His Scarred Beauty (Complete)

By suzangill98

1.6M 89.9K 22.8K

"Skin once broken ,can never be the same. Just like hearts once betrayed, struggle to beat again." ... More

Chapter 1: The acquaintance
Chapter 2:Hatred
Introduction 1. Welcome readers!
Chapter 3: Ugly
Chapter 4 The repulsion
Chapter 5: Saving her.
Chapter 6 The fall
Chapter 7 The first time
Chapter 8 The shoot
Chapter 9 The replacement
Chapter 10 The lost love
Chapter 11 The third heart
Chapter 13 The proposal?
Chapter 14 Accepted?
Chapter 15 The villain
Chapter 16 The surprise
Chapter 17 The memories
Chapter 18 The Wedding(this)
Chapter 19 The first night
Chapter 20 The attack
Chapter 21 Jealousy
Chapter 22 Broken or not?
Chapter 23 The offer?
Chapter 24 Persuasion
Chapter 25 The Plantiff
Ch 26 The Hero
Chapter 27 Finding her.
Chapter 28 The dream
Chapter 29 The Scars
Chapter 30 The Game
Chapter 31 The Beginning
Chapter 32 Unveiled
Chapter 33 The Secrets
Chapter 34 Faking / Caring?
Chapter 35 The murderer
Chapter 36 Face off
Chapter 37 The welcome
Chapter 38 Mending hearts
Chapter 39 The delimma
Chapter 40 The island
Chapter 41 Let go
Chapter 42 The sparks
Chapter 43 Captive
Chapter 44 Shattering restraints
Chapter 45 The limit
Chapter 46 Trust
Chapter 47 Burning Rage
Chapter 48 The Beginning of a War
Chapter 49 The intrusion
Chapter 50 The Impact
Chapter 51 The Choice
Chapter 52 Reunions and heartbreaks
Chapter 53 The face off
Chapter 54 The best friend.
Chapter 55 Coming back
Chapter 56 The Phoenix
Chapter 57 Her typhoons
Chapter 58 The d day
Chapter 59 The Ace
Ch 60 Her Secrets
Ch 61 The Truth of that night
Chapter 62 Vengeance
Chapter 63 Epilogue (1)
Chapter 64 Epilogue ( 2)
Chapter 65 Bonus (1)
Chapter 66 Bonus ( The Final)

Chapter 12 The hero/ Villain

23.7K 1.3K 221
By suzangill98

Narrator ( Sophie) pov-

Our life was a straight line, trust me guys.

Untill EJ

All those years back in highschool.

His entry was destined to change the very rules of the game we were playing.

To make us question our own feelings.

To change those straight lines into triangles and emotions to go all berserk.

He was not bad... Opposite actually, he was an angel who made us realise things we never would otherwise.

But then we all made mistakes and while he came to take us to heaven, we all fell into hell instead.

He shook the very bases of our friendship and love.

And when we realised this, we all were already falling apart.

From a chubby cute boy to this dashing billionaire, he is the one which I may have deliberately missed to introduce you to.

Sorry guys!

But don't blame me! He is way too special......and he truly deserved this grand entrance.

Just like his entrance all those years back in highschool.
Not so grand back then but definitely cute.

And you could say that for me he was my love at first smile...if not sight.

And trust me guys, those two cute dimples on his cheeks took my heart away that day.

But I couldn't tell it to anyone, not even Vivian.

And that was the very first rule I broke in out friendship.

The first mistake I did, which brought everything down to pieces.

Anyways,lets leave the sad story for later.
And just focus on good things.

Soooo..now that he is Mr Perfect, are those dimples still prominent...or maybe hidden in his stubble?

I should ask Vivian about it.

Bye....oh wait!

The flashback! Let me show you first how we met all those years down the lane.




"Oh my God! It was epic! What did he say then?"

Vivian asks me as we were walking down the halls, chatting. Our arms interlocked and broad smiles on our faces.

"He was like....If I even see you in one meter distance from her! -"

"And before he could complete...the guy was already running from me! Trust me Vivian,Ethan is so overly protective of me that I feel I wil die alone all my life!"

"My love life sucks Viv!"

"Anyways I wonder is Ethan like that with you too? Does he let you talk to other guys?"

Viv just shrugs her shoulders, looking in deep thought.

"To be honest Soph. He doesn't seem to care much. He was fine with me talking to a guy the other day...the guy was a jerk who was flirting like usual but Ethan didn't do much."

Viv looks hurt, sh** I said too much! I should understand the kind of relationship they have.

Why am I comparing their love with Ethan and mine friendship.

But it's not my fault entirely, it's that stupid Ethan's fault!

Sometimes understanding Ethan is really hard. I mean one day he said he hated girls like Vivian and 2 days later they walk in hands in hands, with him saying she is his girlfriend.

Vivian is a really nice girl,I just don't want her heart to be broken.

I just hope Ethan feels for her as much as she feels for him.

And trust me, this girl is crazy for him.

"Drop it Viv! He sucks at showing his feelings! Beli-"

I couldn't complete,too lost in consoling her I didn't realise when my head hits someone's chest, making all 3 of us to fall down.

"Ouch! Dammit are you blind!"

Vivian curses while I just hold my throbbing head. She comes to my help, asking me if I was fine and I nod immediately.

Looking in front, my eyes lock with a pair of blue ones behind rimmed glasses and I sucked a breath.
Those orbs were damn beautiful,I must say.

He doesn't hold my stare.

Picking up the papers scattered around, he fixed his gaze at the floor.
While stuttering in nervousness.

"I..I am sorry...I was not looking where I was going."

Vivian just rolls her eyes, getting up. While I help him gather the papers.
Handing him over the sheets,our fingers touch and I pulled back immediately.

Were those sparks?

"It's fine. Even we were not looking. You are not at fault entirely."

He nods, pushing back his spectacles on his nose and I couldn't help stare at that greek nose.

Perfectly straight.... beautiful.

"Oh ! Where are my manners? I am Sophie and here...."

I pulled back Vivian, asking her to engage along and be friendly for once.

"My friend Vivian."

He looked nervous, but nods. His next words surprising me while Vivian stands unfazed.

"I know who you are... everyone knows...."

His eyes drift towards Vivian as he completes his sentence.

"Her "

I rub my neck in awkwardness while Vivian looked least interested.I hope she doesn't ruin this.
Her reputation with boys is not that good you see, she is a pro in rejecting them....and mind me,not very politely.

"Oh that's great then."

Giving me a nervous smile,he was going to leave when Vivian blocks his path.
I move my head in a no, asking her to stop but she just smirks.

"For courtesy sake my friend here gave you her name. Don't you think you should give yours to her and introduce yourself?"

He gulps looking at me and I narrow my eyes at Vivian,asking her to shut it!

"Oh I am sorry....I...was....I......."

And that's when Vivian chuckles seeing his scared face and I push her back.

"Don't mind her. You can leave. We are sorry..."

I say and that's when he nods.

I expected him to leave,but he steps closer to me and offers me his hand.

"Hi Sophie. I am Elijah"

I couldn't help stare at his beautiful smile. Two dimples adored his cheeks and I stilled gawking at his beauty.


I managed to stutter holding his hand , making a warmness to spread in my insides.
Those blue orbs stared at me but before I could ask him in which class he was.

Vivian speaks up, making his attention to shift from me to her.

"I was just messing around with you Nerdy boy. See yaa!"

And with this Vivian pulls me along with her,while I look back at him one last time over my shoulder.

Wondering if this is what is called love at first sight.

Because my heart was thudding rapidly without any respite.


"So concluding on the basis of factual and practical facts , not to forget the PE of the company."

"It clearly shows that the market price is not over valued and we as educated investors and businessmen, should proceed with the investment now ."

"We expect an introduction Mr Elijah. That's too enthusiastic of a new partner."

One of the men sitting in the meeting said chuckling, interrupting him to which he just smiles politely placing his palms on the table and looking back at everyone in the eye.

"I know I just joined as a new partner today and while I should introduce myself ,I am introducing a new investment prospect instead."

"But you see you will get a lot of time to know me, but this investment. If lost in hands of our rivals today, will be a missed opportunity to a billion prospect in future....... leaving us all here with nothing but..."


Elijah sets his eyes at Ethan as he whispers the last word, making Ethan's fists to clench.

"Anyone having any doubts?"

And that's when everyone starts asking questions.
Next hour passed like this,all the while Ethan saying nothing.

Just observing.

While on the other hand Vivian was in aww. The scared chubby boy has grown up to be a perfect confident man indeed.
And she couldn't help smile at his transformation.

Her eyes fixed at him as he spoke fluently ,with confidence oozing out in waves from him.
And finally when it was the time to vote for the proposal. Everyone rose their hands in acceptance, giving a nod to this wonderful idea.

Except for Ethan.

He just sat there, with arms folded and heated stare fixed at him.

"Mr Lockwood. May we know your reasons? I think this young boy here did a fantastic job in putting forward this proposition"

One of the other partners who sat there, asked Ethan.
Who barely blinks an eye and nods.

"A wonderful job indeed but Mr Elijah Jackson. If you don't mind, can I ask the name of the biggest promoter of this company you want us to acquire?"

Elijah smirks at this, expecting this.
And that's when he answers, making Vivian to freeze.

"Roman Klein"

Ethan just nods, closing the folder and nearly throwing it on the table.

"I am afraid Mr Elijah. There are just a handful of people I don't do business with."

"And Roman Klein is one of them."

Elijah doesn't back down, looking back at Ethan he answers with a small smirk on his lips.

"As far as I know your father and Romans are one of the oldest partners and associated. I wonder if it's because of some personal reasons, you don't agree to acquire them?

"I don't speak for my father. I speak for myself. And I refuse to acquire let alone associate with that man."

Elijah simply nods, while everyone at the table engage in discussions.
Confused as to why Ethan Lockwood does not do business with that man.

It's not new that businesses of Roman Klein were suffering due to his bad health.
His daughter Eliza Klein failing to manage his vast estate.

But while Elijah was determined to acquire his territories and make him pay for what he did to Vivian
Ethan simply refused to be associated with the man.

"That's fine Mr Lockwood. Everyone has their say, buy I won't be surprised if your decision changes in few days."

"After all old friends come to save one in bad days, don't they?"

Elijah says smirking. Making Ethan's hands to clench.
If only Ethan knew what Elijah was trying to insinuate.

If only he knew about the discussion going back in his place between his father and Roman.

Ethan doesn't respond and that's how the meeting ends. With his say prevailing over everyone else's as no one dared to cross paths with him.

Moving out, Ethan was the first one to leave.
But surprisingly Vivian didn't.

While the young billionaire stood there gathering files, Vivian stayed back to talk to him.

His blue eyes looked up at her , making a soft expression to cover his features.
Once assured that everyone left,he didn't waste a second to rush towards her and engulf her in a warm hug.

Vivian got stiff for a second, but recovered soon. Smiling and hugging him back.

"I missed you so much Viv."

Vivian just pat's his back, smiling.
And they both pull back from the hug.

Worry covering his features as he places his palms on her face and tilts it up.

"I searched so much for you...V...why did you leave me?"

He asks and she lowers her eyes. Gulping.

"I had to Elijah. I had to...I am sorry."

Silence stretches between them when Vivian tries to change the topic. Looking up at him with her teary green eyes.

"Leave the past Elijah......you tell me ! How is everything going?"

"The infamous EJ owner of VK Corporation! Like seriously man couldn't you think of any other name...VK?"

He chuckles looking back at her.

"Didn't I once say if I ever get famous enough to own a company...I will name it after the most beautiful thing in this world?"

"After you?"

She hits his chest chuckling, to only make that smile to disappear as she remembers about her scar.

"Anyways......I am so happy for you.You did great achieving so much Elijah. You deserved it."

He just smiles at her, staring at her beautiful green orbs that looked tired and lost.
Heaviness settles in his chest as he saw her smile, it was not like her natural one before.

She was not that confident headstrong Vivian Klein now.
She was a changed person.

" How are you V?"

Her smile vanishes to be only replaced with a fake one.
Nodding she replies.

"Good. Everything is good."

Elijah clenches his fist,she was lying....again.
He knew what her father did... disowning her and throwing her at the streets to feed herself .

He can't even imagine the life she had in the Jail and after getting released from it

He searched for her like a mad man but he couldn't find her.
Roman Klein made sure that no one could find her.

Hiding her and ending her existence from this world.

Until few days back when he came to know she was working as Ethan's secretary.
Until now.

"Still not a smooth lier Vivian? When are you going to learn it?"

He says and Vivian looks up at him in surprise.
He breathes heavily, coiling his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him.

Vivian freezes,her hands resting on his chest as her green eyes lock with his blue ones.

"What...what do you mean Elijah?"

He doesn't say anything. His eyes hardened at her as he places his other hand on her neck, making her breathing to hitch.

"You can hide from others but not from me V"

Moving up his thumb, near her lips.
His blue eyes remain fixed at her lips and Vivian goes still.

No...he can't know.

Thrashing she tries to let go to only make his grip on her to tighten.
Finally moving his thumb on the place where the bumb of her scar is, he feels it under his thumb pad.

Making her go still.

He doesn't react though,like he knew it already. Placing his forehead on her and closing his eyes,he whispers making her eyes to widen in surprise.

"I know about the battles you fight everyday V"

"I know about this."

And that's when he opens his eyes to look down at her scar.
And she felt like she has been stripped bare of all the shells she tried all her life to build around her.

Her mouth opens in shock and before she could ask him how he knew about it, a voice calls from behind.
Making her nearly push him back and look down at her feet.

"I don't pay you for this Miss Vivian."

Her widened eyes met Ethan's cold brown ones and she opens and closes her mouth.

"No Sir...I we were just-"

Showing her his hand,he doesn't let her complete.
His eyes fixed on Elijah ,who stood there casually.
With hands now resting in his pants.

"Get back in the car"

Was all he says, clenching his fist and she obliges.

"Yes...yes Sir"

She looks back at Elijah one last time before leaving ,and just nods at her giving her a small smile.

The goodbye don't go unnoticed by Ethan and a nerve ticks in his forehead. Surging his anger.

Walking past Ethan,she leaves to only feel Ethan's deadly aura around her.
Banging the meeting door shut behind them,he joins her.

His heavy footsteps in contast to her scared clumsy ones as they walk down the hall of the skyscraper building towards the car.

Saying nothing.

Making deadly silence to follow them , which she guessed was the silence before the deadly storm that was walking behind her.

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