By FranciscoJoseAlonso

454 48 4

Road To PPVs and Crossovers and UCW shows More

UCW Road To Heaven or Hell 1: Waluigi
UCW Road to Heaven or Hell 2: Leomon
UCW Extra 3: Team Sonic vs Bandicoots + aftermath
UCW Road To Heaven or Hell 3: Wario
UCW Extra 5: Sonic vs Gray, Knuckles vs Natsu
UCW Extra 6
UCW High Impact 16: Against All Odds Fallout
UCW High Impact #18
UCW High Impact #19
UCW High Impact #20
UCW High Impact #21
UCW High Impact #22
UCW High Impact #23
UCW High Impact #24
UCW Money Above All Promo Package
UCW Prime Target (Money Above All): Asuna vs Sonya
UCW Money Above All
UCW High Impact #25
UCW High Impact #26
UCW High Impact #27
UCW High Impact #28
UCW High Impact #29
UCW High Impact #30
UCW High Impact #31
UCW High Impact #32
UCW Disorder and Profit Promo
UCW Disorder and Profit
UCW High Impact #33
UCW High Impact #34
UCW High Impact #35
UCW High Impact #36
UCW High Impact #37
UCW High Impact #38
UCW High Impact #39
UCW High Impact #40
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UCW No Way Out
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UCW Genesis 2 Promo
UCW Genesis 2
UCW High Impact #57
UCW High Impact #58 "In honor to Eddie Mac"
Interview with Yang Xiao Long
The Scarlet Truth
Graveyard Discussion (Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's arc part 1)
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight Arc Part 2: Feud with the Watterson (Part 1)
UCW Extra: Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's arc Part 3
Shovel Knight and Edward Mason Arc Part 4
UCW Extra: Shovel Knight and Edward Mason's Arc Part 5
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 6
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 7
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 8
Interview with Peach
Interview with Karin
Peach and Karin's Arc Part 1
Zarya vs Monika/Anti-Rebellion vs R Evolution (Week 9-16)
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UCW High Impact #61
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UCW High Impact #63
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UCW High Impact #69
UCW High Impact #70
UCW High Impact #71
UCW High Impact #72
UCW Greed
UCW High Impact Intro (Men)
UCW High Impact Intro (Women)
UCW High Impact #73
UCW High Impact #74
UCW High Impact #75
UCW High Impact #76
UCW High Impact #77
UCW High Impact #78
UCW High Impact #79
UCW High Impact #80
UCW Pride Pre-Show
Banri and Zange vs Mario Bros (half 1)
Banri and Zange vs Mario Bros (Half 2)
Mario Bros vs Tom and Jerry
Mario Bros vs Dependants (Yukiteru and Robert Haydn) Half 1
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UCW Extra: Enri vs Ebel
UCW High Impact #82: Angelica vs Darkness
UCW Extra 2: Enri vs Six
UCW High Impact #83: Klein vs Isaac Foster
UCW Extra 3: Fairy Tail vs Anti-Rebellion vs Jin Sakai and Sekiro
UCW High Impact #84: 6 Women Tag
Extra 4: Kuromaru vs Catherine Ward
UCW High Impact #85: Digimon vs Greedy Bastards
Extra 5: Inori Himuro/Iku Honda vs Peach and Karin Yuuki
High Impact #86: Lucy Heartfilia vs Kiki
Extra 6: Kuromaru vs Hinata
High Impact 87: No Disqualification: Fairy Tail vs Jin Sakai/Sekiro
Extra 7: Ruairi vs Kuromaru vs Catherine Ward
High Impact 88: Tag Team Title rematch
Extra 8: Kuromaru vs Halter
UCW No Way Out 2 Pre Show
UCW No Way Out 2
UCW High Impact #89
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #1
Road to UCW Glory or Demise 2 #2
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #3
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #4
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #5
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #6
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #7
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #8
UCW High Impact #90
UCW Glory or Demise 2
UCW High Impact #91, Season 3 Start
UCW Extra 9: Halter (c) vs Ruairi
UCW Might #1
Extra 10: The Arrival
UCW High Impact #92: Unexpected Happenings

Zarya vs Monika (Week 1-8)

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By FranciscoJoseAlonso

Week 1 (Zarya's interview)

*We see Zarya and the interviewer sitting on different sofas as Zarya greets him with a handshake before they start*

Interviewer: So, welcome to the interview zone Zarya. How are you feeling?.

Zarya: I'm feeling great. So, shall we begin with this interview or what?.

Interviewer: Remember we can't rush it. Anyways, what can you tell us about your past?. This is for those who don't know about you.

Zarya: Well, i was born in a siberian village during something called Omnic Crisis.

Interviewer: And that is...?

Zarya: Basically, it was a rebellion from the creations, the omnic, against their creators which would be us humans and even though we won let's say not to a cost.

Interviewer: Huh, i thought it'd not have a big cost since rebellion and all the creator more or less should know how to deal with it's creations.

Zarya: Well imagine your creations woke themselves back up and were able to hijack massive weapons, do you think it would be easy to fight something like that off?.

Interviewer: When you put it that way it makes sense. Did the conflict last so long that you got involved on it?.

Zarya: Nope, it ended before i was able to do a thing to help. We won but at a cost like i said. Seeing the aftermath of it all made me decide that when i grew up i'd gain the strength to help my people recover from it all.

Interviewer: It's quite funny how you meant that from a literal perspective and not a more technical one like from politics in example.

Zarya: What can i say?. When you grow up around a rebellion you kind of learn that it's more effective to be literal and direct than from a distance and technical. Anyways, i focused on weightlifting and bodybuilding and was identified by the national athletics program as a potential star and was expected to break records.

Interviewer: *whistles* You sure had a future in the sports.

Zarya: Obviously. Anyways, on the eve on the tournament, an attack came from a long dormant siberian omnium and battles started again on the village and i immediatelly forfeited from the competition to help the local defense forces.

Interviewer: It takes a strongwill to have surrendered all the fame you could've had.

Zarya: I know, however, i grew up strong not for fame or fortune but to protect those who i care about and they are in that village so....yeah. I'd rather fulfill my goals than be famous.

Interviewer: Then why are you in UCW if you want to fulfill a goal which would conflict with being famous.

Zarya: Well, think about it. If someone builds a reputation like i have a of a fellow soldier they fear them right?. Well if i built up a reputation of being able to be a person who can beat people without firearms or anything then i'd be even more feared and what better way to do that than on the mainstream sport known as wrestling. Just think about it, on wrestling weapons aren't allowed as long as the ref looks at you and if i manage to gain a reputation then no one would want to fight me and thus when i appear the omnics would be scared away just by my mere presence.

Interviewer: Gotcha, so you wanna use pro wrestling as a way to be feared and then get the omnics away from your village. Curious but understandable.

Zarya: Yeah, so essentially i am here to win gold, be feared and use it to protect my people easier than ever before.

Interviewer: Okay, thanks for your time.

Zarya: It was nothing and be prepared to see me become a champion in due time and a reckoning force in the league.

*The two shake hands and Zarya leaves to end the segment*

Week 2: Monika's interview.

*we see Monika entering the interview zone and, as always with these, exchanging a handshake albeit keeping hold on the interviewer's hand for a bit before releasing it*

Interviewer: So...who are you?.

Monika: My name is Monika.

Interviewer: And...?

Monika: Oh right, so, i am the creator of the Literature Club. I formed it after leaving a Debate Club due to the politics and drama and because i wanted order and liberty of election og themes. That Literature Club is very important for me and it's goal is to increase people's passion for literature and show said passion as well.

Interviewer: So it's about the passion for you.

Monika: Passion for literature but yeah. Anyways, i did found the club to also not feel lonely.

Interviewer: Why so?.

Monika: Think about it, isn't it sad to read when you're alone for some people?. For me at least it is and thus showing and growing the passion of everyone for literature can make them be with me so i don't feel lonely.

Interviewer: I...get you feel lonely but isn't forcing people to stay with you bad?.

Monika: I don't care. I do not care or else i'd have stopped doing the Literature Club. Thing is, i may not seem like it but i do care about those in the club.

Interviewer: But didn't you sort of say you're using them to fill the hole of loneliness that you have?.

Monika: Hey now, i may not be the best person but even i know that i have to care for those around me because otherwise if you don't care about them, then why should they care about you?.

Interviewer: Ooook, anyways, why would someone like you, who formed a literature club, want to join a wrestling company.

Monika: Simple, think about it, is someone ever alone on pro wrestling for long periods of time?. No they aren't because either backstage or on the ring they can interact with other people.

Interviewer: So you're saying you are joining UCW for the interactions?.

Monika: Precisely. The club is already good enough don't doubt it, however, i'd say wrestling would attract even more people to interact. So that's why i joined the company, not to win titles or anything of the sort, although i will not refuse title matches, but because i do not want to feel lonely anymore.

Interviewer: Okay then, i guess i'll wish you good luck.

Monika: I know you don't mean it but are just being polite. After all, my goals aren't the best but i do not care. Goodbye.

Interviewer: Likewise.


Week 3 (first confrontation):

*We see Zarya wondering on the backstage about what to do when she finds out her opponent on her first match, Monika, who is reading a book*

Zarya (to herself): Should i talk to her or not?. She seems chill even if something's off about her way of wanting to be in the world of wrestling...eh, i can still defend myself should things go wild so let's risk it.

Zarya: Ehem.

Monika: *gets her head out of the book and looks at Zarya* Oh!. Hello opponent!. Why are you here?.

Zarya (as Monika places down her book): Well, i wanted to talk with you before our match.

Monika: Ok then, what do you want to talk about?.

Zarya: It's about your reasoning for being in wrestling.

Monika: *sigh* And here i thought you came to do friendly talk. Listen, like i told the interviewer, i don't care.

Zarya: But it's not right to force people to be with you!.

Monika: But---

Zarya: Don't give me that loneliness crap. I had to survive through a rebellion so if anyone would have a right to feel sad, even if not due to loneliness, it would be me yet i'm not!. So you have no excuse to be sad from mere loneliness.

Monika: It's rich you of all people say that.

Zarya: What do you mean?.

Monika: Correct me if i'm wrong but you grew up to help your people repress the rebelling omnic right?.

Zarya: Yeah?

Monika: Well, i'd say stopping a rebellion and oppresing the omnic who are creations of the humans and wanted some freedom is forcing them to stay in a place as well.

Zarya: Don't you dare---.

Monika: Oh i'm daring. Because just like you criticize me for forcing others to stay with me by being nice with them you are forcing others to stay in the same place via repressing rebellions so you and i are no different. Heck, i'd say you are worse than me since you weren't affected by emotions but by what happened around you which was bad and instead of going against it you followed on it's footsteps!. Meanwhile i didn't know what i was doing would be seen as forcing so i couldn't have known it. Ergo, i am better than you morally.

Zarya: How can you be like this?.

Monika: Do not fault me for this. This was your fault for bringing up the conversation theme in the first place and now everyone will realize that we are not so different.

Zarya: I have to stop you. I have to or else you will run out of control and cause a rebellion and i can't nor will allow it to happen.

Monika: I don't plan---

Zarya: I don't trust you on this and come our match, i will beat you and stop you.

Monika: Whatever you say.


Week 4 (The first match):

*We simply see Monika waiting in the ring waiting for her opponent and when she doesn't come out we see a 10 count applied and Monika wins by forfeit*

Monika: Well this was a waste of time.

*After that we see how Monika snaps her fingers and R Evolution come out with an unconscious Zarya and this is when everyone realizes something as the titantron pops up and shows Zarya being attacked backstage by R Evolution 2 on 1 and albeit managing to fight back for a while against them in the end succumbing to the numbers game due to some attacks with steel chains*

Monika (to Anri and Cbarlotte): Good job you two.

Anri: It was nothing.

Charlotte: Heck, it was our pleasure to work with you since thanks to it we were able to put this oppresor on her place because nothing can evolve as long as there's opression and removing Zarya was the first step towards that goal.

*This ends with Monika raising R Evolution's hands in the air as the crowd boos them all and Zarya is unconscious*

Week 5 (Road to the second match part 1, R Evolution/Team RWBY feud part 1):

*we see R Evolution packing up their stuff to leave with Monika when they run into Team RWBY's Yang and Blake*

Charlotte: Well hi there you both how's everything going?.

Yang: It's going fine. Anyways, we are here to challenge you and Anri to a tag team match.

Anri: Why so?.

Blake: Simple, because you gotta be stopped.

Charlotte: Are you really gonna try to opress everything?.

Blake: Listen, i know what it is like to be at a disadvantage due to who you are but this isn't the right way to fight against oppresion.

Anri: So you're saying you agree with Zarya?.

Yang: I do, because if you two and Monika think that you can try to pull one over us due to fighting for evolution against opression then why don't you try and fight us about it?.

Blake: Meanwhile, i may not agree with the Zarya direct way of doing things but you HAVE to be stopped so if it means i have to get my hands busy with you two then i will.

Charlotte: Good luck then in our match, because if you two can't even agree on agreeing with Zarya's way then how do you expect to stop us?.

Anri: Because remember WE were the ones to revolutionize the division by making Arcadia Business win the titles off Fairy Tail and then that led to the rematch on the main event of Glory or Demise and your peak was just ONE title match against Fairy Tail and you lost so i dunno what that speaks about you two other than you are the underdogs.

*This part ends with R Evolution leaving with Monika as Team RWBY are left there pondering about what they were told by R Evolution*

Week 6 (Road to the second match Part 2, R Evolution/Team RWBY feud part 2):

Charlotte: So, we are facing Team RWBY in two weeks.

Anri: And do you think we are scared?. Hell no, we aren't!.

Charlotte: Because we know that we can beat Team RWBY since we technically were the ones to beat Fairy Tail for Arcadia Business to win the titles so if we beat THEM then what can two people who LOST to them do against us?.

Anri: Nothing, they can do nothing to stop our road to those titles for the sake of showing the message of freedom of themes which is an evolution for the division rather than let it get opressed by a team who only uses it for the business.

Charlotte: We'll see you in two weeks Yang and Blake.

Anri: And we hope you reconsider challenging us to a match.

Week 7 (Feud between Team RWBY and R Evolution Part 3, Road to Zarya/Monika 2 part 3):

Yang: So, R Evolution think that they have the match in the bag. Well we think otherwise.

Blake: And it's simple, while we together are one of the best team in the division, R Evolution has the weakness known as Charlotte who has failed TWO times now to win gold for her banner.

Yang: And we know we have also failed to win the titles but we didn't fail twice nor on a triple threat when it would be easier to win it for someone like Charlotte whom we can see trying to steal it and yet she failed!.

Blake: Essentially, R Evolution's mission of "freedom of themes" cannot and will not succeed as long as they have to face us because of Charlotte so unless they find a way to somehow get around that they are screwed.

Yang: And trust us, when you are not good enough, you are not good enough no matter what and we'll show it come next week when we beat them.

Week 8 (Team RWBY's Yang and Blake vs R Evolution):

The story behind this match was how Yang and Blake used their teamwork to keep Charlotte away from Anri since they believed what they said of Charlotte being the reason why R Evolution could never win and thus were trying to get an easy win out of it all.
This worked since the match was in Team RWBY's favor 65/35 till Anri got tagged in and she managed to show how even despite the odds, R Evolution were disposed to evolving the division in Monika's view and were not gonna let Team RWBY stop them.
That said once again the numbers game played into the match as Yang and Blake started teamworking again to gain a 55/45 lead due to being a tad more tired than Anri who had not been in the match during the first half.
However, Charlotte got tagged back in and something seemed to shift as she now was able to force a back and forth encounter since Team RWBY were still Team RWBY but they were tired AND Charlotte was out to prove Team RWBY wrong and he did quite the good job even if she still couldn't finish the job due to Team RWBY not wanting to be proven wrong.
In the end, Anri connected with an 630 Senton on Yang and then covered her to get the clean victory.

This all ends with Yang having her hands in her head as she is realizing that her team lost due to her fault and Charlotte while celebrating her victory, not doing it as happy as Anri as she didn't get to prove Yang and Blake wrong.

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