Best Of Me |Namgi|

By llgxm15

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"you got the best of me" - in a world that has so much uncertainty it can be very difficult to find something... More

1a) Note from Livi (she/her/hers)
1b) Characters
2) Prologue
3) Past Mistakes
4) Searching - Yoongi
5) Library Daydream - Namjoon
6) Dinner - Namjoon
7) Work Overload - Yoongi
8) Home - Yoongi
9) Help - Jimin/Hoseok
10) Thinking - Yoongi
11) Offer - Yoongi
12) Talk - Jimin/Hoseok
13) Children's Event - Namjoon
14) Question - Namjoon
15) Meeting - Yoongi
17) Soulmates - Yoongi
18) Lyrics - Namjoon
19) Reveal - Yoongi
20) Saturday - Namjoon
21) Sunday - Namjoon
22) Writing - Namjoon
23) Performance
24) Afterward
25) Epilouge
27) Bonus Update

16) First Day - Yoongi

48 2 0
By llgxm15

Yoongi didn't know why he was so nervous the few hours leading up to when Namjoon would show up at his studio. In fact he had been nervous since they originally agreed to work together. Though, he couldn't decide if it was because it was only their second time meeting because Yoongi doesn't invite people to work with him, normally kicking them out, or because he really admired the younger producer's work. His mind was just a mess. Luckily for him, Jimin and Hoseok stopped by to help calm the train-wreck of a mess that Yoongi was known to be in situations like this.

Namjoon was supposed to arrive any minute, Jimin and Hoseok had left a few minutes prior, having calmed Yoongi down as much as they possibly could. Yoongi couldn't help but just stare at his soulmate mark, and wonder if his soulmate was out there looking for him since his mark was glowing. Thankfully he was wearing long sleeves so the mark wasn't visible to Namjoon and he hopefully wouldn't question him about soulmates.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Those three knocks were an indication to Yoongi that Namjoon had arrived. So he got up and opened the door.

"Hi Yoongi, I'm sorry we are a little late. I was giving Namjoon a tour of the place since he hasn't been here for a couple years. I'll leave you guys to it then, remember that you can always give Ken or I a call if you need anything! Good luck you two, hopefully you can pull something together! Deadline is in two and a half week!" Jin spoke, pushing Namjoon into the room and shuting the door after him.

"Hi Yoongi, it's nice to see you again. I like your studio, it's really nice." Namjoon spoke first to break the silence, rubbing the back of his neck out of obvious nervousness.

"Thanks, I tried my best to keep it simple but modern." Yoongi replied, internally satisfied with the compliment. "So I've never really worked with anyone else on a project besides Jimin or Hoseok so I'm not really great at figuring out where to start. I have some leftovers if you are hungry and some water if you want something to drink. Otherwise I guess we could show each other what we have and then try to figure something out from there?" Yoongi nervously rambled out.

"Umm if you don't want the leftovers I'll take them, I kind of forgot to eat beforehand." Namjoon muttered sheepishly. "Here's a flash drive with my unfinished works so you could listen to them while I eat."

"Sure that works, have a seat in the chair over there by the table and I'll warm up the food." Yoongi grabbed the take-out container and placed it in the microwave for a minute or so.

While Namjoon was eating, Yoongi pulled out his lyric book and plugged in the flash drive from Namjoon. Soon enough Namjoon's half finished works were playing throughout the room. If Yoongi hadn't been impressed with the other's work beforehand, he definitely was now. Soon enough, Yoongi had made it through all six of Namjoon's projects twice and Namjoon had finished his food and thrown his garbage away.

"These are so good Joon, I think I like number three the best. I feel like that vibe would go great with some of my fractions of lyrics I have scribbled down." Yoongi claimed after re-listening to project three for the third time.

"That's what I was thinking too, that one is my favorite, but I just feel like something is missing and I can't seem to figure it out. Maybe it is the right lyrics for it, but everything I've tried just doesn't seem to work." Namjoon replied. Totally pleased with the nickname he heard, but he wouldn't say it. "I think we should pick a concept or theme for the song first before we start writing and fine tuning. I kinda had the intention of making that one to be about soulmates, but the more I think about it the less I think it will work." He continued.

"Hmm, no I think you have a good idea there. Jimin told me that he would love to have a soulmate song to perform, especially since he and Hoseok are coming up on a year being together as soulmates. I'm just not the best at writing more romantic or sappy things though, so you're definitely going to have to help me." Yoongi said back.

"That's fine, let's meet up again tomorrow and continue this. I know you like to work alone so I'll give you some time to work with it, and I'll head home and do the same since I like working in my study. It's just a lot easier for me to concentrate there, ya know." Namjoon stood from his seat, ready to head out.

"That's fine, I definitely get it." Yoongi replied back, also standing up. "Wait, I never got your number," Yoongi remembered, handing Namjoon his phone. "You know... so we can stay on the same page and text each other updates or questions if we need to." Yoongi added quickly, realizing just how weird it was out of context.

"Next thing you know, you'll be asking me on a date." Namjoon cheekily replied while adding his contact information into Yoongi's phone, giving the elder a quick wink, before laughing at how flushed Yoongi's face got. "I was just kidding, Yoongs... I mean unless you want to."

"Nope, not today, just give me my phone back and leave." Yoongi quickly said, snatching his phone back and pushing Namjoon out the door before his face got even redder than it already was.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed, Yoongs. Anyway I'll see you tomorrow, same time." Namjoon said, not sure where he got the sudden burst of confidence but also not really realizing everything that he just said, before walking down the hallways to the elevators.

Yoongi quickly shut the door after Namjoon was out of his studio and put a hand on his heart. He wasn't used to feeling like this, he had never experienced it before. 

"Stupid Joonie, stupid stupid stupid." Yoongi muttered to himself as he say back down at his desk. But he soon was overcome with confusion at the feeling of loneliness that now shrouded the studio, now that Namjoon was gone. Yoongi thought he was just going crazy so he decided to call it a day and talk to Jimin and Hoseok about it all when he got back to their place.

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