By miraaabellaaa

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A Byun Baekhyun Fan Fiction Alex was bravely fighting for the new chapter in her life. After losing everythin... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Final Chapter
Special Chapter

Part 5

61 4 2
By miraaabellaaa

Baekhyun's POV

It's a good thing that I came right before Ahjumma reveal what happened before, to me and Alex. I held her hand and led her to my room.

"Ahjumma she doesn't remember me, can you not tell her please." I pouted.

"How can she not recognize you Mr. Byun? And she's staying here? With you?"

"She doesn't have a place to stay, so I offered. Ahjumma I don't know what happened but she is totally different from when I first met her. I am just being concerned since we've known each other before." Ahjumma looks suspicious at me.

"Is that all Mr. Byun?" she laughs. "I've known you since you were young. She seems special to you." does she?

"I don't know either Ahjumma just please do me a favor of not telling her okay?" she nods and we went outside.

She joins Alex setting up the table with a smile on her face. She really knew me well. I shook my head.

Alex POV

"I told you I'm not going home. I have a lot to do, as you can see." showing the sacks of onions I need to peel.

"You've been working the whole day and your staying up all night to do all these? Why? Do you want to get sick?" he fires.

I don't want to argue about this but he's really annoying! This just slows me down.

I composed my myself before turning to him.

"I need to do this, I'm literally broke can't you see? I have to pay for my mother's expenses and it's not cheap. Okay, I appreciate your concern since we're housemates but please let me be. I will go home just not now."

I lower my gaze. I am exhausted, physically and emotionally but what can I do? I am in this situation and I'm not giving up for my mom.

I closed my eyes.

And when I opened them I'm already lying in Baekhyun's sofa. Did I fell asleep here?

Baekhyun's POV

She's paying for her mother's expenses? Where is she then? I have a lot questions in my mind. Why is she alone now? Does her mother know what's happening?

"Hello! Yes Mom I'm good. I spend the night at a hotel. I'm too sleepy to drive home." obviously, she's lying.

"Yes, I'm sorry I didn't bother to tell you since it's past midnight."

"No Mom I'm all alone okay? I have no boyfriend since yesterday. Okay, fine alright bye Mom!"

She sighs after that call.

"Your car is still at the bar last night. I'm gonna drop you there." I said while she was eating her breakfast.

She's staring at me intently making me feel a little bit uneasy.

"What's your name?" she plainly said.

"Byun Baekhyun,"

She nods and continue munching.

"Before my mom called, I was asking you a question right? Do you undress me? Or should I ask did something happen between us?"

Frankly speaking, why was she asking me if something happened? Is this a normal thing for her?

"Can't you remember anything before passing out?" raising my brows.

"All I remember was...(she pauses)"Ah that guy!! That ugly guy almost rip my dress!"

"And?" I ask teasingly.

She keeps looking down, trying to remember everything huh?

"Then, I kissed you? It's you right? God I have to stop drinking like that!" holding her temple.

"Did you normally kiss random guy when your drunk?"

"Me? No, ofcourse not." she looks shy.

"Then why?" I don't wanna be annoying but..

She give deadly stares at me.

"Okay fine, I find you cute that night. Happy? Now cut the crap and just answer me!!"

"Hahahaha! Nothing happened, I don't know if your just clueless or what but don't you think if something happened you could've feel something in your body?"

This keeps me pretty occupied. So curious about what happened last year?

She mentioned her mother before but not this way.

I am a bit concerned but I don't want meddle with her life. She doesn't even treat me as a friend.. yet...

I wanna know her story but.. I want them from Alex herself.

Alex POV

I found a note on the table with an envelope.

It was the payment for the extra work I did last night. But wait... I don't remember finishing all of them? Was I that tired?

I streched a bit and do my morning rituals, including cooking breakfast for Baekhyun. Is he still asleep?

I don't know if I'll knock or just wait until he wakes up.

I tried knocking but there's no response. I reached the doorknob and I'm surprised that it was open. I saw his massive portrait on the wall and his king size bed. He's not here.

It's my first time to be inside his room, a male's room actually. This room was perfectly clean and organized.

I also notice some posters of a group named EXO. They were all handsome, and he's here. Is he a part of this group?

Baekhyun... Byun Baekhyun..

His name seems very familiar to me.

I checked my phone and there's no message from him when an alarm rings loudly.

"Mom's hositalization fee due date!!"

Oh I almost forgot! I run fast on my room and count all the money I saved.

I called the hospital to tell that I'm gonna deposit the amount this afternoon after my shift but they said it was already been taken cared of.

How can that be possible?

For the past year, I am the only one responsible for her fees, though I seek some help from her friends, but I didn't receive anything from them. I solely carry this responsibility as her only daughter and family and now someone paid for her bills?

I need to know whoever it may be.

"I'm sorry Miss but he didn't gave his name and information. He just ask about your mother and pay for her medications then he left."

He? A guy?

Being clueless whoever he may be, I went up to pay a visit to my mom. Before I can open the door I heard her screaming.

"Aaahhhh!!" she keeps screaming in pain. I can't bear to see her like that. So I decided to stay outside until the doctor and nurse went out.

"How is she?" I asked.

The doctor says that her body is getting weaker due to her therapy.

I sincerely prayed "please give her the strength she needs."

If I can just share the pain she's suffering I would gladly take it. I can sacrifice anything for her recovery.

I left the hospital to go on my daily working duties. I still need to earn.

Days later Baekhyun became a bit busy. He was always out and barely go home. And when he did he'll just stay inside his room and gets off early in the morning. I'm wondering is he always this busy?

I don't know anything about his career but he seems popular. I oftenly saw some bus and signages with his face and name on it while walking down the streets.

Is it just me that didn't realize how big he is here? Maybe?

One time when I was walking on my way home from working over time, I saw a poster of Baekhyun on the entrance of a theater type venue. There were a lot of girls forming a line. Is he inside?

These girls looks like highschool kids. They were giggling and laughing as they enter inside. Some are holding pictures of him while some are holding a logo of EXO stick that lits. What do you even called that thing anyway? I'm not sure.

Out of curiosity I saw myself joining the line. It has a stage but we are all standing. I noticed countless cameras inside with a different light projectors. What caught my eye was a microphone stand in the middle. Is he going to sing? It's probably my first time hearing it.

Baekhyun's POV

The next days were so hectic. My first solo album was fast approaching and I was busy preparing for it. Like always I barely went home to take a rest.

Learning some cheorographies and practicing stage performance made me feel exhausted. But I feel delighted with the fans showing love and support. As always.

"I heard that Baekhyun has a schedule at this time. I am so worried that I couldn't sleep so I came here to support him" Suho hyung even make it to my early morning schedule.

All my members supported me in their own way. And I am happy about it.

The fans screamed loudly and I felt the warmth inside. Knowing it's still  early in the morning and yet they're here.. I am thanking them endlessly and trying to look at their faces. But I was taken a back when I notice a girl wearing a yellow knitted longsleeve shirt paired with perfectly fitted jeans. She's here! Looking effortlessly beautiful!

It's been days or even a week since I saw her. And looking at her right now makes me feel nervous. Did I miss her? Of course then I smiled.



Another late update posted.

See you next chapter ❤️

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