My Sister, Ciara Salvatore

By elenasxlvatore

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Ciara Salvatore - or 'Hayley' as she calls herself now -Stefan's twin and Damon's little sister has come back... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome to Mystic Falls
Chapter 2 - Family Reunion
Chapter 3 - No Normal Vampire
Chapter 4 - Mikaelson Dinner
Chapter 5 - Date No. 2
Chapter 6 - Two K's in One Day
Chapter 7 - Hello, Kai
Chapter 8 - Letting Go
Chapter 9 - Dates
Chapter 10 - James the Asshole
Chapter 11 - Drink Your Sorrows Away
Chapter 12 - Coming Back, and Leaving
Chapter 13 - Witches Friend
Chapter 14 - Finn Mikaelson, The Liar
Chapter 15 - How?
Chapter 17 - Set Up With the Bitch
Chapter 18 - Plan A in Action
Chapter 19 - Karson, aka My New Boyfriend
Chapter 20 - Siya Later Karson, Hello Alexia
Chapter 21 - Delivering News
Chapter 22 - Off Goes the Humanity
Chapter 23 - Normal-ish
Chapter 24 - Caught Red-Handed
Chapter 25 - Meeting New Things
Chapter 26 - Surprising
Chapter 27 - Dance Night
Chapter 28 - Elijah Mikaelson
Chapter 29 - Goodbye
Chapter 30 - My Sister, Ciara Salvatore
Note #2

Chapter 16 - Kol's Psychopath of A Doppelgänger

216 9 0
By elenasxlvatore

I walked over to the boy sitting at the bar... he wasn't Kol. In his hand, he held no phone, which means he didn't just text me.. and he wasn't Kol.

"You're not Kol." I said, not even noticing the words escaped my lips,

"Oh, you finally notice." He said with a look of relief. "Looks like you don't know your man well enough."

I was furious. I knew everything about Kol. If he wasn't Kol then would that make him..

"Are you.. A doppelgänger?" I asked. He gave me a smirk that I loved to see on Kol's face.

"Wow, your on fire." He said. "literally." I heard him whisper. Oh my gosh, did he like me? I don't even know who the hell he is!

"I'm Ciara." I said. I guess this whole, change my identity thing was over, considering everyone knew who I was.

"I'm Karson." He said. He did exactly what Kol would do, and kissed my hand. But Kol does it better.

"So, Karson, what's your story?" I asked.

"Being the original doppelgänger I guess." Karson said.

"Wait original? But your not an original vampire." I said.

"Woah, I never said I was a vampire." He said.

"Well, are you?" I asked.

"Yes." Karson said.

"Well anyways, I'm like a special immortal vampire. I was a witch at first.. but then I lost my power when I became a vampire. And I just found out.. that im like a traveler or something? I don't know. Its really confusing. And now I'm pretending to be my doppelgänger.. Kol? Nice guy. He's pretty badass.

Didn't you two date and like had sex or something? I bet Kol's really good on the bed-"

"Um, okay.. That's enough." I said. Karson smiled and nodded.

"C'mon, Ciara, try and kill me." He said. He got up and started shuffling around the bar like a maniac. Was he drunk or always this weird?

"Im good." I said, trying to walk out. I turned around and saw Karson standing there. Stupid vampire super speed. I looked at my phone. 6:37.

"I really have to go meet someone - your doppelgänger actually - and get dinner." I said, trying to leave, but every move I made he stepped in front of me.

"Ooh, can I come? I'm starving!" Karson said, already halfway out the door.

"Actually that won't be necessary."

"Great lets go!"

We went outside and got in his car, because I obviously walked here and he obviously.. lived here?

"ain't she pretttttty?" He asked. We got inside his black Mercedes. Karson put on his sunglasses and started driving. He looked exactly like Kol with his sunglasses on. Oh, how I missed Kol.

"Hey, Ciara." He asked.

"Yes?" I said.

"Next time you and Kol have sex can you tell me? I just like getting updates on my doppelgangers life and stuff."


"I'M KIDDING JEEZ! I'm not a pervert." Karson said.

"So your the original doppelgänger. Tell me about your family." I said.

"Well, I had a brother and a sister."


"Yeah, I might've.. accidentally killed them."


"I'm psychopath. I realllly need help." He said.

We were quiet for the next 5 miles. It's hard to make conversation when you have an awkward Salvatore and an awkward psychopath doppelgänger.

"So what were there names?" I asked, trying to conversation.

"Teressa or Tessa as we called her and Adam."

I knew a girl named Tessa. She was Katherine's friend.


"Ciara, meet my friend, Tessa." Katherine introduced.

I smiled at the girl. She was gorgeous. She had straight brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes.

"Hello, Ciara, I'm Tessa Nighten. Nice to meet you."

"Ciara Salvatore." I said.


"Woah, wait, is your sister Tessa Nighten?" I asked. "and when exactly did you kill her?"

"Yeah," he started, "and October 9, 1914. I kind of murdered my whole family in rage."

We finally made it to the grill, and I ran out as fast as I could. I couldn't take another minute with Karson. Not only was he crazy, but he was annoying as hell. He's like a tic that will NOT go away.

"Woah! Where you going! I'm coming too!" Karson yelled as he chased after me.

"Hey, Kol." A random guy said to Karson as he followed me to a table for three. He pulled down his shades and said hey back, even though he didn't know the person. We sat down in a booth. It had been ten minutes and Kol still wasn't here.

Kol: why didn't you tell me that my crazy psychopath brother that's supposed to be dead has my siblings?

Me: I'm sorry Kol, I should've told you but

Kol: thanks ciara. one of them could be dead because of you.

Me: Kol im sorry!!

Kol: Ciara, we're done. I don't want to see you ever again. Not when my siblings are in danger. I guess this is goodbye now.

Not only did Kol never want to see me again for real this time, but I was stuck eating dinner with a psychopath doppelgänger that I think likes me.

"What happened?" He asked, stabbing his fork into a piece of steak.

"Nothing, Kol just hates me now." I sighed, taking a bite of lettuce from my salad.

"Aw, it's okay. I'm always available too." Karson said, winking.

We sat quietly for a while.

"Karson, I don't think your as bad a guy as your letting on." I said. He gave me his cute smile that Kol would always give me.

That was the end of a.. okay night.

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