Transcended as Lord Buggy-Par...

By CaptMermain

499K 22.3K 2.1K

This is the Part 1 that has reached its limit of 200 chapters in Wattpad. The next chapters will be uploaded... More

1. Overused Joke
2. Disbanded
3. The Great Pirate Era
4. Hunting
5. Unbelievable Finding
6. Taking Money
7. Syrupp Village
8. Easy Money
9. First Lost
10. Companions
11. Hunting as A Team
12. Hunting 50 Millions Crew
13. Show Down
15. Bellemere
16. End of Hunting
17. First Mate
18. Rubeck Island
19. Cooking Competition
20. Cheff Candidate
21. Deal
22. Trechery or Smart Strategy?
23. Red Axe Gang
24. Duels
25. Kidnapping
26. Whiteland Kingdom
27. Arctic
28. Goddamn Cold Place
29. Trapped Ship
30. Fvneel
31. Warning
32. Clown Entertaining Marine
33. Girl in A Barrel
34. First Bounty
35. Calm Belt
36. Crossing The Line
37. Ilisia Kingdom
38. Mysterious Cave
39. Snake's Friend
40. Ruji Village
41. Teaching A Kid
42. Opening The Crate
43. Weapons That Ate Devil Fruits
44. Devil Fruit Mastery
45. Crea Town
46. Castor & Pollux
47. Parting With Salaki
48. Toroa
49. Marine's Disturbance
50. Nico Robin
51. A Couple
52. Tune Island
53. Kano Country
54. Mountain Climbing
55. Just Keep Climbing
56. Tampered Weights
57. 99 Mountains
58. Escaping Kano Country
59. Strong Attacks
60. Enemy's Pursuit
61. Clowns vs Happo Unit
62. Buggy vs Ley
63. Improvement
64. Hasshoken
65. Crossing Port
66. Raised Bounties
67. Hems Island
68. Torino Kingdom
69. Manba
70. Peace with Birds
71. Buggy vs Squard
72. All-Out War
73. Talk with Whitebeard
74. Baterilla
75. Ambition Led to Demise
76. Garp's Arrival
77. Useless Struggle
78. Recovery
79. Ace's Birth
80. Strange Shipwright
81. Clowns' Sparring
82. Shipwright
83. Training in Karate Island
84. Bad Start
85. Crocus
86. Volcanic Island
87. Volcano Climber
88. Ruff
89. Success
90. Reward of Hardwork
91. Recruitment
92. Leaving 1st Island
93. Marine Battleship
94. Barsa Archipelago
95. Crew's Needs
96. Entertaining People
97. Pettiness
98. Can't Leave Yet
99. Clowns vs Strawberry's Unit
100. Buggy vs Strawberry
101. Clowns Battles
102. Human Cannon
103. Raised Bounty
104. Rainbow Pirates
105. New Guys
106. Grandline's Third Island
107. Rage
108. A Way to The Sky
109. Hot-Air Balloon
110. Sea of Clouds
111. Birka
112. Enel
113. Testing The Future God
114. Special Ability
115. 2 Idiots
116. God Palace
117. Palu's Origin
118. Proofing Ties
119. Test Result
120. Hunting Plan
121. Warning The God
122. Attacking The Half-Wings
123. Easy Battles
124. Threatening
125. Punishment
126. No Chance of Winning
127. 1 Month
128. Back to The Sea
129. Iron Shovels
130. Clowns vs Iron Shovels
131. Another Problem
132. Hard Battles
133. Strong Rookies
134. Slave Traders
135. Getting Heated Up
136. Victories
137. The Iron's Last Fight
138. Buggy's Battle
139. Kind Pirates
140. Raised Head Prices
141. Strange Experience
142. Yellow Monkey
143. Kizaru's Show Off
144. Sneaky Job
145. Split vs Light
146. Overwhelming
147. Hasshoken's Might
148. Surprising Kizaru
149. Dream
150. Sculpture
151. Adam Wood
152. Defending The Wood
153. Splitting
154. A Giant
155. Magnus
156. Sabaody Archipelago
157. Dark King
158. Touring
159. Bad Situation
160. Escaping
161. Dead Bones Brook
162. Gigantic Shadows
163. Tom
164. Waiting The Ship
165. Farewell
166. A New Ship
167. Planning
168. First Islands
169. Little Garden
170. Change of Plan
171. Jaya Island
172. Preparing to Fly
173. Knock-Up Stream
174. Skypiea
175. Upper Yard
176. City of Gold
177. Gan Fall
178. Shandians
179. Village Hidden in The Clouds
180. Golden Bell
181. Return To Blue Sea
182. New Weapon
183. Long Ring Long Land
184. Marine Attack
185. Against The Marine Again
186. Not Difficult Enough
187. Big Target
188. Buggy vs John
189. Leaving
190. Reward
191. Water 7 Again
192. Love Drama
193. New Recruits
194. Way to Sabaody
195. Sabaody Again
196. Amusement Park
197. To The Depth
198. Fishman Island
199. Ryugu Palace
200. Advice

14. Buggy vs Bass

3.8K 171 59
By CaptMermain

Buggy, Jimmy & Burton are now facing the Pirate Captain & Vice-Captain. The Captain's name is 'Black Skull' Bass, and the Vice-Captain is Bill the 'Lumberjack'. Strange epithet, but it's not that important.

Bill take out an axe from his back, and it's an axe for cutting tree, no wonder they call him lumberjack. Then Bass suddenly surrounded by black aura, and 5 beast skulls that covered by black aura appear around him.

"What's this? Sorcery?"-Jimmy

"It's devil fruit, but i don't know what devil fruit. Looking from the appearance, it seem to be Paramecia."-Bugg

'Hmm, i don't know there is a pirate crew with 2 devil fruits from East Blue like this. Also, judging from their strength just now, they're strong enough to sail on Grandline. Well, maybe they couldn't survive before the series start, so they're not recorded. Or maybe, my existence in here change a lot of things?'-Buggy

"You guys take care of the Vice-Captain, i will take care of the Captain."-Buggy

""Alright.""-Jimmy & Burton

The enemies also seem to have the same thinking with them. They immediately split and face their own opponents. Buggy use his observation haki and prepare his swords to fight. He doesn't know what those skulls can do, so he need to be careful.

"I've gave you a chance, but you wasted it, so your death is your own fault."-Bass

"Don't talk too big! It will make you look weak."-Buggy grin

Bass get angry and he send his black skulls towars Buggy. Buggy have a bad feeling about this, so he grab an unconscious pirate and throw him toward the beast skulls. The pirate suddenly scream and the beast skulls start to bite and tear him apart, then he die after all his body got torned. The flesh that got teared also start to rot at visible speed.

"Damn, they're wild."-Buggy

"Of course, these are the skulls of 5 strongest beasts in the world that i've defeated. Crocodile, Lion, Tiger, Gorilla, and Jaguar."-Bass seem proud

"The strongest beasts? HAHAHAHA, DUDE, THEY'RE JUST NORMAL BEASTS IN THIS WORLD. You certainly never saw the real beast in this world, huh? You still have a long way to go."-Buggy laugh at Bass's shallow knowledge

"Hmph, no use to talk more."-Bass

Bass send his black skulls to Buggy, and Buggy step back. He need to understand the skulls nature first before he attack. He throw another pirate at the skulls and watch the process intensely when the skulls torn the pirate's body.

Buggy watch as the skulls bite onto the pirate and the black aura around the skulls seep into the wound. Then when the wound start to rot and the flesh break apart. Buggy now seem to understand the power.

'His power is not the skull, but it's that black aura. It's like a curse or flesh decaying power. But it need to get in contact with flesh or blood immediately, so he use beast skulls that have sharp fangs. And it seem to be attracted to flesh, as it kept biting that pirate until he's finished.'-Buggy

Buggy know he need to destroy the skulls first. So Buggy rush to the skulls while carrying a pirate body. When the skulls try to bite him, Buggy use the body as a shield and he grab the skull from behind while it bite the pirate.

Another skull try to bite him, but Buggy immediately split his body and jump back to avoid the bite. Buggy then break the skull on his hand with his sword, and it break easily. The decaying power also seem to affect the skull's durability.

"1 down, 4 to go."-Buggy

Buggy then attack the skulls and he use his observation haki to dodge their bites. Buggy try to grab & hit the skulls, but it's not that easy. Buggy finally catch a skull and he crushed it with his sword hilt.

Buggy catch the skulls one by one, and it takes time. The skulls' movements aren't too fast, so he can chase it. But their sizes are small, so it's hard to grab them, and he also need to dodge their bites. After some effort, Buggy finally crush all the beast skulls.

"Is this it? Is this what your 25 millions worth?"-Buggy

"I must admit that you're good, you're the only enemy that can crush all my 5 beast skulls so far. However, you need to know that my speciality isn't controlling skulls, it's swordmanship."-Bass

Bass draw a sword from his waist. It's a cutlass with black skull ornaments on the hilt.

"I am called Black Skull because i control skulls. But people didn't know that i am exell at sword, it's because no one can pass my skulls to this day."-Bass

"Maybe because you just targetting weak people on the villages. I'm sure you'll be dead in 1 week if you go to Grandline."-Buggy

"Hmph."-Bass just snort

Buggy see Bass use his black aura on his cutlass. He need to be careful of getting cut by that black cutlass. He might be immune to cut attacks, but who knows what will happen now with the black aura there, so he won't take a risk.

Bass rush to Buggy, and Buggy also rush at Bass. Bass swing his cutlass down, and Buggy dodge it to the left. Buggy swing his right sword to Bass's head, but Bass duck to avoid that. Bass is actually quite skillful in close combat, but it's not enough to defeat Buggy.

Bass then swing his sword up while spinning his body. Buggy split his body in half to avoid the sword. Then Buggy detached his feet and use his knee to hit the spinning Bass. Buggy also slash his sword on Bass' hand while kicking Bass with his knee.

Bass fling from the impact and spit some blood. Buggy's kick is actually very powerful if he use full power. His sword slash also cut Bass' left tricep just now. It will make Bass have difficulty to hold his sword.

"You said you're good at swordmanship? Is it your parents who said it? Well, they just want to make you happy it seem."-Buggy grin

Bass look at Buggy with hatred in his eyes. Then Bass got angry and suddenly he spread his black decaying aura. He use it to grab many swords, and levitate them.

"Oh, boy. Curse me and my big mouth."-Buggy

Bass then start to control the swords to fly toward Buggy. Buggy move around to avoid the swords attacks. He also split his body anywhere he's about to get cut. He use his observation haki to the max.

"Woah! Woah! Oi, be careful! Watch where you aimed at!"-Buggy

Buggy jump & move around to dodge the flying swords. Bass seem happy seeing Buggy struggling to dodge his attacks. This guy seem a little crazy as he start to laugh maniacally.


"Damn dude, you don't look sane."-Buggy

Buggy look at Bass that have crazy expression and have a bad feeling.

'I need to finish this fast before that guy turn into a real maniac.'-Buggy

"Split Split Carnival!"-Buggy

Buggy split his body into 50 parts and fly them around to dodge the swords. He also detached both of his wrist and slide them on the ground toward Bass. One wrist slide in the front, while the other in the back. The wrists slide on the ground, so the flying swords can't hit them.

The front wrist fly up to stab Bass' stomach, but he realize it in last moment and dodge to the left. But he doesn't realize the back wrist that move past the front wrist and he got stabbed on the chest. Bass lose focus, and the other wrist spin around and stab him in the stomach.

All the flying swords now fall after Bass got stabbed 2 times. Buggy recall all his parts back to his body and check that he's fine. Then he look at Bass that spat some blood, but still standing.

Bass try to grab Buggy's palms with his hands, but Buggy control them to take out the swords. It make the blood gush out and Bass fall on his knee. But Buggy is not done yet, he release one sword and control the palm to grab Bass's weenie. Bass have a horror expression, but Buggy is grinning wide.

"Family Destroyer!"-Buggy crush the balls


Bass scream is full of agony, and it even make Buggy flinch. But he win, so that's what matter.


Support me on Pa_treon if you like my story and want to read some chapters ahead. It will help me buy internet data too, so i can keep uploading.

I've posted Chapter 46 on my pa treon page today.

(The website didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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