Batfam Oneshots!!

By AviAvian

44.6K 1K 233

Just a place for me to store all my loose fics. Mostly centered around Dick Grayson. These won't be related... More

Here for each other
Don't mess with his family
Headcanon #1
Guess who's back (author's note)

Not Again. Please, Not Again

2.2K 70 14
By AviAvian

Starting out with something relatively short while I'm still editing my old fics and outlining a couple new ones. This one's been floating around in my head like a damn mosquito when you're trying to fall asleep, so here you go.
(Also can you tell I love emphasizing with italics yet?)
(ALSO also lol I suck at titles.)

Dick stares

Doesn't move. Doesn't breathe. Just stares. Stares at the old building that had just gone up in a fiery explosion.

This isn't happening. He didn't lose him. Not again.

Whatever missteps had been made in the past. All the errors and lapses in judgement and stupid, stupid mistakes- That did not just happen. He was right behind him. He did not just lose him again.

And yet, the two of them had gone in together. Dick and Jason. Nightwing and Red Hood. Some random, small time case. Just a minor cog in a drug ring or arms deal or something, but something small, even if Dick can't for the life of him remember what exactly. Because really, it wasn't anything of grave importance. It was just an excuse for some much needed bonding. A chance to reconnect. One that Jason had probably seen straight through but had gone along with anyway.

Only one came out.

Only he came out.

And Dick just lost his brother. Again.

His head hurts. His eyes sting. His lungs scream and his heart hammers in his chest. He can vaguely hear sirens somewhere in the distance. But he doesn't move. Doesn't make a sound. He can't. Time slips by and he just stands there, gaping at a burning building like an idiot because really, what else is he going to do? Run back into the inferno so that he can maybe, possibly recover whatever might remain of his alive-then-dead-then-alive-and-now-dead-again brother?

Who is he kidding? Of course that's what he's going to do. Because whatever may have happened in the past, he's not leaving his brother behind this time. No matter the cost. He'd die before he'd let that happen.

Just as he's about to plunge back into the hungry flames that had almost claimed him only a few minutes ago- minutes? seconds? He really doesn't know at this point- Dick hears a chuckle. A goddamned chuckle. One of those amused sounds that comes straight from the gut. Footsteps sound from somewhere off to the right, accompanied by a high whistle.

'Yeah, next time we're definitely coming up with a better plan than-'

Jason never gets the chance to finish his sentence as Dick practically launches himself at his brother. Slams into him and throws his arms around him and holds on tight. Digs his fingers into that stupid, impractical, goddamn leather jacket like it's a lifeline because that's exactly what it is.

Jason, immediately, if somewhat unsteadily, reaches his arms up and latches them around Dick's back out of reflex more than anything else, really. Takes a bewildered moment to wonder about what the fuck is going on. Let's a lopsided smirk splay over his features, even if it's hidden under his helmet, because of course he can't resist.

'Buy me dinner f-'

'Shut up!'

Jason's quip is cut short yet again. Rudely, might he add. He's about to make his indigence known but stops short. He can feel small tremors emitting from the figure pressed into his chest. Harsh, strained breaths against his neck. Something wet on his shoulder.

'Just shut up! You don't... You don't get to do that. You don't get to disappear like that and then just show up like nothing happened. You don't...' Whatever Dick is trying to say is lost as his breath hitches and his legs threaten to give out beneath him.

'Fuck. Alright, Big Bird. Just... Alright. It's okay.'

'It's not okay!' You... I thought...' Dick hiccups.

Ah. Yeah, that would do it.

Jason pats Dick's back softly. Maybe a little awkwardly. Definitely awkwardly. He's not used to this reassuring crap alright? Not exactly his area of expertise. Especially not in a family capacity, given how screwed up his is. He tries his best none the less. He's come this far, after all.

'Just take it easy, Dickie.'

It doesn't seem like that's going to happen any time soon.

Jason slowly lowers his brother to the ground, his helmet finding itself somewhere beside them in the process. Moves one of Dick's hands so it rests on one of the pulse points on his throat. Takes slow, measured breaths, and ignores the soft whispers in his head that tell him he shouldn't be putting himself in such a vulnerable position.

'Just match my breathing, okay? Slow down. I'm fine. I'm still here.'

For a while, Jason thinks Dick hasn't heard a word he's said, until finally he starts to calm down.

'You with me?'

Dick gives an almost imperceptible nod against his shoulder in response.

'I'm sorry,' Dick takes another deep breath. 'I just... I thought that... That..' He can't even say it. He doesn't need to.

'I know. It's alright. It happens. Sorry for disappearing on you like that. Didn't mean to scare you.'

Dick huffs.

They sit there for a little while longer, Dick listening to Jason's heartbeat and breathing and Jason determinedly trying to ignore the steadily growing warm feeling in his chest.

'You think you're okay to get up, or are you gonna collapse like a fucking damsel again the moment you're on your feet?', Jason jabs, trying to add some levity to this situation that is most definitely too touchy feely for him to be comfortable with. And yet, he's kind of okay with it. He thinks.

Dick let's out a watery laugh. 'You're an ass.'

'You know you love it.'

Jason keeps a steadying hand on Dick's shoulder as the latter shakily gets up off the ground.

'You good?'

Dick nods again and looks back towards the building. What's left of it, anyway. Jason picks his helmet up, but leaves it off for the time being.

'We should probably get out of here before the police or the fire department arrive.'

The corners of Dick's lips quirk up ever so slightly. The two melt back into the cover of night. If Dick spends the night on the couch of one of Jason's safe houses later on, neither of them mention it.

(Yes, another one. Suck it.)
Did you really think I was going to actually kill him? That I wasn't going to give you all the hurt/comfort with emphasis on the comfort? Please. I'm not DC.

ALSO do I have another fic idea that's pretty much exactly the same as this but instead of an explosion at the beginning, it's with Jason falling off something high, Dick saving him in the nick of time and then having a breakdown because of his long-standing trauma with people he loves falling to their deaths? Yes. Am I gonna write a fic with said premise and then recycle most of what I've written here? Probably. Is it sitting in my WIPs titled 'FUCK I'M EVIL'? Absolutely. Are you gonna enjoy it? Probably. I sure hope so. You all know what you signed up for.

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