Secret Secret || Hyunlix

By marshyunlix

1.7K 90 92

(Completed) "I have wanted nothing more than to be with you, my love. It pained me to stay away, just because... More

~ Everything until the end of our fingertips ~

1.7K 90 92
By marshyunlix

It there was anything Hyunjin loved more than anything, It would be the forest.

It was his greatest treasure, the place he held close to his heart. A place that was more home than anything.

It was where he was born, where he was nurtured, where he grew. It was a part of him he couldn't lose, a part that was like his heart, beating and strengthening him so he lived.

And there was a reason it was so special.



The tall brunette human walked through the lush green grass, flowers blooming in the crevices of the dirt path. He took off his shoes, walking into the deeper part of the forest barefoot, the wetness of the soil making him smile.

He stopped infront of an old willow tree, smiling eve wider when he saw white flowers blooming on some of the branches. He looked around the tree, walking in a circle and sighing when he saw nothing.

"Lixie? Where are you?" The human called out, and there was a silence around him, not a single sound in the misty air. 

Hyunjin let out a chuckle, sitting down at the root of the tree and gently touching the bark of the tree.

"Stop hiding, Lixie. I know you're here." 

There was a frustrated sound from behind the tree, and a huge gust of wind blew all over the area, blowing Hyunjin's hair in all sorts of directions. There was a flash of light from inside the tree, and flowers bloomed from the branches of the tress till the roots, vines growing all over the bark that Hyunjin touched before.

Someday you'll get used to it

"You're no fun." A voice said from behind Hyunjin, making the taller male jump in surprise, chuckling at his own folly.

"A hello would be nice." Hyunjin said, turning around and facing the voice, smiling.

There, infront of Hyunjin stood a magical creature, vines covering his hands like a bracelet. Flowers loomed the blonde strands of his hair, wrapping around it like a crown. He had two antlers perched on his head, brown and sturdy. His white dress trailed over the soil underneath, his legs hidden in a white vapor. His eyes were a warm green, glossed and shiny. He had freckled littered all over his pink blushed cheeks, his warm smile welcoming Hyunjin.

"Hello, then. It's been a while since you last visited." Felix said, frowning at the end.

"I had things to attend to." Hyunjin explained shortly, walking towards the magical creature.

Felix hummed, nearing the human, his fists clenched uncomfortably.

"You can hug me, you know?" Hyunjin said, and Felix looked up with wide eyes, letting out a yelp when Hyunjin sighed, pulling the forest spirit into his embrace.

"I missed you..." Hyunjin said, whispering it in the spirit's ear.

"I missed you too, the forest became awfully lonely without you." The spirit whispered back, pulling back from the hug and placing a shy kiss to the the taller's cheek.

It'll be okay if you walk around busy

Hyunjin smiled, his hand coming to rub the spot. It was cold, yet warm at the same time. 

Felix gave a knowing smile, floating away from the human, Hyunjin watching him in curiosity.

The spirit uttered some words, a glow of white light and a path was revealed behind the willow tree, and Felix gestured Hyunjin to come with him, flying around him and then to the path.

The path was strange, it wasn't made of rocks or soil. It felt like stepping on a cloud, and Hyunjin didn't know what that felt like either. 

"I have something to show you." Felix said as they walked through the path, and there was another burst of light as the path suddenly ended and they were standing on a cliff instead, a river flowing under the cliff.

Hyunjin froze in his place, one more step and he would be in the river. Felix giggled softly, taking Hyunjin's hand and gently tugging him forward.

"What- Lix, if I fell into that I would die!" Hyunjin said exasperatedly, refusing to follow the spirit.

Felix smiled at Hyunjin, intertwining their fingers.

"Do you trust me?" The spirit asked quietly, and Hyunjin stood frozen, nodding after sometime.

"Then follow me." 

Hyunjin looked at the rushing water under him and then at the spirit, who nodded in affirmation. 

I try to smile more

"If I die, I'm-"Trust me, you won't die!" Felix said, laughing at the end and pulling Hyunjin forward. 

The taller male shrieked suddenly, bracing himself for the fall, his heart speeding up dangerously. 

"You aren't falling, dummy." Felix said, laughing as he watched the taller look down and then up, mumbling nonsense in the shock. He was floating right above river, but strangely not falling down.

"What in the world..." Hyunjin mumbled, following the giggling spirit across the river and on the other side of the cliff.

He opened his eyes fully after feeling solid ground under his feet, looking around. Hyunjin gasped, his eyes scanning the area around him.

It was a grassy meadow, covered with flowers and butterflies. The grass was soft, lush and green and the different types of flowers grew in between the grass. It was truly mystical.

"What is this place..." Hyunjin mumbled, Felix leaving his hand and flying around him, a gust of wind blowing wherever the spirit flew.

"You don't need to know the name of the place to enjoy it." Felix stated simply, and smiled at Hyunjin.

The human hesitantly walked around the meadow, a butterfly perching upon his head.

"This is beautiful..." Hyunjin muttered, taking the butterfly gently off his head and onto his finger, admiring the pattern on its wings.

Felix giggled softly, agreeing with him.

They spend a few hours at the place, playing with each other in the meadow. 

(Although Felix won every single game, being a spirit definitely had its advantages.) 

And Hyunjin was not be upset, he had decided the loser give a kiss to the winner, and he was more than willing to keep kissing the spirit, even if it were for the rest of his lifetime.

Before they knew it, the sun once already beginning to set over the horizon and Felix took Hyunjin back to the the forest, helping him out of the forest before it got dark.

"Will you come tomorrow?" Felix asked Hyunjin before they parted ways.

"I'm not sure, Lixie." Hyunjin said with a sigh, frowning as he said so.

Felix smiled, although Hyunjin could see the pain behind him. Hyunjin came closer, hugging the younger and giving him a peck on the lips before leaving.

"I'll come soon, one day." Hyunjin said and Felix relaxed in his hold, part of him gently drifting away.

"I wish I could come with you... but the forest needs me..." Felix said, half of his body becoming a vapor as it went back to the forest.

The days are getting longer 

"Bye..." Felix said quietly, kissing Hyunjin on the lips.

Hyunjin gladly indulged in the kiss, holding the spirit close until he felt a cold air around him, an empty space infront of him.





Summer was always hot in Seoul, and there was nowhere Hyunjin would rather escape to in the middle of the day than the forest. It was much more cooler in the shelter of the trees.

"Hyunnie!" Felix said with a shout of joy, jumping onto the the human.

Hyunjin stumbled back at the force, laughing as he hugged the boy back.

"Hey, Lixie." Hyunjin said, patting the boy's head and combing out to knots in his flower bound hair.

"It's been so long!" Felix said and Hyunjin chuckled, pulling the smaller boy against him and connecting their lips in a long innocent kiss.

"I know...You have no idea how many nights I've waited for this." Hyunjin replied, pecking the spirit's face with kisses, making the younger giggle at the ticklishness.

"Today, I'm going to take you on a date, to make up for all the lost time." Hyunjin announced, intertwining their finger together.

"A date? What's that?" Felix asked curiously.

"A date is like, well... you know what, just follow me, and you'll see." Hyunjin said, dragging the boy out of the forest.

"Hyun, Wait! I can't just come to town like this!" Felix said, gesturing to all of his body.

Hyunjin stopped in his tracks, noticing the problem as well. Felix giggled at the face Hyunjin made, and shook his head.

The spirit snapped his fingers, and the dress disappeared for a white skirt like cloth, flowing around his new pair of legs. The antlers disappeared from the top of his head, only the lowers remained.

Hyunjin gawked at Felix, and the younger boy giggled at him, dragging him out of the forest and into the pathway that led into town. With a shocked Hyunjin following behind him.

They walked into town, and Hyunjin showed him around the place, Felix amazed by the new place. There were a few people who stared weirdly at them both, mostly at Felix and his weird attire, not to mention the fact that he wasn't exactly wearing any shoes.

"Felix, want to know what my favorite place in town is?" Hyunjin asked and Felix nodded quickly, excited at the new atmosphere.

Let it go with a smile

Hyunjin pulled the boy quickly, walking into a huge building. 

The building smelled strange, and it was completely white, paintings and different art artefacts hung around on the walls on set on glass tables.

"What is this place..." Felix asked and Hyunjin chuckled, leading him further into the building, opening a room and leading them both inside, white canvases hung around in the place.

"This is my art studio..." Hyunjin said, sitting down infront of the easel.

"And what do you do here?" Felix asked, curiously walking around the room and looking at the different paintings.

"I draw and paint. I've been drawing one special painting, the most beautiful of my pieces. But I've not been particularly able to get every single detail right, and I was hoping you would help." Hyunjin said, pulling Felix and putting an incomplete canvas on the easel, a picture of a person drawn on it.

"How can I help?" Felix asked in confusion, the older chuckling at the pout on the younger's lips.

He pulled Felix onto his lap, kissing the pout away and grabbing a brush.

"Just sit here." Hyunjin said, and Felix nodded obediently, although still confused how exactly this was helping.

Not a word was spoken for an hour, Hyunjin's brush stroking the canvas and dipping it in different colors. But he didn't let the younger boy take a look at the painting, not even peek at it.

"Are you done yet?" Felix asked impatiently, he really wanted to see what Hyunjin was doing.

Hyunjin nodded, doing some last movements with his brush and then allowing Felix to turn his head and look at the canvas.

The smaller boy gasped, looking at the canvas in awe.

"You painted me?!" Felix asked in shock, trying to touch the picture, Hyunjin holding his hand away.

"No touching, the paint has to dry. And yes, I painted you. I did tell you I was drawing my most beautiful piece yet." Hyunjin said, and Felix blushed a deep shade of red.

"I'm not beautiful." Felix denied, looking away from Hyunjin.

The older boy raised an eyebrow, raising the spirit boy's chin.

"I thought spirits didn't lie?" Hyunjin asked, and Felix blushed even deeper if that was possible.

"I'm not." 

"But it seems to me that you are. You are the most beautiful being on this planet, and I don't think I've seen anything else prettier, I don't think I will either." Hyunjin said, kissing the boy on his lap, the other looping his arms around Hyunjin's neck.

Felix giggling softly when he felt the other's hands trace his thighs lightly, and he broke out of the kiss to smile at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin stared back with the same adoration, his eyes not leaving the younger boy for even a second.

Felix got up from his lap, but suddenly a shock of green traveled in the smaller's body, and the spirit fell down, Hyunjin barely being able to catch him.

Drooping shoulders, wet clothes

"Felix...You okay?" Hyunjin asked slowly, and the spirit barely nodded before feeling another shock wave through his body, the vines on his arms starting to dig into his skin.

"" Felix said, his voice barely a whisper as Hyunjin nodded, picking him up and running out of the building, ignoring the weird stares and taking the shortest path back to the forest.

Felix whimpered, his hands clutching the fabric of Hyunjin's shirt as another green shock vibrated through his body.

Hyunjin ran as fast as he could, entering the thickness of the forest as Felix's breath began to shallow, his legs disappearing and the cold misty vapor taking its place. The antlers appeared on top of his head once again, but the green shocks didn't stop, and the vines had already made cuts on his arms.

"Almost there..." Hyunjin said, swatting the vines and branches away from his face as he ran into the deeper par of the forest, reaching the willow tree.

He placed the almost-dead spirit on the ground, the roots of the willow tree wrapping around Felix's body.

There was a eerie silence as the tree released Felix, his breathing slowly quickening and his heart starting to beat faster. The vines on his hands loosened, and the cuts began to heal itself. The green shocks stopped, and there was a blinding flash of light as Felix regained his true spirit form.

"F-Felix...?" Hyunjin whispered, tears gathering in his eyes as he assumed the worst.

Slowly, the spirit opened his eyes, looking at Hyunjin and smiling brokenly.

"I'm okay." 

Hyunjin cried out, hugging the spirit boy as relief washed over him. 

"Thank goodness..." Hyunjin said, kissing the spirit's neck and tearing up again, the fear of loosing his only love scaring him to death.

"I f-forgot about m-my attachment to the forest...I can't stay t-too far away from it for a l-long time, my b-body weakens if I l-leave for too long...My h-heart is in the f-forest after all...." Felix stuttered, his voice still shaky.

"I'm so sorry, I-I should've known it wasn't s-safe..." Hyunjin apologizes, tears still flowing down as his cheeks.

"It wasn't y-your fault...I should've remembered..." Felix says with a smile, placing a soft kiss on Hyunjin's forehead, brushing the hair out of his face.

A wind blew around them and Felix shivered. Orange rays of lights shone through the leaves of the trees above, the shadows of the branches growing longer.

Even the loud music seems so quiet

"It's getting late, you need to go..." Felix reminded, and Hyunjin looked at him with concern and worry.

"What about you? I can't just leave you!" Hyunjin said, still holding Felix to him, providing warmth for the forest spirit.

"I'll be fine...If you stay any longer, I can't tell what might happen to you. Wolves and bears hunt around here, and you're a human. I can protect myself, and they won't harm me in the first place. I don't have enough strength to keep you away though, and it gets awfully cold in the night. You need to go." Felix said, firmly yet Hyunjin could hear the softness in his voice.

"Promise me you'll be fine." Hyunjin said, gently picking up Felix and putting him near the heart of the willow tree, the branches reaching to take the spirit away from Hyunjin's hands.

"I promise." Felix said with a smile, and the leaves of the willow tree enclosed the spirit. There was a burst of white light and the spirit was gone, the willow tree returning to its normal state.

Hyunjin reached out to touch the bark of the tree, and there was an white light imprinted on the bark when he touched it, a warmth, like someone was hugging him.

"I'll see you soon, Lixie." 




Hyunjin had made up his mind after that. If he was being honest it wasn't the forest time this happened, Felix loosing energy because of staying away from the forest. But it definitely the first time he had lost consciousness, and was so close to death. It scared the human to think that if he had a few minutes late, his love would have died in his arms.

Felix was special to his heart, something he wouldn't bare lose. Because Felix was the reason he was alive and breathing, the spirit was the reason his heart was still beating.

They had met in the forest, when Hyunjin almost lost his life by falling down a river that flowed adjacent to the spirit's home. Hyunjin had been so blinded that day, he almost drowned himself in that river. He would've died, hadn't it been for the spirit who saved him, pulling him out of the water and giving him a chance to live, giving him the gift of life once again.

They had become friends after that day, and Felix helped Hyunjin look at the bright side of things because, like the spirit said - 


"However dark the night will become, there will also be a sun that would rise the next day." 


And the spirit was right, because to Hyunjin, his sun was Felix. The sun that helped him realize there was more to look forward to. The human would be lying if he said he didn't wake up every morning just to see his love.

Felix was his sunshine, his hope, his sun, his stars and everything. 

Which is why he was in the library, searching the oldest books for something to solve his problem.

All of my frustrated thoughts

He had been in the library the past 7 hours, looking through every single book and article, every scroll and every note. 

His grandma was the one who told him spirits, and there was a book which would give him the answer to all his problems, a very old one about spirits.

"Son, you've been here for a long time. Do you need help finding what you're looking for?" The librarian asked, sighing as she looked at the brunette seated in the pile of books. 

"I- Do you have any books about spirits, elemental spirits?" Hyunjin asks and the librarian raises an eyebrow, confused.

"Why do you need books on spirits?" The librarian asked, pushing her vintage glasses up her nose.

"It's...for a school project!" Hyunjin said, finding the best excuse he could muster.

The librarian gave him a long suspicious look, before sighing and gesturing him to the back of the library.

"We have our oldest books here, along with the mythical ones. Nobody ever reads them, so they'll have gathered dust. Be careful, the pages are extremely delicate." The librarian warned, before leaving the brunette to look through the shelves, some of the books covered in cobwebs.

After another two hour search, Hyunjin finally found an old piece of paper, buried at the back of the shelves. It was yellow, and had holes in the corners of the page. Dust covered it like a blanket, and the paper seemed to crumble under his hand.

He carefully placed it on the table, looking through the paper that seemed to be written in ancient writing. 

Taking his phone, he translated the piece of paper, with some difficulty of course. The language was definitely out of date, and very few words could be deciphered from the paper, since most of the inked letters were smudged and spread.


Elemental Spirits

The elemental spirits exist in four forms: Forest or Earth, Wind or Air, Water and Fire. Each spirit derives its strength from the their abode, and possesses magical abilities from the strength it receives...


Hyunjin read the entire paper carefully, reading every single detail with great concentration. It was hard to understand considering how language had changed from then to now.

Until he finally found the paragraph he was looking for, the answer to all his problems.


Birth of a Spirit

Spirits are borne, either as one or can be turned. 

Human evolved spirits are rare cases that exist in nature, although not completely extinct. However, it requires a great sacrifice to turn into a spirit, and it also requires the need of...


Hyunjin sat in the library for an hour more, reading the parchment and taking pics on his phone. This would definitely require more research, the words weren't exactly clear.

But this was a start.

And it didn't take long for Hyunjin to make up his mind.


The tall brunette walked over the dry leaves, marking the beginning of fall. The orange, red and yellow leaves crinkled under his boots, and the dry patches of soil was a reminder of his last visit. It had been a long time since he visited the forest, and he wasn't coming just to see Felix, he was walking with a purpose.

I want to throw it away in this rain, so I take it out

Felix was not at his willow tree, which was puzzling since the spirit would always wait for him there, especially since he had sent a note to the spirit about his visit through a forest squirrel a few days ago.

"Felix?" Hyunjin called out, waiting by the tree to see the spirit.

There was a silence in the forest, and he waited for something to show the spirit's presence. 


He stood there in the midst of the forest, the breeze blowing the dried branches of the trees. He shivered, hugging his jacket closer to his body.

Suddenly, the silence broke, hearing familiar soft giggles in the distance.

Hyunjin followed the sound, his padded footsteps being the only noise beside the soft laughter.

"Lix...?" Hyunjin asked, and he walked into the forest, unfamiliar of this part of the woods.

"Here, Hyun!" A voice called, and Hyunjin felt his shoulder relax, a smile coming to his lips when he saw the the green glow of the spirit behind a yellowing bush.

He pushed the bush out of the way, shaking off the leaves that had floated over him in the struggle. He turned to look at the spirit, and his sunshine smile made him feel all warm again, ignoring the cold of the forest.

The spirit was laying on the soft ground, playing with the forest animals. A doe and her baby sat next to him, the fawn playing with his antlers. A small little white bunny rested on his lap, and a few birds had perched up his shoulder.

Hyunjin carefully walked towards Felix, the animals shrinking away when he came closer.

Felix laughed at them, patting the space infront of him for Hyunjin to sit on. The taller promptly sat himself down, and the spirit gently placed the bunny in his arms.

It sniffed its little nose, looking up and Hyunjin and then gently nudging his hand. The taller sat there confused, unaware of what to do.

"He wants you to pet him." Felix said, and Hyunjin made an 'o', gently petting the little creature who relished in the newfound affection.

"Where have you been?" Felix asked, gently reassuring the other animals it was okay.

"I had been busy with university work." Hyunjin answers shortly, and Felix raised an eyebrow in question.

"You've been getting quiet lately. Is anything going on?" Felix asked, looking at the human in concern.

"Nothing much. Just stress, I guess." Hyunjin said, although Felix could tell he wasn't being entirely truthful, he let it go.

"Since we can't afford to repeat last time, how about we visit the spirit world for a little while?" Hyunjin asked, diverting the topic.

Felix looked at the human. He could see something was greatly wrong, but he couldn't pin point it.

"Are you sure nothing's wrong?" Felix asked, scooting closer to the human. The other animals had scurried away by now.

Hyunjin looked at Felix, and then at the forest. He gently took the spirit's hands, getting up and walking towards the willow tree.

Saggy shoulders, wet clothes

"I swear, nothing's wrong." Hyunjin smiled, and Felix could still sense the doubt, but he smiled back.

"Okay. I believe you." Felix said, deciding that he was the one in doubt and not Hyunjin.

The spirit walked towards the heart of the willow tree, muttering the same few words he had said a few seasons back, and a path opened up in the forest.

"Let's go!" Felix said, grabbing Hyunjin and running inside.


Laughter and giggles echoed in the cold breeze of the meadow, small trees growing in the patches of the green grass.

"Hyunjin! S-Stop i-it!" Felix yelled out, although his voice barely made it father than a plead, as the human ticked the spirit to death.

"I-I can't b-breath!" Felix whispered and the human stopped, laughing as he fell on the grass, right next to the spirit.

The spirit took a few deep breaths as Hyunjin calmed himself down, his one hand gently coming to tug the spirit closer.

They sat in each other's embrace, their gentle breaths being the only sounds besides the whistling wind.

"I won't see you again, till the next spring." Felix said out of nowhere, and Hyunjin looked at him, he already knew why.

"I'll miss you. It's awfully boring in the trees. There's nothing to do but sleep." Felix said, and Hyunjin hummed, unconsciously hugging the spirit tighter.

"I'll miss you too...." Hyunjin said, but there was something is his voice that raised doubt in Felix's mind.

Dismissing it, he closed his eyes, sighing as he laxed in the human's hold, enjoying the last bits of love he would get.




Winter was cold, and probably the coldest Seoul had experianced that year. The forest was covered in snow and ice, frost covering the roots of every possible plant to have survived. The forest was dead silent, all the animals had either migrated or decided to hibernate through it. The bushes had withered, the trees were bare and the wind blew harder than ever.

Felix had retired into the spirit world, like all spirits would do in winter.  The small trees had grown into huge towering giants, with little holes where the spirits could take shelter in and 'hibernate' till the winter was over. 

Hyunjin, on the other hand was preparing himself, his plan already in action. 

He had sold his furniture at home, he had disenrolled himself from university, he had cut off all contact with his friends and told that he was going to another country for further study.

Everything was falling into place, and Hyunjin smiled, closing his apartment door and handing the golden key to the landlord, a suitcase in hand.

Even the loud music can be heard at a low level

He shivered as soon as he was out of the building, it was snowing. 

The whether report had predicted a hail later that day.

He could see the signs of it.

Sighing, he walked towards the outskirts of the town, trudging down the path towards the forest.

He looked at the town one last time, smiling to himself.

"Goodbye." He whispered, waving to no one in particular.

A violent wind blew, and Hyunjin turned towards the dark forest, covered in snow. He dropped his suitcase on the snow blanketed ground, he didn't have a need for it anyway.

He walked inside the forest, the barren trees shadowing over his head. His boots sunk in the white snow, leaving a trail of footprints. It was cold, colder than he could've ever imagined.

Icicles covered the lower laying branches of the trees, and he avoided getting speared by any of them, shivering as he walked to the heart of the forest.

"Hey." He greeted quietly at the willow tree, who still had its vines and leaves covering its brown branches. In the entire forest, it was the only tree that seemed to be so green and perfect throughout the year. Probably because it had the strength of the spirit.

He gently touched the heart of the tree, the part glowing yellow under his hand. He smiled, the familiar warmth coming to his hand, contrasting the cold air around it.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and muttering a few words.

"우리 손끝까지 모든 걸..."

A blinding flash of light, and Hyunjin closed his eyes tightly. The wind around him blew violently, nearly blowing him away. He stood firmly on the ground, his hands gripping the tree bark tightly.

Silence made him open his eyes, looking around. He sighed in relief, finding himself on top of the cliff, the green meadow covered with trees on the other side.

He looked down for a second, stepping back when he saw the rushing river underneath. It was stronger than usual, and death was definite for anyone who were to fall.

But that was why he was here, wasn't it?

"This is the end..."  He muttered, looking down. Tears burned at his eyes, and his legs shook in fear. 

He gently put a foot forward, small rocks tumbling down in the river. It feel into the water, and there wasn't a sign of it after.

All of my frustrated voice

"I love you, Felix. Understand that I'm doing this for you. I'll meet you soon." Hyunjin said, knowing well in his heart no one was there to hear him. 

His hands trembled, and he took a deep breath, looking at the water.

"Goodbye, Human world." 

With that, he pushed himself over the edge, the wind rushing in his ears as he fell down the cliff, down into the water.

There was a splash as he fell into the water, his ears and nose filling with water. He didn't struggle, he didn't make a move to swim and save himself.

He let the water take his body. The cold water froze his limbs, taking over his body. His lungs ached, and his throat burned from the lack of air. His head was spinning, and a cloudy haze covered his thoughts.

His heart slowed down, his arms and legs rested, his vision blurred.

Everything became black.

I want to throw it away in this rain, so I take it out


Felix awoke in a start, gasping for air. He looked around his home, realizing he was still in his little tree.

Then why had he seen water earlier?

Sleep had abandoned him, and he got out of his tree, looking outside into the meadow.

Something was different.

He walked outside in the green meadow, and in the distance, there was a flash of light right where the river stood.

Felix let his body take him to the edge of the meadow, looking at the cliff on the other side, the raging river below him.

Felix rubbed his eyes, squinting at the cliff, spotting something peculiar.


Felix let the gears turn in his head, gasping when he realized.


Before he could utter another word, he fell back on the grass, a blue light evaporating from the river. A mist covered the area, and he couldn't see anymore, not in the white haze. He stepped back, scared. 

"Felix...It's me..." A voice called out to the forest spirit, and Felix opened his eyes in shock, looking around for the owner of the voice.

It couldn't possibly be...

He looked around the mist that was beginning to clear, and he gasped when he saw a figure walk towards him.

"Hyunjin..." He breathed out, his eyes blown wide in shock.

The said 'human' was now covered in blue, his previously brown locks of hair now a midnight blue, with white streaks hidden in them. He had a white and golden crown on his head, and his eyes had turned from the warm chocolate to a sparkly blue.

Hyunjin smiled at the forest spirit, stretching his arms outward and Felix hesitantly walked forward, looking at his love.

"It is me, Lixie..." Hyunjin said, coaxing the younger spirit forward and that was all it took for the forest spirit to jump into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"What... What are you...What happened...I thought you..." Felix rambled, and he didn't even realize the hot tears flowing down his cheeks.

"I am a water spirit, Lix....I sacrificed my human life to stay with you...." Hyunjin said, smiling as the younger spirit looked up, smiling widely, the tears still running down.

"Oh Hyunjin.... You didn't have to...I thought I lost you...." Felix said, sobbing into his arms.

Hyunjin laughed, picking up the smaller spirit. Their height difference was very significant now, and Hyunjin had grown a few inches as a water spirit.

"I have wanted nothing more than to be with you, my love. It pained me to stay away, just because of the restrictions as a human. I would die all over again, if it meant I would be with you." Hyunjin said, lifting the younger's chin and placing a soft kiss on his pink lips.

Felix giggled, looping his arms around the water spirit, floating upwards and kissing back, happiness budding out of his heart, flowers blooming on the vines that covered his arm.

"I love you, Felix."

"I love you too, Hyunjin."

Everything until the end of our fingertips

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