269K 7.7K 796

Heart breaking Happy Make up Prank Smut All JENTOP More

Thank you
I love you
I love you (02)
Give up
Let me in again
Jealous (with CHAELISA)
It's hard to be just a friend
Just for you
In Another Life
Just for you (2)
Let's get out of here
Lie to me
Fast 🔞
A promise
I kissed a girl
Ignore and Jealous
Ignore and Jealous (02)
Hate to Love
Hate to Love (02)🔞
Enemy? 🔞
A promise (02)
Enemy? (02)
Give Up (02)
Give Up (03)
Give Up (04)
Take it or Leave it? 🔞
Take it or Leave it (02)
My Ex and Why's
Away (01)
Away (02)
Boring (English Version)
Away (03)
Away (04)
Away (05)
Girlfriend and her Stepsister🔞
Away (06)
Away (07)
One Night Stand 🔞
Away (08 Final)
Naked 🔞
Drunk Night🔞
Hows of Us
Lie to me (02)
Lie to me (03)
Ms. Kim 🔞
Ms. Kim (02)
Lie to Me (04)
Ms. Kim (03)
Stop (02)
Lie to Me (05)
Lie to Me (06) 🔞
Away🔞 (Epilogue)
Lie to Me (07)
Ms. Kim (04 Last)
Red Day
First but not the LAST
First but not the LAST (02)
Pick up LiNE
Office BOSS 🔞
First but not the LAST (03)
Neighbor 🔞
Neighbor (03 Last)
FaKE GIRLfriend
FaKE GIRLfriend (02)
AFFAIR with the NEW MAID 🔞
A Nerd but a real Daddy 🔞
First but not the LAST (04)
Call my WIFE by her first name
First but not the LAST (05 Last)
Enemy? (03)
Enemy? (04)
Enemy? (05)
Lie Detector
Enemy? (06)
The TASTE of your Body 🔞
Say IT!
Husband Mistress
Husband Mistress (02 Last)
Lie to me (08)
Lie to me (09)
REJECTED (02 Last)
I thought I'm the Only One?!
Move On
Always Him not ME
Ms. Innocent 🔞
Heard (01)
Heard (02)
Heard (03)
Heard (04)
Heard (05)
Heard (06)
Heard (07 Last)
Heard (Epilogue)
I'm so Brilliant

Neighbor (02)

1.3K 63 9

As you requested here the part two😊😊.



Jisoo suddenly woke up she looks at the wall clock and it's says 6:30 in the evening she look at her side and smile seeing Jennie sleeping peacefully she lean in and kiss Jennie's nose and pull away and stare at her for a few minutes but then she remember Jin-young will be home.

She got up silently not to wake Jennie up she grab her clothes and wear it again, she felt a bit pain in her center but she's okay with it as she close the door of the room and went to her room to get her phone and see if Jin-young texted her she wish he will not be here until tomorrow.

She opened her phone and her eyes widened Jin-young text her that he will arrived at 6:35 'Shit', She then heard a car she looks at the window and see Jin-young 'Oh, no no', She quickly went to the guest room and see Jennie sitting at the bed smiling at her "Hey, are you okay? You look pale" Jennie said and walk to her she was already fully dress.

"J-jin-young is here" Jisoo said seems scared "Hey, don't worry he will not now what happened okay? I will just say we just talk" Jennie said assuring her and kiss her "Okay so don't be scared I'm here" Jisoo nodded and hug Jennie tight "I love you" Jisoo whisper "I love you too" Jennie said back and kiss Jisoo cheek.

"Jisoo!" They heard Jin-young shouted Jennie smiled at her "Let's go" Jennie said as the two of them went out Jisoo went down first "Am hungry cook me something" She heard Jin-young said to Jisoo in a coldly way.

"What are you standing there?! I'm hungry" She seen Jin-young slap Jisoo on the cheek she quickly went down "What the fuck are you doing Mr. Park?!" She angry shouted at Jin-young and shield Jisoo "What are you doing in my house?" Jin-young asked a bit shock.

"Me and Jisoo are just talking upstairs" Jennie answered coldly and look at Jisoo was sobbing and looking down "Why did you slap her?!" Jennie shouted at him "You can't step on married couple!" Jin-young shouted back "But you have no rights to slap her like that!" Jennie was boiling in anger seeing the one she love being hurt.

"Get out off my house!" Jin-young said and pull Jennie away but Jennie push his arm away from her "No, I will not!" Jennie shouted back "I will not let you hurt her again and she will come with me" Jennie said and look at Jisoo was still sobbing and shaking "Look what did you do! You don't deserve her!" Jennie said and punch Jin-young making him lost his balance.

"Let's go" Jennie said to Jisoo in a soft voice Jisoo look at her shock but she just let Jennie drag her away "You're safe now" Jennie said and hug her when they enter her house Jisoo cried in Jennie's arm and Jennie feeling sad and hurt seeing Jisoo cry like this.

"Let's put some ice for that" Jennie said softly and smiled she kiss Jisoo's forehead as they walk to the dinning area Jennie let Jisoo sat down at the chair of the dinning table while she get some ice and a clean towel.

"Ouch.. " Jisoo cried when Jennie put the towel with ice on Jisoo's cheek "I'm sorry" Jennie said and just let Jisoo there was a silent Jennie was just staring at Jisoo who was looking down.

"Did... did he hurt you everytime?" Jennie asked seriously and held Jisoo hand giving it a squeeze "He... sometimes slap me... or say mean words to me... w-when I don't... follow him" Jisoo was crying again "Why don't you report it to the police or tell it to your parents?" Jisoo shock her head "I-i can't h-he.... threatened to kill me.... if I say a word... " Jennie felt anger aroused on her.

"He will not do that anymore I am here for you know... I will protect you" Jennie said and held Jisoo chin gently to make Jisoo look at her "I'll stay by your side and we will call the police and tell your parents about it and he can't do anything about it" Jennie said let's just say Jennie's parents are one of the billionaire in the whole world and Jennie has a power to everything.

"I promise you and we will leave somewhere else and we will leave today" Jennie said "Today? Where are we going?" Jisoo asked her "To my house in the Philippines" Jennie said and starts to dialed a number in her phone.

"I need my private plane now... yes, I am leaving... to Philippines... okay thank you bye" Jennie put down her phone "It's my cousin who I called and we have to get ready let's go take a shower" Jennie said and pull Jisoo up "I'll let you borrow my clothes I'll put it at the bed you can take my shower in my room I'll take the shower in the guest room" Jennie said smiled at her and peck her lips.

"I need your help Unnie I want you to arrest Park Jin-young my neighbor... he hurt his wife everytime and I want him to stay in jail until he die don't let any lawyer hold his case.... thank you unnie... my cousin will send the money to you tomorrow... bye" Jennie hang up and sigh she then take a quick bath.

She change immediately and went to her room to see Jisoo sitting at her bed looking at her picture that was in the nightstand she went behind her and hug Jisoo "You look cute" Jisoo blurred out smiling "I always look cute" Jennie giggled and kiss Jisoo's cheek "Let's go now we will be late" Jisoo nodded and let Jennie hold her hand.

At Jennie's private plane.....

"Good evening Ms. Kim" The flight attendant said and bow at her she just nodded as the two of them went inside the plane "Do you want anything to eat?" Jennie asked Jisoo who was looking outside the window admiring the clouds.

"I'm good I don't feel like eating" Jisoo answered and Jennie nodded "You can rest you seems tired about what happened I'll just wake you up" Jennie said and Jisoo put her head in Jennie's shoulder and close her eyes Jennie stared at her and she slowly close her eyes too and fall asleep.


It will have a part 3 😊😊.


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