My Cinderella ✔(Bucky Barnes...

By Prettymama29

19.8K 833 175

18+ Warning. Mature scenes and Language. SNEAKPEEK!! "Why is it," He stepped closer to me, "That ever since... More

Chapter 2✔
Chapter 3✔
Chapter 4✔
Chapter 5✔️
Chapter 6✔
Chapter 7✔
Chapter 8✔
Chapter 9✔
Chapter 10✔
Chapter 11✔
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1✔

1.9K 72 23
By Prettymama29

"HELP!!" A woman screamed as I walked past an alley way in New York City. I reached around to grab the handle of the gun tucked into my waistband of my jeans. Following the sound of whimpers as I come to see a man holding a wailing woman against the brick wall. "Pl-please N-no, stop please." The woman was begging him. He ignored her and leaned into her neck, kissing her.

"I do believe she said no." I spoke up, tilting my head to get a look at the man. His head snapped up and looked over at me, his eyes dragging down my body and back up. Can't say I blame him, I had chosen a good outfit today.

"Wait your turn. I'll get to you next." He smirked and leaned back into the woman's neck. Her whimpers were desperate. I reached forward and grabbed a hold of his greasy black hair and yanked him back, making him release the woman.

"But I'm just so impatient!" I pouted and pulled the gun out, holding it to just under his chin as I had his back against my front, his arms flailing around trying to get me to release his nasty hair. The woman looked at me, before scampering away. Yeah, You're welcome! I thought. "Awh look! It's my turn!" I told him faking my excitement. The look in his eyes was holding the tiniest bit of fear from the gun pressing to him, but other than that he just looked annoyed and a bit turned on. What a creep.

"You like your kinks." He smirked and tried to turn himself around, but I held on tighter. Lowering my face to his ear.

"You have no idea." I whispered before adding, "I heard a rumor" I started, the words echoing out as my eyes turned white. "That you turned yourself into the police for killing Travis Lowery." My voice echoed as his eyes rolled back for a minute. I released my hold on him as he stood up and disappeared. Travis Lowery. A man who was my last victim. Had to shoot him since I couldn't risk my power on his victim he was raping. One shot to the back of the head, the person he was taking advantage of got there things and ran while crying. I don't get why they always run away from me. I could have just told her to tell the police that it was self defense or some shit. But no. But, now I had no worries since this man was going to confess to it for me.

I quietly placed my gun back into the waistband of my jeans and looked around, grabbing the wallet he had dropped on the ground. This is how I made my living. Take from the guilty and save the innocent. This should pay for a few drinks. I thought, before leaving the smelly ally. I had places to be. And here was definitely not doing it for me. I shuddered as a huge rat scampered in front of me trying to get to its home without me chasing it. Don't worry buddy. I don't do rats either. I grimaced.

Luckily I was not even two minutes of a walk from the bar I was heading to. Walking into Taggen Bar and Club, I instantly saw Ginny, my step sister waving me over to the bar, a stool saved for me. I smiled seeing her bright blue eyes contrasting against her dark eye makeup. Her outfit was simple high waisted jeans and a frilly white top. I walked over to her as she ordered me my usual Appletini.

"Its about time you got here! I thought you had stood me up." She pouted at me as she took a sip of her Cosmo. I rolled my eyes at her dramatic act. She was the actress of our group. Usually the step sisters were the villains in the story, but that wasn't the case here. Ginny Tanner and Lexi-Ann Tanner were the closes thing I had to family that I knew of. "Lexi is in the bathroom." She told me as I was about to ask.

"Thought maybe she had gone to look for me." I told her with a grin. I picked my glass up as its placed in front of me, taking a sip of it as I pulled back and swirled it around a bit. It was just how I liked it, shaken not stirred. James Bond had it right there.

"Nah, she was hitting up the cuties over there, but apparently she's not good enough for them." I furrowed my brows at her. Lexi was gorgeous, her pale blue eyes contrasting from her dark hair had boys crawling to her. Not to mention her killer body. Both Ginny and Lexi had killer body's, but Lexi had the curves where Ginny was more the brains between the two. I looked over to the men she was telling me about to see non-other than Captain America and the Winter Soldier. I quickly adverted my gaze and placed my hand over my eyes. "What is it? Do you know them?" She noticed my suspicious act right away.

"Haven't met them yet. They are a part of that team of Avengers, remember? Can't have them recognizing me." I told her, she made an O face. The Avengers are only one group of people that have been chasing me. Between trying to find the girl who disappeared after Alex Tanner's suicide to trying to find the Cinderella Renegade that has been coming up in conversation lately. Yeah, Cinderella Renegade is my in the shadows name. I don't know why someone called me that. But there has been ties from Ella Regner, the girl who had lost her mother and lived with her step father and step sisters, to the mysterious woman who hid in the shadows killing people and making them do impossible things.

I guess the fact that I have lost a shoe here and there might be contributing to the nickname. Ginny thinks it's hilarious. Got me a fancy old lighter that had a pumpkin carriage on it for my birthday once. Lexi always buys me new shoes since I lose them often it seems.

"Well, even if they did see you, you could just rumor them gone, right?" She asked, her pitch going up slightly. Both Ginny and Lexi knew of my rogue business of saving innocent women. Especially since I saved Ginny from a bad catfish once with it. He was this old creep who was trying to get with a girl his daughters age. It ended well though. I had rumored him to turn himself in and turned out he had a bunch of kidnapped girls in his basement. They were all okay. Ginny is still shaken up about it and refuses to go on dates with anyone anymore. Ginny and Lexi have been there for me whenever I needed them since. Whether that be a place to crash to girls night at my place to get keep me company on special nights.

"I'd rather not reveal my powers to hero's that could arrest me, no." I rolled my eyes to her. She looked over to them.

"Well, you better think of something, since they are coming over here." My eyes widened as I looked up to see the Steve Rogers standing right in front of me. He was tall and huge, and not in a fat way, his muscles were threatening to rip that shirt of his. Not that I would mind. He was good looking and I am very much a straight woman with sexual needs. His face was covered in trimmed facial hair and his blue-green eyes shined at me as he smiled at me, sweetly. His friend, Bucky Barnes, came up next to him. He was also tall, muscular which was hidden from a long sleeve maroon colored shirt. He also had black gloves on which was weird in the middle of summer. I was curious if he was hiding that metal arm from people because he hated it or because it scared people. I bet it feels good behind closed doors. God, I am needing to get laid. I thought to myself as I continued to look him over. His hair was short and swept in a messy way, like he ran his hand through it one too many times. Steel-grey eyes staring back at me like he was trying to figure me out. Good luck pal. I can't even figure myself out. I thought with a smile to him.

"Do I know you from somewhere? I swear we've met." Steve asked, his eyes absorbing every movement I made. I shook my head at him, directing my sweet innocent smile towards him.

"No, sorry. I don't think so." I started, then let my smile slip from my face slowly as my eyes turned a little more serious. "Unless this is some poorly thought out pick-up line that they stopped using in the forties, we have never met." I told him as his friend chuckled behind him. Steve blushed slightly. Did I embarrass him?

"I-I wasn't-" He cleared his throat and stood up straighter. "I just thought I had seen you somewhere before." He said after gaining some confidence back. I let out a sarcastic giggle.

"Well, I do live around in New York somewhere, so I'm sure you've probably seen me around. But, we don't know each other." I remarked. Bucky was covering his mouth to keep in the laugh at his friend. Steve nodded and scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, now we know each other. I'm Steve Rogers." He held his hand out to me, which I grabbed in a tight hold and shook some. This man had some soft hands for fighting crime all the time. I pulled my hand back pretty quickly as he turned my hand some and looked at my arm, specifically at my scar from when I was little. "That's a nasty scar, where'd you get it?" He asked me.

"Just an accident with some knives." I was quick to lie about it. Most people knew that Ella Regner was in a car accident when she was young. The only injury she had was a long scar on her forearm.

Bucky interrupted Steve quickly, "Bucky Barnes. This guys best friend." He introduced as he reached out and shook my other hand. I mentally thanked him for get his friend off my back. Although, I'm sure he didn't realize what he was doing. I gave his hand a slight squeeze seeing that it was his flesh hand. He pulled his hand back after that and stared at me intensely.

"It's nice to meet you both. I'm Ella and this is my sister Ginny." I told them as Ginny grinned and waved. I noticed Lexi coming out of the bathroom and towards us, a frown on her face when she saw Steve and Bucky. "And this is my other sister, Lexi-Ann. The girl you apparently rejected." I told them as both Steve and Bucky's eyes widen in realization. It was one of those moments when you realize you fucked up. Lexi grinned and came over to hug me. I smiled over to the boys. "Now, if you'll excuse us. We're bonding over drinks here." I told them.

"Sorry for interrupting you ladys." Steve said as he and Bucky left the bar and returned to their seats. I could hear their mumbling about me, they recognize me from a mission. I knew they had suspected me for being Cinderella. I saved a child a year or so ago and I couldn't bring it to myself to rumor them to forget about me. They must have told them who I was. All they had to find me was a description, maybe a police sketch, if they were lucky. Lexi looked over to me once she moved to sit at her own seat with some margarita.

"What was that all about?" She asked, her eyes following the two avengers.

"They thought they knew El." Ginny spoke for me as I kept looking in the corner of my eyes at the two men. They kept talking and would look up occasionally. I saw Ginny lean towards Lexi. "They're avengers." She said not so quietly. They must have been waiting for me for a while since Ginny was starting to slur her words. Lexi gasped a little too loudly drawing some attention to us.

"Shh!!" I snapped at her. "I should really get out of here. If they realize who I am.." I trailed off as I noticed they were looking right at us. Lexi looked over to them and smirked to me.

"You should give them a reason to stare so much." She whispered. I rolled my eyes at her and looked back to the two men. My eyes snapped to my drink as I downed it quickly. "Let's go dance." I announced to my sisters. Ginny cheered and downed her Cosmo as we both grabbed Lexi's hands as she tries to finish her margarita.

"Fine!" She shouts and we make it to the other side of the bar where people were dancing against each other and basically having sex on the floor. It was truly disgusting which is why Ginny and I enjoyed it so much. It was the perfect place to let go and be free to look like a slut or show off your tata's. Lexi stood in between us as we danced against her. I looked back at her as I saw her laughing at us. She usually was dragging me out here with Ginny, but today I had a good day, aside from the avengers being near me.

I slowly brought my eyes up to see Bucky staring at us, me to be specific. I stared at him as I dropped low and came back up slowly. I smirked as he followed me with his eyes. I danced with Ginny and Lexi for a bit before deciding to step outside. After a scolding from Lexi for my bad habits, I slipped out the door and stepped to the side right inside the alley. I took a deep breath as I inhaled the smoke from my cigarette.

"It's not that safe for a pretty dame to be out here alone at night." I heard someone say, my hand went to my gun tucked in my waistband again, but as they stepped into the alley with me I let go of it. I snapped my eyes up to see the one and only Bucky standing there with a small smile aimed at me.

"I'm not much of a dame." I told him, inhaling again before releasing the smoke away from him.

"I can see that." He remarked back. "Mind if I-" I didn't let him finish, offering the smoke to him. "Thanks," He gladly took it and took a long drag from it. He handed it back to me as he let the smoke out slowly. He looked really sexy with the smoke coming out of his full lips and his nose. Jeez, did I turn into Lexi all of a sudden? "So how do you know who we are?" I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on him, a bit confused. "Super Soldier hearing." I made an O face and nodded.

"I own a tv." My short answer didn't satisfy him since he kept staring at me, waiting. I sighed. "What?" I asked annoyed.

"Who are you, Ella?" Bucky whispered to me, leaning closer to me. His warm breath hitting my face. He smelled of mint and pine, and just a hint of lavender. I backed up a bit, trying to focus on his interrogation rather than how good he smelled or how much I wanted him to slam me to the wall and kiss me until morning. Focus, Elle.

"Nobody important." I whispered as he stepped closer again. Damn it.

"I highly doubt that." I swallowed hard as he leaned down to put his face in front of my face. My brain short circuiting as I could only think about him kissing me now. Would it be so bad? Yes. I leaned closer to him, holding my breath so I can focus more.

"I heard a Rumor.." I whispered, his eyes rolled back at the words echoing into his ears. I stepped back, "That you forgot you met me." I finished and backed up more as he came to, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion of why he was there and who I was. Shame.

"So that's who you are." I heard from the side of the ally. Steve stepped out of the shadows and stared at me. "Cinderella." He whispered as I stepped away from him and bolted out of there. I can't believe I was tricked. How did I not know he was there? I was usually an expert at sensing people nearby. And now he knew who I was and how I looked like. He knew I was Cinderella and there was nothing that could stop him from finding me.

Word Count- 2,010

Final Word Count- 2,878

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