family. And there was some family came for pick nick and why not it was a Sunday. Everyone was off their duties, a perfect day to enjoy with your family and loved once. But in all this happy people there was 8-year-old boy sitting on a bench with a gloomy face. He also wants to enjoy like other kids, he also wants to celebrate his birthday like other kid.

But he is not allowed to enjoy his life like other kids, because he has to became a tough and strong man, today is he's 8th birthday but no one wish his, which was order by Park Yu-jun (Aera's father) his mentor. According to his mentor Park Yu-jun, Taehyung and Jin should be prepare themselves for mafia world from their childhood. he wants them to became cruel. He wants them to stay away from all kind of affection and lovey dovey things.

Today is his birthday, he should enjoy this day. But he has to train himself for mafia world. And today while practicing he got injured, but on one show him concern. He is missing his parents very badly but he is way too far from them. He came out of his thought when he heard a melody voice "It must be hurting you?" asked the little girl with concern. 

Little Taehyung raise his head to see the owner of the voice. That little girl again asked "It must be hurting you right?" while pointing her small finger towards his left keen which is bleeding a little. But little Taehyung didn't bother to reply. He turns his face to other side. Little girl tilts her head little and pout when she didn't get any reply. But then she smiles when an idea poop in her head. She take out something from her side bag. "Take this, you will like it" she said while extending her small hand which is holding her favourite chocolate.

Taehyung again turn towards her and a smile came on his face when he saw it's a chocolate. It's been months he had a chocolate. He didn't even remember taste of chocolate. He extends his hand to take the chocolate making the tittle girl smile. He was admiring the chocolate for sometime and then he looked towards that little girl and said "Thank you" she gives a sweet smile in return to which his heart flatter. He also smiles unknowingly. That little girl starts to search something in her side bag making him confuse.

She take out a handkerchief making him more confuse. She bends a little infront of him. Taehyung was observing her every action try to find what she wants to do. He smiles when he saw her tying that handkerchief around his bloody knee. He was overwhelms seeing her caring nature. After so many months some one was showing concern towards him other than his Jin Hyung.

"Pain pain go away" said the little girl while using her little index finger like magic stick making the little boy giggle at her cuteness. He was admiring her cute face, he found her very cute and adorable. For first time he wants to be the friend of someone. "Don't worry, now you will not feel any pain because I put magic on it" said the little girl which didn't fail make laugh the sad boy.

"Is it so, who taught you this magic" asked little Taehyung admiring her with a smile but soon his smile vanished when he heard her words "My Suga, taught me". He doesn't know why but he was feeling jealous of that boy name Suga. He wants to be the only boy in her life. He was about to asked who is that boy Suga, but before he could ask, he heard a lady voice.

"What are you doing little one?" that lady asked to that little girl. "Eomma, look I help him and also give him my chocolate" said the little girl happily. Her mother smile and said "good girl" while patting her head softly. Then she looked towards Taehyung and asked. "What is your name dear and where are your parents?" "My name in Kim Taehyung and I came here alone," said the little Taehyung.

"Such a good name, but why did come alone to park, your parents must be worried about you." asked that lady with concern making little Taehyung smile because someone was concern towards him. "No, Aunty. I lost my parents in car accident and I stay with my uncle and I inform him that I am at park now. You don't have worry." Taehyung said about his parents in low voice. The lady feel pity for him and give a small smile feeling sorry for his loss.

Then he looked towards the little girl who is not listening to their conversation and trying to pronounce his name, but she was having problem for calling his name "Taehy... Taehy..." she pouts cutely finding it too difficult to pronounce. Making her mother giggle and Taehyung confuse. The little girl can't pronounce few words and Hyung (Taehyung) was one of them. But then she smiles widely and clap her hand when she gets an idea. "Can I call you 'Taetae', because it's cute like you" said the little girl while giggling finding the nickname too cute for the boy.

Her giggle seeing her daughter cuteness. "Actually i can't pronounce few words and 'Hyung'  is one of them, that's why she gave you a nick name" After listening to her, Taehyung nod his head 'that's why she getting problem for pronouncing my name, but good duh. I like when she me call Taetae' thought little Taehyung 

Little Taehyung was very happy. After a long time, someone called him by his nickname. Taehyung love his nickname because it was given by his mother. Little Taehyung nod cutely accepting the nickname making the little girl happy. The lady admires both the kids.

"What is your name?" asked Taehyung. "Min Y/n" said the little girl with cute smile. 'Min Y/n, cute. Like her' thought Taehyung while admiring the little Y/n. "little one, come. Appa and Suga must be looking for us" said Y/n's mother. Little Y/n nod cutely.

"Eomma, can we take him with us, I and Suga will play with him?" asked little Y/n while showing her cute smile. "Ok" said her mother. "Who is Suga?" asked little Taehyung while hiding his anger and jealous. For the first time he feels like to kill that boy. For the first time he was having that urgh to have someone only for him.

"Suga is Suga" said little Y/n while giggling finding it too silly question. "Suga is her elder brother, and she calls him Suga by his nick name" said Y/n's mother. Taehyung sigh mentally and became happy because that boy is her brother.

"Come Taetae we will play with Suga." said little Y/n holding his hand and dragging him towards their pick nick spot, making that lady walk behind them. Little Taehyung feel a weird sensation in his whole body when little y/n hold his hand, he never felt like this before. "Y/n, can I call you Chocolate Fairy?" asked little Taehyung.

Little Y/n stop in her track look towards Taehyung while losing her grip from his hand making little Taehyung nervous. 'She didn't like the name' thought little Taehyung. Little Y/n think for some time and then she claps her hand whole nodding cutely and said "Yes, I love like this nickname" making little Taehyung smile widely. Little Y/n giggle seeing his cute boxy smile. "You are so cute" said little Y/n while pinching his right cheek making him blush a little because no girl ever touches him like that, he never went close to girls. Y/n was the first who touch him like this. seeing his red cheek Y/n giggle finding him too cute while her mother admiring their  behaviour and find them cute together.

After sometime

The whole day Taehyung play with little Y/n and Suga. He became good friend with them special with Y/n, his Chocolate Fairy. And Y/n' family also get close to him. Right now, he is laying on his bed while admiring the Chocolate which given by his Chocolate Fairy, Min Y/n.

"Min Y/n" little Taehyung keep repeating her name. but suddenly he stop "Kim Y/n, hmm it sound much better than Min" said Taehyung to himself. "Seems like you spend good time with that girl" Taehyung came to realty when he heard his hyung and sit on bed.

He smiles and nod his head but a frown came on his face 'how hyung know about my chocolate fairy' he thought. "Yeah, but how do you know about her?" asked little Taehyung. Jin chuckle while shaking his head and sit infront of Taehyung.

"I was there the whole-time keeping eye on you" Taehyung was scared what if his master gets to know that he was playing whole day that to with a girl, because they are strictly warned to stay away from girls. "Hyung, please don't tell anything to Mr. Park or else he will punish me" "Ok, I wouldn't tell him but you have to share this chocolate with me" said Jin while pointing towards the chocolate which little Taehyung was holding.

He think for some time and said "ok, but just one bar because it is given my chocolate fairy" Jin chuckle and said "So, you gave her a nickname hmmm, well good" Taehyung blush a little while remember his chocolate fairy and nod his head. "Oh, is my Taehyung blushing" said Jin to tease Taehyung which lead to blush him more. The way she hold his hand and pinch his cheek which give him a new feeling and he loved that. And Jin is also happy seeing his best friend cum brother happy after so many days. He wishes to see him happy in his entire life.

The days turns into months and months turns into years. It's been 2-to-3-year Taehyung was getting close to his chocolate fairy. He loved her company. But one day everything change. "So, you are friend of that girl?" asked Park Yu-jun in serous tone. Taehyung nod his head. Yu-jun hummed in respond. "I am giving a chance, from today onwards you will not meet that girl or else the consequence will not be good" and from that day Taehyung decide to stay away from his chocolate fairy for her safety.

After some year

It was night time when a teenage boy was roaming around the park. The same park where he meet his love for first time and the boy is none other than Kim Taehyung.

It's been few years but he still can't over come from her. Now he has become very strong physically. He can beat 10 men at one time. and he is heart robber of girls. Every girls throw themselves on him but he never spares a glance to them, because his heart is stolen by a cute, naive and kind girl, Min Y/n.

Taehyung was roaming around park missing his chocolate fairy. All this year he keep himself away from his chocolate fairy. He didn't try to meet her no matter how much his heart ache to see his love. But he holds his desire back for her safety.

When he was roaming around park something got his attention. There was a girl sitting on bench while looking at stars like she is talking to them. He doesn't know but why he feels a peace when he look at her, but he decides to ignore her. He starts to walk at different direction but he stops when he heard her conversation with stars.

"Eomma-Appa, you know what Hyung and Unnie are not allowing me to go to school trip, its only for 2 days but they are not allowing me. Everyone is going except me. Please make them realise that I am not kid anymore." Said that girl with a small pout. Taehyung chuckle at her childish behaviour and he decide to listen her little conversation with stars, he hides behind a tree hear by her and listen her words carefully.

Unknowingly he was smiling the whole time while listening to her conversation. But he frowns when he saw a teen couple were approaching her, but that girl looked to other side avoiding them. Taehyung a familiar girl. She was Park Aera. It been almost more than a year she leave her father's mansion. And they didn't even try to find her knowing she must be happy where she is.

Taehyung get alert and hide himself properly behind the tree. "Little one, lets go to home. it's late to stay out" said Aera softly, Taehyung was shock seeing her soft side because after her mother death she became little cold and her coldness increase as her grow up. But that girl didn't respond.

"Yes, little one. We have made your favourite dish and we brought your favourite chocolate" said the boy. After listening the word 'chocolate' her face light up, but she decides to give them a cold look. Because she knows it's their trick to manipulate her. Taehyung was observing the scene and trying to find out why Aera is with them but he got froze at his place he heard that boy's next word.

"Min Y/n, stop being so stubborn." Said the boy in serious tone making the girl sad and now he feels bad for being rube, he sits beside her and give her a side hug "Y/n, please try to understand we can't let to go there." Said Yoongi but it didn't help the poor girl, she just wants to go to school trip and her love bird are not allowing her because it is of two days.

"Ok, me and your hyung will think about it" said Aera making her pout. They both sigh seeing their little one being so stubborn. "Ok, fine. We allow you to go to school trip" said Yoongi making her happy. Meanwhile Taehyung was having tears in his eyes. After some many days he is seeing his love. It breaks all his boundaries.

From that day Taehyung start to stalk her. He gets know that her parents died when she was 10-year-old and now they are staying at orphanage which is belong to them and every night she came to park and talk to stars. He never tried to approach her. He was happy seeing her from far but he was unaware that someone is keeping eye on his every move.

One day when Y/n was crossing the road, she saw that a truck is coming toward her. She was frozen at her place and she try to move but her legs didn't dare to move from that spot. The truck was few meters away from her, she feels like it is her last day but then a dimple guy came pull her towards him and safe her. Because of shock she got faint in that dimple guy arms.

He took her to the hospital. Yoongi and Aera was terrified seeing their precious laying unconscious on hospital bed. The scene broke their heart. They both thanked that dimple guy for saving their precious's life. And from that day their became more protective towards her.

"Look, how vulnerable she made you. I am warning you for the last time. Stay away from her, she is not good news for you, she will make you weak. She will be your weakness. Look, to safe her you are ready to endure any pain. Today I just try to kill her. But next time she will be dead and that's my guarantee" said Park Yu-jun in serious tone and disappear from the torture room leaving beaten Taehyung alone. He got his punishment for going close to his love.

End of flashback

That was the day when Taehyung promise himself to a powerful man who can protect his love. Park Yu-jun send him USA for further studies and to make him stay away for that girl. But Taehyung left his trusted man behind him to protect his love.

Once a month he gets update about his love from his man. He work hard to build his empire. And all this year he never see her picture because he know if he gaze at her for once, then it will be hard for him to stay away for her. And when he got all the power he desires for, he kill the person who tried to hurt his chocolate fairy, he killed Park Yu-jun. It was his love towards her who make him devil. He became devil to protect his love. He became devil to protect his angel. 


This chapter is little big, I hope you all didn't get board. 

please do vote and comment. 


Read "LOVE CLOUDS " by TAEHYUNG7532 on Wattpad. 
 please read this book and support her. She is new in this field, so please shower your love to this book also. 

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