Supergirl [1] Bizaro

By Moggerz

369 14 0

Kara Zor-El arrived on Earth 2 years ago and was found by her cousin Kal-El otherwise known as Superman. He k... More

After Effects
The Birth Of Supergirl
New Dawn
Maxwell Lord
Blood Spilled
Outside Help
Fire In Their Eyes
New Beginnings

The End Of The Man Of Steel

79 2 0
By Moggerz

He stood there on the farm he grew up on, preparing for his inevitable departure. His face breaking open causing white light to splash out onto the earth. He stood in front of his wife Lois Lane. As tears rushed down Lane's face knowing this was the end, she embraced him before he took off into the red sky. He shot through the black abyss of space toward the dying sun. As he approached flames began to engulf him the cracks on his face expanding as the light tries to escape. He crashes into the sun as he explodes into pure energy. Through his sacrifice the energy released from his body is able to return the sun back to its natural state.

Back on the Kent farm Lois is left staring into the sky as the clouds dissipate and the red skies disappear. Tears fall down her face as a blonde figure walked up behind Lois.

"He died protecting this planet" the mysterious figure stated in shock. Lois turned to face the mysterious blonde. The figure was tall, blonde, and beautiful. She had blue eyes was suited in his coat of arms. They stood in silence for a few moments before breaking the silence with a much-needed hug.

On Stryker's Island Lex Luthor sat in his padded cell smiling to himself as the red skies disappeared.

"What are you smiling about?" a guard aggressively asked Luthor. Luthor stood up and walked to the solid steel door peering through the gaps in between the doors window.

"I always said one day we would find out who was better MAN or god, and today is that day, today is the day I know I was right, today is the day the man of steel died" Luthor states cunningly before breaking into a maniacal laugh as he sat back down on the padded floor.

Perry White sat at his desk staring out of hiswindow as the skies changed back to normal. The Daily Planet was quite due tothe day's events, just Perry White and Jimmy Olsen. Jimmy was staring out of abroken window holding his watch in his hands. This was the watch he gaveJimmy to protect him in case of danger and was the only known way of contactinghim. As the skies returned to normal tears left Jimmy's eyes andtrickled down his face knowing he was really gone. Perry approachedJimmy from behind throwing his arm around him and directing him to Perry'soffice. They sat down in Perry's office. Perry pulled out a bottle of whiskyand poured him and Jimmy a glass. Although Jimmy and Perry where the only twoat the Planet one computer had been left on. The desk belonged to themild-mannered reporter Clark Kent. On the screen of the computer was the lastarticle Clark would ever write, the title read SUPERMAN DEAD!

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