To Love in Full

By AnneAshAuthor

470K 6.9K 3.6K

The failure to put trust into a stranger's words and a simple act of judgement became the catalyst for a trag... More

Author's Note: Scripturient
Character and Story Mood Boards
Chapter 1: Duende
Chapter 2: Appetence
Chapter 3: DΓ©paysement
Chapter 4: Hiraeth
Chapter 5: Sanguine
Chapter 6: Peripeteia
Chapter 7: Aplomb
Chapter 8: Nepenthe
Chapter 9: Mulligrubs
Chapter 10: Nefarious
Chapter 11: Inure
Chapter 12: Oniochalasia
Chapter 13: Balter
Chapter 14: Euphoria
Chapter 16: Sankofa
Chapter 17: Ambivalence
Chapter 18: Nemesism
Chapter 19: Metanoia
Chapter 20: Palinoia
Chapter 21: Resfeber
Chapter 22: Natsukashii
Chapter 23: Sobremesa
Chapter 24: Weiji
Chapter 25: Gibigianna
Chapter 26: Cromulent Part: 1
Chapter 27: Cromulent Part: 2
Chapter 28: Phthartic Part: 1
Chapter 29: Phthartic Part: 2
Chapter 30: Cynosure
Chapter 31: Ohana
Chapter 32: Arcadian
Chapter 33: Aeipathy
Chapter 34: Meliorism
Chapter 35: Capernoited Part: 1
Chapter 36: Capernoited Part: 2
Chapter 37: Smultronstalle
Chapter 38: Gotong-royong Part: 1
Chapter 39: Gotong-royong Part: 2
Chapter 40: Forelsket
Chapter 41: Aspectabund
Chapter 42: Soigne
Chapter 43: Torpe
Chapter 44: Epiphany
Chapter 45: Saudade
Chapter 46: Apricity
Chapter 47: Ya'aburnee
Chapter 48: Ukiyo: Part 1
Chapter 49: Ukiyo: Part 2
Chapter 50: Fanaa: Part 1
Chapter 51: Fanaa: Part 2
Chapter 52: Piggesnye
Chapter 53: Novaturient
The End
Book 2 Announcement

Chapter 15: Mamihlapinatapai

8.1K 129 160
By AnneAshAuthor

Mamihlapinatapai (n.) A look shared by two people, wishing that the other will initiate something that both desire but neither one wants to start.

*WARNING: Spicy Mature Content. Proceed at your own discretion.*

Arabella's P.O.V.

I laid my head against the window of the car as Nicolo drove through the city. Couples walked under the city lights and stars, hand in hand, as they laughed and gazed at each other longingly, falling in love with each other again, or perhaps for the first time. Groups of friends roamed through the streets as they made new memories together under the moonlight. It's delightful, I thought as I watched their carefree and serene nature carry them on through the night, completely unaware of the dangerous mafias that lurk in the shadows at night and blend in with the crowds by day.

The sound of the car's engine revving filled my ears as Nicolo sped towards the green traffic lights. Cars and lampposts passed by in a blur and I watched as headlights coming from the other side of the intersection neared their red stoplights. The headlights of the car got bigger and brighter as we neared the intersection. I squinted my eyes as I watched the car not slow down, they're not going to stop.

"Nicolo," I whispered.

"What is it, Arabella?" he asked.

"The car," I slurred out while tapping my finger on the window.

"It's not going to stop," I said loudly.

"What?" Nicolo asked and I saw that he turned his direction towards me and suddenly slammed on the brakes.

My body lunged forward but Nicolo held his arm out in front me so I wouldn't hit the dashboard. His hand gripped the wheel as the tires screeched and the car started to spin out of place. We watched as the speeding car drove off, running a red light, and nearly missing us.

"Cazzo! Brutto figlio di puttana bastardo," Nicolo yelled out as he laid his hand on the horn and drove off (Just a bunch of bad words).

"Are you alright?" he asked as he lowered his arm and placed his hand on my knee.

I held my breath as I felt his fingertips brush against my inner thigh and I bit my lip.

"Stop biting your lip like that, Arabella," he said as I felt his hand move up higher on my thigh.

"Nicolo," I sighed out and closed my eyes as I felt his grip get tighter.

"Tell me what you want," he said.

I placed my hand over his and began to guide his hand higher, moving the hem of my dress towards my hips, slightly exposing the black lace underwear that I wore.

"Is this what you spent my money on? Something that I can rip off of you so easily," he asked as he lifted up the side of my thong and let go causing it to fall back down against my hip.

"Please, Nicolo," I sighed as I felt his hand slip under my dress and rest right above the thin lace.

He trailed his hand back down towards my thigh and slowly back up again teasing me. His fingertips pressed harder into my inner thigh, causing my legs to spread apart farther as I leaned back into the seat.

I let out a moan when I felt his index finger rest above my mound and slowly traced down my slit towards my throbbing core, excitement and arousal surged through my body as the only thing separating me from his pleasing touch was a thin layer of lace.

"Cazzo, Arabella you're soaking wet already," he said as I gripped his bicep and buried my face into his arm as I tried to stifle another moan.

"Nicolo," I gasped out when I felt his finger push down against my bud; I closed my legs tightly together with his hand still in between, struggling to keep myself from going over the edge.

I laid my head against his arm and watched as he gripped the steering wheel tighter, showing the whites of his knuckles, as he sped faster towards the estate. A moan escaped from my lips as I trailed my fingertips down Nicolo's arm and gripped his wrist as I started to lightly move my hips against his hand.

"Hold it, Arabella, not here. You will come when I give you permission. We are almost to the estate," he said.

My breathing became more rapid as I was getting close to my climax as Nicolo started to run his finger along my slit slowly. My fingernails clawed into his arm as I closed my eyes and curled my toes, feeling the climax build up from my throbbing hot core, sending shivers throughout my body. Before I could release, the euphoric buildup immediately dissipated as Nicolo's erotic gestures stopped when he got out the car.

What just happened? I groaned as I felt my cheeks heat up and flush with red.

As I was about to open the car door, Nicolo swung it open as he stood outside and I was greeted with his growing member outlining his pants. He stuck out his hand and I took it as he helped me get out the car. Before I could say anything, he picked me up from my waist and draped me over his shoulder as he began to walk towards the steps of the estate.

"Nicolo, put me down," I giggled as I pounded my fist into his back.

"Keep hitting me, Arabella and I will tie you up and punish you," he said as I bit my lip.

Before I knew it he dropped me onto the white fluffy comforter in my room and straddled my hips.

"You've been teasing me all night, Arabella," he said as he began to unbuckle his pants.

"First you come into my room wearing this little black dress wearing nothing but a thong underneath," he said as he held both of my wrists above my head.

"And then I see you dancing and your ass swaying in the short dress, practically begging to be smacked," he continued as he brought his belt around my wrists.

"And then I find you're soaking wet in my car," he finished as he tightened his belt.

"You need to be taught a lesson, Arabella," he said as he leaned down and brought his lips to my neck.

He sucked lightly as his tongue grazed along, causing me to buck my hips up towards his waist. His lips moved down every inch of my neck and towards my chest, spending his time along my collarbone as he kissed gently. His lips stopped just above my breast as he continued to pleasure me, surely leaving a hickey for later.

"Your nipples are already hard, begging to be sucked," he said as he traced over them with the fabric of my dress still in between us.

He lifted my dress up higher, exposing my waist and soaked lace fabric that was wet for him. He began to move down my body as his lips kissed below my bellybutton and made their way towards the top of my thong. When he brought his lips to the top of my covered mound I brought my hands down and gripped his hair in my fists.

"Keep your hands up, Arabella," he said as he glared at me and held my wrists down above my head against the bed.

"Don't move," he whispered against my ear as he made his way back down.

Nicolo began to kiss along my inner thigh and towards my wet thong, but stopped when I arched my back and opened my legs wider.

"I told you not to move, Arabella," he said as he straddled my waist and placed his lips centimeters away from mine.

He kissed along my jawline and I pushed my hips up against his and felt his big and hard member rub against me. I continued to grind up against him as I felt myself get wetter.

"Do you like how that feels?" he asked as his lips brushed lightly against my ear.

"Mhmm," I managed to moan out.

"I want more Nicolo please, I want to come," I purred against his neck as he lowered his hips against mine and I felt his hardon press against my slit.

"I will not fuck you tonight, Arabella, and I will not let you come. Not like this, not while you're drunk," he whispered to me as he held my hips down to keep me still.

"I want you to remember the first time I stretch you out when I thrust inside of you," he said as he brought his hands up to my wrists.

"I want you to remember when you moan out my name and beg me to let you come," he continued as he loosened his belt around my hands.

"I want you to remember when you arch your back and curl your toes when I push you over the edge and you orgasm with me deep inside of you," he finished as he trailed the leather belt down my stomach and stopped when he reached my thighs.

He began to get off the bed and fix my dress by pulling it back down from my waist, leaving me breathless as I stared up at the ceiling.

"Get some rest, Arabella," I heard him say before he left the room and closed the door behind him.

The entrancing sensation of Nicolo's soft lips against my skin lingered throughout my body as I stared at the door in disbelief. My desire and lust for him overwhelmed me as I thought about going after him, or maybe that's just the alcohol talking. I shut my eyes and lied in bed as I tried to reminisce the pleasure that Nicolo brought me, but, instead, the depressant effects of alcohol traveled through my nervous system, causing me to fall into a state of drowsiness.


My hair slid down across my cheek as I lied in bed, staring bitterly at the window as the sun pierced through, disturbing me from my much needed sleep. I groaned as I sat up and felt my head become heavy with aching pain then dragged myself out of bed towards the bathroom. I frowned at my reflection with discomfort and embarrassment as I saw I was still in last night's dress and had blemishes along my skin. I traced my fingertips along the purple and red bruises that marked each side of my neck and suddenly felt anxious as the memories from last night came back as a blur as I tried to recall them.

With no luck at remembering, I showered to try and refresh myself as I attempted to wash away my groggy state with cold water. I immediately got dressed and headed downstairs in hopes to find the man that may have the answers to my questions.

"She's alive!" I heard Manny call out behind me as I walked down the hallway towards the living room.

"Good morning, Manny," I said with a light chuckle as I turned around to face him.

"It's a little late for that, Bella. I've already had my lunch."

"It's already noon?" I asked in shock.

"I'm guessing you had a long night with Nico if you're just now waking up," he replied with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him.

"Do you know where he is?"

"He's alone in his office."

"Thank you, Manny," I said while shaking my head as I watched him wiggle his brows.

Once I reached Nicolo's office, I didn't bother knocking as I walked inside and saw that he was reading a paper. I sat down in front of him and bit my lip as he continued to read, unacknowledging my presence. How long will this last? I asked myself, but sighed when I decided to give in.

"Did you do this?" I asked him as I moved my hair to one side of my shoulder, showing him the marks on my neck.

"I did," he replied as he finally looked up.

"Did we do anything else?" I asked nervously.

"We did a lot of things, Arabella, but we did not fuck," he said as he looked back down at his paper.

I nodded my head and looked down at my hands as I felt my cheeks get hot at his lewd choice of words. I wanted to talk more about what happened last night, but his lack of attention and uninterest in his tone of voice made me dismiss my feelings.

"What are you reading?" I asked quietly.

"Nothing of your concern," he replied and I frowned at his answer.

I leaned back in the leather chair and placed my elbow on the armrest, resting my head in the palm of my hand. My eyes scanned his desk as I sighed, wishing that he would be more open with me, given what happened last night. Stacks of papers stood on the edge of his desk as multiple folders were piled in an unorganized fashion. As I continued to trail my eyes over the black marble table I noticed a folder peeking through the white sheets of paper and read the name on the tab, Alexander Aetos.

"Have you spoken to Alexander lately?" I asked as I kept eyeing the folder.

"I have not," he replied.

"Do you know when he'll be back?" I asked and he let out an exasperated sigh.

"He has not made contact since he left. For all I know, your brother could be dead in an alley. Now, do you have any more questions? You are wasting my time."

Why is he acting like this towards me? I thought as I continued to stare at the desk, not able to look into the eyes of a man that gave me pleasure the night before, but was now acting disgruntled with me.

"I just want to talk about what happened between us last night," I muttered softly. Fragments of my memories from last night began to slowly trickle into my mind. My skin raised with small bumps as I continued to think about what happened; no man has ever touched me like that before, Nicolo is the first.

"Nothing happened between us. You were simply just acting like every other whore I bring into this house; eager and begging to be touched. Don't think much of it, Arabella. You are nothing more than just a woman I added to my collection."

I glared at Nicolo as my brows furrowed in anger with the disrespect coming from his foul mouth. I felt humiliated and ashamed with myself for letting my guard down around him. I quickly stood up from the chair and left his office, slamming the door behind me.

Why does Alexander expect me to stay with a repulsive man like Nicolo ? I asked myself as I began to think about the folder that tauntingly sat there with his name on it. I need answers.

I need to find a way to get to that folder.


Author's Note:

Hello People That Have Made It This Far,

Sooooooooooooooooo, what do y'all think about this chapter?

-Love, A

P.S. On the spicy scale of mature content, I'd rate that scene as spicy ketchup.

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