Rimuru X Harem (Regret & retu...

By Siesta0531

385K 7.5K 3.9K

It's been 583 yrs. Since the fight with yuuki in the Tenma war. Rimuru being focused all those yrs. Fighting... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Side chapter
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Side Chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Side Chapter
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Lemon Chapter
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Lemon Chapter
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 3

10.8K 214 112
By Siesta0531

After leaving the goblin village(future tempest) Rimuru and Ciel arrives in the warrior nation Dwargon. After seing the long line before entering Rimuru and Ciel decided to use spacial domination to an empty alley thus avoiding the long lines and interrogation

I decided to have a tour around Dwargon first before going to Kaijin's smithing shop. After me and Ciel started exploring Dwargon I get this uncomfortable feeling everywhere we go all the attention and gazes of the people are directed to me and Ciel of course Ciel sensie act's like it was normal

<<Answer: It's because master has unrivaled beauty exceeding that of goddesses>>

*Im a guy though...

Ciel we still have time before going to the dwarf brothers do you have something in mind that you want to eat?

<<Negative:As master's personal maid I can only eat what master's want or master can eat m->>

Aahhh! Ok..ok please stop basing being a maid on that mangaaa Ciel


Oii.. did you just smug?

<<It's just your imagination>>

Ahaha aha! *Scratches head maybe your right wait you di-

*What's this Ciel's been starring to that ice cream cart...hehe I'll get you back Ciel

Ooora *smug face what's this is my perfect maid somewhat interested in eating ice cream I can get you some if you say please evil smile

<<*Teary eyes & small voice, Master I wanted to try that ice cream>>

Ooii don't cry I was just teasing you okay let's try that ice cream then go to Kaijin's

<<Smug face...heh! too easy>>


After eating some ice cream we're about to go to Kaijin's shop and we heard that there's been an accident in the mine *shoot I almost forgot about this incident... Let's go Ciel let's help the 3 brothers

Rimuru and Ciel arrive on site instead of using the 99% recovery potions Rimuru decided to heal them by using Time God Yog-Sothoth Rimuru reverse the time before the accident and by using Evil Dragon Lord Azi Dahaka organic matter control Ciel not just re-created the destroyed mine but also all the minerals like iron,gold, silver composing mostly of high grade magi-steal all the witnesses at that time had the same words "Goddesses"
Story about them spread in less than an hour like wildfire including someone that was sent by King Gazel himself to monitor Rimuru and Ciel because they didn't go through the gates for interrogation

After healing the 3 brothers we go to Kaijin's there we saw him rushing to fill his quota on sword's per vesta's request


I tried saying it in a louder voice HELLO!

Oh sorry I'm kinda in a tight schedule and we can't accept new orders for the next coming weeks

What if I help you with your problem then can you hear me out?

You can help me? How?

Can I borrow one of your finish sword's?

O-okay I don't mind here

Ciel here

<<Activating  enhance duplication>>

After Ciel made 20 copies of the sword but a little better compared to Kaijin's finished sword the 4 of them where all shocked after about a minute they finally came back to reality

'Sweating' H-how? This are better thany finish sword and your sister made 20 in less than 2seconds

Actually brother this goddesses also save us from the mine accident earlier said garm

Hmm.. hmm. Said myrd

*So even in this timeline myrd refuses to say anything

Mine accident?! Then why are you guys still unscratched

This goddesses healed us we don't know exactly how but it's like it never happened and also the mine was back standing

*Shock realizing the situation... Thankyou goddesses for saving this 3

'Awkward'Ahaha ha! It's nothing much and my name is Rimuru Tempest and this is partner<<first wife>> Ciel I'm a boy by the way

Oh sorry for the misunderstanding Rimuru dunno and lady Ciel

It's okay back to the topic we actually came here  to hire people to make houses and clothing and some good blacksmiths I'm actually planning to make a country in jura forest

After seing that display of power by lady Ciel I think I can learn more and improve myself if I come with Rimuru dunno

Well I'm not that good at smithing or anything

Haha then what am I if Rimuru dunno say's he's not good we will gladly go to your village if you allow us Rimuru dunno

Yoosh! I accept Kaijin san

But before that Rimuru dunno I will deliver these sword's and we would like to say our farewell with our king if it's okay we can leave tomorrow

After discussing and agreeing with Kaijin and the dwarf brothers they invited me to the elf bar bringing Ciel along I didn't get to enjoy because she was giving that really cold aura and like in the last timeline one of the elf uses a crystal ball to look at my "destined one" to my surprise it wasn't just shizu san but multiple girls some even I haven't recognize in past timeline what's this a harem ehh!

After looking at the crystal ball I think it's time I use spatial teleportation

You've been following us since we got into the city tell your king that we will visit him tomorrow


While I was following these two they healed the injured earlier and also repaired the mine I don't know how I decided to check the mines and it shock me of what I saw

They went into an elf bar after leaving The blacksmith Kaijin's tavern while I was monitoring them

One of the goddess disappeared from my sight I didn't see her move or anything it surprised me that she was already behind me I don't know why but I feel like if I try to run or fight her she can kill me instantly and then after hearing her words I felt a small relieved the last thing I knew she was back together with the other goddess
I must report this to the king now

The next day

Kaijin and the 3 brothers was preparing their things before bringing the sword's and saying there farewell with King Gazel I decided to give him a little visit this time Me and Ciel use spatial travel to instantly appear inside his office

Hellow King Gazel I think your spy already told you about our visit today

Yes he have already informed me about that *pretending staying composed as always

I am sorry for not welcoming you properly I didn't expect you and your sister can just teleport into my office directly

One of the guards hearing their King talking tried to checkup on him

My King is there something wrong?

Alert seing Rimuru and Ciel  inside the King's office suddenly called for reinforcement they barged into the office and surrounding Rimuru and Ciel while pointing there weapons

Guard 1: Don't move!
Guard 2: What are your motives and why are you here inside the King's office we didn't see anyone passing thru the castle's gates
Guard 1: You dare set your foot inside the King's office this can be charged by death!

Hearing those words made Ciel angry hearing them insulting her master all of a sudden their weapon started to dissapate into the nothingness

King Gazel POV

After one of my strongest guard insulted these unknown goddesses my guards sword started to disappear I wanted to stop it but there's some kind of force that's making me stop opening my mouth at all I can't move a finger all I can feel was that one of the goddesses started to release somekind of aura and the whole kingdom started to tremble the last thing I saw was all the guards present in the room got their limbs separated without blood

End of pov

After seing Ciel's reaction I immediately stop the time

Ciel calm down

<<Negative this insects dare to insult master insulting the supreme Diety not even death is enough>>

Sigh* ok I understand what you mean but their also our friends they are King Gazel's subordinates starting now don't just destroy some county because they said some words okay and they don't even know that we're from the future

<<Understood master>>

Ooii! Why'd you cut of their limbs

<<Master is always nice you should show some fear & superiority also>>

*Ciel-sensie is really scary aha! Haha

I resumed the flaw of time and release a bit of my True Diety Haki enough to make King Gazel to put even the compose Gazel sweat

We're not here for trouble King Gazel I haven't introduce myself I'm Rimuru Tempest and this is my partner Ciel

I-i see it's nice to meet you Rimuru & Ciel Im sorry for my subordinates actions it was part of their duty to protect me and this country I hope you forgive them

'turns of Diety's Haki' I'm actually making a country

A country? And where are you planning to make that country

Hmm etoo I'm planning to make a country of monsters in Jura forest and I am hoping to co excise with humans

A-a county of monsters?

Yes as you can see I'm a slime 'transforms to slime form then gets back to human form

King Gazel was Shock for a moment

I see *sigh

I wanted to ask you if I can bring Kaijin's and the 3 brothers back to my village we needed them for house countruction and clothing I hope you can allow them

If they agree with you I have no say in it but can I have a request for it Rimuru?

What is it?

Can we have a delayed alliance if possible we can officially announce it after you established your county and being capable

Then I accept as token of our delayed alliance you can have this

I pulled out 3barrels of 99% healing potions from my imaginary space

What's this Rimuru?

Those are 99% healing potions I'll tell you first I'm not going to tell you how to make it but I am willing to supply your country with it for a limited number per month

99%?! I'm really surprise Rimuru-yo I guess having a delayed alliance with you is the right call

Well okay then till we meet again King Gazel

Gazel's POV

*After saying he's goodbyes he snap his fingers and all my subordinates limbs came back from out of nowhere. And that Ciel is giving me a really bad feeling if they wanted to they can destroy my country without efforts I just hope that with all that power they are good

Should I monitor them my king?

Go and don't try to hide anymore I will ask Kaijin to bring you along so I can have regular updates about Rimuru and his county

End of POV

After Rimuru and Ciel's visit with King Gazel they waited for Kaijin and the others to go back to the goblin village after all is finish this time Rimuru decided to use spatial transfer to teleport instantly back to the village together with the new subordinates to join (future tempest)

Thankyou for reading and I hope you guys are enjoying I will continue to update everyday atleast 3-4 chapters and sorry for the grammar I am still new here ^_^ drop down your suggestion and possible harem candidate ships

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