|| BNHA/MHA || Bleached Curta...

By xCult_Leaderx

202 0 0

"How annoying. You think that what you're doing is righteous? Open your eyes instead of following everyone bl... More



34 0 0
By xCult_Leaderx

Once again, the media does not belong to me!

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It had been a few days since the school incident had happened. [Y/N] wasn't allowed to go anywhere besides school, though she didn't have a reason to go against anything at the time. Her mother even went the extra mile to take her to school herself, yet she still wouldn't bother to pick her up. She was being suffocated and ignored at the same time. It was strange, to say the least. This sort of treatment was completely new and different to [Y/N]. She had never seen her parents care so much for what she did on her own time. All they cared about before was her excelling in school and doing as she pleased, as long as her academic performance didn't suffer. She knew that once she started high school that things would change, but she wasn't expecting it to be this much.

She hadn't spoken to Noah and he hadn't gone to school either. She didn't know if he was alright, and this made [Y/N] all the more anxious. All ways of communication had been taken away from her so she couldn't reach out even if she had wanted to— at least that's what she told herself. She could sneak out and forcefully make sure that Noah was okay, but she didn't. Her exhaustion from looking over her shoulder got the best of her, so she chose to finally look at the weight of her actions. Of course, this was primarily influenced by her mother, and it was one of the few times that [Y/N] agreed. [M/N] couldn't afford to have [Y/N] distract herself from reaching great lengths—or so, she claimed.

[Y/N] had been sitting on her bed in her room. It wasn't anything luxurious, with it being average at best. There were two twin-sized beds. The bedsheets were plain but always cleanly pressed. [Y/N] made sure to keep the room as neat as possible. The only window in the room was sealed off. It had lined, metal bars on the outside, something that was meant to stop criminals from entering, though [Y/N] had the feeling that it was meant to keep her from going out. In front of the window was a lop-sided desk. It wasn't new and it had seen its fair share of all-nighters. Sunlight was barely noticeable through the curtains and the plastic that covered them. The room was overall gloomy. It wasn't even her room, it was one that she shared with her younger brother. She didn't mind that at all, though. She knew her parents were struggling financially, but she also knew that they weren't the best at saving. Especially when it came to her mother.

Though her room could use some redecorating, that wasn't what bothered her. Because of [Y/N]'s quirk, it made her aware of everything around her. Her mind was constantly interacting with the environments that she would find herself in. It was like she was a walking security camera, except her view was vast and —mostly— visible. With the constant exertion of her brain, [M/N] knew how much it mattered for [Y/N] to have a clear and functioning mind. In the last few days, [M/N] had made her 'sober up'. This long process led to restless nights, irritability, and worst of all, cravings.

"I thought I had this under control," [Y/N]'s voice was barely audible, but loud enough to qualify as a whisper. She had her right arm draped over her forehead. It had been so long that she was in her right mind. Being alert at all times had always exhausted her, so she found an escape. [Y/N] felt pathetic. She wasn't strong enough to deal with the repercussions of having a quirk as strong and useful as hers. Having everything rush back to her at such a fast pace gave her a massive headache. "I should have never let it come to this."

[Y/N] slowly opened her eyes, basking in the small amount of light that entered the room. She looked over on the desk, thinking of testing how much she let herself become desensitized from the world. She glanced at a pencil case that she left on top of the wooden surface. 'Maybe it hasn't gotten that bad?' She sat up, crossing her legs as she continued to ponder on what she should do. 'Should I be testing it out? I only just started to clear my mind.' Her eyes trailed the small rectangular pouch. 'Though, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.'

[Y/N] lifted her right arm. Her mind still felt a little foggy, but she disregarded it as best as she could. Her eyes squinted as she tried her hardest to concentrate—a task that seemed impossible at the time. She took in a deep breath, calming her nerves. As soon as she activated her quirk, a searing pain ran through her head. She didn't even get a chance to try and see if she still had the same amount of control. A painfully loud ringing noise collided within her skull. [Y/N] gasped as she held in a shriek that was attempting to claw its way out of her throat. Her hands clutched her head, trying to reduce the pain that she was experiencing. She tugged harshly at her hair as tears formed at the corners of her eyes. She couldn't do anything to stop the pain that tormented her.

It felt like hours had gone by, but it had only been forty-five minutes. [Y/N] had tear-stained cheeks as a result of the most intense headache that she had ever felt. The pain seemed to have simmered down, though she could still feel her head throbbing. 'It's just like I thought.' [Y/N] was slightly panting, trying to catch her breath. 'In my current state, it's rejecting me.' [Y/N] had sweat dripping off of her forehead.

Once [Y/N] had calmed down, she decided that she would shower to get rid of the icky feeling she had. She didn't have anything better to do, and she also wanted to relax after what she experienced. Gathering her things, she went to open the bedroom door. Just as she did so, she saw her younger brother, [B/N], standing there with a teddy bear. He looked as if he was about to reach for the door as well.

"[B/N], what are you doing here?" [Y/N] was confused. He only ever wanted to be in the room they shared when it was time to go to sleep and she was sure that it was far too early for it to be his bedtime.

"Mom isn't home and she promised that she would take me to the playground." [B/N] fiddled with his thumbs. Before her brother looked to the ground, [Y/N] caught the look on his face. He appeared to have puffy eyes that were still glistening, along with a pink-tinted nose.

Seeing her younger sibling in such a state broke [Y/N]'s heart. Normally, she wouldn't care about what her mother would do, but this time it was different. This time, she was affecting other people, and that made her blood boil. 'This isn't about you, why can't you see that?' Her thoughts wandered, being directed to her mother.

[Y/N] looked at what she was carrying, and then looked back at [B/N]. She let out a sigh, knowing what she should do. 'I can't let our dearest mother ruin him as she did to [S/N] and me.' She placed the clothes that she had in her hands in a chair that was beside her.

The [h/c]-haired girl turned to the small boy. "C'mon, let's go. I'll take you to the park, but you have to promise me one thing. Can you do that," she asked the small five-year-old as he held the hem of his shirt.

[B/N] nodded excitedly, his raven hair swaying as he did. At this point, he would do anything to get the chance to go and play like he was promised. His silver eyes beamed brightly, shining despite the lack of light present. "We can't tell mom or dad about this, alright? They might get upset if they found out that I took you, so this will be our little secret. Deal?" [Y/N] bent down, raising her pinky finger and gesturing for [B/N] to intertwine his with hers. She held a soft and gentle smile to show her sincerity, one that he reciprocated.

[B/N] raised his right hand, connecting his short finger with [Y/N]'s. "Deal," he said. [Y/N] had never seen [B/N] look so happy. She knew that she didn't pay attention to him as much as she probably should have, so maybe that was the reason? She would be so occupied with trying to deal with her own problems that she completely ignored what was going on around her. By taking what she thought would help her numb her quirk's effects, it only hindered her further. It was only something temporary that hurt her more in the long run.

"Let's get going then." [Y/N] took [B/N]'s hand, leading him outside of their house. Hesitantly, she looked at the doorknob. The only thing that stood in her way right now was the door that led them outside. If she were to be caught sneaking out, she may have to deal with something worse than being grounded. Her mother was already keeping a close eye on her, so it would be easier to tell if she had gone somewhere else. 'What should I do?' [Y/N] looked back at [B/N]. He had a firm grip on two of her fingers with his smaller hands. He was still holding his teddy bear. When he noticed that [Y/N] had stopped, he looked up at her, giving her a toothy grin, still showing his excitement. [Y/N]'s eyes softened. 'That's right. This isn't about me; this is for [B/N]. What I want doesn't matter as long as he's happy.'

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"And where were you," a voice boomed. [Y/N] was immediately startled but showed no physical signs of this. 'Fuck, did I just get caught?' [Y/N] had gently closed the door, thinking and hoping that no one would be home yet. She turned around to see that the question wasn't directed at her, but rather at someone who had arrived moments before her. 'Father is home earlier than usual.'

A [h/c]-haired woman was slouched on top of the kitchen counter as she sat on a stool. She was rubbing her head while drinking a substance that resembled juice, except it packed more of a punch. She could already feel a headache forming. "I had a few things to take care of. There were some complications with a recent deal that I had made." Her eyes never left her drink as her fingers continuously traced circles on the rim of the glass.

The raven-haired male slammed his hand on the counter. He was annoyed at the response that he received. "Was it that important that you had to leave for so long?!" His voice was loud, echoing throughout the house. His volume was nothing to brush off. [Y/N] felt as though those were aimed at her, but her parents hadn't even seen her yet. 'What do I do? If I try making my way back to bed, I'll for sure get an earful.' [Y/N] saw a space next to the wall beside her that would successfully cover her up, so she made her way there. 'I'll stay here until they finish.'

[M/N] didn't flinch at his tone. Instead, she continued to calmly take small sips from her bitter drink. "Can we not do this right now, [F/N]. I'm tired and I don't want to be bothered by your childish tantrums." Her eyes appeared dull as her eyebrows knitted together, creating a vivid crease between them.

This only angered [F/N] further. His usual cold stare grew harsher, heightening his silver eyes. "You don't want to do this now? YOU LEFT OUR CHILDREN ALONE FOR THE MAJORITY OF THE DAY! [B/N] IS A CHILD AND HE CAN'T TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF!" His voice only grew louder.

[F/N] had every right to be angry. He had known that [M/N] wasn't always the best when it came to taking care of [Y/N], let alone [B/N]. They had both argued like this before, so it wasn't anything new. [F/N] was under the impression that she had changed, or was at least attempting to become a better mother to her children. Though, this was only scratching the surface of the bigger issue. [F/N] had no idea what else was happening behind his back. He only hoped that his wife would see the mistakes that she was making before it was too late.

[M/N] gripped her glass tightly, though not enough to shatter it, but enough to see thin lines forming, resembling where cracks would appear. "You have no idea what I was out doing. I left for a good reason, but that doesn't matter to you, does it?" She returned his unwavering gaze with her own. [M/N] wasn't backing down this time.

The raven-haired male's eyes widened. He was shocked to hear her say such things. To him, his priority was his kids, and yet, before him was the mother of said kids, acting in such a repugnant manner. "What is more important than them?" His voice was stern, but he was no longer yelling. He had become calm, though it was clear that at any given moment, he would explode. "You don't have the luxury of doing whatever you want whenever you please. We both gave up that freedom the moment we decided to keep [S/N]. We both have a responsibility, and it's our job to fulfill it without exceptions."

[M/N] abruptly stood up from her stool, tipping it over in the process. It slammed against the wooden floor, creating scuff marks. "Does that mean that I have to give up on what I want? When is anyone going to look after me, huh? When do I get to take a break, [F/N]? I have dreams too, and I sure as hell am not giving them up to become a babysitter." Her words were bitter. Her selfish desires were the cause of all the hurt that she brought upon those around her.

[Y/N] knew that her mother loved her, but she couldn't help but feel unwanted by hearing her words. All this time, she hoped that by following what her mother told her, she would finally make her happy. She hoped that she would be able to gain her approval instead of having everything thrown back in her face when it wasn't good enough. She thought that all those times were just her mother pushing her further as her twisted sense of love. At that moment, all [Y/N] wanted was to believe that she was loved by the one person who she desperately tried to please. 'You don't mean that, right mom?' Tears formed at the corners of her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She covered her mouth, silently sniffing.

"I'm not saying that you need to give up on everything else. WHY CAN'T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEAD?!" The lights in the kitchen started to flicker. [F/N]'s rise in anger had caused him to unconsciously activate his quirk. Small cracks on the windows started to appear. The house shook the smallest bit, not noticeable to anyone but to those who were inside.

[M/N] noticed that her husband had begun to grow slightly violent with the usage of his quirk. At that moment, she became alert of what could happen if she were to continue to provoke him. "[F/N], I suggest you calm yourself. You'll wreck everything in the house if you let your quirk get the best of you." [M/N]'s voice held worry with underlying fear.

[F/N]'s previous angered expression shifted into one of pride and smugness. "What's wrong, dear? You brought this on yourself, you know. Don't tell me that you're afraid now," his tone was condescending, mocking even. He knew that he had [M/N] by the throat, and he loved every second of it.

[Y/N] knew that her parents were always at odds with each other; it was the only way that they knew how to communicate, even if it was toxic. 'If father activates his quirk, then mother can't do anything.' She was fully aware of her parents' weaknesses, often exploiting them herself. That was when she was able to use her quirk to the fullest. If something were to happen now, she wouldn't be able to apprehend them.

The older woman tried activating her quirk before she spoke. "[F/N], I've already made up my mind and I do not wish to hear you speak any further," her calm voice danced around the room effortlessly. It bounced off the walls, gliding towards [F/N]'s ears. [M/N] was not sure if it would work, but it was worth a try.

The silver-eyed male began chuckling as it soon turned into a cackle. "You should already know that your quirk doesn't work on me. I won't fall for your siren-like voice. Don't tell me you already forgot, dear," he continued taunting her, edging her on to get a reaction. He crossed his arms, knowing that he was the one in control. "I won't say it again. Your job is to take care of our children, not frolic with every guy that looks your way."

[M/N] clenched her jaw, her teeth grinding against each other. She couldn't understand who the fuck he thought he was to order her around like some dog. She looked to the counter, spotting her glass there. She opened her hand, preparing it for her next move. "You don't get to tell me what to do!" She quickly grabbed the heavy glass, tossing it at the male in front of her.

She had expected to hear a crash or at least a grunt of pain, but instead, she saw that her attempt failed. He had caught her throw without any difficulties whatsoever. [F/N] had a calm expression, one that looked hurt thinking about how his beloved wife had wanted to genuinely hurt him.

He twirled the glass around in his hands, a troubled expression gracing his features. "Why can't you see that what you are doing is wrong," he softly said, calming the once tense environment. He received no response, only disappointing him further. "You truly are pathetic. To think that it was you who I married."

Hearing this caused [M/N]'s anger to rise once again. She didn't know why [F/N] was being this difficult when all she ever asked him for was money and nothing else. "I'm spending the night outside. Don't come looking for me, and don't even think of contacting me. I'll come back whenever I feel like it." With that, her steps echoed as she exited the house.

[Y/N] wasn't noticed by her mother, something that she was grateful for. She hadn't been expecting the argument to go the way that it did. Her mother would often choose to leave the house after she would be called out for her behavior. Whenever she'd return, she'd come back with multiple expensive items. [Y/N] would theorize that her mother would get these presents from people she would manipulate with her quirk.

Stepping out from her hiding spot, [Y/N] didn't think that her father would tell her anything. She had barely interacted with him most days, and when she did, it was about how school was going and if she was keeping up with her classes. Their conversations never went farther than that, both of them keeping a distance. Saying that their relationship was perfect would be a delusion just to make herself feel better. But, that didn't stop [Y/N] from doing so. She thought it was better to have at least one parent that was less toxic than the other.

She turned to her father, guilt written all over her face. She knew that he was just stressed because of all the work that he has to do to make ends meet. There was no reason for him to behave this way had it not been for him slowly killing himself at a dead-end job. She didn't do much to alleviate that either. "What are you doing here?" Her father had been leaning his hands on the counter with his head down until he noticed another presence in the room.

[Y/N] was taken aback. Though his voice was firm, it lacked the power that it had before. Right now, she didn't care about all those times where she grew to fear him or when she would do anything to not make him upset. All she wanted was to help him. "I just went out for some fresh air."

Though this was part of the truth, [Y/N] was still withholding some information. After she took [B/N] to the playground, she made sure to get him home and put him to bed. She didn't want him awake when she would be gone, so she waited for an hour before heading out. [Y/N] hadn't gone to do anything illegal, but that doesn't mean that she didn't hang out with others who did.

[F/N] had a questioning look. He didn't believe that his daughter had only gone to get some fresh air. "Do you realize what time it is?" He crossed his arms, putting his chin up—a subconscious indicator of disapproval. "It's two in the morning, and it's no time for you to be out. Who in their right mind would be out at this time?"

"I wasn't doing anything bad. I actually did go and get some fresh air." [Y/N] threw her hands up, irritated that [F/N] wasn't trusting her words. She never gave him a reason to question her, but why did it feel like he was implying something else? "I didn't do anything other than breathe and walk. In case you haven't noticed, I've been on house arrest courtesy of both you and mom. It's suffocating to have someone hover over you from the moment you wake up, to the moment you fall asleep."

"Watch what you say. I'm not fucking stupid. You're the one who is going around with your little friend getting high out of your fucking mind. Don't give me shit for caring about your health." [F/N] partially blamed himself for not paying close enough attention to [Y/N]. He thought that her mother would help him look after their kids, but that wasn't the case.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed." [Y/N] began to walk away, a bitter taste in her mouth. She didn't like that her parents always made such negative emotions show in her. She always controlled what she did or said whenever she was with someone else, but as soon as she interacted with her parents, it was like a switch that went off releasing her suppressed anger.

"You're just like your mother—going around doing whatever the fuck you want without caring." He tilted his head up, his gaze looking down at her as his arms were still crossed. His looming figure triggered something in [Y/N], but she couldn't identify the eerie feeling she had.

[Y/N]'s hands balled into a fist. 'I do everything you ask of me, but it's never good enough for either of you.' She understood that [F/N] was looking out for her, but all that ran through her mind was all the times where he would deliberately say hurtful things. She knew that he didn't mean what he said, but there were times where he did. Was this one of those times? She wouldn't know. She could never read what her dad was going to do or say next. He was less impulsive than her mother, but he was more dangerous. She could defend herself from her mother, but not [F/N]. He always knew what to say to break down the walls that she had built for herself.

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[Y/N] was currently in school. She had decided to get to her class early since she didn't have much else to do. The words that her father told her last night were still lingering in her mind. Though she acted like it didn't bother her, she couldn't help but start to doubt herself. 'What if he's right?'

"Yo, [Y/N]. How's it going? I haven't talked to you in a while. How long has it been, like a month or something?" A purple-haired student greeted, snapping her out of her thoughts. He was leaning against the classroom doorway with his arms crossed. He had a smirk plastered on his face. 'Ah, shit. Not this guy again.'

[Y/N] was surprised to see him. She had thought that after their last encounter, one that didn't end well, he wouldn't ever speak to her again. Part of her wanted it to be like that, but there was also a part that she wished she didn't acknowledge—one that wished he had spoken to her sooner. She would take those feelings to the grave if it ever came to that.

A sigh escaped [Y/N] as she heard the annoying voice that she had been avoiding for so long. "What do you want, eggplant? If you couldn't tell, I'm busy." [Y/N] had a textbook in her hand, one that had been given to her to study; it was titled 'Learning Japanese: The basics.' She was confused as to why someone like him was talking to her. She was sure that she had been staying away from him, hinting that she didn't want to talk, yet here he was.

The lavender-haired boy placed his right hand on his chest, pretending to be affected by [Y/N]'s words. "You hurt me, babe. This is the treatment I get when I've been so nice to you? How mean," he pouted, fake tears streaming down his face.

[Y/N] was mortified by what she had just been called. She wanted to gag at the pet name, especially since it came from the walking eggplant. "Okay, don't call me that. It's disgusting coming out of your mouth." She placed her book down, facing him and expecting to scare him off.

The purple-haired male grew amused at her reaction. His cheeks tinted pink as he lightly chuckled, showing off his pearly whites. "What do you prefer I call you?" He leaned his head on his right hand, tilting to the side. He was planning something in that scheming brain of his.

[Y/N]'s eyes narrowed. She didn't know where this conversation was going, but she knew that she wouldn't like it. "I'd rather you didn't call me at all," she expressed. [Y/N] saw the grin the male had, sending shivers down her spine. "Don't try and act cute, it doesn't suit you and your sneaky ways," she bluntly stated.

"What do you mean I'm not cute? I think I'm pretty adorable if I'm being honest." His hand ran through his messy hair, detangling it in the process. "Why are you calling me eggplant? Is that just your polite way of saying I'm a dick? I have a name, you know! It's Vin, you hear? V-I-N."

[Y/N] looked at the said male with a shit-eating grin before it morphed into one of absolute disgust as she heard him say his name. "I'm glad you finally understood my insult. Besides, your name is not worth saying. It would only contaminate everyone around you."

Vin was someone who was normally messing around to the point where it was annoying and an inconvenience to those around him. His teasing was always getting on someone's nerves, hence the distaste he would leave. "What do you mean? Does the time that we spent together mean nothing to you? I thought we were a pretty good couple 'till you decided you were too good."

Immediately after hearing Vin's words, a tick mark appeared on [Y/N]'s forehead. "Did you come here just to say that you're not over me?" [Y/N]'s gaze was unwavering as she continued to glare at the male in front of her. "If you're wondering why we're no longer together, it's because you're incorrigible."

Vin looked confused, not understanding what he had been called. "What the fuck does that mean?" Both teenagers didn't know, but they had gathered some attention from the other students. It was a small audience, but it was clear that they didn't favor the intruder that had barged into their class.

"It means that you're stuck in your ways and you can't be changed. This is basic fucking English and you can't understand that? I wonder why I ever dated a moron like you in the first place." [Y/N] huffed out a breath in annoyance, tired of dealing with someone like him. "That is the last time that I do charity work," she slouched in her seat, regretting her impulsive choice.

Hearing this, the class erupted into small laughs and giggles. Some of the students even mocked Vin, knowing that it was something that would certainly push his buttons. Vin wasn't even physically unattractive, but his jerk-like personality and tendencies were what drove everyone away from him, except for the selected friends that were also just like him.

Vin wasn't happy that he was being treated in such a way, and he visibly showed that too. He couldn't find it in himself to make a snide remark, nor could he just brush off everything that he was hearing. His eyes slightly narrowed, but not enough to be noticed by anyone. Indeed, he wasn't the nicest or the most pleasant person to be around, but he would like to think that his attitude was misunderstood by everyone that he wasn't close to.

He slowly regained a shred of confidence, reminding himself that he wasn't someone who should easily be swayed by such taunts. "Listen, I know that you just want to get back together with me," he started, swaying his hand back and forth in a nonchalant way. "I mean, c'mon now, I sure as hell wouldn't pass myself up if I were you." Once he saw the reaction that he was hoping to get from [Y/N], he let an amused expression fall upon him. He crossed his arms, slightly raising his head to show that he was indeed enjoying this.

"Yeah, no, there's no way that's happening. Once was more than enough for me to never want to be near you ever again." [Y/N] would usually refrain from creating a scene, but there were also times where the opportunity to cause a ruckus was just too great to pass up. She would be lying if she said that she didn't live for the thrill and the adrenaline that would course through her body every time she did so.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Vin teased, placing his hands on his hips and leaning back a bit. He felt his insecurities start to bubble up inside, but he did his best to not let them show. "I'll be leaving now, but don't worry! I'll come back later to keep you company," he mused, winking at [Y/N] in the process.

"Yeah, no. Please don't." [Y/N] had a slightly disgusted face, knowing that he would most likely insist on pestering her until her last days at that school. She repeatedly told herself that it would only be a few months that she would stay and that it wouldn't be that bad if she could evade him and his annoying charms.

[Y/N] wouldn't ever voice out that she was a sucker for gestures like that. She loved being chased, but most of all, she loved being wanted. Yet, the moment that she deemed someone as 'annoying' or 'boring', she'd ignore them, even if said person fought for her attention. Though, if someone were to do the same to her, she'd make sure to hang on to them tighter, despite not liking that person in the first place. She knew that her habits were unhealthy and that they caused more harm than help, but she couldn't control them. She had done that for so long that she normalized it in some fucked up way. Deep down, though, she knew that she was just like her mother, and that gave her another reason to resent herself further.

A classmate walked up to [Y/N] after some of the commotions from the other students around Vin had disappeared. "[Y/N], do you really not like Vin," she questioned. "He seems to want your company. He even went out of his way to talk to you after you two ended things." The girl's voice was soft and [Y/N] knew that she meant no harm in what she said.

It was true that [Y/N] had avoided him for the past month, but was him talking to her enough reason for her to get back together with him? Of course, it wasn't. No one is ever obligated to be with someone. "You know, I don't like him. He doesn't have any redeeming qualities and he's a huge flirt to top it all off." [Y/N] tried to reason with her classmate, though it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself. "Besides, I'm not looking to fix any issues that he has."

Her classmate was confused, and rightfully so. She could have sworn that her intuition for these sorts of situations was spot on. Her quirk allowed for her to be a human lie detector, but she couldn't directly know what part of what a person said was a lie. "Huh? Then why's your face all like that," she probed innocently. Sometimes, [Y/N] wondered if she was all that unaware of what she did or if she was just good at acting. The second option seemed too good to be wrong.

[Y/N] looked away, averting her eyes from the female that had taken to interrogating her. She rested her arms on her desk with one palm against her cheek. "That's because that guy annoys me. You've seen the way he acts, haven't you? I'm embarrassed to associate with someone like him." [Y/N] huffed out a breath, trying to make sure her message got across without it coming off as forced.

Her classmate sweatdropped, already knowing that what she had said were mere excuses. There wasn't a thing that someone could hide from her, but [Y/N] thought that she should at least attempt to deceive her. "S-so that's the case? Is that why you're smiling right now?"

[Y/N]'s eyes widened hearing that she wasn't as good at hiding things as she thought. She quickly became irritated by the girl's talent for finding someone out. [Y/N] would rather hide any relationship that she has, or had, with the purple-haired jerk. "Don't you have last-minute homework you need to finish," she asked, hoping to steer her classmate's attention away from her.

"Oh my gosh, you're right! Mr. Q is gonna kill me if I don't turn in the work!" Her classmate dashed to her seat and scrambled to find the papers that she was supposed to finish the night before. [Y/N] watched in amusement, glad that the airhead was easily distracted.

'What an idiot,' she thought. [Y/N] tried her best to focus back on her workbook, but her thoughts wouldn't allow her to do that. She kept thinking about how she hadn't seen Noah, nor had she heard anything from him. Was he okay? What had he been up to these past few days? She hadn't spoken to her mother either, and she knew that when her mother did return, [Y/N] wouldn't be given a break. Moving to another country meant that she had so much to learn about the culture, mannerisms, and the language, of course. [Y/N]'s mother would certainly make sure that [Y/N] was well acquainted with everything that she needed to know, and that was mostly the basics. [Y/N] only hoped that she wouldn't be as exhausted as she already was. What she didn't know, however, was that nothing would prepare her for the challenges that she would face at U.A.

~     ~      ~      ~      ~

This chapter was originally planned to be 10,000 words but I ended up cutting it off at 6,000. 

I was planning on uploading this part later on, but I had already written it months ago, so it was just sitting in my drafts.

I hope my writing isn't too boring! I'm trying to ease into the whole plot, so if there's anything that could be done better, please do comment!

Take care of yourselves !!

- Author ^w^

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