
By Melon1294

676K 38.7K 9.1K

Vampire are a well known species in the world. They overpowered the humans and now all humans must obey by th... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty- Two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter Thirty- Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
Chapter Fifty-four
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six

Chapter Forty-Eight

7.1K 467 48
By Melon1294


After an eventful dinner, I came home to just relax in my room. I did hope that Dae would be awake but no, he was fast asleep with Jae in his room so it looked like I was free for the rest of the night.

I said my goodnights to the boys and decided that it was time for me to sleep. I did also tell them thank you for taking me out and defending my honour I suppose but I appreciated the act of taking me out for dinner. It's the right step forward to good things.

But despite having a peaceful night, I couldn't sleep.

I don't know why I just couldn't tonight. Maybe because Dae use to get up at this time for feeding but he doesn't anymore since he's now starting to sleep through out the night. Or possibly it could be because every now and then I would feel my baby in my stomach ever so slightly. It feels like butterflies inside my stomach but it's just the beginning. Soon enough I'll be able to feel the baby move constantly just like Dae.

Which reminds me, I have an appointment with Dr Go later this week. My last appointment was three weeks ago.

Since I couldn't sleep and with that appointment suddenly in mind I headed towards the mini kitchen and flicked through the calendar pinned to the wall beside the dining table. There may be a open space I can roam freely upstairs but this small space under the main house just feels more at home.

Checking the date and time, I was right and nodded at myself making a mental note then decided to get myself some water. I was rather thirsty but I know I'll need to end up peeing ten minutes later.

Taking a glass out the cupboard, I filled it up using the sink to fill it with water and pressed my back against the sink as I drank the refreshing water out the glass.


Upon hearing my name whispered from the stairs while drinking I dropped the glass to the floor at my feet letting out a yelp.

"Gosh Jimin, you scared me."

He quickly sped over to me, crouching down to pick up the glass. I bent down to help pick up the glass but Jimin just swatted my hands away.

"No, you'll cut yourself. Let me do it." Jimin

I hummed at him, and left him to pick up the glass even if I felt guilty watching him pick it up since it was me that dropped it but then again he did scare me. Jimin scooped up the broken pieces of glass and threw them into the trash can just beside me then proceeded to dust off his hands and then turn to smile up at me.

"Hello sweetheart." Jimin

His nickname for me made me blush but even more so when I noticed the position he was in, bent on one knee, reaching for my hand to press a kiss to my knuckles.

"Oh Y/n, would you do be the honours of bec-" Jimin

I cut him off with a shove from my hand, snorting at him in some kind of disgust but it was realty to hide my burning cheeks and flustered state. I'm sure he could even hear the rapid beating of my heart right now which is why when I push him away, Jimin lets out a small laugh and stands back up. The look on his face was more of a mix between amused and a look that said 'got ya'.

"You're still married Jimin, that's not something you should mess around with."

Jimin hummed at me and brushed back some of his messy hair through his fingers all the while clenching his jaw. I couldn't look at him looking at me like that, not that's it's scary but it's hot and the two of us alone, who knows what will happen.

"Yeah, well that will change soon." Jimin

I heard him mumble but I chose not to question too much about that. We had a lovely night despite the start of it and I don't want to start brining up Haru since I know it will ruin the mood.

"What are you doing up Jimin?"

I asked him to change his mood and the moment I asked his eyes lit up and that grin came back.

"I had a feeling you would be awake so I came to see if you wanted some company." Jimin

"Aw, you were thinking about me?"

Patting his cheek I walked by him towards the corner couch but he just followed me like a lost puppy, skipping on his feet.

"Of course, I didn't think tonight would go so well considering the start." Jimin

I stopped in front of the tv just in front of the couch while Jimin stood on the other side of the couch smiling back at me.

"Yeah it was nice. Thank you for that by the way."

"Your very welcome Y/n. The guys and I were thinking about doing that more often, and who knows maybe Jae and Dae could come along with us this time." Jimin

I nod at him as I chuckled when he bounced on the spot showing his excitement just by thinking about it.

"That would be nice Jimin."

He let out a cute giggle but neither one of us said anything after that. I don't know how exactly but I ended up getting lost in his eyes as he did in mine. We just made eye contact with one another and I couldn't find the will to look away from him. His red orbs staring back at me with such softness and something more I couldn't describe. It's the first time I seen him look at me like this and I found it flattering but also somehow accepted in a way. A kind of relief washed over me and it surprised me to feel this way but I was relaxed and calm.

That was until there was a creak that came from the stairs and we both broke eye contact to quickly turn our gaze towards the stairs.

I gasped and stumbled back to see some man dressed in black from head to toe, black boots and even a mask over his face.

Jimin growled at him and jumped over the couch and stood in front of me.

"Who ever you are, get the fuck out of my house." Jimin

Another man dressed in the same way came down the stairs but paused behind the first man and sighed through his mask turning to the other.

"Dude, I thought you said all of them were upstairs?" man 1

"He should of been!" man 2

"Well he's not, you fucking asshole!" man 1

Jimin quickly glanced over my shoulder, gesturing with his head to make a quick get away to Jae's room and I did. Leaping over the couch I sprinted towards the bedroom.

"HEY!" man 2

A loud growl came from Jimin and behind me I heard some commotion but didn't turn around until I reached the door.

I saw Jimin throw one man across the room by his neck while another jumped on his back. Jimin suddenly let out a loud scream before slumping on to his knees and falling face down to the floor.

I panicked. As much as I wanted to get to my son, I needed them to get far away from my sons room.

With Jimin passed out on the floor, this was now up to me and behind the bedroom door I heard Dae start to cry. The door opened and Jae stepped out sleepy and confused but I turned around and pushed him back in.

"Get in and stay. Don't come out until I tell you too."

Slamming the door on his confused face, I picked up a vase from the nearest table and threw it at the man standing over Jimin. The vase shattered at the back of his head and he grunted, instantly putting his gloved hand over the back of his head.

"AH, YOU BITCH!!" Man 2

I ignored him and ran passed him towards the stairs, both men now running after me urgently but they were moving too fast, meaning vampires but they're not running that fast considering how they could.

Coming to the main floor of the house, I sprinted out the door and ran across the living room but there was a funny smell in the air. It smelled like ass.

But after taking in that smell that was a little misty, I slumped to the floor dropping hard on my side and passing out into the dark abyss of my unconscious mind.

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