Fruits Basket Kyo x Reader

By pepperCat-314

365K 10.2K 11.2K

My first, but I think you'll really like it. THE WRITING IS HORRIBLE IN THE BEGINNING BECAUSE I WAS JUST STAR... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (part one)
Chapter 11(Part two)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Good news!!

Chapter 4

26.2K 777 972
By pepperCat-314


"So your homework for tonight is page 394." The teacher droned on. The bell rang. Thus ends my last hour. I collected my papers and walked up to Tohru. Two girls were with her.

"Y/N!" Tohru called. "This is Hana and Uo." She pointed to the girls.

"So this is the girl you were talking about." The darker haired one said in monotone. She must be Hana, I thought. How mysterious.

"Yeah, hi! I'm Uo." The other one said. She was a little taller, with blonde hair that covered part of her face.

We started heading out the way I saw Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki go yesterday.

They asked me questions about myself, like what my hobbies were, and why I moved from America.

"So why'd you move?" Uo asked me.
"Mostly because of my mom's work." I answered briefly.

"Is America nice? I've always wanted to go."

"Oh, yes, it's very nice. It's quite different, though." Uo nodded. The girls told me about the school, the clubs, but mostly the boys.

They kept the conversation as I listened. After a while, we were at Tohru's place. I wondered why she lived with the Sohmas. She seemed to act like she belonged there.

I heard some fighting inside. We all paused at the door. I stopped to listen in.

"I'M TIRED OF YOUR SICK ATTITUDE, YOU DAMN RAT!" I heard- was that Kyo?- say.

"Well if you're sick of me why don't you just disappear again, you stupid cat?"

Okay, that was definitely Yuki. But why are they fighting, and what's with all the animal talk?

"Oh no!" Tohru said in a worried manner. She flung open the door and they stared. Kyo had a hold of Yuki's collar with his fist halfway to Yuki's face. Tohru yelled, "Stop it, both of you!" Another man was in the corner watching. Must be another Sohma, I thought.

Yuki pulled Kyo's hand off his neck and stepped away. "Hello." He smiled, as if nothing had happened.

Uo stepped close to me and whispered in my ear, "They're always at each other's throats. It happens all the time." Huh, I thought. I guess I was right about them not liking each other.
"I brought the cards. Let's play poker." Hana said without emotion.

"Oh Hana, I always lose." Tohru said with a grin. They all sat down at the table. I sat with them. I love card games, especially poker. That's one of my old favorites.

"Here Yuki, I can't shuffle." Hana handed the cards to Yuki.

"THIS TIME I'LL BEAT YOU, YOU YANKEE!" Kyo said. He had a look of determination on his face.

"Haha, yeah right." Uo said laughing sarcastically.

"Hey, I almost beat you last time." Kyo argued.

"Oh yeah, if you count having two pairs against a full house." They continued arguing.

Tohru came out of the kitchen with a bowl of chips and some cans of soda. I was passed five cards. They were all good players.

Hana won that round. And the next. And the next one.

After playing poker for a while, I finally understood who everyone was. I understood their personalities and vocabulary. The fact that Yuki only uses polite words and makes good use of his high school education. Kyo basically let it all hang out, including obscenities. I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

I'm so glad I made so many friends! Tohru and Hana and Uo and Yuki.... And Kyo.

On my way out of the bathroom, I ran into someone. I hardly saw a burst of orange before we were both on the floor. I was on top of Kyo, on the ground.

"Whoa-" I stared at him. I hardly noticed before how handsome he was, how muscular...

"H-HEY!" He said with panic.

"I'm sorry," I said, getting off the floor. He was still sitting on the ground staring at me with wonder.

"N-nothing happened?" He said.
What was he talking about?

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