Just Your Average Girl. (One...

By ElmoAge

6K 59 53

An average girl named Lilly, finds out she had a wild night with One Direction, slapped Harry, Why? What will... More

Just Your Average Girl. (One Direction Fanfic)
Fresh Start..?
Fresh Start...? (Part Two)
Ribbons Unfold.
Aim. Then Shoot..
The Plan.
Save You Tonight.
Tongue Tied.
Just A Gift..
Together Again.
I'm Sorry All Creativity Has Run Out..
The Morning After.
Kitties, Carrots, And Spoons Ohmy.
Never Leave Your Laptop Open.
Maybe Im just a dreamer
You get this kind of rush
I need a what now?!
Our own hide out

I will hunt you down Styles.

189 2 2
By ElmoAge

SO I HAD AN UPDATE REQUEST! HUZZAH! Well I had a tad bit of writers block so its short and sort of just a filler but I hope it comes out okay! TELL ME WHATCHU THINK Y'ALL! XD



Lilly's POV

DOES HE WANT ME TO SHOOT HIM? BECAUSE I WILL DAMMIT! I was in the process of taking all of my bras and cleaning my room but I guess Mr.Styles had other plans because he went around after me taking EVERYTHING I put away onto my floor. Damn curly haired green eyed...um, dick boat?

YEAH DICK BOAT! Okay dont mock me Im tired and One Direction just wore my bras, what more do you want from me!? I narrowed my eyes at Harry who returned it jokingly, I started to grind my teeth ready to choke him when Zayn walked in, "Vas Happenin'?" 

"Harry is going to die is whats happening Zayn."

"ME? WHY?" 






"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Zayn yelled making my stop immediately, "You two have frustration... of the sexual sorts. Sort it out please.  Have sex or something already! Bye!" And with that left the room, why did he even come up here?

I made just then a promise to myself to get revenge on Harry for making Zayn think we should have sex, nope not until Im 75, yeah old sex sounds appealing right?  (A/N NOTE SARCASM PLEASE!) I pouted not wanting to think about what he said, but actually Im hungry... Maybe some Italian?

"IM HUNGRY!" Niall screamed from downstairs, I ran down to him leaving Harry, I jumped onto Niall, "Lets get lunch you twit!"


I smirked at him and dragged him out the door leaving the other boys and Katie behind, Im sick of them for one day, Niall is only here because I want food. Otherwise I would be home. On Tumblr. With Cake. I sighed and pouted again getting into the car.

"Where to?" Niall said giddily.

"Anywhere with Italiiiian!" I said back smirking at his overjoyed state of emotion, what a snowflake.

"Sounds good to me!"

I grinned as he turned on the radio and Thrift shop came on, MAH JAM YO!

Mental Note: Never say Yo again..ever.

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