Rainbow Six Siege: Valor Of L...

By Shewolf523

23.9K 509 67

CIA and Ex-Delta Force operator Crow undertakes a dangerous op to eliminate an arms dealer but Crow makes a d... More

1: Operation Fallen King
2: Crow's Old Pals
3: An Offer
4: Ignited Rivalry
5: Mentality
6: Old times
7: Bosnia
8: Old & Young
9: Rome I
10: Rome II
11: A chat
12: Realization
13: Scarlet Passion
14: Normality
15: One of many faces
16: Headhunter
17: Memories
18: Making a Plan
19: Settling in
21: No Memories
22: Windy City
23: into the Lion's den
24: A Favor
25: Captured
26: Phantom's Rage
27: Surprise
28: Promises
29: Operation Fallen Queen

20: Centurion

279 11 1
By Shewolf523

7:05 AM

Scott is sitting on the edge of the bed putting on some clothes as last night is still stuck in his head. He looks back seeing Nøkk sleeping peacefully with a slight smile, he kisses her forehead as she opens her eyes and kisses him much to his surprise.

Scott: "you lured me in, you sly fox." He says as Nøkk chuckles somewhat as she lovingly hugs him from behind.

Nøkk: "I'm not a heavy sleeper Scotty." She says caressing his body while resting her head on his shoulder. "Last night was amazing kærlighed, you surprised me... I figured I'd have to take the lead."

Scott: "you already dominate me in terms of rebuttals, only fair I dominate you in the bedroom." He says jokingly as Nøkk shakes her head at this.

Nøkk: "you better make me some very fine breakfast Scotty, otherwise I'm gonna have to dominate you in the bedroom." She says as Scott looks back smirking as that doesn't sound too bad. "Ugh get going you." Nøkk says as Scott heads to the kitchen beginning to make breakfast.

Scott certainly feels different, much happier than usual as he sees her dressed in pajamas as he gives her some breakfast.

Nøkk: "thank you." As Scott nods while stroking her hair when he sees a strand of blonde hair.

Scott: "so you're a natural blonde?" He asks smirking as Nøkk looks up. "I'm not judging if you dye your hair, why do you though?"

Nøkk: "well working undercover often means changing your look and I've been caught a few times... So I've had to change my look cause of that, plus I hate being a blonde... It's almost nothing but blondes in Denmark."

Scott: "and you wanted to look unique? I think I can understand that plus it looks good on you." He says as Nøkk gives him a smile. Scott soon looks out the window seeing Nighthaven agents each carrying crates.

Scott puts on his jacket and heads out to meet them as he examines the crates.

Nighthaven agent: "this is the gear Kali sent along with a few upgrades, hope you find it useful... agent Corvus." He says as they both take their leave. Scott lifts the crates up and takes them inside.

Scott: "this our gear, they said Kali may have had some upgrades."

Nøkk: "upgrades? Not sure if I should be thankful or suspicious." As they open the crates up with Scott looking a bit bewilder.

Scott: "what the hell?" He asks pulling out one of his signal wipe drones but it looks way more advanced with spider like legs and sees a letter.

Kali (letter): "Scott our engineers at R&D had a field day thinking of upgrades, Osa has managed to the expand the range of the drone's signal wipe and gave it capabilities to scale walls." As Scott then lifts a metal militaristic chest plate seeing the name Corvus engraved across.

Nøkk sees a mostly black military outfit with the Danish flag on the shoulder with the Nighthaven logo below it. she sees a letter explaining that her Hel-Presence reduction can now help her get past traps amongst other things now.

Scott: "well... Kali really went overboard." He says grabbing his unloaded M4A1 when his phone vibrates, he picks it up and answers. "Leland?" He asks putting it on speaker as Leland is outside sitting Indian style with his laptop before him.

Leland: "hey Scott, got your first target of the inner circle, Andrew Driscoll codename Centurion... You two worked Black Swan in Mexico and some ops in Sudan."

Scott: "right... Used to be part of the unit same as me... Where is he?" He asks curiously as Nøkk holds her 5.7 pistol.

Leland: "Sioux Falls South Dakota, he's currently on shore leave... It's a long drive from where you are."

Scott: "well I guess we shouldn't waste time then." He says about to hang up but Leland speaks up.

Leland: "and another thing, he's spending time with his kids... Just thought you should know." He says hanging up as Scott hums at this.

Nøkk: "whatcha thinking?"

Scott: "just thinking about what I'll say to Driscoll... Guy's never liked me and probably took pleasure in my suffering." He says being honest as Nøkk questions why that's the case. "We just had different outlooks on how to work operations, I was more methodical and willing to capture targets alive, he on the other hand felt we had to kill every single target."

Nøkk: "hmm but how do we handle this?" She asks changing out of her pajamas.

Scott: "let's load these into the truck and get a move on to Sioux falls, we'll discuss that on the way over." He says as they load up the truck as it's lightly snowing out. They get in the truck as Scott drives beginning the ride to Sioux falls.

Leland meanwhile is resting when he gets a call from Janette. Leland pulls out a device that'll trace the call.

Leland: "Janette?"

Janette: "Leland I tell you to keep an eye on Crow and next thing I know he's retiring?" She asks rather annoyed but Leland keeps his composure.

Leland: "The man has earned a break don't you think? He asks hearing Janette irritably sigh. "Oh relax Janette, Scott last I knew didn't have a clue." He says lying through his teeth.

Janette: "he better or it's our ass in the line." She says hanging up suddenly as Leland sighs while putting his phone down and rests his head against the wall behind him.

Leland: "another day... Another load of CIA bullshit."

*Many hours later.*

Crow is currently driving on a highway as they're close to Sioux Falls as Nøkk is slowly waking up.

Crow: "we're almost there, you good?" He asks keeping his eyes on the road.

Nøkk: "yeah just a bit tired is all." She says with Crow acknowledging this. "had an interesting dream though."

Crow: "oh?" He asks curiously as Nøkk looks out the window.

Nøkk: "I'll tell you later so what's the plan?" She asks stretching out.

Crow: "you'll take up a vantage point with my rifle while I lead Centurion into your sites and you'll injure him allowing me to capture him." He says finally arriving in Sioux Falls as Nøkk looks the little decorative waterfall fall they have.

Nøkk: "seems like a nice little town."

Crow: "it has it's charms." He says parking the vehicle into a secluded area as he begins putting on the armor Nighthaven supplied him as he checks his 1911 tacops. "See that rooftop?" He asks pointing to their east.

Nøkk: "I see it, perfect vantage point." She says holding the duffle bag holding the rifle. "I'll see ya in a bit." She says kissing his cheek and takes her leave. Corvus finishes gearing up as he heads towards the location of Centurion who is currently hanging out at a bar.

He finishes up his drink as he heads out to the streets crossing the road.

Corvus: "hey!" He calls out getting Centurion's attention.

Centurion: "who the hell are you?" He asks as they stare each other down prepping to grab his pistol.

Corvus: "somebody who's life you ruined." He says as they both pull out their pistols firing at each other and soon get in cover.

Centurion runs off with Corvus giving chase. Centurion climbs over a fence as Corvus does this effortlessly but stops finding himself in a parking lot.

Corvus: "come on Andrew, we really playing cat and mouse?" He asks slowly walking to the side as Centurion doesn't respond with Corvus kneeling behind a vehicle. "Freyja do you have eyes on?" He asks staying cautious with his surroundings.

Freyja: "I see you, your target is four cars ahead of you." As Corvus quickly flanks Centurion and knees him in the face but Centurion sweeps his leg. He gets on top trying shoot Corvus who palm strikes him in the throat and gains the advantage locking in a choke hold with Centurion passing out.

Corvus: "target knocked out, Nøkk bring the vehicle around." He says tying Centurion up as Nøkk comes around with the car and they quickly leave the city.

*An hour passes*

Andrew Driscoll is still passed out but is woken up by freezing cold water as he looks around shivering.

Andrew: "who the hell are you!?" He asks in a rage seeing his captor place the bucket down with his back turned to him.

Scott: "Andrew you wouldn't recognize your own coworker? I'm hurt." He says turning to Andrew who's stunned expression says it all.

Andrew: "Scott? What the fuck are you doing? We're on the same side you fuck." He says but Scott pulls a chair over sitting across from him.

Scott: "then explain why the you and everyone else in Janette's inner circle lied, manipulated, and ruined everything my life stood for?" He asks as Andrew stays calm and collected as he's been trained to in these situations.

Andrew: "you're a valuable asset Crow, you have more successful operations under your belt than most, of course the CIA isn't gonna let you go easily." With Scott stiffly backhanding him and grabs him by the throat.

Scott: "I have a life of my own! One that I want to live in peace." He growls out with Andrew glaring at him. "Now you're gonna tell me everything I want to know, from Janette and her inner circle and what they're doing." He says but Andrew isn't phased.

Andrew: "or what you'll kill me? That's not your style Scotty boy." With Scott placing knife against Andrew's ear.

Scott: "no but I'll make you wish for me to kill you, talk." He threatens glaring into Andrew's eyes.

Andrew: "Fuck. You." As Scott quickly slices off his ear earning a loud agonizing yell. "Fuck!" He gasps out but Scott softly smacks his face.

Scott: "we're just getting started boy, talk and it'll end." But Andrew remains defiant which goes for hours but Scott plunges his knife into Andrew's knee.

Andrew: "wha-what the fuck!" He says in shock as Scott is getting impatient twisting the blade.

Scott: "you gonna talk or are you gonna sing all night!?" He asks further twisting the blade as Andrew screams bloody goddamn murder.

Andrew: "stop! I'll... I'll talk." He says with Scott motioning him to do so. "I... Don't know where Janette is but I know she's planning on making the memory wipe a more common practice like using them on terrorists to completely forget their involvement and beliefs and essentially change their lives."

Scott: "Langley approve of this?" He asks with Andrew nodding. "Where are the others?"

Andrew: "Foster is up in Chicago taking down a powerful gang, Rose last I knew was handling some shit down in New Orleans and Moore? He actually retired recently and is staying at his place in Montana." As Scott acknowledges this and gets behind him. "You're... You're not gonna get away with this, the CIA will hunt you down."

Scott: "not if they don't know." He says stabbing Andrew in the neck injecting the memory wipe serum as Andrew soon goes to sleep.

Nøkk: "think it'll work as advertised?"

Scott: "it should if I'm anything to go by." He says as they get in the truck and leave Andrew free of his restraints and treated of all injuries. The drive is mostly peaceful as they begin making their way to Chicago.

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