Adore You

By LoyalOnce

169K 4.5K 1.9K

'You are the reason of my smiles, the source of my energy. I love and adore you with every cell in my body, w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Last Chapter (part A)
Last Chapter (part B)
New Michaeng Story
Another Michaeng story
The Queen and her National Treasure
#1 Michaeng

Chapter 26

4K 88 70
By LoyalOnce

Third person's POV

Next morning, Mina wakes up from the feeling of her cheek being caressed. She slowly opens her eyes to see Chaeyoung's sitting right next to her on the bed, looking at her lovingly, 'Uhmm, Chaeyoungie...' Mina says with her husky morning voice,

Chaeyoung smiles warmly, 'Uhmm, Princess, are you that tired? It's half past 10 already.' Chaeyoung tells her,

Mina rubs her eyes, sits up holding the blanket with her to cover her body. She leans her head onto Chaeyoung's chest, still feeling sleepy, 'But Chaeyoungie, I'm still tired.' Mina is being a baby right now,

Chaeyoung wraps her right arm around Mina, her left hand caresses Mina's hair repeatedly from the top of her head down to her back, 'Baby, I know you are tired but aren't you hungry? I made breakfast for you.' Chaeyoung sweetly says,

'Now that you mentioned breakfast, I'm hungry.' Mina says, still leaning onto Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung slowly breaks the hug, cups Mina's cheeks with her hands, adoringly kisses Mina's forehead, 'Well then get up and have your breakfast, Princess Minari.'

Chaeyoung then walks to the wardrobe, gets one of Mina's bathrobes and hands it to her, 'Put this on, Baby. Let's go eat, huhm?!'

Mina takes the robe from Chaeyoung's hand, but still sitting there, not getting up from the bed, 'Uhmm, Chaeyoungie, can you...turn around?'

Chaeyoung chuckles, 'Why? Are you shy to get changed in front of me? Baby, I saw everything last night.'

Mina's cheeks turn pink, 'It's...different. We were doing things last night, but'

Chaeyoung laughs, 'Arasso, alright I won't look, I will turn around.' Chaeyoung says, turns around, her back facing Mina.

Mina gets out of the blanket, stands up holding her robe in her hands. Right at that moment, Chaeyoung suddenly turns around and hugs Mina tightly, trapping both of Mina's arms together with her body, 'Let go, Chaeyoungie. You said you won't look.' Mina is complaining,

'And you said you are all mine. I'm just hugging what is mine.' Chaeyoung teases her,

Mina tries to break free but again Chaeyoung is just too strong for her. She gives up, but turns all pouty and sulky.

Notices Mina's silence, Chaeyoung quickly reaches for the robe and helps Mina to put it on, 'What's wrong? Did I upset my Princess?' Chaeyoung worrily asks,

Mina is not answering, she is looking away from Chaeyoung, 'Baby, I'm sorry. I was just teasing you. What can I do to make it up to you?' Chaeyoung is gently soothing her,

Mina finally looks at Chaeyoung, but still sulking, 'You have to promise that you won't tease me for...3 days.' Mina tells her,

'3 days? That's too long. How about 1 day?' Chaeyoung bargains,

'2 days then. Deal?' Mina asks,

'Deal' Chaeyoung agrees.

Mina is celebrating inside, but still keeping her pouty face, she wants to squeeze more deals out of Chaeyoung, 'And you have to stay here with me all day.'

'I will stay here until you kick me out.' Chaeyoung says,

'And you have to hug me to sleep tonight.' More demands from Mina,

'I will gladly to hug you to sleep every night.' Chaeyoung charmingly winks at Mina,

That got Mina fluttered, ' are not allowed to do anything that we did last night to any other girls ever.' Mina is marking her territory,

Chaeyoung chuckles, 'I would never. I already have the most beautiful, most gorgeous, most adorable and cutest girlfriend in the world.' Chaeyoung tells her, gently taps the tip of her nose.

Mina smiles shyly, totally forgets about all the teasing earlier, 'Alright, let's go have our breakfast.' Chaeyoung says while holding Mina's hand and pulls her to the kitchen,

Mina sits down on a stool infront of the island kitchen bench. Chaeyoung gets the food ready, then places a plate of yummy looking omelette rice in front of Mina. Mina's eyes lit up at one of her favourite dishes,

'And because I'm very sorry for upsetting my Princess earlier, I will give you extra ketchup.' Chaeyoung squeezes a whole lot of ketchup on top of the omelette.

Mina flashes her cute gummy smile, 'This looks so yummy. Thank you, Babe!'

They then happily eating their breakfast, or should I say brunch as it's almost 11am now, 'What do you want to do after this, Baby?' Chaeyoung asks Mina,

'I think I should change my bedsheet, because you know...there's stuff...on it.' Mina says, a bit shy to talk about the pinkish red little stain on the bed sheet from her first time ever.

'I will help you.' Chaeyoung is totally understands why Mina is shy about it.

'After that, I want to take a bath...' Mina says and a wild idea suddenly pops into her mind, she's a bit shy about it but she remembers that Chaeyoung can't tease her for 2 days now, so she gathers her courage and says it without worry of being teased, '...but Chaeyoungie, would you like taking a bath with me?'

Chaeyoung chokes on her food hearing that, she is loving the idea, but it's a little unexpected. She is coughing hard, but taking glances at Mina to check if she is serious about the bath idea. Mina gives her a glass of water, she drinks a few sips to calm down the cough, and quickly answers Mina, 'Yes, of course, Baby, I would love to take a bath with you.'

Seeing Chaeyoung got all fluttered, Mina's confidence has increased tenfold. She smirks, eats a few more bites of her food, then continues to talk in a seductive manner, 'Then maybe this time, I will get to see you know...I'm a fast learner.'

Chaeyoung drops her spoon, her arms and legs turn into jelly, her whole body becomes weak. This Mina is new, and this new Mina is hot. Chaeyoung loves it, every single bits of it. Her eyes refuse to steer away from Mina, she gulps, 'I'm done eating, are you done?' Chaeyoung is getting a bit impatient.

Mina giggles, 'Yes, Babe, I'm also done eating.'

Chaeyoung immediately stands up, walks to Mina and carries her like a baby, Chaeyoung's left arm supports the back of Mina's knees while her right arm supports Mina's back, lifts her up from the stool. Mina wraps her arms on the back of Chaeyoung's neck, her head leans sideway on Chaeyoung's shoulder.

Chaeyoung looks at Mina lovingly, 'We will change the bedsheet later, right now, taking a bath is our priority.' She charmingly winks at Mina, then proceeds to carry her into the bathroom. They spend almost a whole day in there, sharing one bathtub, they couldn't keep their hands off each other, doing lots of things to each other, things that lovers do.

Mina and Chaeyoung spend almost every weekends together, glue to each other like love birds. Which means Mina has less time for her parents on the weekends, she has been neglected the promise of coming home to her parents many times now.

Mr and Mrs Myoui are starting to miss their daughter because Mina doesn't come home very often like before, and on those times that she comes home, she only stays for a few hours.

It's another Saturday, Mr Myoui decided to leave his work early and comes to Mina's apartment to pick her up and brings her home for a whole weekend, whether she likes it or not. He just misses his daughter so much.

Meanwhile, Mina and Chaeyoung just came back from their date. They are now infront of Mina's apartment building, both leaning on Chaeyoung's motorbike, kissing, more like making out with each other.

Mr Myoui's car stops upon reaching Mina's place, the driver who is also Mr Myoui's bodyguard runs to the back door and opens it. Mr Myoui walks out and instantly halts his step after witnessing the scene of his daughter making out with another woman,

'Mina, what do you think you are doing?' He yells,

Mina and Chaeyoung startle at the sound, immediately break apart,

'Dad...Daddy?' Mina is stuttering,

'Hello, Mr Myoui.' Chaeyoung nervously bows to him.

'Chaeyoung?' Mr Myoui recognises Chaeyoung, he still remembers her face from the last time he saw her, 'What are you two doing?' He asks,

'We...uhmm...we are...' Chaeyoung is so nervous right now, and she doesn't know what to say to him.

Mina takes a deep breath, gathers all her courage and speaks up, 'Daddy, we are dating.'

Mr Myoui widens his eyes, 'Nonsense!' He yells at Mina,

Mina is a bit shocked, her dad has never yelled at her like that before, 'Daddy...we...'

Mr Myoui cuts her off, 'Wooyoung, take Mina to the car right now!' He tells Wooyoung, his driver and bodyguard. Wooyoung is in his mid thirty, he has been working for Mr Myoui for more than 10 years now, so he knows Mina very well. To him, Mina is a young miss that he needs to serve, but he treats Mina just like his little sister. Right now, he is also a bit shocked to see Mr Myoui yells at Mina like that for the first time. But he has to follow the order, he walks to Mina and grabs her arm,

'Wait, Wooyoung oppa. Daddy, why are you doing this?' Mina is resisting,

'Mina, don't make your dad angry even more. Let's go.' Wooyoung says and drags her by the arm heading to the car,

'No, Wooyoung oppa, let go of me. Chaeyoung... Chaeyoungie...' Mina calls out to Chaeyoung,

Chaeyoung wants to run to Mina and brings her back, but Mr Myoui is standing right infront of her, staring her down.

Wooyoung forces Mina into the back seat of the car and locks the door. Mina is hitting on the car's window and calling Chaeyoung's name, looking at her direction. She is already in tears.

Chaeyoung's heart hurts seeing Mina cries, but she can't do anything at the moment.

'Chaeyoung, I appreciate that you helped Mina before. But I hope from now on, you won't see Mina again.' Mr Myoui tells her,

Chaeyoung's heart is broken into pieces with the thought of not seeing Mina again, 'Why? Mr Myoui, why can't I see Mina again? I love her...'

'And that is wrong. I will never allow it.' Mr Myoui cuts her off,

'It's not wrong to love someone. Mr Myoui, we love each other...' Chaeyoung is trying to argue, but Mr Myoui cuts her off again,

'Stay away from Mina. This is not a request, it is a warning.' Mr Myoui firmly says, then walks to his car.

Chaeyoung couldn't take her eyes away from the crying Mina who is calling out her name nonstop. She is now also crying, feeling so powerless. She can't do anything but stays rooted right there and watches the car slowly drives away, taking the love of her life with it.

Mr Myoui angrily walks into the house, Mrs Myoui runs over upon seeing her husband, 'Honey, what's wrong? Did you get to bring Mina home?'. Right then, Mina walks in with her eyes all red and puffy from too much crying.

Mrs Myoui worrily hugs her, 'My daughter, what's wrong? Why are you crying?'

Mina cries again in her mom's arms. Mr Myoui tells his wife, 'She...she was kissing with another woman in broad daylight.'

Mrs Myoui widens her eyes in surprise, but she is not getting angry, she is still hugging Mina. Mina is the one who breaks the hug to argue, 'What's wrong with that, Daddy?'

'Everything is wrong with that, Mina.' He yells,

Seeing her husband gets angry, Mrs Myoui is trying to calm him down, but it's not working, 'Mina, promise Dad you won't see Chaeyoung ever again.' Mr Myoui says with full authority.

'No, Daddy, I can't. I love Chaeyoung.' Mina refuses to promise her dad.

Mr Myoui gets even more angry, 'Mina, go to your room. You are grounded. You are not to step foot out of your room until you say sorry and promise not to see that girl again.' Mr Myoui sternly tells her.

Mrs Myoui quickly holds Mina's hands, 'Mina, say sorry to your dad now, and he won't have you grounded.'

But Mina wouldn't listen, 'Mommy, I've done nothing wrong to be sorry about.'

Mr Myoui looks at his wife, 'Honey, do you see her attitude towards me? We spoilt her too much. From now on, don't you spoil her. She needs to learn the hard way.'

He continues, 'And Honey, take away her phone, her car keys, her bank cards. She is not allowed to use them.'

'Calm down, Honey. Don't be too harsh on our daughter.' Mrs Myoui tries to ease her husband's anger.

But Mina being a stubborn kid that she is, she takes her phone, car keys and her wallet out of her bag and slams them on the table, 'You can take everything away from me but not Chaeyoung, I only need Chaeyoung. If it's not Chaeyoung, I don't want anything else.' Mina says to her parents, then stomps upstairs to her room.

Mr Myoui looks at everyone who is present in the house, from his wife to his bodyguard, to all the house helpers. They all have worried expressions on their faces. Most of them have been working for the Myoui family for a very long time, and Mina being such a lovely kid that she is, they all love her like their own family member. Seeing Mr Myoui gets angry is a rare scene, so they are all very worried for Mina,

'I know you all love Mina, but her attitude and behaviour are unacceptable. We all need to be strict to her, no one lets her out of her room, and don't let anyone outside comes in to see her, especially that Chaeyoung girl.' Mr Myoui tells everyone in the house,

'Yes, Mr Myoui.' They can't do anything but follow his order.

He walks over to his wife, 'I've already warned that girl to stay away from our daughter. So don't worry about it too much.' He tells her,

But that is not what Mrs Myoui is worried about. She is worried about Mina's well being. Knowing her daughter so well, she is sure that Mina is crying a river right now, having not expected her dad to be so harsh to her.

And she is right. Mina has been hiding under the blanket in her bedroom, crying nonstop, feeling self pity. Her dad who always loves her and spoils her with everything, was yelling at her in front of everyone, and treated her as if she is a misbehaved kid. And then she cries some more thinking of Chaeyoung and their future together, 'Chaeyoungie, what do we do? What's going to happen to us?'

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