The Lightning Swordsman (Rema...

By Knotavin

186K 4.2K 1.5K

(Y/N) is a normal kid. Originally, he didn't want any part of SAO, but his friend had other plans. Join (Y/N)... More

The Beginning
Sword Art Online
I knew it
Max's Depression
Saving the childen
Meeting Everyone
New Guild
Guild Hall
Cake Quest
The Scream
To be or not to be
Boss Meeting
Boss Battle
Lisbeth the Smith
Argo the Info Broker
Fujis Jealousy
Her Only Reason
Bloody Hands
Flash Duo
Fountain of Youth
The Runaway
Your New Home
Fuji the Spy
Hide and Seek
The Gleam Eyes
Her Tears
Tournament: Creep
Speed VS Force
Close Call
New House
Can't Swim
Your what!?
Final Challenage (End Of Part 1)
Common Trend
By your side
Mrs. Kimberly
End of this long day
Alfheim Online
Sylph Leader Sakuya
Girls Night
Battle Scars
Battle of Bullets
Like Jam on Toast
Like Mother like Daughter
Augmented Reality
Lightning Swordsmen in the books
Dark Territory
The Cave
OP Much?
200 years
The King VS Lightning Swordsmen
Only the Start
Cracks of Lightning
Just Fine
Attempted Murder
A Safe Place
Last Resort
My Heart
Epilogue: James and Riley
Epilogue: Carter and Himiko
Epilogue: Logan and May
Epilogue: (Y/N) and Kate
The End
Character(OC) Pictures

Pushing Limts

1.3K 32 0
By Knotavin


I remove the AmuSphere from my head and sit up.

I look next to me to see Kate looking at me with the device still on.

At that moment she looked All I wanted to do was hug her, but sadly this was not the right place nor time

"Love birds quit staring," James(Harry) says

"Hush, hush, at least we aren't all over each other," I say referring to the fact that Riley(Fuji) was practically sitting on his lap.

"Not my fault I love her so damn much," He says quietly under his breath

"How cute!" Kate says finally sitting up. James(Harry) starts to blush and Riley(Fuji) just sits there not knowing what is wrong.

"Jesus you're dense," Himiko(Jam) says

"Girls, I have a wonderful idea! Let's have a girl's night!" May(Looky) says to all the girls

"I don't kno--" Kate begins to say

"Kate, I'm sure you'll love it," May(Looky) pressures her

"I'm not sure what Linda would say," Kate says looking at me.

"I'm sure she'll be fine with it, as long as it's at her house," I smirk

"Seriously?" Kate asks

"Ask," I say getting out my phone. I dial the Kimberly household phone number and hand the phone to Kate. I can hear Linda pick the phone up and they start talking. As expected, Linda is fine with the idea. Kate says bye and hands my phone back to me.

"I guess we could if it's at my house," Kate says shyly

"Oh that's wonderful," May(Looky) says

"Ok then, I'm sure all of the girl's parents are fine with us having a night to gather," Himiko(Jam) says

All the girls nod their heads.

"Done deal, here's the address. I'll bring Kate home and then I have things I need to do," I say as I tell them where the Kimberly house is

"Ok, Cya at your place Kate," May(Looky) says

"Cya tomorrow," I say as I leave the room with Kate. We leave the house and it's relatively quiet

"Are you liking it there, at Linda's place?" I ask. Kate is quiet for a bit before responding, " it is nice. Linda is really nice, but I haven't had a chance to speak to Haily," Kate says

"Ah yea, Haily is a weird one. She's the twin of Max so I guess that's what you should expect...being weird and all," I say

"Hmm yeah, maybe we could hang out tonight with the others," She says

"Yea, I'm not sure how Haily has been lately, but the death of Max hit them all hard," I tell her

"Yeah, I just hope seeing me doesn't remind them too much," Kate says a bit ashamed

"Don't worry about it, Linda is honestly the coolest person I know," I say

"Yep, she is quite cool," Kate says as we walked up to her house.

"Cya tomorrow," I say hugging her. She seems shocked but slowly gives in

"I'm not used to this," She mutters shyly

"Well, expect it more often, I've been holding it in ever since we got out of ALO," I tease

"So that's why you were staring," She says giggling

"Maybe," I say before pulling away from the hug.

"Bye my love," I say

"Bye-bye darling," She teases

"I'll get you next time," I say smirking as I walk away.

I pull out my phone to search the hospital Kirito told me to meet him at. Luckily it was a close one, so I guess I won't have to walk for very long.

I reach the hospital quickly and I didn't see any shady people that could be Kirito.

So I waited. As I wait, a beyond shady person walks by. And when I say beyond shady, I mean it.

This dude was dressed in a suit had glasses, and had his hair combed back. The biggest thing though was the fact that he had a grin bigger then any sword you'd catch Punisher using.

"Jesus, shady," I say out loud by accident. The dude stops and looks at me

"Excuse me," He says sinisterly

"Oh nothing just remembered an old creep that was probably watching a girl through her window," I say thinking of something out of my ass.

"Oh, my bad. But next time, try to keep such comments inside your head," He says before continuing toward the hospital. Not only is he shady, but he is also a dick too!

I wait for another 5 minutes before another shady character comes into veiw. He was wearing a black jacket and was much younger than anyone I've seen enter the hospital. I instantly remember him from school.

"Kirito," I say slinging my arm around his shoulder

"It's Kazuto," he says annoyed and slaps my hand off him.

"Eh," I say

"So is she everything you wanted," I say starting my tease

"Huh?" He says confused

"Or maybe, you just like staring at her as she sleeps. Don't you get any ideas," I say

"Oh come on dude!" Kazuto says readying to punch

"I'm joking I'm joking," I say as he lightly taps me

We came to a desk and the lady working there instantly recognized Kazuto and told him to go on.

However I was stopped. I guess I have to fill out a form. Kirito tells me the room number and he goes on ahead. I was at the front desk for another 3 minutes as I filled this stupid sheet out.

I finished and went on to find the room. I slide the door open and I can hear two voices in the room. One is Kazuto's and the other is a guy.

I know his voice from somewhere but I forget. There is a sheet wall that covers them from my sight.

Once I turn the corner, I see the same super shady guy from before....and he is sniffing Asuna's hair!

"It's the shady guy!" I blurt out

"Oh god another one of you rodents," he says pulling his face away from Asuna.

"So that would make you the snake would it not," I question

"Unbelievably stupid ," He says walking away

"The people she made friends within that game are such jokes," He continues

"The only joke here is you," I tease

"The two people who are in here who are engaged, is me and Asuna," He says trying to come back at me. I start dying from laughter.

"You and her, that's fucking hilarious," I say out of breath.

"Won't be hilarious when we get married," He says annoyed

"How the hell can you marry a sleeping woman, and call your self a man," I say getting a bit more serious

"Oh trust me, a man should take hold over the woman he loves. And no matter what, have no mercy when it comes to making her love him," He says deadfaced

"Yea, since when. No one will ever love you if you think that way," I tell him

"She will love me. Even if I have to force her too," He says grinning as he walks away.

"Jesus, not only are you shady but you're also a creep," I tell him as he leaves the room.

"That dude was joking right?" I ask Kazuto.

"No, he was serious," he says grimly

"I'm sorry I need to clean my ears out.....WHAT!" I say shocked

"You heard right," He says holding Asuna's hand

" Well I'll be damned, he is gonna be sorry when she wakes up," I say looking at Asuna.

Never have I seen her this helpless. She always was the Lightning Flash Asuna, never showed any weakness. But here that bastard is, taking advantage of her.

"Wakey wakey tomorrow, eh," I say hinting that we will get her out tomorrow

"Yeah," he says

"I'll do everything I can to get her back up and running," I tell Kazuto

"I'm sure you will," He says

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