ATEEZ Oneshots

By bekahstull27

143K 2K 688

I changed this from just a woosan fic to all of ateez! More

Cuddles (sickfic) woosan
Comfort- woosan
Healing- woosan
Anxiety Attack- woosan
Bully (Featuring Seonghwa, Mingi, and Yunho)
Prank Gone Wrong-woosan
Can I Be Him? - Yeosang
Touch-Starved- Seonghwa
Clingy- Woosan
Forgotten- Yeosang (ATEEZ X TXT)
Injured - Jongho
Overworked - Hongjoong
Neglect - Yeosang
Injured - Wooyoung
Prank - Woosan+ Yeosang
Strangers - Woosan
Good Enough - San
Soggy - Seonghwa
Emotional - Yeosang
Assault- Hongjoong
Mugged- Hongjoong
Sick- Seonghwa
Attack- San and Yeosang
Guilt- Wooyoung
Migraine- Yunho

Bad Friend- Yeosang

4.4K 74 34
By bekahstull27

Request by: 31LouisTomlinson31

"what's something that a member does that bothers you?" the interviewer chuckled as he read his question card to the boys. They were all sitting on stools holding plastic pointers prepared to point to certain members for the sake of the game they were playing.

Wooyoung instantly pointed at Yeosang making the others giggle, they already knew where this was going.

"Wooyoung, I see you are pointing at Yeosang? What has he done to you?" the man chuckled as the point of the game was for fun and games.

"Okay so something Yeosang does is order chicken when I'm making dinner for him!" Wooyoung whined as he teased Yeosang.

The other members laughed but Yeosang seemed a little uncomfortable. He folded his hand in his lap and forced a smile to act like he was playing along.

The interviewer laughed at the comical situation.

"You ordered food even though Wooyoung was cooking?" he teased as the rest of them laughed.

Yeosang gave a small nod pretending like he was laughing it off but in reality Yeosang wanted to forget he even did that. Event though it seemed like a joke to the others, the situation made Yeosang feel like he was a bad friend to Wooyoung, and he worried that even though Wooyoung seemed to be joking, he actually hurt his feelings when he did that.

He pulled his hoodie sleeved down over his hands and curled in on himself slightly.

The rest of the interview went by quickly, Yeosang didn't really pay attention and kind of zoned out of the situation all together.

Nobody seemed to notice Yeosang's sudden change in mood except for the eldest. Seonghwa was seated next to Yeosang and saw him fidgeting with his hands and look down at the floor, his mood very clearly not great.

After fifteen more minutes, the interview was wrapped, and they could finally go home and relax.

As they were walking out Seonghwa purposefully hung behind so he could walk next to Yeosang. The others were fairly cheerful, Yunho and mingi messing around and San and Wooyoung chasing each other out of the building.

Seonghwa led Yeosang to the van and they crawled into the very back seat. Yeosang took he seat and looked out the window blankly, his expression unreadable. Seonghwa slid next him in the back and tried to get his attention by looking at him, but Yeosang never turned around.

They began driving back to the dorms the van full of cheerful conversations and laughter from the others. Yunho was controlling the aux cord and playing some very energetic music to boost the mood of the van. Everyone was laughing and singing and being loud, but Yeosang and Seonghwa who were sitting quietly in the back.

Seonghwa sighed softly before he reached over and slipped his hand into Yeosang's squeezing it gently. Yeosang stayed silent but Seonghwa felt him tighten his fingers around his own signaling that the comfort he offered was well received.

When they got home, they all rushed into the dorms excited to relax after a long week of schedules.

Yeosang was the last one in. he removed his shoes in the doorway and quickly rushed off to his bedroom without saying a word to the others.

He closed his door and collapsed on his bed letting out a long sigh. He stared up at the ceiling replaying the earlier events in his head.

He suddenly rolled over onto his stomach and took his phone out of his pocket. He searched up Wooyoung's cooking video and watched it seeing himself and Wooyoung on the screen. He watched as Wooyoung questioned if he had ordered food while he was cooking. Yeosang just snickered and walked in the opposite direction to retrieve his chicken from the delivery man.

He watched the screen and noticed Wooyoung's facial expression. He looked genuinely hurt by his actions and it shot a guilty jab through his heart. He furrowed his brows as he watched Wooyoung sadly go back to stirring the contents of his pan on the stove, his mood seemingly down now that Yeosang had hurt him.

Yeosang cursed at himself under his breath. How could he neglect Wooyoung's feelings like that? They were supposed to be best friends, but Yeosang felt like he had been mistreating Wooyoung far too much.

He sighed frustrated as he scrolled down noticing a huge comment section below. He hesitantly scrolled down and began reading some comments.

"Omg why was Yeosang being so mean?"

"Did he actually do that to Wooyoung?!"

"that's so rude omg"

"I thought they were friends?"

"Yo, Yeosang is deadass such a terrible friend like wtf."

"Wow Yeosang, that's fucked up."

"Yeosang = worst bestie"

"that's just so messed up. Wooyoung was working so hard to cook for him and he just orders food anyways?? Wow. Just wow."

Yeosang saw a droplet of water hit his phone screen. He hadn't realized he had begun to cry until his tears began to drip onto his phone and pillow beneath him.

He quickly closed his phone and tossed it to the side of his bed burying his face in his hands and letting his tears fall.

"I really am such a terrible friend..." he whispered tearfully to himself. He had gotten himself pretty worked up, his eyes wet and red, his nose effectively runny and his cheeks a deep rose from his crying.

"Sangie!! It's dinner time!" Hongjoong called from the kitchen which snapped Yeosang out of his emotional episode. He quickly wiped his eyes with the back of his hands and looked down seeing his hoodie sleeves soaked with tears and snot. He quickly removed the hoodie and changed into a new one that happened to be one of Wooyoung's. it was a little big on him, the sleeves going past his fingertips, the hem of the hoodie reaching his mid-thigh.

He put the hood up and pushed his bangs over to cover his eyes knowing very well that they were still red and watery. He put the hood up and left his bedroom to join the others for dinner.

He was the last one at the table and they all gave him a warm smile as he entered the room. they knew Yeosang was feeling a little down as Seonghwa ended up telling them about his mood change but they all thought he was just tired from their busy week.

"Hey sangie, we got chicken from your favorite place!" mingi beamed giving the boy a warm smile.

Yeosang nodded slightly and sat at the table, the hood covering his face.

They all began to eat, and everything was normal until Wooyoung suddenly stopped messing around with San and looked at Yeosang. He saw the boy hiding his face, his demeanor very odd and not Yeosang-like at all.

Wooyoung leaned over to Yeosang and gave him a smile.

"Sangie what are you doing wearing your hood like that? We can't even see you!" he teased as he grabbed the plush hood and pulled it down to reveal Yeosang's face.

They all laughed but stopped when woo brushed Yeosang's hair away.

His eyes were bright red, his nose and cheeks dusted with red as well, his eyes were glossy and heavy looking and now all the members had their full attention on the boy.

"Sangie?" Wooyoung said as he examined the poor boys swollen eyes. he got up from his chair and moved to Yeosang placing his hands on the sides of Yeosang's face cupping his cheeks gently seeing the obvious tear tracks staining his soft skin.

Now all the members were concerned.

"Sangie? Are you okay?" Wooyoung said gently as he pressed the pads of his thumbs to the apples of Yeosang's cheeks.

As if a trigger, Wooyoung's question made Yeosang think of what a terrible friend he is. Seeing Wooyoung so concerned for him made him feel awful about himself and before he could stop them, his tears started up again.

Before anyone could register what was happening, Yeosang began quietly sobbing, tears streaming down his already flushed cheeks.

All of them gasped in horror and confusion. Why was their little yeosangie so upset?

Wooyoung quickly pulled his best friend into his arms wrapping him in a tight comforting hug.

As Yeosang sobbed in his chest he looked around at the other members for any information on what was upsetting Yeosang so much,

They all looked around at each other very confused and concerned. They were all on their feet and stood around Yeosang, their hands rubbing Yeosang's back and shoulders trying to console the crying boy.

"Sangie, baby what's wrong? Why are you crying honey?" Wooyoung whispered softly as he leaned his cheek on the top of Yeosang's head.

"Woo...woo I'm so sorry!! I'm sorry for being such a t...terrible friend...i...I never meant hurt you or make you feel bad...i...I wasn't thinking and i...i...-

Yeosang was a babbling, stuttering mess, his tears making him choke on his words as they flowed out of him.

"Woah, woah, sangie slow down baby. Why are you apologizing? You have done nothing wrong bub." Wooyoung cooed feeling extremely confused.

"Atiny were right about me woo...i...I'm such a bad friend...i...I was so awful to you and...and I...I feel like such a terrible person for hurting you like that!" Yeosang sobbed hysterically as he thought back to all the mean comments he read about him.

Wooyoung looked at the others for help. He had no idea what Yeosang was talking about, and he was getting even more worried.

They all shrug at first but suddenly Seonghwa had a look of realization. He slowly approached Yeosang and bent down slightly to look at Yeosang's face.

"Sangie? Is this about that question at the interview? The one about you ordering food when Wooyoung was cooking?"

As soon as Seonghwa said that Yeosang cried harder clutching Wooyoung's t-shirt in his hand tightly.

The boys all finally understood what was going on and Wooyoung had wide eyes, guilt settling in his stomach.

"Sangie, baby look at me." he said softly. He slowly rose Yeosang's head with his fingers.

His eyes met Yeosang's tired swollen ones, and he gave him a soft sympathetic smile.

"Sangie, that was just a joke baby, I was just exaggerating for the interview, you never upset me or hurt my feelings sangie." Wooyoung explained softly.

Yeosang sniffled, his tears finally beginning to slow.

"Oh sangie, have you been thinking like this all this time?"

"Well...y.. yeah... i...I thought I hurt your feelings...I thought i...was being a b.. Bad friend...." He hiccupped.

"Sangie no, I was never upset about that, it was all just a joke for the video... I thought you knew that oh gosh sangie I'm so sorry that I made you feel so guilty and upset." Wooyoung softly ran his hands through Yeosang's hair relaxing as he finally stopped crying.

Yeosang went quiet for several seconds before he sniffled and rose off of Wooyoung's chest.

"Are you okay sangie?"

Yeosang's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment as he slowly nodded.

"I'm...I'm so sorry for causing such a scene... I shouldn't have reacted like such a baby..."

All the members quickly shut down his apology wanting him to know that he shouldn't feel embarrassed for being upset.

"it's okay sangie, don't apologize baby, we just want you to be okay, you're allowed to be upset about things sangie." Seonghwa reassured softly running his hand through Yeosang's hair.

"Just next time, will you please come talk to us? We never want you to run off and be upset on your own. If something's bothering you, come talk to us okay sangie?" Hongjoong said gently giving him a big smile.

"I'm sorry guys...thank you for being so nice to me." he said innocently making the members hearts melt.

"Awe sangie, stop apologizing, we all love you so much we're always gonna be here for you no matter what you understand?" San said rubbing Yeosang's shoulder.

Yeosang nodded giving him members a small grateful smile.

"You sure you're okay now sangie?" Wooyoung asked softly.

"Yes woo...I'm okay."

Wooyoung gave him a tight hug before they broke apart and sat back at their seats continuing to eat their meal. Yeosang found himself smiling again with his members and his mind at ease now knowing that Wooyoung wasn't upset with him.

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