God of the Gods || KNJ ✔

By littleggukz

519 44 4

I always shared my secret with my friends cause why not? But little that they don't know that I kept somethin... More



16 2 0
By littleggukz

Y/n Pov

I was chilling on my bed, reqding some notes from my classes until my phone "ding!" In notification of someone messaging me. I dropped my notes on my stomach and reached out to open my phone.

<Two Bitches & A Dickhead>

Eun baby :
Y/n babe, what are you doing? I'm bored~!

Me :
Just chilling on my bed while reading Mr. Lee's notes from earlier.

Jungcock :
Wtf?! Don't you have anything else to do except studying 24/7?!

Eun baby :
For once, I agree with this dickhead. Try to relax for once, babe.

Me :
....I am though

Me :
Gotta go, bitches. My book is calling me~!

Eun baby :
Why was I even friend with you...

Jungcock :
Fuck off, bitch.

I giggled at their replies before shutting my phone off, setting it on my side. I began to go through the notes again...well, not long though.

"Knock, knock!"

I hummed, signalling the person to come in, knowing it's Namjoon. I held my head to look at the door with a silly smile.

'Something smelt fishy...'

"Can I sleep with you?"

Even before I could reacted, he quickly cut me off, "Before, I used to sleep with my Ryan lion in human-sized but...I leave it in the castle" He said, slightly pouting. "And I can't sleep without cuddling"

I pushed my glasses up from the bridge of my nose, saying, "Can't you just cuddle with the pillow you have in you arm?"

I pointed to his pillow he's holding and looked up at him again. His hands fidgeting with the pillow while biting his lips nervously.

"...This pillow didn't give me enough comforted"

I sighed lightly and glanced at him. My gaze focused back on my book while my mind processing in thought.

"Fine, but not to touchy, alright?"

'Well, I mean... It doesn't harm anything, right?'

His smile widen as if brighting my room as he closed the door behind him and jumped on my bed to lie beside me.

"I can't promise you anything, angel" He grinned. "I'm a big cuddler, you know?"

With my back being pressed against the headboard in sitting position, he lied beside me and wrapped his muscular arms around my waist, moving himself closer to me. I just glanced at him with a 'give up' face and continued reading the notes.

"What are you reading, y/n?" He murmured, sounding sleepy.

"Notes for exam" I said. "It's in a week"

"Smarty pants" He chuckled at his own words and pulled me closer to him. "You need to sleep, angel. It's about to past 1 a.m.."

"Just for another 10 minutes. Then, I will stop" I said, reaching my hand to fluffy, bouncy hair to tangle my fingers with them. "Just sleep first"

"Hmm~" He hummed, happily with the touch. "You have school tomorrow, right?"

I hummed at his question, not taking my eyes off my book while still playing with his hair.

"Goodnight, angel"



Please don't mind the group chat name, I ran out of idea😅

I know Joonie had cut his hair and he looked hot as 🔥

But I miss his long hair so, sorry;')


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