The Caged Bird

By PSophieB98

187K 3.7K 370

She felt like a caged bird. A bird that was meant to fly the high, blue skies, but was trapped like a priced... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 30

2.3K 46 3
By PSophieB98

Evelyn and I made our way down towards the foyer. Both our dresses moved majestically around our bodies as we made our descent down the stairs. Both men were waiting for us as they stood in their sharp-looking suits. Nicholas was wearing a dark black suit with a matching black dress shirt. Xavier, on the other hand, wore more lighter clothes. His suit was grey with a light grey dress shirt, matched with a burgundy red tie.

It was my brother who spoke up first as we got in their eye-sight. "You look lovely, both of you ladies." He smiled. He always smiled when Evelyn was in the room. I wished somebody would do that when I would enter the room.

Maybe, someday. After all this is over.

When we were at the bottom of the stairs Evelyn thanked Xavier for the compliment. "I think 'beautiful' is a better way to phrase how our ladies look." Nicholas finally said as I stood beside him. "You look really beautiful Ava." He said in a low voice.

I did not know how to take the compliment. "Y-You think?" I stammered. Nervously I smoothed out the skirt of the dress I wore. It was purple, the top part was heart-shaped, tucked around my waist and from there the skirt went down in an A-line.

"Yes. Shall we?" Nicholas asked as he held out his arm for me. With a questioning face I looked at him. Wondering why he held out his arm like that.

The said man chuckled. "I know you find it difficult to walk in heels. I noticed at our wedding." He smirked at me. A slight blush washed over my face and very gracefully I hooked my arm with his. Nicholas gesture calmed down some of the nerves I had for tonight. The ball.

Evelyn called it a party, but it was, in fact, a ball. Nicholas had invited friends and enemies of his mafia. This, to show enough people to believe we were indeed a convincing and legally married couple. Nicholas warned me that he might act a bit different towards me from how he acts at home, but respectfully of course. So, people would be convinced of us. I was truly grateful for his 'heads up', so to say.

When we all sat down in the limo Nicholas made sure I could watch out of the window. He knew how much I loved it. I heard Xavier and Evelyn on the background whispering and giggling like schoolchildren. It seemed that everybody was not nervous about tonight. Of course, all three of them were used to go to events like this. Especially the men.

I, on the other hand, was not used to parties, dinners or balls. Technically, this was not the first event I went to if you count the party that was held at father's house. The same night my hand was promised to a wicked man and later my ex-husband named Edric. Memories of that night flashed through my mind together with the ones after that dreadful moment. Fear coursed through my body. What were we doing? I cannot go to the party. What if something happened? What if I or the others got hurt? I did not even like huge crowds.

Absent-mindedly I started to pick at my dress, which caused the attention of Nicholas. He had put his large hand over mine. It startled me. "Didn't mean to frighten you. You seem stressed. Are you alright?" He silently asked.

I shook my head. "No. I cannot do this Nicholas. I simply cannot." I whispered as I did not want to alarm the lovebirds.

"Of course you can. After everything you went through, this is a piece of cake." He smiled kindly to me.

"No, I really cannot. What if something goes wrong, or...or what if-" Nicholas took both my hands in his, which caused me to stop my rambling. "You are a strong woman, Ava. Whatever it is you will get through this. And I will be there to protect you, your brother as well. Nothing will go wrong tonight, I promise you." Nicholas put a small kiss on my forehead. Another gesture I appreciated much.

We had finally arrived in front of the hotel where the ball was being hosted. The door of the limo was opened from the outside and Xavier and Evelyn were the first ones to get out of the vehicle. Soon followed by Nicholas and me, who held his hand out to me, again. Once outside I could see the full grandness of the building. It screamed richness and luxury by the golden details and exotic plants on the inside and out. Bodyguards were all around together with other guests that had arrived, just before us.

My heart was in my throat, my palms started to sweat and my mouth felt dry. How was I going to survive this night? I had no idea how to start a conversation with any of this people. Knowing how dangerous these men and women could be. As I admired the building I stood glued to the ground.

When Nicholas had wrapped his arm around my waist and slowly moved forward, it was then that I could move from my spot, even though it was unwillingly. "If you like, you can follow one simple rule, 'only speak when spoken to'. I do not mind if you speak freely but I know you do not like to speak and this rule is very common in our world. Mafia's are very traditional when it comes to relationships between men and women, especially in a marriage. Nobody would notice anything weird about your quiet and hesitant behavior. But, if you do decide to follow it you have to follow it through completely. If you understand what I mean."

I nodded my head and thanked him for the suggestion. "I think I will do just that."

"Alright, squeeze my hand if something is wrong." Again I nodded my head and we entered the huge ballroom. It was gorgeous. The pillars that stood at the sides of the room were decorated with all kinds of flowers, same with the railings at the stairs and balcony in the room. There were huge chandeliers hanging at the ceiling, shining beautiful light towards every corner.

Soft music was heard in the background together with the mumbling and whispering of the guest that had already arrived, which were quite a few. I heard Nicholas mentioning something about arriving at the ball a bit later so everybody could see our entrance. We indeed made quite an entrance. All eyes were on us. My husband was not faced with any of this. He adjusted his grip on my waist and put a handsome smile on his face. Nicholas guided us through the crowd, nodded his head to great certain people and quickly shook hands with important people, I guess. He never stopped, however, he kept a steady pace until we were at a more quiet space in the grand ballroom.

When we had chosen our temporally place to be for the night, I took another look to see where my brother and Evelyn went. I saw how they were catching up with friends or acquaintances, I think.

As Nicholas and I stood next to each other, like the married couple we were, a waiter came by with champagne. My husband took a glass and asked water for me. I did not mind. I never liked the idea of drinking alcohol and besides I was too young to drink. Only I think if I would drink tonight nobody would think anything of it.

The ball went on quite smoothly. A couple of people had spoken to us, well mainly to Nicholas. He guided the conversations and I spoke when I needed to. Many seemed to believe us. My husband made all kind of gestures and said words like a true husband did to his wife.

But, we had only spoken to friends of the mafia. Nicholas had warned me that the worst had yet to come. Right as I was wondering when a so-called enemy of Nicholas' mafia would come to us a man with a sinister smile and two women on his side was approaching us.

"Nicholas, brother! Long time no see. Where have you been you old lad?" The man yelled above the talking and music. "I haven't see you at any clubs lately." The man had not once looked at me and made no intention to greet Nicholas properly like all the others did with shaking hands or kind words.

Nicholas tensed at the words that were spoken, but remained calm nevertheless. "Victor, you always know how to make an entrance."

"Well someone has to. You and your so-called wife did practically nothing! And wasn't this ball held to convince everybody you two are truly wedded. You disappoint me, Nico." Nicholas grunted at the given nickname. Probably not liking it. "So, this is your wife. What's your name?" I opened my mouth to answer but closed it as this Victor interrupted me. "No never mind I already know. It's Ava. Everyone knows you, sweetheart. You're in fact quite the celebrity around here. But that is not why we are here, to talk only about you. It's about the two of you. So, tell me Ava, are you really married to each other?"

Victor had lowered himself to look at me right in the face. It felt intimidating. I could not find the words as they kept stuck in my throat. I stammered, but nothing coherent came from my mouth.

"Victor, if you will, please don't be rude to my wife. She is still adjusting to all of this." I was glad Nicholas stood up for me. I needed a moment to collect myself. I clung a bit more on Nicholas' arm as I said, "It is true, we really are married mister...?"

Victor laughed. "You really are a funny one. The name is just Victor, is easier for people to remember." He ended his sentence in a dark and sinister tone. It caused a shiver to run down my spine. I knew this man was going to be trouble. A lot of trouble.

Victor clapped his hands. "Then it's settled then and we can go all home now... Oh, wait, before I forget, where is the proof?

I heard Nicholas sigh next to me. "We have the legal documents that say we are indeed married."

"Brother we all know how easy it is to forge them. Look, see it from our perspective. You saved the girl from the Lex guy, you had a small wedding and there were only rumours going around about it. And only now you hosted a ball to celebrate your marriage." Victor then went silent and turned around to the women. He whispered something and within a second they were gone. He then turned around and lowered his voice.

"Nicholas be smart. Your family is neutral territory, it is still now and it has always been. You won't benefit from the girl like we would, you know the real mafia. Just hand the girl over and I will remember it greatly."

I tugged at Nicholas' arm, feeling the dread that was coming. A small whimper escaping from my lips.

A small kiss was placed on my forehead to calm me down. "Ava is a human being Victor and my wife. Not a price to claim to show you have won the game. And if you don't mind I would like to talk about something else than my private matters. We have talked about this for far too long." Nicholas said sternly.

"I beg the differ, Nicholas. We both know what kind of status you can claim with her on your side. So I can only think of one thing as proof." Victor did not finish his sentence, waiting for us to spell it out.

When neither of us said anything, Victor continued, "An heir. But I just can't believe you have had sex with her." The moment he mentioned 'it' I grimaced and tensed. Of course, this alarmed Victor, and I cursed at myself. "Ah, the cat is out of the bag. You know dear Nico, even according to our modern American law, if a marriage is not consummated you are not truly married and can be 'divorced' easily. Meaning the girl is free to claim." 

Thanks for reading and have a nice day/night!

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