The Lightning Swordsman (Rema...

By Knotavin

186K 4.2K 1.5K

(Y/N) is a normal kid. Originally, he didn't want any part of SAO, but his friend had other plans. Join (Y/N)... More

The Beginning
Sword Art Online
I knew it
Max's Depression
Saving the childen
Meeting Everyone
New Guild
Guild Hall
Cake Quest
The Scream
To be or not to be
Boss Meeting
Boss Battle
Lisbeth the Smith
Argo the Info Broker
Fujis Jealousy
Her Only Reason
Bloody Hands
Flash Duo
Fountain of Youth
The Runaway
Your New Home
Fuji the Spy
Hide and Seek
The Gleam Eyes
Her Tears
Tournament: Creep
Speed VS Force
Close Call
New House
Can't Swim
Your what!?
Final Challenage (End Of Part 1)
Common Trend
By your side
Mrs. Kimberly
End of this long day
Alfheim Online
Sylph Leader Sakuya
Pushing Limts
Girls Night
Battle Scars
Battle of Bullets
Like Jam on Toast
Like Mother like Daughter
Augmented Reality
Lightning Swordsmen in the books
Dark Territory
The Cave
OP Much?
200 years
The King VS Lightning Swordsmen
Only the Start
Cracks of Lightning
Just Fine
Attempted Murder
A Safe Place
Last Resort
My Heart
Epilogue: James and Riley
Epilogue: Carter and Himiko
Epilogue: Logan and May
Epilogue: (Y/N) and Kate
The End
Character(OC) Pictures


1.7K 45 15
By Knotavin






"No one likes you"

"Just die"

"Don't touch my boyfriend, you whore!"

Please stop, no more, I can't take it.

"Jump off a building"

"Kill yourself"

"You're a waste of space"

"Who could ever love you"

I was surrounded by blackness and voices filled my head. I cover my ears tight trying to block the noise, but it didn't work.

"Die in a hole"

Please No more!

"He doesn't love you, he is just pretending"

No, (U/N) wouldn't do that

"He is just going to throw you away like everyone has in your life"

"He's not like that" I yell out loud. Suddenly in darkness, I see (U/N). I ran to him for comfort, but he slaps me. I'm surprised, I look up at him to see disgust in his piercing eyes.

"Your nothing but trash" He yells at me.

"No, not you" I protest

"Liz" he calls for me as he draws his sword

"Liz," he says again as he swings his sword down

"Liz!" He says as his sword is about to kill me

"Liz!" Someone yells as I'm forced awake

"Don't hurt me!" I yell as I scramble to get out of bed. My movement is restricted as someone grabs my body.

"Liz, calm down, it's me (U/N)" the person who grabs me says

"(U/N)?" I call out

"Yes, it's me, you're having a nightmare and started crying," he says as he rests his head on my shoulder. His embrace was warm and calming, I was on edge and he calmed me down. I soon realize that my face was covered in tears.

"It's all right," he says hugging me tighter, "your safe"

I rest back into his embrace, "thank you" I tell him

"Anything for you," he says sweetly, I smile and get back into bed. As I lay my head on my pillow I realize it's wet.

"Wanna share?" (U/N) asks proposing we share a pillow.

"Sure," I say still a bit shaken up. It was only midnight and I could sense the concern (U/N) had for me.

I move closer to him and rest my head on his pillow, he proceeds to do the same.

I can feel how close he is, I can feel his hot breath on my face. It was uncomfortable and awkward as we tried to not touch each other.

Eventually, (U/N) said fuck it and wrapped his arms around me and brought me closer to him. We stayed like that until I eventually fell asleep.


It was our 2nd day in the house, Jenn absolutely loved it. And for the most part, Liz did too. Last night, Liz had a bad dream.

She quietly cried and cried, eventually, I couldn't bare the love of my life crying. I tried waking her up, and eventually, she did. I don't have a clue what she was dreaming of.

Being in this house made us a family, that's a feeling I had forgotten. Liz made breakfast as I fooled around with Jenn.

I'm worried about her. Jenn was only 8 years old when she entered SAO. I'm worried about when she gets back into the real world. After all, she has no memory of the real one. How is she gonna adapt to the real one?

My thoughts went to the back of my head when Liz calls us in for food. We chomp down and once again it's amazing. Jenn looks like she wants to ask us something

"What's up Jenn?" I ask

"Well I was thinking about my friends back on floor 1" she tells me

"Do you want to meet them?" I ask

"Really can I?" She asks

"Of course you can" Liz answers

"Thank you!" She says hugging Liz and then me

"Ok then, we will leave after we are done" I declare.

We finish up and then exit the house. Jenn was extra excited while Liz and I held hands the entire way to floor 1.

I got a message from Jam that she would be down here, maybe we'll bump into each other. We walked to the orphanage. I open the door and Jenn goes rushing in. Sasha noticed immediately and gave a giant hug to Jenn.

"You are doing all right I assume," Sasha asks. Jenn smiles and says yes before going deeper in the building meeting her old friends

"Nice to see you again," Sasha tells us

"Yes, the feeling is mutual," I say raising my hand for a handshake.

"So what have you been up to lately?" Sasha says shaking my hand.

"we just got a house," Liz says

"Really, that's so great, good for you guys" Sasha responds.

The girls start talking has I get a message from Jam.

"I need some help, I'm in a dungeon under the city and Kirito and Asuna are in a tight spot, I don't think we can beat this...thing alone, I need help asap," The message from Jam says.

Sounds pretty serious, I rush out of the building to look for an entrance. Once I find one, I rush down it and start tracking Jam. I turn a corner and there it is

A giant grim reaper looking thing with a scythe, Its information was not was all blurred.

What's that all about? I study the area a bit more and see Jam protecting Kirito and Asuna. The grim reaper was about to swing its scythe down on Jam, who wasn't ready to block.

I could see she was beaten up pretty badly and needs some help.

I activate bolt and appear before Jam with my sword ready to block

When our weapons collided, I was sent flying.

"(U/N)!" Jam yells out.

I landed on my feet and wait for the cool down time to finish. The enemy had its sights set on me and was approaching me.

Jam tried to stop it but she collapsed. He got closer every second that went by.

"To slow," I say has the cooldown finishes

I use flash to blind the grim reaper as I start attacking him. Once it was unblinded, I started to use every skill I had. Bolt, appearing slash, invisible blade, rumble, flash, everything thing I had I used it.

Eventually, the boss couldn't take it and shattered into pieces.

"What a workout," I say in a sweat

"I'd say, " Jam says still immobilized. I could hear very quick steps and then someone rounded the corner. Punisher had made his way down. He sprinted as fast as he could and passed me to Jam. He literally launches himself beside Jam to make sure she was alright. Jam got flustered and Punisher was a little close

So being the mastermind I am, I gave him a little shove and boom.

Punisher's lips meet Jams and the room suddenly got hot....and steamy. Jam didn't push Punisher away, nor did Punisher push away Jam. In fact, they deepened the kiss.

"Wow, get a room" I say.....they didn't listen. I looked around to see a little girl hugging Kirito and Asuna.

"Kirito you little rascal," I say to him.

The little girl had black hair just like Kirito and was wearing a dress.

"I wasn't expecting this step for another 9 months you know?" I tease

"It's not what it looks like," the couple says

"Yeah, ok," I tell them

Jam and Punisher part ways, leaving a string of spit between them...gross

"Seriously get a room," I tell them as I cover the little girl's eyes

"Who is this?" The girl asks

"Sorry, this is (U/N), and this is Yui," Kirito says introducing us

"Hello there," I say holding my hand

"Um, hi," she says shyly.

"So what's this about," I ask Kirito.

"Long story....long story" He repeats

"Ok, I'd rather not be bored half to death," I say turning my attention to Punisher and Jam. They were looking into each other's eyes with passion.

"Guildhall is 20 sum floors up you know," I say loudly. Finally, I got their attention and they started blushing like crazy.

"(U/N) not a word to anyone" Jam says with Punisher nodding

"Ok," I say walking away

"I need to get back to the love of my life anyways"

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