The Lightning Swordsman (Rema...

By Knotavin

186K 4.2K 1.5K

(Y/N) is a normal kid. Originally, he didn't want any part of SAO, but his friend had other plans. Join (Y/N)... More

The Beginning
Sword Art Online
I knew it
Max's Depression
Saving the childen
Meeting Everyone
New Guild
Guild Hall
Cake Quest
The Scream
To be or not to be
Boss Meeting
Boss Battle
Lisbeth the Smith
Argo the Info Broker
Fujis Jealousy
Her Only Reason
Bloody Hands
Flash Duo
Fountain of Youth
The Runaway
Your New Home
Fuji the Spy
Hide and Seek
The Gleam Eyes
Her Tears
Tournament: Creep
Speed VS Force
Close Call
New House
Can't Swim
Your what!?
Final Challenage (End Of Part 1)
Common Trend
By your side
Mrs. Kimberly
End of this long day
Alfheim Online
Sylph Leader Sakuya
Pushing Limts
Girls Night
Battle Scars
Battle of Bullets
Like Jam on Toast
Like Mother like Daughter
Augmented Reality
Lightning Swordsmen in the books
Dark Territory
The Cave
OP Much?
200 years
The King VS Lightning Swordsmen
Only the Start
Cracks of Lightning
Just Fine
Attempted Murder
A Safe Place
Last Resort
My Heart
Epilogue: James and Riley
Epilogue: Carter and Himiko
Epilogue: Logan and May
Epilogue: (Y/N) and Kate
The End
Character(OC) Pictures


1.2K 30 15
By Knotavin


"Watch out!" Punisher calls out for me

"Oh shit..." I say as a hammer comes swinging down on me.

I'm soon met with a screen I've been seeing a lot lately.....Your Dead...yep....I'm completely useless if I can't travel faster then light...useless

"Aww man," I say to myself as I hit respawn

"You died....again," someone says as I appear in the guild building we bought a while back.

"Lasted longer then you did Qweep," I remark

"This is my first've died every time we left the safe zone," He counterattacks

"Hush hush," I say walking outside.

"Man! what I would give for a dose of speed," I say to myself walking the streets. Since they nerfed me I've been pretty useless.

But can't really blame them. If word got out that they let someone who could travel from one end of Alfiem to the Other in a few seconds, there would be a huge out lash.

"But seriously, did they have to limit it to 500 metres, " I say out loud in frustration.

I continued walking around the town of beginnings. Despite them nerfing me, putting Aincrad in here was pretty cool of them to do.

It remains pretty much unchanged, but the bosses and dungeons are much different and harder.

Already we reached floor 7, unlike SAO there is pretty much no fear of death.

I kept walking around until I saw a poster.

"Do you have speed! Do you want speed! GGO is the perfect place for you! A place where reaction time takes priority!"

What The fuck is GGO!? I look around and ask a dude about that sign

"You seriously haven't heard of GGO? It's short for Gun Gale Online. It's basically a world of guns," The dude says before going on with his day

"That sounds cool," I say under my breath. I go.

Guns aren't my thing, but Ill take it.

I head back to our guild building and Qweep is lying on the couch sleeping.

"Oy, Qweep. Tell the others I'm logging off, gonna try another game," I tell him waking him up

"Yeah, yeah, ma give me 10 minutes," he says sleeping

"I'm not your ma," I say kicking the couch out from under him. He slams onto the floor and starts groping THE FLOOR

"May, I don't remember you being THIS flat, I mean damn, I thought you couldn't get flatter," he says as a new shadow covers him. He starts to shiver

"You just dug grave there bud," I say looking at Looky who is giving Qweep the death glare

"You died too?" I ask her

"Yeah, the floor 7 boss is harder than expected," she says glaring at Qweep

"I'll give you some privacy, gonna check out another game," I say hitting the log out button without another minute to spare so I don't need to see the torture Qweep is about to experience.

I open my eyes to my dark bedroom. I get up and stumble around until I get to my light switch, I flip it and my room lights up.

I make my way to my computer and boot it up. I then proceed to search up GGO

I guess it's a wasteland world that is practically ruled by guns. I do some more research and find that I can actually make money off it...extra nice. I guess I can give it a try,

I go ahead and buy it. Then I load it into my AmuSphere. I switch my lights off and say Link start. It asks me if I want to transfer my character and I just say why not,

I start right off by sitting on a bench, I open my eyes and look around. It's a huge plaza with a bunch of people. Interesting, I say looking around. I start to wander around like a headless chicken, that was until I heard a bunch of whistles behind me.

I look behind and there's a stunning white-haired lady behind me. I shrug, at least they weren't looking at me. BUT IT CONTINUED! I look behind after another few minutes and she was still following me. What's with this chick!

I decide to go down some shady alley to see if she followed....she did.

"Um, may I ask you why you're following me?" I ask

"Just noticed you wandering around like a cute puppy dog," She says as she smirks

"true...but why," I ask again

"Just told you," She says

"Oh my god," I say facepalming

"Haha, I'm just teasing you," She says. Now that we are face to face, I see she has attractive red eyes and her clothing consented of purple and white

"I just thought it was time to get a student, I've always wanted to be a mentor," She says looking to the sky with her thumb and index finger on her chin.

"Ummm, k?" I ask a bit confused

"This means I'll teach the game to you," she says

"Ahh, got it," I mutter

"Anyway, who may you be?" She asks

"Huh? OH, I'm (U/N). Nice to meet you," I say formally while I hold my hand out for a handshake

"Feeling is mutual, the name is Zeliska," She says shaking my hand

"So where to first?" I ask

"First place eh?.....Probably a gun shop," she smirks

"Jesus, words I'd never expect from a girl," I say

"Your funny," she laughs as she leds us to a shop I guess sells guns.

"So what do you want, don't worry about the price, I got tons of money," she says as we walk into the shop

"I'm sorry, but I don't make a habit of having girls pay for me, I don't mean to be offensive," I say politely

"That's fine, quite a gentlemen," she says rather flirty as she bites her lip

"I'm taken," I say before she gets the idea

"I'll keep that in mind," she says as she winks at me.

I look around the shop and everything is so much money, I look to see how much I have and it's barely enough to get anything decent.

"Any way to get quick cash?" I ask looking around the store

"Um gambling is your best bet, I think they have something like that in here," Zeliska says

I look around until I see something that screams, "give me your money for nothing in return," with a shit ton of signs.

"That?" I ask

"Yep, you get a gold medal, but I don't think you could do that one," Zeliska says. I read the game name and it's Untouchable. It was surrounded by a shit ton of people

"Doesn't seem too hard," I say

"Don't get too cocky, no one has ever beat it," she says

"Until today," I say with a cocky smile

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, you're still a newbie," she says

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I say as I wave her off.

I approach the game and hit the button thing with my hand starting the game

"So how do I play this, I see a cowboy with a revolver," I ask Zeliska

"You really are hopeless," she says

"I've heard that way too much recently," I tell her thinking of Kate

"Just avoid the bullets and tap him," Zeliska says facepalming

"That's it?" I say before my attention is drawn to the cowboy as he trash talks me

"Yeah pretty much," she says. I could hear everyone was betting against me.

"You want to earn a pretty penny?" I ask Zeliska

"Go on," she says amused

"Bet for me, I can win this no problem," I tell her

"Seriously, I'd rather not lose money," She says

"Honestly, you can make a decent amount," I tell her

"Really? what has you so much confidence?" She asks

"Just do it, it's easier to show then explain," I tell her.

"Ok," she says going to the main group of people to make a bet. I can see the faces of the others become shocked once she bets that I will win. Then they all smile as they increase their own bets.

"Time to hit a home run," I say cracking my knuckles

Time starts to count down, I get in a sprinting position




I rush down the alley to the cowboy before he can even fire a shot.

"I win," I say as I poke his eye.

I look back to Zeliska, and her face is in disbelief.

"Oy, you owe the lady some money," I say to the guys who bet against me, as they stare in shock as the cowboy yells NO! And then showers me with coins. I get a notification that asks me if I accept all this money

"Hell yea," I say as I hit yes and the coins disappear. I walk down the alley, to see Zeliska collecting all of our loot from the guys who were watching.

"Told ya," I say walking past her and into the gun shop

"You sure did," she says

I look around for away until I settle for a light assault rifle, and for a secondary weapon, I choose a light sabre like thing you would see in Star Wars. Zeliska finally returns.

"I didn't know you could do that," she says impressed

"Yeah, it seems to be an ability that is embedded to my character," I say

"You must be great in any game you play," she says

"This is only my 3rd full dive VR game, let's say the 2nd one they nerfed me big time," I say

"Yeah, I imagine that being a handy skill," she says

"Certainly was in the first game I played, I'm still alive after all," I say. The last part completely flew over her head

"Are you done yet?" She asks

"I believe so, just need to get out of this school uniform like thing," I say referring to the default clothes that I had on

"Haha yes, they do look like a school uniform," she says laughing

"Follow me and I'll led you to a clothing shop," She says

"Solid deal," I say

Zeliska leds me to a clothing shop. I look around for something light but effective. And much like SAO, I went with leather padded armour. I also found a mask that looked sick, so I chose to buy that too. I equipped everything

"Not looking to bad," Zeliska compliments

"Yea, not too shabby," I say

"Are you ready to for the wasteland?," she asks

"Born ready," I say with a smirk

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