Lucid nightmares save souls

By jennifermydarling

502 1 561

Why would I fall this time? Because I'm fucking stupid, that's why. A story about a group of friends who int... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48

Ch. 7

9 0 6
By jennifermydarling

Good morning Nora, Lisa, Sadie and Eva,

This might be totally awkward random weird, but surprise shawty, we exist. Yesterday I know you have been told a lot of information and I understand it's a lot to process. That's the exact reason why we sent you to sleep and locked you up in your rooms. We gave you back your phones but you cannot, I repeat absolutely NOT tell anyone about us, you'll bring every single person on this school in danger. Anyways, you already know about the Aithers and The Gift and you also know you have it too. You four are all still very young and you've probably never even thought of having powers like that, so your powers are still locked away very deep. This can mean two things: one being that they'll stay locked away forever if you don't give them attention. The second option is that the energy will be too much for your body to suppress and it'll most likely kill you or you'll have a sudden outburst and a lot of other people will die as well. That's why we try to find young Aithers and bring them to this school, to teach them and help them evolve.

In this school we will teach you how to control yourself, how to get the best out of your powers and much more like the history of The Gift. We'll also teach you normal things like math and stuff. This is one of the four official schools for Aithers of West Europa and that also means the lessons will be in english. Most people you'll meet are from all over Europe but there are also transfer students from all around the world.

How long you'll stay here is not determined, it depends on how quick y'all will catch up on everything and how powerful you are which we don't know yet. Most people are here for one up to five years. We did some research on you and now know you did gymnasium and what kind of subjects you had. We'll try to teach everything exactly on the same pace your school does and so when you are done here you can go back easily.

At 14:00 we'll pick you up from your room and show you around. I'll warn you beforehand, this place is very very big and you'll get lost easily so please don't freak out or run away or something.

I hope I cleared some things up now and I'll see you soon.

Mariasha Ana, head of the school.

'Damn, that was a long ass letter. Wait how late is it, here it says they'll be here at two.'

Nora looks up from her phone.

'It's one thirty, we still have thirty minutes.'

'Thank god, alright then I'm going to take a shower real quick and look in every room just because it's possible.'

'You go girl.'


After Eva was done showering and had seen every corner of the apartment she walked back to the dining table.

'Why does it feels like I should be way more freaked out than I actually am?' She said as she sat down.

Sadie nodded. 'Yea I have that too, like should we be making a big deal out of this or just let it be?'

'Life is already confusing and hard enough, no need to make it even harder so let's just let it be.' Lisa joined the conversation.

'Hm, yea you're right. Is there still something to eat?'

Sadie was about to answer Eva when the door clicked open. All heads turned towards the hall. A random girl stepped inside the room.

'Hi everybody! I'm Liv Jensen, I'm 16 years old and from Norway and I'm going to be giving you the school tour. Besides that I'll give you all the information you want or need to know and help you through the school year!'

She looked like a very happy person and everything about her was shining. She had a comfortable aura around her and everyone probably liked her in school.

'Wait a minute, are you family with Lars? You two really look alike and have the same last name, it's almost impossible for you not to be.'

'Yes I am! They were like; "ah we have four new students! Let's give them to the Jensen family!" But y'all seem nice so I don't really mind anymore.'

'Anymore? Who did you think we were? How were you judging us when you didn't even meet us yet?' Eva narrowed her eyes.

'Damn no need to get mean, anyway, I'm Lisa.'

'Oh yea right introduction, I'm Eva, nice to meet you.'

'I'm Sadie and I'm sorry for you.'

'Sorry for what?'

'For being stuck with them for the rest of the year.'

'Lmao, no need to exaggerate, we are very entertaining, and by the way I'm Nora.'

'Well nice meeting you guys, let's start the tour shall we?'

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