Criminal || Meanie Mafia Au

By Ihop_ipop

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"Come catch me if you can, officer Jeon." "Don't test me Kim." Which in Kim Mingyu is the worlds dangerous m... More



1.6K 60 89
By Ihop_ipop

Wonwoo groaned when he accidentally moved his arm "Shit." Wonwoo mumbled.

"Don't move your arm too much." Seungcheol told him "No shit sherlock." Wonwoo told him.

Wonwoo sighed as he tried to remember stuff "Wonwoo, why did you wear a crop top? You rarely wear short sleeves."

Seungcheol's question made Wonwoo not want to remember that "I don't want to talk about it."

"Let's just focus on capturing Mingyu." Seungcheol nodded "But you'll sit out." Wonwoo looked up.

"You do realize that the only way for Mingyu to come out is if I do anything, right?"

Seungcheol looked at Wonwoo "What do you mean?" Wonwoo sighed, as he looked at Seungcheol "Mingyu use to be my childhood best friend."

It became a little awkward, and Seungcheol decided to laugh a little "Nice joke." Wonwoo raised a brow "It's not a joke, Cheol."

But before Seungcheol do anything, an officer came in with Jeonghan "Chief someone tried to break out Yoon here." They both sighed, and Wonwoo told Jeonghan to sit on the couch.

Wonwoo then looked at Jeonghan "Was it one of your mafia members?" Jeonghan shook his head.

"An enemy tried to grab me."

"Since I'm the weakest one, they try to grab me, but I'm not weak."

Wonwoo raised a brow "Why though?" Wonwoo asked "Mingyu did something extremely stupid even when I tried to warn him not to do it." Jeonghan sighed.

"But wait, who tried to grab you?" Seungcheol asked "Another mafia gang that hasn't been captured yet." Jeonghan told them.

Wonwoo looked at his computer "Let me guess is it one of the guys that Mingyu tries to ask money for?" Jeonghan nodded.

Seungcheol was surprised "How do you know this?" Wonwoo shrugged "Things happened that I do not want to remember."

"Jeonghan." Wonwoo called out "If you work with us for a bit, can you help us capture the mafia gang along with yours."

Jeonghan hesitated "I can help with the enemy, but with Mingyu? I don't know he moves a lot and it's hard to capture him." Wonwoo nodded.

"You'll still be under arrest even if you were forced to do this." Jeonghan nodded.

"That's fair." Jeonghan smiled, before getting up to stretch "Ah this is boring." Wonwoo chuckled.

Mingyu growled as he looked at the person in front of him "Look here you bring the money and I don't kill you." Mingyu snarled.

"I-I don't h-have it."

Mingyu scoffed, and saw Minghao step up "Drop the act, you have the money, and you want something from us." The guy chuckled.

Mingyu raised a brow "What happened to your boy toy?" Mingyu wasn't fazed "What do you want?"

The guy smirked "Turn yourself in, and hand over your gang to me." Mingyu scoffed again "You think I'm that stupid? Hell I made an officer scared me."

"The8, tell Woozi to search for his gang, and kill them all." Minghao nodded, and left the room.

Mingyu then looked at the guy in front of him "Give me the money." Mingyu told him in a deep voice "Or what?" Mingyu pulled out his gun, and looked at the man.

"I'll shoot you." Mingyu smiled, before pulling the trigger, and shooting the man in the arm "This is a warning, bring me the money tomorrow Jukyun."

Jukyun snarled before walking away with a bloody arm.

Minghao then came back, and saw Mingyu sit back down "You miss your kitten?" Minghao asked sitting down across Mingyu.

"What do you need Hao?" Mingyu asked "One of Jukyun's members tried to capture Jeonghan, which was stupid of them." Minghao said getting straight into the point.

Mingyu raised a brow "Dammit, we need to get Jeonghan back." Minghao shook his head "Every time some tries something, Jeonghan gets moved with the Chief."

"Hopefully he isn't telling them shit." Minghao sighed "Mingyu we can't trust Jeonghan for even a second."

"Hell he can tell them shit. Hell when we made Jisoo work with them, he could've told them where we were."

Mingyu looked up at Minghao "You do know what happens when someone tells the truth correct?"

Minghao rolled his eyes "That won't stop them, hell Jeonghan is way smarter than anything."

"I say kill them, you can't even trust them and Seokmin." Mingyu slammed his hands on the table "Minghao shut the fuck up, the whole fucking point we started this mafia was so I could find Wonwoo."

"And where did that lead up? Huh? He fucking left you!"

Minghao huffed "This isn't easy Mingyu, Wonwoo is smart for his own good!"

"Leave." Mingyu told Minghao who immediately left.

Once Minghao left, Jisoo had came in.

"What?" Mingyu asked as he looked at Jisoo "I want to quit."

Mingyu raised a brow "And why is that?"

Jisoo looked up at Mingyu directly in the eye "Not once in your spare time have you gave me and Seokmin money for my pills."

"We both agreed to work with you, so that you can help me with my health condition."

Mingyu chuckled "What's funny? Me almost dying?" Jisoo asked as he scoffed.

"No, just you thinking I would actually help." Jisoo rolled his eyes "Funny, but also remember Jeonghan is shameless of everything, so he go tell his favorite officer everything that happens here."

Jisoo was about to leave when Mingyu grabbed him, and dropped him to the floor "Ah!" Jisoo groaned.

"He does know the punishment correct?" Jisoo turned his head to look at Mingyu "He knows, but can you stop him? You fucking forced him to join when he clearly said he didn't want too."

Jisoo whined when Mingyu put more pressure on his arm.

As Mingyu did this Seokmin entered pushing Mingyu off his husband "Don't touch him." Seokmin told Mingyu as he help his husband.

Jisoo leaned against Seokmin "Tell your husband he's not quitting we're still going after Wonwoo."

Seokmin was irritated "What's the point? You found him once, and then you fucked it up." Seokmin huffed before taking Jisoo away from Mingyu.

Once they left Seokmin took Jisoo to their room, and sat him on the bed "Baby why did you even try? You know how he is." Jisoo looked down.

"Seokmin I don't know how long I keep doing this before my health keeps fucking up." Seokmin sighed, and sat next to Jisoo.

Jisoo laid his head on Seokmin's shoulder "I know baby, but we can't fight against Mingyu." Jisoo sighed.

"How come I can't be like Hannie?" Seokmin looked at Jisoo "Hannie is all brave, strong, and isn't afraid of what to say especially towards Mingyu."

Seokmin lifted up Jisoo onto his lap "Shua baby, you are strong, you're brave, and you know what to say."

"Ever since we got married we didn't really like each other until you said let's try and work this out."

Jisoo nodded "Hell you stood up to Mingyu just now, that took bravery, and you strength just to do that." Jisoo smiled.

Seokmin also smiled as he saw his husband's beautiful smile.

But his smiled dropped as Jisoo started coughing badly "Shit." Seokmin cursed as he immediately placed Jisoo on the bed, so he could find the medication.

Once he did, he handed to Jisoo who started taking it.

Jisoo then took his inhaler and used it "You okay now baby?" Jisoo nodded.

"Do you want to rest baby?" Jisoo shook his head "Can you just stay with me for a bit?" Seokmin nodded, and decided to lay down with Jisoo.

Mingyu overheard the couple, and sighed before walking away "Mingyu!" Jihoon called out "What?" Mingyu asked as he turned around "Seungkwan got caught."

Mingyu's eyes widen "How?"

Jihoon then showed Mingyu a video "His dumbass ran into Officer Chwe." Mingyu groaned.

"Two people caught!"

Mingyu then saw Minghao standing there "What now?" Minghao asked.

"We're getting Jeonghan and Seungkwan back, and I need a plan." Minghao sighed.

Minghao pointed at himself, Mingyu, Jun, Jihoon, Dino, and the Seoksoo couple.

"All of us are doing this mission." Mingyu nodded.

Soon they started planning out how to do this mission.


A/N: Happy birthday to myself teehee.

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